# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG) is
# holder of all proprietary rights on this computer program.
# You can only use this computer program if you have closed
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# Copyright©2019 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
# der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG). acting on behalf of its Max Planck Institute
# for Intelligent Systems. All rights reserved.
# Contact: ps-license@tuebingen.mpg.de

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from termcolor import colored

from ..dataset.mesh_util import *
from ..net.geometry import orthogonal

class Format:
    end = '\033[0m'
    start = '\033[4m'

def init_loss():

    losses = {
    # Cloth: chamfer distance
        "cloth": {"weight": 1e3, "value": 0.0},
    # Stiffness: [RT]_v1 - [RT]_v2 (v1-edge-v2)
        "stiff": {"weight": 1e5, "value": 0.0},
    # Cloth: det(R) = 1
        "rigid": {"weight": 1e5, "value": 0.0},
    # Cloth: edge length
        "edge": {"weight": 0, "value": 0.0},
    # Cloth: normal consistency
        "nc": {"weight": 0, "value": 0.0},
    # Cloth: laplacian smoonth
        "lapla": {"weight": 1e2, "value": 0.0},
    # Body: Normal_pred - Normal_smpl
        "normal": {"weight": 1e0, "value": 0.0},
    # Body: Silhouette_pred - Silhouette_smpl
        "silhouette": {"weight": 1e0, "value": 0.0},
    # Joint: reprojected joints difference
        "joint": {"weight": 5e0, "value": 0.0},

    return losses

class SubTrainer(pl.Trainer):
    def save_checkpoint(self, filepath, weights_only=False):
        """Save model/training states as a checkpoint file through state-dump and file-write.
            filepath: write-target file's path
            weights_only: saving model weights only
        _checkpoint = self._checkpoint_connector.dump_checkpoint(weights_only)

        del_keys = []
        for key in _checkpoint["state_dict"].keys():
            for ignore_key in ["normal_filter", "voxelization", "reconEngine"]:
                if ignore_key in key:
        for key in del_keys:
            del _checkpoint["state_dict"][key]

        pl.utilities.cloud_io.atomic_save(_checkpoint, filepath)

def query_func(opt, netG, features, points, proj_matrix=None):
        - points: size of (bz, N, 3)
        - proj_matrix: size of (bz, 4, 4)
    return: size of (bz, 1, N)
    assert len(points) == 1
    samples = points.repeat(opt.num_views, 1, 1)
    samples = samples.permute(0, 2, 1)    # [bz, 3, N]

    # view specific query
    if proj_matrix is not None:
        samples = orthogonal(samples, proj_matrix)

    calib_tensor = torch.stack([torch.eye(4).float()], dim=0).type_as(samples)

    preds = netG.query(

    if type(preds) is list:
        preds = preds[0]

    return preds

def query_func_IF(batch, netG, points):
        - points: size of (bz, N, 3)
    return: size of (bz, 1, N)

    batch["samples_geo"] = points
    batch["calib"] = torch.stack([torch.eye(4).float()], dim=0).type_as(points)

    preds = netG(batch)

    return preds.unsqueeze(1)

def batch_mean(res, key):
    return torch.stack([
        x[key] if torch.is_tensor(x[key]) else torch.as_tensor(x[key]) for x in res

def accumulate(outputs, rot_num, split):

    hparam_log_dict = {}

    metrics = outputs[0].keys()
    datasets = split.keys()

    for dataset in datasets:
        for metric in metrics:
            keyword = f"{dataset}/{metric}"
            if keyword not in hparam_log_dict.keys():
                hparam_log_dict[keyword] = 0
            for idx in range(split[dataset][0] * rot_num, split[dataset][1] * rot_num):
                hparam_log_dict[keyword] += outputs[idx][metric].item()
            hparam_log_dict[keyword] /= (split[dataset][1] - split[dataset][0]) * rot_num

    print(colored(hparam_log_dict, "green"))

    return hparam_log_dict