import streamlit as st |
description1 = "Given two integer numbers, return their product only if the product is equal to or lower than 1000. Otherwise, return their sum." |
description2 = "Iterate the first 10 numbers, and in each iteration, returns the sum of the current and previous number." |
description3 = "Display characters that are present at an even index number from the provided string." |
description4 = "Remove the characters from a string starting from zero up to n and returns a new string." |
description5 = "Returns the number of times a substring is present in the provided string." |
description6 = "Checks if a number is Palindrom or Not." |
description7 = "Given two list of numbers, returns a new list such that the new list contains odd numbers from the first list and even numbers from the second list." |
description8 = "Returns multiplication table of the provided number range." |
description9 = "Returns an integer value of base raises to the power of exponent." |
def sum_of_two(a,b): |
prod = a*b |
sum1 = a+b |
if prod <= 1000 : |
return(prod) |
else: |
return(sum1) |
def start_iteration(a): |
num_set = ''' |
Showning current and previous number sum in a range(10): \n''' |
temp = a |
for i in range(a,a+10): |
if temp == a: |
num_set = num_set +f''' |
Current Number {temp} Previous Number 0 Sum: {temp} ''' |
else: |
num_set = num_set + f''' |
Current Number {temp} Previous Number {temp-1} Sum: {temp+temp-1} ''' |
temp = temp + 1 |
return(num_set) |
def even_index(str1): |
str_lst = [] |
for i in range(len(str1)): |
if i % 2 == 0 : |
str_lst.append(str1[i]) |
return(str_lst) |
def change_str(str2,num2): |
new_srt = "" |
for i in range(num2,len(str2)): |
new_srt = new_srt + str2[i] |
return new_srt |
def str_count(str3,sub_str): |
new_str3 = str3.lower() |
new_sub_str = sub_str.lower() |
x = new_str3.count(new_sub_str) |
return x |
def check_palin(check_num): |
num_str = str(check_num) |
if num_str == num_str[::-1] : |
return("Palindrom") |
else: |
return("Not Palindrom") |
def create_new(num_str1,num_str2): |
fin_lst = [] |
num_lst1 = num_str1.split() |
num_lst2 = num_str2.split() |
for x in num_lst1: |
if int(x) % 2 == 1: |
fin_lst.append(int(x)) |
for y in num_lst2: |
if int(y) % 2 == 0: |
fin_lst.append(int(y)) |
return(fin_lst) |
def create_tbl(tbl1,tbl2): |
list_of_tbl = [] |
if tbl1<tbl2: |
for i in range(tbl1,tbl2+1): |
table_lst = [] |
for j in range(1,11): |
table_lst.append(j*i) |
list_of_tbl.append(table_lst) |
return(list_of_tbl) |
elif tbl2<tbl1: |
for i in range(tbl2,tbl1+1): |
table_lst = [] |
for j in range(1,11): |
table_lst.append(j*i) |
list_of_tbl.append(table_lst) |
return(list_of_tbl) |
else: |
for j in range(1,11): |
list_of_tbl.append(tbl2*j) |
return(list_of_tbl) |
def find_exp(base1,exp1): |
if exp1 < 0 : |
exp1 = exp1 * (-1) |
return base1**exp1 |
st.markdown("<h3 style='text-align:center; font-size:24px;'>Mathematical and String Operations</h3>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.write("---") |
radio_bar = st.sidebar.radio(options=[description1, description2, description3, description4, description5, description6, description7, description8, description9], label="Select from the below mentioned operations:") |
if radio_bar == description1: |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description1+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
first_num = st.number_input(label="Enter First Number:",value=0) |
second_num = st.number_input(label="Enter Second Number:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Calculate result") |
if all_data: |
result = sum_of_two(first_num,second_num) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description2 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description2+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
first_num = st.number_input(label="Enter Starting Number:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Show result") |
if all_data: |
result = start_iteration(first_num) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description3 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description3+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
str1 = st.text_input(label="Enter the string:",value="") |
all_data = st.button("Show result") |
if all_data: |
result = even_index(str1) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description4 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description4+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
str2 = st.text_input(label="Enter the string:",value="") |
char_num = st.number_input(label="Number of characters to remove:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Show result") |
if all_data: |
result = change_str(str2,char_num) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description5 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description5+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
str3 = st.text_input(label="Enter the string:",value="") |
sub_str= st.text_input(label="Enter the sub-string:",value="") |
all_data = st.button("Show result") |
if all_data: |
result = str_count(str3,sub_str) |
st.success(f"The sub-string is present {result} times in the string.") |
if radio_bar == description6 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description6+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
check_num = st.number_input(label="Enter Number:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Check") |
if all_data: |
result = check_palin(check_num) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description7 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description7+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
num_str1 = st.text_input(label="Enter the numbers of first list and separate each number by single space(' '):",value=0) |
num_str2 = st.text_input(label="Enter the numbers of second list and separate each number by single space(' '):",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Show Result") |
if all_data: |
result = create_new(num_str1,num_str2) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description8 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description8+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
start_num8 = st.number_input(label="Enter start Number:",value=0) |
end_num8 = st.number_input(label="Enter end Number:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Show Result") |
if all_data: |
result = create_tbl(start_num8,end_num8) |
st.success(result) |
if radio_bar == description9 : |
st.markdown("<h6 style='text-align:center; font-size:16px;'>"+description9+"</h6>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
base_num = st.number_input(label="Enter Base Number:",value=0) |
exp_num = st.number_input(label="Enter Exponent:",value=0) |
all_data = st.button("Calculate") |
if all_data: |
result = find_exp(base_num,exp_num) |
st.success(result) |