import os
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import layoutparser as lp
from PIL import Image
import PIL

#os.system('pip install "git+" ')

#os.system("pip install opencv-python-headless==")

model = lp.AutoLayoutModel("lp://efficientdet/PubLayNet", label_map={0: "Text", 1: "Title", 2: "List", 3:"Table", 4:"Figure"})

article="References<br>[1] Z. Shen, R. Zhang, M. Dell, B. C. G. Lee, J. Carlson, and W. Li, “LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis,” arXiv Prepr. arXiv2103.15348, 2021."
description = "Layout Detection/Parsing is one of the important tasks of converting unstructured data into structured data. This task helps to automate, digitize and organize the data in a usable format. In this project, we utilize LayoutParser library ( to perform Layout Detection using pre-trained Faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN model that can classify the layout based on Text, Title, List, Table and Figure. Upload an image of a document or click an example image to check this out."

def show_preds(input_image):
  img = PIL.Image.fromarray(input_image, 'RGB')
  basewidth = 900
  wpercent = (basewidth/float(img.size[0]))

  hsize = int((float(img.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
  img = img.resize((basewidth,hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)
  layout = model.detect(image_array)
  return lp.draw_box(image_array, layout, show_element_type=True)

#outputs = gr.outputs.Image(type="pil")

examples = [['example1.png'], ['example2.png']]

gr_interface = gr.Interface(fn=show_preds, inputs="image", outputs="image", title='Document Layout Detector/Parser', article=article, description=description, examples=examples,  analytics_enabled = True)