import streamlit as st |
import concurrent.futures |
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed |
from functools import partial |
import numpy as np |
from io import StringIO |
import sys |
import time |
import pandas as pd |
from pymongo import MongoClient |
import plotly.express as px |
from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec |
import chromadb |
import requests |
from io import BytesIO |
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader |
import hashlib |
import os |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from PIL import Image |
import shutil |
from embedding import get_embeddings, get_image_embeddings, get_embed_chroma,imporve_text |
from preprocess import filtering |
from github_storage import update_db,download_db |
from search import * |
try: |
client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="embeddings") |
collection = client.get_or_create_collection(name="data", metadata={"hnsw:space": "l2"}) |
except: |
pass |
def generate_hash(content): |
return hashlib.sha256(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() |
def get_key(link): |
text = '' |
try: |
response = requests.get(link) |
response.raise_for_status() |
pdf_file = BytesIO(response.content) |
reader = PdfReader(pdf_file) |
num_pages = len(reader.pages) |
first_page_text = reader.pages[0].extract_text() |
if first_page_text: |
text += first_page_text |
last_page_text = reader.pages[-1].extract_text() |
if last_page_text: |
text += last_page_text |
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: |
print(f'HTTP error occurred: {e}') |
except Exception as e: |
print(f'An error occurred: {e}') |
unique_key = generate_hash(text) |
return unique_key |
def cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2): |
vec1 = np.array(vec1) |
vec2 = np.array(vec2) |
dot_product = np.dot(vec1, vec2.T) |
magnitude_vec1 = np.linalg.norm(vec1) |
magnitude_vec2 = np.linalg.norm(vec2) |
if magnitude_vec1 == 0 or magnitude_vec2 == 0: |
return 0.0 |
cosine_sim = dot_product / (magnitude_vec1 * magnitude_vec2) |
return cosine_sim |
def update_chroma(product_name, url, key, text, vector, log_area): |
id_list = [key + str(i) for i in range(len(text))] |
metadata_list = [ |
{'key': key, |
'product_name': product_name, |
'url': url, |
'text': item |
} |
for item in text |
] |
collection.upsert( |
ids=id_list, |
embeddings=vector, |
metadatas=metadata_list |
) |
logger.write(f"\n\u2713 Updated DB - {url}\n\n") |
log_area.text(logger.getvalue()) |
class StreamCapture: |
def __init__(self): |
self.output = StringIO() |
self._stdout = sys.stdout |
def __enter__(self): |
sys.stdout = self.output |
return self.output |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): |
sys.stdout = self._stdout |
def score(main_product, main_url, product_count, link_count, search, logger, log_area): |
data = {} |
similar_products = extract_similar_products(main_product)[:product_count] |
print("--> Fetching Manual Links") |
if search == 'All': |
def process_product(product, search_function, main_product): |
search_result = search_function(product) |
return filtering(search_result, main_product, product, link_count) |
search_functions = { |
'google': search_google, |
'duckduckgo': search_duckduckgo, |
'github': search_github, |
'wikipedia': search_wikipedia |
} |
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: |
future_to_product_search = { |
executor.submit(process_product, product, search_function, main_product): (product, search_name) |
for product in similar_products |
for search_name, search_function in search_functions.items() |
} |
for future in as_completed(future_to_product_search): |
product, search_name = future_to_product_search[future] |
try: |
if product not in data: |
data[product] = {} |
data[product] = future.result() |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error processing product {product} with {search_name}: {e}") |
else: |
for product in similar_products: |
if search == 'google': |
data[product] = filtering(search_google(product), main_product, product, link_count) |
elif search == 'duckduckgo': |
data[product] = filtering(search_duckduckgo(product), main_product, product, link_count) |
elif search == 'archive': |
data[product] = filtering(search_archive(product), main_product, product, link_count) |
elif search == 'github': |
data[product] = filtering(search_github(product), main_product, product, link_count) |
elif search == 'wikipedia': |
data[product] = filtering(search_wikipedia(product), main_product, product, link_count) |
logger.write("\n\n\u2713 Filtered Links\n") |
log_area.text(logger.getvalue()) |
logger.write("\n\n--> Creating Main product Embeddings\n") |
main_key = get_key(main_url) |
main_text, main_vector = get_embed_chroma(main_url) |
update_chroma(main_product, main_url, main_key, main_text, main_vector, log_area) |
print("\n\n\u2713 Main Product embeddings Created") |
logger.write("\n\n--> Creating Similar product Embeddings\n") |
log_area.text(logger.getvalue()) |
test_embedding = [0] * 768 |
for product in data: |
for link in data[product]: |
url, _ = link |
similar_key = get_key(url) |
res = collection.query( |
query_embeddings=[test_embedding], |
n_results=1, |
where={"key": similar_key}, |
) |
if not res['distances'][0]: |
similar_text, similar_vector = get_embed_chroma(url) |
update_chroma(product, url, similar_key, similar_text, similar_vector, log_area) |
logger.write("\n\n\u2713 Similar Product embeddings Created\n") |
log_area.text(logger.getvalue()) |
top_similar = [] |
for idx, chunk in enumerate(main_vector): |
res = collection.query( |
query_embeddings=[chunk], |
n_results=1, |
where={"key": {'$ne': main_key}}, |
include=['metadatas', 'embeddings', 'distances'] |
) |
top_similar.append((main_text[idx], chunk, res, res['distances'][0])) |
most_similar_items = sorted(top_similar, key=lambda x: x[3])[:top_similar_count] |
logger.write("--------------- DONE -----------------\n") |
log_area.text(logger.getvalue()) |
return most_similar_items |
st.title("🔍 Infringement Checker") |
with st.sidebar: |
st.header("📋 Product Information") |
main_product = st.text_input('Enter Main Product Name', 'Philips led 7w bulb') |
main_url = st.text_input('Enter Main Product Manual URL', 'https://www.assets.signify.com/is/content/PhilipsConsumer/PDFDownloads/Colombia/technical-sheets/ODLI20180227_001-UPD-es_CO-Ficha_Tecnica_LED_MR16_Master_7W_Dim_12V_CRI90.pdf') |
st.header("🔎 Search Settings") |
search_method = st.selectbox('Choose Search Engine', ['All', 'duckduckgo', 'google', 'archive', 'github', 'wikipedia']) |
product_count = st.number_input("Number of Similar Products", min_value=1, step=1, format="%i") |
link_count = st.number_input("Number of Links per Product", min_value=1, step=1, format="%i") |
need_image = st.selectbox("Process Images", ['True', 'False']) |
top_similar_count = st.number_input("Top Similarities to be Displayed", value=3, min_value=1, step=1, format="%i") |
col1_main,col2_main = st.columns([7,3]) |
with col1_main: |
run_streamlit = st.button('Check for Infringement') |
if run_streamlit: |
global log_output |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["📊 Output", "🖥️ Console"]) |
with tab2: |
log_output = st.empty() |
with tab1: |
with st.spinner('Processing...'): |
if len(os.listdir('/home/user/app/embeddings'))<2: |
download_db() |
print("\u2713 Downloaded Database\n\n") |
with StreamCapture() as logger: |
top_similar_values = score(main_product, main_url, product_count, link_count, search_method, logger, log_output) |
st.success('✅ Processing complete!') |
st.subheader("📈 Cosine Similarity Scores") |
for main_text, main_vector, response, _ in top_similar_values: |
product_name = response['metadatas'][0][0]['product_name'] |
link = response['metadatas'][0][0]['url'] |
similar_text = response['metadatas'][0][0]['text'] |
cosine_score = cosine_similarity([main_vector], response['embeddings'][0])[0][0] |
with st.expander(f"### Product: {product_name} - Score: {cosine_score:.4f}"): |
link = link.replace(" ","%20") |
st.markdown(f"[View Product Manual]({link})") |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Raw Text", "Refined Text"]) |
with tab2: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"*Main Text:\n* {imporve_text(main_text)}") |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"*Similar Text\n:* {imporve_text(similar_text)}") |
with tab1: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"*Main Text:* {main_text}") |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"*Similar Text:* {similar_text}") |
if need_image == 'True': |
with st.spinner('Processing Images...'): |
emb_main , main_prod_imgs = get_image_embeddings(main_product) |
similar_prod = extract_similar_products(main_product)[0] |
emb_similar , similar_prod_imgs = get_image_embeddings(similar_prod) |
similarity_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5)) |
for i in range(5): |
for j in range(5): |
similarity_matrix[i][j] = cosine_similarity([emb_main[i]], [emb_similar[j]])[0][0] |
st.subheader("Image Similarity") |
fig = px.imshow(similarity_matrix, |
labels=dict(x=f"{similar_prod} Images", y=f"{main_product} Images", color="Similarity"), |
x=[f"Image {i+1}" for i in range(5)], |
y=[f"Image {i+1}" for i in range(5)], |
color_continuous_scale="Viridis") |
fig.update_layout(title="Image Similarity Heatmap") |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
@st.experimental_fragment |
def image_viewer(): |
st.subheader("Image Viewer") |
selected_row = st.selectbox('Select a row (Main Product Image)', [f'Image {i+1}' for i in range(5)]) |
selected_col = st.selectbox('Select a column (Similar Product Image)', [f'Image {i+1}' for i in range(5)]) |
row_idx = int(selected_row.split()[1]) - 1 |
col_idx = int(selected_col.split()[1]) - 1 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.image(main_prod_imgs[row_idx], caption=f'Main Product Image {row_idx+1}', use_column_width=True) |
with col2: |
st.image(similar_prod_imgs[col_idx], caption=f'Similar Product Image {col_idx+1}', use_column_width=True) |
image_viewer() |
@st.experimental_dialog("Confirm Database Backup") |
def update(): |
st.write("Do you want to backup the new changes in the database?") |
if st.button("Confirm",type="primary"): |
st.write("Updating Database....") |
st.session_state.update = {"Done": True} |
update_db() |
st.success('Backup Complete!', icon="✅") |
time.sleep(2) |
st.rerun() |