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import torch
import pickle
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
from transformers import BatchEncoding, PreTrainedTokenizerBase
from typing import Optional
from torch import Tensor
# Load the model
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("bert/bertModel/saved_model")
# Load the tokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert/bertModel/saved_tokenizer")
# Charger le label encoder
with open("bert/bertModel/label_encoder.pkl", "rb") as f:
label_encoder = pickle.load(f)
class_labels = {
7: ('Databases', 'info' ,'#4f9ef8'),
1: ('Computation_and_Language', 'danger', '#d6293e'),
9: ('Hardware_Architecture', 'warning' , '#f7c32e'),
8: ('General_Literature', 'success' , '#0cbc87'),
6: ('Cryptography_and_Security', 'primary', '#0f6fec'),
5: ('Computers_and_Society', 'yellow', '#ffc107'),
3: ('Computational_Engineering', 'purple' , '#6f42c1'),
0: ('Artificial_Intelligence', 'cyan', '#0dcaf0'),
2: ('Computational_Complexity', 'pink', '#d63384'),
4: ('Computational_Geometry', 'orange', '#fd7e14')
def predict_class(text):
# Tokenisation du texte
inputs = transform_list_of_texts(text, tokenizer, 510, 510, 1, 2550)
# Extraire le tenseur de la liste
input_ids_tensor = inputs["input_ids"][0]
attention_mask_tensor = inputs["attention_mask"][0]
# Passage du texte à travers le modèle
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids_tensor, attention_mask=attention_mask_tensor)
# Application de la fonction softmax
probabilities = torch.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1)[0]
# Identification de la classe majoritaire
predicted_class_index = torch.argmax(probabilities).item()
predicted_class = class_labels[predicted_class_index]
# Créer un dictionnaire de pourcentages trié par probabilité
sorted_percentages = {class_labels[idx]: probabilities[idx].item() * 100 for idx in range(len(class_labels))}
sorted_percentages = dict(sorted(sorted_percentages.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
return predicted_class, sorted_percentages
def transform_list_of_texts(
texts: list[str],
tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase,
chunk_size: int,
stride: int,
minimal_chunk_length: int,
maximal_text_length: Optional[int] = None,
) -> BatchEncoding:
model_inputs = [
transform_single_text(text, tokenizer, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length, maximal_text_length)
for text in texts
input_ids = [model_input[0] for model_input in model_inputs]
attention_mask = [model_input[1] for model_input in model_inputs]
tokens = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask}
return BatchEncoding(tokens)
def transform_single_text(
text: str,
tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase,
chunk_size: int,
stride: int,
minimal_chunk_length: int,
maximal_text_length: Optional[int],
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Transforms (the entire) text to model input of BERT model."""
if maximal_text_length:
tokens = tokenize_text_with_truncation(text, tokenizer, maximal_text_length)
tokens = tokenize_whole_text(text, tokenizer)
input_id_chunks, mask_chunks = split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(tokens, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length)
add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks)
add_padding_tokens(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks)
input_ids, attention_mask = stack_tokens_from_all_chunks(input_id_chunks, mask_chunks)
return input_ids, attention_mask
def tokenize_whole_text(text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase) -> BatchEncoding:
"""Tokenizes the entire text without truncation and without special tokens."""
tokens = tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=False, truncation=False, return_tensors="pt")
return tokens
def tokenize_text_with_truncation(
text: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, maximal_text_length: int
) -> BatchEncoding:
"""Tokenizes the text with truncation to maximal_text_length and without special tokens."""
tokens = tokenizer(
text, add_special_tokens=False, max_length=maximal_text_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt"
return tokens
def split_tokens_into_smaller_chunks(
tokens: BatchEncoding,
chunk_size: int,
stride: int,
minimal_chunk_length: int,
) -> tuple[list[Tensor], list[Tensor]]:
"""Splits tokens into overlapping chunks with given size and stride."""
input_id_chunks = split_overlapping(tokens["input_ids"][0], chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length)
mask_chunks = split_overlapping(tokens["attention_mask"][0], chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length)
return input_id_chunks, mask_chunks
def add_special_tokens_at_beginning_and_end(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> None:
Adds special CLS token (token id = 101) at the beginning.
Adds SEP token (token id = 102) at the end of each chunk.
Adds corresponding attention masks equal to 1 (attention mask is boolean).
for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)):
# adding CLS (token id 101) and SEP (token id 102) tokens
input_id_chunks[i] =[Tensor([101]), input_id_chunks[i], Tensor([102])])
# adding attention masks corresponding to special tokens
mask_chunks[i] =[Tensor([1]), mask_chunks[i], Tensor([1])])
def add_padding_tokens(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> None:
"""Adds padding tokens (token id = 0) at the end to make sure that all chunks have exactly 512 tokens."""
for i in range(len(input_id_chunks)):
# get required padding length
pad_len = 512 - input_id_chunks[i].shape[0]
# check if tensor length satisfies required chunk size
if pad_len > 0:
# if padding length is more than 0, we must add padding
input_id_chunks[i] =[input_id_chunks[i], Tensor([0] * pad_len)])
mask_chunks[i] =[mask_chunks[i], Tensor([0] * pad_len)])
def stack_tokens_from_all_chunks(input_id_chunks: list[Tensor], mask_chunks: list[Tensor]) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Reshapes data to a form compatible with BERT model input."""
input_ids = torch.stack(input_id_chunks)
attention_mask = torch.stack(mask_chunks)
return input_ids.long(),
def split_overlapping(tensor: Tensor, chunk_size: int, stride: int, minimal_chunk_length: int) -> list[Tensor]:
"""Helper function for dividing 1-dimensional tensors into overlapping chunks."""
result = [tensor[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(tensor), stride)]
if len(result) > 1:
# ignore chunks with less than minimal_length number of tokens
result = [x for x in result if len(x) >= minimal_chunk_length]
return result