# Stage 1: Dependencies and Build FROM node:18-alpine AS builder WORKDIR /app # Copy package files COPY package.json package-lock.json* ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm ci # Copy application code COPY . . # Ensure next.config.js has output: 'standalone' setting RUN if [ -f next.config.js ]; then \ # Check if next.config.js exists but doesn't have 'output: standalone' if ! grep -q "output: 'standalone'" next.config.js && ! grep -q 'output: "standalone"' next.config.js; then \ # If it's a module if grep -q "export" next.config.js; then \ echo "Updating module-type next.config.js with standalone output"; \ sed -i 's/export default/const nextConfig = /g' next.config.js && \ echo "nextConfig.output = 'standalone';\nexport default nextConfig;" >> next.config.js; \ else \ # If it's CommonJS echo "Updating CommonJS next.config.js with standalone output"; \ sed -i 's/module.exports =/const nextConfig =/g' next.config.js && \ echo "nextConfig.output = 'standalone';\nmodule.exports = nextConfig;" >> next.config.js; \ fi; \ fi; \ else \ # Create next.config.js if it doesn't exist echo "/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */\nconst nextConfig = {\n output: 'standalone'\n};\n\nmodule.exports = nextConfig;" > next.config.js; \ fi # Set environment variables from app.yaml ENV GEMINI_API_KEY="AIzaSyBZqvjHhfLn_XzGYkNCWRA0PNQ6r2CUy_Y" ENV GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL="trudyp@google.com" # Build the application RUN npm run build # Stage 2: Production FROM node:18-alpine AS runner WORKDIR /app # Set to production environment ENV NODE_ENV production # Create a non-root user to run the app and own app files RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 nodejs && \ adduser --system --uid 1001 nextjs # Copy only necessary files from the builder stage COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/public ./public COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/standalone ./ COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/static ./.next/static # Set environment variables from app.yaml ENV GEMINI_API_KEY="AIzaSyBZqvjHhfLn_XzGYkNCWRA0PNQ6r2CUy_Y" ENV GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL="trudyp@google.com" # Switch to non-root user USER nextjs # Expose the port the app will run on EXPOSE 3000 # Set the command to start the app CMD ["node", "server.js"]