# Copyright 2024 ByteDance and/or its affiliates. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import functools import logging import multiprocessing import pickle import subprocess as sp from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Union import gemmi import numpy as np import rdkit import tqdm from biotite.structure.io import pdbx from pdbeccdutils.core import ccd_reader def download_ccd_cif(output_path: Path): """ Download the CCD CIF file from rcsb.org. Args: output_path (Path): The output path for saving the downloaded CCD CIF file. """ output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output_cif = output_path / "components.cif" logging.info("Downloading CCD CIF file from rcsb.org ...") output_cif_gz = output_path / "components.cif.gz" if output_cif_gz.exists(): logging.info("Remove old zipped CCD CIF file: %s", output_cif_gz) output_cif_gz.unlink() if output_cif.exists(): logging.info("Remove old CCD CIF file: %s", output_cif) output_cif.unlink() sp.run( f"wget https://files.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/monomers/components.cif.gz -P {output_path}", shell=True, check=True, ) sp.run( f"zcat {output_cif_gz} > {output_cif}", shell=True, check=True, ) # remove .gz file output_cif_gz.unlink(missing_ok=True) logging.info("Download CCD CIF file successfully.") @functools.lru_cache def gemmi_load_ccd_cif(ccd_cif: Union[Path, str]) -> gemmi.cif.Document: """ Load CCD components file by gemmi ccd_cif (Union[Path, str]): The path to the CCD CIF file. Returns: Document: gemmi ccd components file """ return gemmi.cif.read(str(ccd_cif)) @functools.lru_cache def biotite_load_ccd_cif(ccd_cif: Union[Path, str]) -> pdbx.CIFFile: """ Load CCD components file by biotite Args: ccd_cif (Union[Path, str]): The path to the CCD CIF file. Returns: pdbx.CIFFile: ccd components file """ return pdbx.CIFFile.read(str(ccd_cif)) def _get_component_rdkit_mol_processing( ccd_code_and_cif_file: tuple[str, Path] ) -> Optional[rdkit.Chem.Mol]: """ Get rdkit mol by PDBeCCDUtils https://github.com/PDBeurope/ccdutils Args: ccd_code (str): ccd code ccd_cif_file (Path): The path to the CCD CIF file. Returns rdkit.Chem.Mol: rdkit mol with ref coord """ ccd_code, ccd_cif_file = ccd_code_and_cif_file ccd_cif = gemmi_load_ccd_cif(ccd_cif_file) try: ccd_block = ccd_cif[ccd_code] except KeyError: return None ccd_reader_result = ccd_reader._parse_pdb_mmcif(ccd_block, sanitize=True) mol = ccd_reader_result.component.mol # atom name from ccd, reading by pdbeccdutils # copy atom name for pickle https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit/issues/2470 mol.atom_map = {atom.GetProp("name"): atom.GetIdx() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()} mol.name = ccd_code mol.sanitized = ccd_reader_result.sanitized mol.ref_conf_id = 0 # first conf is ideal conf. mol.ref_conf_type = "idea" num_atom = mol.GetNumAtoms() if num_atom == 0: # eg: UNL without atom return mol # make ref_mask, ref_mask is True if ideal coord is valid atoms = ccd_block.find( "_chem_comp_atom.", ["atom_id", "model_Cartn_x", "pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal"] ) assert num_atom == len(atoms) ref_mask = np.zeros(num_atom, dtype=bool) for row in atoms: atom_id = gemmi.cif.as_string(row["_chem_comp_atom.atom_id"]) atom_idx = mol.atom_map[atom_id] x_ideal = row["_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal"] ref_mask[atom_idx] = x_ideal != "?" mol.ref_mask = ref_mask if mol.sanitized == False: return mol options = rdkit.Chem.AllChem.ETKDGv3() options.clearConfs = False try: conf_id = rdkit.Chem.AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol, options) mol.ref_conf_id = conf_id mol.ref_conf_type = "rdkit" mol.ref_mask[:] = True except Exception: logging.warning( "Warning: fail to generate conf for %s, use idea conf", ccd_code ) # sanitization issue here return mol def precompute_ccd_mol(ccd_cif: Path, output_pkl: Path, num_cpu: int = 1): """ Precompute the CCD CIF file. Args: cif_file (Path): The path to the CCD CIF file. output_pkl (Path): The output path for saving the precomputed CCD CIF file. num_cpu (int): The number of CPUs to use for parallel processing. """ # preprocessing all ccd components in _components_file at first time run. gemmi_load_ccd_cif(ccd_cif) mols = {} biotite_ccd_cif = biotite_load_ccd_cif(ccd_cif) ccd_codes = list(biotite_ccd_cif.keys()) tasks = list(zip(ccd_codes, [ccd_cif] * len(ccd_codes))) with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpu) as pool: for mol in tqdm.tqdm( pool.imap_unordered( _get_component_rdkit_mol_processing, tasks, ), smoothing=0, total=len(ccd_codes), ): if mol is None: continue mols[mol.name] = mol # success rate n_ccd = len(ccd_codes) logging.info( "success rate: %.2f%% (%d/%d)", len(mols) / n_ccd * 100, len(mols), n_ccd ) # sanitized rate sanitized_num = sum([mol.sanitized for mol in mols.values()]) logging.info( "sanitized rate: %.2f%% (%d/%d)", sanitized_num / n_ccd * 100, sanitized_num, n_ccd, ) # rdkit conf rate rdkit_conf_num = sum([mol.ref_conf_type == "rdkit" for mol in mols.values()]) logging.info( "rdkit conf rate: %.2f%% (%d/%d)", rdkit_conf_num / n_ccd * 100, rdkit_conf_num, n_ccd, ) with open(output_pkl, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(mols, f) logging.info("save rdkit mol to %s", output_pkl) ccd_list_txt = ccd_cif.with_suffix(".txt") with open(ccd_list_txt, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(mols.keys())) def run_update_ccd_cache( ccd_cache_dir: Path, num_cpu: int = 1, disable_download: bool = False ): """ Updates the CCD (Chemical Component Dictionary) cache by downloading the latest CCD CIF file and precomputing RDKit molecule objects. Args: ccd_cache_dir (Path): The directory where the CCD cache files are stored. num_cpu (int, optional): The number of CPU cores to use for precomputing RDKit molecules. Defaults to 1. disable_download (bool, optional): If True, skips downloading the CCD CIF file. Defaults to False. """ if not disable_download: download_ccd_cif(output_path=ccd_cache_dir) ccd_cif = ccd_cache_dir / "components.cif" ccd_rdkit_mol_pkl = ccd_cache_dir / "components.cif.rdkit_mol.pkl" precompute_ccd_mol(ccd_cif, ccd_rdkit_mol_pkl, num_cpu=num_cpu) if __name__ == "__main__": current_file_path = Path(__file__) current_directory = current_file_path.parent code_directory = current_directory.parent releases_data_ccd_directory = code_directory / "release_data" / "ccd_cache" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--ccd_cache_dir", type=Path, default=releases_data_ccd_directory, help='Path to the CCD cache directory. Defaults to "release_data/ccd_cache" under the code directory.', ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--n_cpu", type=int, default=1, help="Number of worker processes to use. Defaults to 1.", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--disable_download", action="store_true", help="Whether to disable downloading the CCD CIF file. Defaults to False.", ) args = parser.parse_args() run_update_ccd_cache( ccd_cache_dir=args.ccd_cache_dir, num_cpu=args.n_cpu, disable_download=args.disable_download, )