import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt import joblib import webbrowser pipe_lr = joblib.load(open("scri.pkl", "rb")) emotions_emoji_dict = {"anger": "😠", "disgust": "🤮", "fear": "😨😱", "happy": "🤗", "joy": "😂", "neutral": "😐", "sad": "😔", "sadness": "😔", "shame": "😳", "surprise": "😮"} def predict_emotions(docx): results = pipe_lr.predict([docx]) return results[0] def get_prediction_proba(docx): results = pipe_lr.predict_proba([docx]) return results def main(): st.title("How was your Day Dude ? 🤔 ") st.subheader("Detect Emotions In Text and Recommend Movies") with st.form(key='my_form'): raw_text = st.text_area("Type Here") submit_text = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit') if submit_text: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) prediction = predict_emotions(raw_text) probability = get_prediction_proba(raw_text) emotion = prediction youtube_link = f"{emotion}+movie""Recommended movies for {emotion}:") st.write(youtube_link) if st.button("Open YouTube"): with col1: st.success("Original Text") st.write(raw_text) st.success("Prediction") emoji_icon = emotions_emoji_dict[prediction] st.write("{}:{}".format(prediction, emoji_icon)) st.write("Confidence:{}".format(np.max(probability))) with col2: st.success("Prediction Probability") proba_df = pd.DataFrame(probability, columns=pipe_lr.classes_) proba_df_clean = proba_df.T.reset_index() proba_df_clean.columns = ["emotions", "probability"] fig = alt.Chart(proba_df_clean).mark_bar().encode(x='emotions', y='probability', color='emotions') st.altair_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()