HaWoR / thirdparty /DROID-SLAM /droid_slam /trajectory_filler.py
ThunderVVV's picture
add thirdparty
import cv2
import torch
import lietorch
from lietorch import SE3
from collections import OrderedDict
from factor_graph import FactorGraph
from droid_net import DroidNet
import geom.projective_ops as pops
class PoseTrajectoryFiller:
""" This class is used to fill in non-keyframe poses """
def __init__(self, net, video, device="cuda:0"):
# split net modules
self.cnet = net.cnet
self.fnet = net.fnet
self.update = net.update
self.count = 0
self.video = video
self.device = device
# mean, std for image normalization
self.MEAN = torch.as_tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], device=self.device)[:, None, None]
self.STDV = torch.as_tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225], device=self.device)[:, None, None]
def __feature_encoder(self, image):
""" features for correlation volume """
return self.fnet(image)
def __fill(self, tstamps, images, intrinsics):
""" fill operator """
tt = torch.as_tensor(tstamps, device="cuda")
images = torch.stack(images, 0)
intrinsics = torch.stack(intrinsics, 0)
inputs = images[:,:,[2,1,0]].to(self.device) / 255.0
### linear pose interpolation ###
N = self.video.counter.value # number of keyframes
M = len(tstamps) # 16 frames to fill
ts = self.video.tstamp[:N] # tstamp of keyframes
Ps = SE3(self.video.poses[:N]) # pose of keyframes
t0 = torch.as_tensor([ts[ts<=t].shape[0] - 1 for t in tstamps])
t1 = torch.where(t0<N-1, t0+1, t0)
dt = ts[t1] - ts[t0] + 1e-3
dP = Ps[t1] * Ps[t0].inv()
v = dP.log() / dt.unsqueeze(-1)
w = v * (tt - ts[t0]).unsqueeze(-1)
Gs = SE3.exp(w) * Ps[t0]
# extract features (no need for context features)
inputs = inputs.sub_(self.MEAN).div_(self.STDV)
fmap = self.__feature_encoder(inputs)
self.video.counter.value += M
self.video[N:N+M] = (tt, images[:,0], Gs.data, 1, None, intrinsics / 8.0, fmap)
# print('t0:', t0, 't1:', t1)
# print('tt:', tt.shape, '\n', tt)
# self.video.append(tstamp, image[0], Id, 1.0, depth, intrinsics / 8.0, gmap, net[0,0], inp[0,0], mask)
# self.video.append(tstamp, image[0], None, None, depth, intrinsics / 8.0, gmap, net[0], inp[0], mask)
graph = FactorGraph(self.video, self.update)
graph.add_factors(t0.cuda(), torch.arange(N, N+M).cuda())
graph.add_factors(t1.cuda(), torch.arange(N, N+M).cuda())
# print('graph.ii:', graph.ii)
# print('graph.jj:', graph.jj)
# print()
for itr in range(6):
graph.update(N, N+M, motion_only=True)
Gs = SE3(self.video.poses[N:N+M].clone())
self.video.counter.value -= M
return [ Gs ]
def __call__(self, image_stream):
""" fill in poses of non-keyframe images """
# store all camera poses
pose_list = []
tstamps = []
images = []
intrinsics = []
for (tstamp, image, intrinsic) in image_stream:
if len(tstamps) == 16:
pose_list += self.__fill(tstamps, images, intrinsics)
tstamps, images, intrinsics = [], [], []
if len(tstamps) > 0:
pose_list += self.__fill(tstamps, images, intrinsics)
# stitch pose segments together
return lietorch.cat(pose_list, 0)