import re from typing import List from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.llms import OpenAI from load_model import call_palm from calling_apis import google_api_key, openai_api_key def ideas_generator(topic : str, keywords : str, tone_of_voice='Professional', num_of_ideas=3, language = 'En', creativity='Original', model_name='Google Palm 2') -> str: ''' Description: The ideas_generator() function designed to generate catchy short or long form article titles for a given topic, utilizing a set of specified keywords. This function employs a language model to create these titles, The function can produce either a single title or multiple titles based on the value of the num argument and supports both concise and informative title generation. ''' ''' Parameters: topic (str, required): The topic or subject matter of the article for which you want to generate titles. keywords (str, required): A list of keywords that should be used to help generate catchy titles relevant to the topic. These keywords can provide context and improve the quality of the titles. num_of_ideas (int, optional): The number of long-form titles to generate. If num is set to 1, the function will produce a single title. If num is greater than 1, it will generate multiple titles. Default is 3. tone_of_voice (str, optional): A String to determine the tone of voice of the title. Default Value Professional. language (str): Opitonal Parameter -> The language of the model. creativity (str): Optional Parameter -> Controling the randomness of the model. Default value is Original model_name (str): Optional Parameter -> select the LLM model. Default Value is Google Palm 2 ''' ''' Returns: ideas (str): Functions returns a text with number of ideas numbered with roman numerals ''' temp = 0 if creativity == 'Original': temp = 0 elif creativity == 'Balanced': temp = 0.25 elif creativity == 'Creative': temp = 0.5 elif creativity == 'Spirited': temp = 0.75 elif creativity == 'Visionary': temp = 1 if model_name == 'Google Palm 2': llm = call_palm(google_api_key, temperature=temp) elif model_name == 'GPT-3.5': llm = OpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', openai_api_key=openai_api_key, temperature=temp) elif model_name == 'GPT-4': llm = OpenAI(model_name='gpt-4', openai_api_key=openai_api_key, temperature=temp) if language == 'En': if num_of_ideas == 1: ideas_prompt = f"Generate only 1 {tone_of_voice} and catchy Innovation title for my article about {topic} topic.\n\nuse this keywords to help you generate {tone_of_voice} catchy title: {keywords}." else: ideas_prompt = f"Generate only {num_of_ideas} {tone_of_voice} and catchy Innovation titles for my article about {topic} topic.\n\nuse this keywords to help you generate {tone_of_voice} catchy titles: {keywords}." ideas_promptTemp = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["text_input"], template="You are a professional content creator and Title Generator:\n\n{text_input}\n\n:Titles (number them with roman numerals):") elif language == 'Ar': if num_of_ideas == 1: ideas_prompt = f"تولّد عنوان واحد فقط بنبرة {tone_of_voice} وجاذبية لمقالتي حول موضوع {topic}.\n\nاستخدم هذه الكلمات الرئيسية للمساعدة في إنشاء عنوان جذّاب وبنبرة {tone_of_voice}: {keywords}" else: ideas_prompt = f"توليد فقط {num_of_ideas} {tone_of_voice} وعناوين جذابة للابتكارات لمقالتي حول موضوع {topic}.\n\nاستخدم هذه الكلمات الرئيسية لمساعدتك في إنشاء عناوين جذابة بنفس {tone_of_voice}: {keywords}." ideas_promptTemp = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["text_input"], template="أنت صانع محتوى احترافي ومولّد عناوين\n\n{text_input}\nالعناوين (عدّها باستخدام الأرقام الرومانية):") ideas_extraction_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=ideas_promptTemp) ideas = return ideas def filter_ideas(ideas : str) -> List[str]: ''' Description: The filter_ideas() function extracts and filters article titles numbered with roman numerals from a given block of text. This function uses a regular expression to identify and extract these titles and returns them as a list of strings. ''' ''' Parameters: ideas (str): A block of text that contain article titles formatted with Roman numerals and their corresponding content. ''' ''' Returns filtered_ideas (list of str): A list of long-form article titles extracted from the input text. ''' pattern = r'\b[IVXLCDM]+\.\s*(.*?)(?:\n|$)' filtered_ideas = re.findall(pattern, ideas) return filtered_ideas def pick_idea(list_ideas : List[str]) -> str: """ Description: The pick_idea() function allows a user to choose one idea from a list of ideas. It presents the user with a numbered list of ideas and prompts them to select an idea by typing the corresponding number. The selected idea is then returned as the output of the function. """ """ Parameters: list_ideas (list of str): A list of ideas from which the user will choose one. """ """ Return: idea (str): The idea selected by the user from the list of ideas. """ print("Choose One Idea:\n") for counter, idea in enumerate(list_ideas): c = counter+1 print(f"{c}. {idea}") x = int(input("\nType the number of the idea: ")) idea = list_ideas[x-1] return idea