import gradio |
from huggingface_hub import Repository |
import os |
from utils.utils import norm_crop, estimate_norm, inverse_estimate_norm, transform_landmark_points, get_lm |
from networks.layers import AdaIN, AdaptiveAttention |
from tensorflow_addons.layers import InstanceNormalization |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 |
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter |
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model |
from options.swap_options import SwapOptions |
token = os.environ['model_fetch'] |
opt = SwapOptions().parse() |
retina_repo = Repository(local_dir="retina_model", clone_from="felixrosberg/retinaface_resnet50", use_auth_token=token) |
from retina_model.models import * |
RetinaFace = load_model("retina_model/retinaface_res50.h5", |
custom_objects={"FPN": FPN, |
"SSH": SSH, |
"BboxHead": BboxHead, |
"LandmarkHead": LandmarkHead, |
"ClassHead": ClassHead}) |
arc_repo = Repository(local_dir="arcface_model", clone_from="felixrosberg/arcface_tf", use_auth_token=token) |
ArcFace = load_model("arcface_model/arc_res50.h5") |
ArcFaceE = load_model("arcface_model/arc_res50e.h5") |
g_repo = Repository(local_dir="g_model_c_hq", clone_from="felixrosberg/affa_config_c_hq", use_auth_token=token) |
G = load_model("g_model_c_hq/generator_t_28.h5", custom_objects={"AdaIN": AdaIN, |
"AdaptiveAttention": AdaptiveAttention, |
"InstanceNormalization": InstanceNormalization}) |
r_repo = Repository(local_dir="reconstruction_attack", clone_from="felixrosberg/reconstruction_attack", use_auth_token=token) |
R = load_model("reconstruction_attack/reconstructor_42.h5", custom_objects={"AdaIN": AdaIN, |
"AdaptiveAttention": AdaptiveAttention, |
"InstanceNormalization": InstanceNormalization}) |
permuter_repo = Repository(local_dir="identity_permuter", clone_from="felixrosberg/identitypermuter", use_auth_token=token, git_user="felixrosberg") |
from identity_permuter.id_permuter import identity_permuter |
IDP = identity_permuter(emb_size=32, min_arg=False) |
IDP.load_weights("identity_permuter/id_permuter.h5") |
blend_mask_base = np.zeros(shape=(256, 256, 1)) |
blend_mask_base[80:244, 32:224] = 1 |
blend_mask_base = gaussian_filter(blend_mask_base, sigma=7) |
theme = gr.themes.Monochrome( |
secondary_hue="emerald", |
neutral_hue="teal", |
).set( |
body_background_fill='*primary_950', |
body_background_fill_dark='*secondary_950', |
body_text_color='*primary_50', |
body_text_color_dark='*secondary_100', |
body_text_color_subdued='*primary_300', |
body_text_color_subdued_dark='*primary_300', |
background_fill_primary='*primary_600', |
background_fill_primary_dark='*primary_400', |
background_fill_secondary='*primary_950', |
background_fill_secondary_dark='*primary_950', |
border_color_accent='*secondary_600', |
border_color_primary='*secondary_50', |
border_color_primary_dark='*secondary_50', |
color_accent='*secondary_50', |
color_accent_soft='*primary_500', |
color_accent_soft_dark='*primary_500', |
link_text_color='*secondary_950', |
link_text_color_dark='*primary_50', |
link_text_color_active='*primary_50', |
link_text_color_active_dark='*primary_50', |
link_text_color_hover='*primary_50', |
link_text_color_hover_dark='*primary_50', |
link_text_color_visited='*primary_50', |
block_background_fill='*primary_950', |
block_background_fill_dark='*primary_950', |
block_border_color='*secondary_500', |
block_border_color_dark='*secondary_500', |
block_info_text_color='*primary_50', |
block_info_text_color_dark='*primary_50', |
block_label_background_fill='*primary_950', |
block_label_background_fill_dark='*secondary_950', |
block_label_border_color='*secondary_500', |
block_label_border_color_dark='*secondary_500', |
block_label_text_color='*secondary_500', |
block_label_text_color_dark='*secondary_500', |
block_title_background_fill='*primary_950', |
panel_background_fill='*primary_950', |
panel_border_color='*primary_950', |
checkbox_background_color='*primary_950', |
checkbox_background_color_dark='*primary_950', |
checkbox_background_color_focus='*primary_950', |
checkbox_border_color='*secondary_500', |
input_background_fill='*primary_800', |
input_background_fill_focus='*primary_950', |
input_background_fill_hover='*secondary_950', |
input_placeholder_color='*secondary_950', |
slider_color='*primary_950', |
slider_color_dark='*primary_950', |
table_even_background_fill='*primary_800', |
table_odd_background_fill='*primary_600', |
button_primary_background_fill='*primary_800', |
button_primary_background_fill_dark='*primary_800' |
) |
def run_inference(target, source, slider, adv_slider, settings): |
try: |
source = np.array(source) |
target = np.array(target) |
if "anonymize" not in settings: |
source_a = RetinaFace(np.expand_dims(source, axis=0)).numpy()[0] |
source_h, source_w, _ = source.shape |
source_lm = get_lm(source_a, source_w, source_h) |
source_aligned = norm_crop(source, source_lm, image_size=256) |
source_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(source_aligned, [112, 112]) / 255.0, axis=0)) |
else: |
source_z = None |
im = target |
im_h, im_w, _ = im.shape |
im_shape = (im_w, im_h) |
detection_scale = im_w // 640 if im_w > 640 else 1 |
faces = RetinaFace(np.expand_dims(cv2.resize(im, |
(im_w // detection_scale, |
im_h // detection_scale)), axis=0)).numpy() |
total_img = im / 255.0 |
for annotation in faces: |
lm_align = np.array([[annotation[4] * im_w, annotation[5] * im_h], |
[annotation[6] * im_w, annotation[7] * im_h], |
[annotation[8] * im_w, annotation[9] * im_h], |
[annotation[10] * im_w, annotation[11] * im_h], |
[annotation[12] * im_w, annotation[13] * im_h]], |
dtype=np.float32) |
M, pose_index = estimate_norm(lm_align, 256, "arcface", shrink_factor=1.0) |
im_aligned = (cv2.warpAffine(im, M, (256, 256), borderValue=0.0) - 127.5) / 127.5 |
if "adversarial defense" in settings: |
eps = adv_slider / 200 |
X = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.expand_dims(im_aligned, axis=0)) |
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: |
tape.watch(X) |
X_z = ArcFaceE(tf.image.resize(X * 0.5 + 0.5, [112, 112])) |
output = R([X, X_z]) |
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(0 - output)) |
gradient = tf.sign(tape.gradient(loss, X)) |
adv_x = X + eps * gradient |
im_aligned = tf.clip_by_value(adv_x, -1, 1)[0] |
if "anonymize" in settings and "reconstruction attack" not in settings: |
"""source_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(im_aligned, [112, 112]) / 255.0, axis=0)) |
anon_ratio = int(512 * (slider / 100)) |
anon_vector = np.ones(shape=(1, 512)) |
anon_vector[:, :anon_ratio] = -1 |
np.random.shuffle(anon_vector) |
source_z *= anon_vector""" |
slider_weight = slider / 100 |
target_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(im_aligned, [112, 112]) * 0.5 + 0.5, axis=0)) |
source_z = IDP.predict(target_z) |
source_z = slider_weight * source_z + (1 - slider_weight) * target_z |
if "reconstruction attack" in settings: |
source_z = ArcFaceE.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(im_aligned, [112, 112]) * 0.5 + 0.5, axis=0)) |
if "reconstruction attack" not in settings: |
changed_face_cage = G.predict([np.expand_dims(im_aligned, axis=0), |
source_z]) |
changed_face = changed_face_cage[0] * 0.5 + 0.5 |
transformed_lmk = transform_landmark_points(M, lm_align) |
iM, _ = inverse_estimate_norm(lm_align, transformed_lmk, 256, "arcface", shrink_factor=1.0) |
iim_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(changed_face, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0) |
blend_mask = cv2.warpAffine(blend_mask_base, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0) |
blend_mask = np.expand_dims(blend_mask, axis=-1) |
total_img = (iim_aligned * blend_mask + total_img * (1 - blend_mask)) |
else: |
changed_face_cage = R.predict([np.expand_dims(im_aligned, axis=0), |
source_z]) |
changed_face = changed_face_cage[0] * 0.5 + 0.5 |
transformed_lmk = transform_landmark_points(M, lm_align) |
iM, _ = inverse_estimate_norm(lm_align, transformed_lmk, 256, "arcface", shrink_factor=1.0) |
iim_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(changed_face, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0) |
blend_mask = cv2.warpAffine(blend_mask_base, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0) |
blend_mask = np.expand_dims(blend_mask, axis=-1) |
total_img = (iim_aligned * blend_mask + total_img * (1 - blend_mask)) |
if "compare" in settings: |
total_img = np.concatenate((im / 255.0, total_img), axis=1) |
total_img = np.clip(total_img, 0, 1) |
total_img *= 255.0 |
total_img = total_img.astype('uint8') |
return total_img |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return None |
description = "Performs subject agnostic identity transfer from a source face to all target faces. \n\n" \ |
"Implementation and demo of FaceDancer, accepted to WACV 2023. \n\n" \ |
"Pre-print: https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.10473 \n\n" \ |
"Code: https://github.com/felixrosberg/FaceDancer \n\n" \ |
"\n\n" \ |
"Options:\n\n" \ |
"-Compare returns the target image concatenated with the results.\n\n" \ |
"-Anonymize will ignore the source image and perform an identity permutation of target faces.\n\n" \ |
"-Reconstruction attack will attempt to invert the face swap or the anonymization.\n\n" \ |
"-Adversarial defense will add a permutation noise that disrupts the reconstruction attack.\n\n" \ |
"NOTE: There is no guarantees with the anonymization process currently.\n\n" \ |
"NOTE: source image with too high resolution may not work properly!" |
examples = [["assets/rick.jpg", "assets/musk.jpg", 100, 10, []], |
["assets/rick.jpg", "assets/rick.jpg", 100, 10, ["anonymize"]]] |
article = """ |
Demo is based of recent research from my Ph.D work. Results expects to be published in the coming months. |
""" |
with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as blk_demo: |
gr.Markdown(value="# Face Dancer") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Box(): |
trg_in = gr.Image(type="pil", label='Target').style(height=300) |
src_in = gr.Image(type="pil", label='Source').style(height=300) |
with gr.Row(): |
b1 = gr.Button("Face Swap") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Accordion("Options", open=False): |
chk_in = gr.CheckboxGroup(["Compare", |
"Anonymize", |
"Reconstruction Attack", |
"Adversarial Defense"], |
label="Mode", |
info="Anonymize mode? " |
"Apply reconstruction attack? " |
"Apply defense against reconstruction attack?") |
def_in = gr.Slider(0, 100, value=100, |
label='Anonymization ratio (%)') |
mrg_in = gr.Slider(0, 100, value=100, |
label='Adversarial defense ratio (%)') |
with gr.Column(): |
with gr.Box(): |
ano_out = gr.Image(type="pil", label='Output').style(height=300) |
b1.click(run_inference, inputs=[trg_in, src_in, def_in, mrg_in, chk_in], |
outputs=[ano_out]) |
"""iface = gradio.Interface(run_inference, |
[gradio.Image(shape=None, type="pil", label='Target'), |
gradio.Image(shape=None, type="pil", label='Source'), |
gradio.Slider(0, 100, value=100, label="Anonymization ratio (%)"), |
gradio.Slider(0, 100, value=100, label="Adversarial defense ratio (%)"), |
gradio.CheckboxGroup(["compare", |
"anonymize", |
"reconstruction attack", |
"adversarial defense"], |
label='Options')], |
"image", |
title="Face Swap", |
description=description, |
examples=examples, |
article=article, |
layout="vertical")""" |
blk_demo.launch() |