Perilon's picture
Initial commit
history blame
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"text_raw": "FCC rules only require shows that have been captioned on TV to be shown on the internet with captions"
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"text_raw": "Promotional announcements such as a short segment announcing we'll be right back or similar interstitials are exempt"
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"text_raw": "applies to public service announcements PSAs on a variety of topics that the public may want to be aware of Such types of programming under 10 minutes in length are exempt from captioning requirements"
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"text_raw": "And for which the electronic newsroom technique Which produces captions from scripts entered into teleprompters is not available"
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"text_raw": "channels and receive an exemption if the FCC determines that captioning would Be economically burdensome for the petitioner"
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"text_raw": "Note that even if a program has an exemption from captioning rules if it is shown With captions on TV it must be captioned when put on the internet"