MindSearch / app.py
vansin's picture
feat: update
history blame
6.72 kB
# import os
# import subprocess
# import sys
# # # os.system("python -m mindsearch.app --lang en --model_format internlm_server")
# os.system("python -m mindsearch.app --lang en --model_format internlm_server &")
# os.system("bash install.sh")
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='dist')
def serve_index():
return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, 'index.html')
def serve_file(path):
return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=False, port=7860, host="")
# import json
# import gradio as gr
# import requests
# from lagent.schema import AgentStatusCode
# def rst_mem(history_planner: list, history_searcher: list):
# '''
# Reset the chatbot memory.
# '''
# history_planner = []
# history_searcher = []
# return history_planner, history_searcher
# def format_response(gr_history, agent_return):
# if agent_return['state'] in [
# AgentStatusCode.STREAM_ING, AgentStatusCode.ANSWER_ING
# ]:
# gr_history[-1][1] = agent_return['response']
# elif agent_return['state'] == AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_START:
# thought = gr_history[-1][1].split('```')[0]
# if agent_return['response'].startswith('```'):
# gr_history[-1][1] = thought + '\n' + agent_return['response']
# elif agent_return['state'] == AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_END:
# thought = gr_history[-1][1].split('```')[0]
# if isinstance(agent_return['response'], dict):
# gr_history[-1][
# 1] = thought + '\n' + f'```json\n{json.dumps(agent_return["response"], ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}\n```' # noqa: E501
# elif agent_return['state'] == AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_RETURN:
# assert agent_return['inner_steps'][-1]['role'] == 'environment'
# item = agent_return['inner_steps'][-1]
# gr_history.append([
# None,
# f"```json\n{json.dumps(item['content'], ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}\n```"
# ])
# gr_history.append([None, ''])
# return
# def predict(history_planner, history_searcher):
# def streaming(raw_response):
# for chunk in raw_response.iter_lines(chunk_size=8192,
# decode_unicode=False,
# delimiter=b'\n'):
# if chunk:
# decoded = chunk.decode('utf-8')
# if decoded == '\r':
# continue
# if decoded[:6] == 'data: ':
# decoded = decoded[6:]
# elif decoded.startswith(': ping - '):
# continue
# response = json.loads(decoded)
# yield (response['response'], response['current_node'])
# PLANNER_HISTORY.append(dict(role='user', content=history_planner[-1][0]))
# new_search_turn = True
# url = 'http://localhost:8002/solve'
# headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
# data = {'inputs': PLANNER_HISTORY}
# raw_response = requests.post(url,
# headers=headers,
# data=json.dumps(data),
# timeout=20,
# stream=True)
# for resp in streaming(raw_response):
# agent_return, node_name = resp
# if node_name:
# if node_name in ['root', 'response']:
# continue
# agent_return = agent_return['nodes'][node_name]['detail']
# if new_search_turn:
# history_searcher.append([agent_return['content'], ''])
# new_search_turn = False
# format_response(history_searcher, agent_return)
# if agent_return['state'] == AgentStatusCode.END:
# new_search_turn = True
# yield history_planner, history_searcher
# else:
# new_search_turn = True
# format_response(history_planner, agent_return)
# if agent_return['state'] == AgentStatusCode.END:
# PLANNER_HISTORY = agent_return['inner_steps']
# yield history_planner, history_searcher
# return history_planner, history_searcher
# with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# gr.HTML("""<h1 align="center">WebAgent Gradio Simple Demo</h1>""")
# with gr.Row():
# with gr.Column(scale=10):
# with gr.Row():
# with gr.Column():
# planner = gr.Chatbot(label='planner',
# height=700,
# show_label=True,
# show_copy_button=True,
# bubble_full_width=False,
# render_markdown=True)
# with gr.Column():
# searcher = gr.Chatbot(label='searcher',
# height=700,
# show_label=True,
# show_copy_button=True,
# bubble_full_width=False,
# render_markdown=True)
# with gr.Row():
# user_input = gr.Textbox(show_label=False,
# placeholder='inputs...',
# lines=5,
# container=False)
# with gr.Row():
# with gr.Column(scale=2):
# submitBtn = gr.Button('Submit')
# with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=20):
# emptyBtn = gr.Button('Clear History')
# def user(query, history):
# return '', history + [[query, '']]
# submitBtn.click(user, [user_input, planner], [user_input, planner],
# queue=False).then(predict, [planner, searcher],
# [planner, searcher])
# emptyBtn.click(rst_mem, [planner, searcher], [planner, searcher],
# queue=False)
# # subprocess.Popen(["python", "-m", "mindsearch.app", "--lang", "en", "--model_format", "internlm_server"], shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
# demo.queue()
# demo.launch(server_name='',
# server_port=7860,
# inbrowser=True,
# share=True)
# pass