import gradio as gr from PIL import Image import io import os import warnings import torch import numpy as np from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline from huggingface_hub import login import os login(token=os.environ.get('HF_KEY')) # theme = gr.themes.Monochrome( # primary_hue="indigo", # secondary_hue="blue", # neutral_hue="slate", # radius_size=gr.themes.sizes.radius_sm, # font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont("Open Sans"), "ui-sans-serif", "system-ui", "sans-serif"], # ) device = 'cpu' seed = 10000 torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(device='cpu') pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", variant="fp16", use_safetensors=True) pipe = # pipe.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention() # torch.cuda.empty_cache() generator = torch.Generator(device=device).manual_seed(seed) def infer(prompt): int_image = pipe(prompt,num_images_per_prompt=1, generator=generator).images torch.cuda.empty_cache() return int_image css = """ .gradio-container { font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', sans-serif; } .gr-button { color: white; border-color: black; background: black; } input[type='range'] { accent-color: black; } .dark input[type='range'] { accent-color: #dfdfdf; } .container { max-width: 730px; margin: auto; padding-top: 1.5rem; } #gallery { min-height: 22rem; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-bottom-right-radius: .5rem !important; border-bottom-left-radius: .5rem !important; } #gallery>div>.h-full { min-height: 20rem; } .details:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .gr-button { white-space: nowrap; } .gr-button:focus { border-color: rgb(147 197 253 / var(--tw-border-opacity)); outline: none; box-shadow: var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow), var(--tw-ring-shadow), var(--tw-shadow, 0 0 #0000); --tw-border-opacity: 1; --tw-ring-offset-shadow: var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 var(--tw-ring-offset-width) var(--tw-ring-offset-color); --tw-ring-shadow: var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(3px var(--tw-ring-offset-width)) var(--tw-ring-color); --tw-ring-color: rgb(191 219 254 / var(--tw-ring-opacity)); --tw-ring-opacity: .5; } #advanced-btn { font-size: .7rem !important; line-height: 19px; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 14px !important; } #advanced-options { display: none; margin-bottom: 20px; } .footer { margin-bottom: 45px; margin-top: 35px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } .footer>p { font-size: .8rem; display: inline-block; padding: 0 10px; transform: translateY(10px); background: white; } .dark .footer { border-color: #303030; } .dark .footer>p { background: #0b0f19; } .acknowledgments h4{ margin: 1.25em 0 .25em 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 115%; } .animate-spin { animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } #share-btn-container { display: flex; padding-left: 0.5rem !important; padding-right: 0.5rem !important; background-color: #000000; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border-radius: 9999px !important; width: 13rem; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: auto; } #share-btn { all: initial; color: #ffffff;font-weight: 600; cursor:pointer; font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', sans-serif; margin-left: 0.5rem !important; padding-top: 0.25rem !important; padding-bottom: 0.25rem !important;right:0; } #share-btn * { all: unset; } #share-btn-container div:nth-child(-n+2){ width: auto !important; min-height: 0px !important; } #share-btn-container .wrap { display: none !important; } .gr-form{ flex: 1 1 50%; border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; } #prompt-container{ gap: 0; } #prompt-text-input, #negative-prompt-text-input{padding: .45rem 0.625rem} #component-16{border-top-width: 1px!important;margin-top: 1em} .image_duplication{position: absolute; width: 100px; left: 50px} """ with gr.Blocks(css = css) as demo: gr.HTML( """
This is an unoffical demo for Stable Diffusion XL, which is the latest stable diffusion model released by Stability AI. The main features include Next-level photorealism capabilities, image composition and face generation, use of shorter prompts to create descriptive imagery, greater capability to produce legible text and rich visuals and jaw-dropping aesthetics. Please refer to the official website. for further information
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