File size: 7,469 Bytes
69c590e 4028c0f 69c590e fae5def 9aceed2 69c590e e1b03cf eccdcbe 69c590e fae5def 1b7cc25 ea104c0 b4d87fe 69c590e fae5def 1b7cc25 b4d87fe 9bff996 1b7cc25 9bff996 9aceed2 69c590e 4021817 69c590e 1d66f0d 69c590e eccdcbe 87d3df0 eccdcbe 87d3df0 eccdcbe 4021817 eccdcbe 4021817 bf45329 057a565 bf45329 87d3df0 eccdcbe 87d3df0 69c590e eccdcbe cff9a9f 057a565 eccdcbe 057a565 2db9258 69c590e 42171ab eccdcbe 2db9258 ce6e6d2 8a8e4cb 69c590e |
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import gradio
from huggingface_hub import Repository
import os
from utils.utils import norm_crop, estimate_norm, inverse_estimate_norm, transform_landmark_points, get_lm
from networks.layers import AdaIN, AdaptiveAttention
from tensorflow_addons.layers import InstanceNormalization
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from options.swap_options import SwapOptions
# .
token = os.environ['model_fetch']
opt = SwapOptions().parse()
retina_repo = Repository(local_dir="retina_model", clone_from="felixrosberg/retinaface_resnet50",
private=True, use_auth_token=token, git_user="felixrosberg")
from retina_model.models import *
RetinaFace = load_model("retina_model/retinaface_res50.h5",
custom_objects={"FPN": FPN,
"BboxHead": BboxHead,
"LandmarkHead": LandmarkHead,
"ClassHead": ClassHead})
arc_repo = Repository(local_dir="arcface_model", clone_from="felixrosberg/arcface_tf",
private=True, use_auth_token=token)
ArcFace = load_model("arcface_model/arc_res50.h5")
g_repo = Repository(local_dir="g_model_c_hq", clone_from="felixrosberg/affa_config_c_hq",
private=True, use_auth_token=token)
G = load_model("g_model_c_hq/generator_t_28.h5", custom_objects={"AdaIN": AdaIN,
"AdaptiveAttention": AdaptiveAttention,
"InstanceNormalization": InstanceNormalization})
permuter_repo = Repository(local_dir="identity_permuter", clone_from="felixrosberg/identitypermuter",
private=True, use_auth_token=token, git_user="felixrosberg")
from identity_permuter.id_permuter import identity_permuter
IDP = identity_permuter(emb_size=32, min_arg=False)
blend_mask_base = np.zeros(shape=(256, 256, 1))
blend_mask_base[80:244, 32:224] = 1
blend_mask_base = gaussian_filter(blend_mask_base, sigma=7)
def run_inference(target, source, slider, settings):
source = np.array(source)
target = np.array(target)
# Prepare to load video
if "anonymize" not in settings:
source_a = RetinaFace(np.expand_dims(source, axis=0)).numpy()[0]
source_h, source_w, _ = source.shape
source_lm = get_lm(source_a, source_w, source_h)
source_aligned = norm_crop(source, source_lm, image_size=256)
source_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(source_aligned, [112, 112]) / 255.0, axis=0))
source_z = None
# read frame
im = target
im_h, im_w, _ = im.shape
im_shape = (im_w, im_h)
detection_scale = im_w // 640 if im_w > 640 else 1
faces = RetinaFace(np.expand_dims(cv2.resize(im,
(im_w // detection_scale,
im_h // detection_scale)), axis=0)).numpy()
total_img = im / 255.0
for annotation in faces:
lm_align = np.array([[annotation[4] * im_w, annotation[5] * im_h],
[annotation[6] * im_w, annotation[7] * im_h],
[annotation[8] * im_w, annotation[9] * im_h],
[annotation[10] * im_w, annotation[11] * im_h],
[annotation[12] * im_w, annotation[13] * im_h]],
# align the detected face
M, pose_index = estimate_norm(lm_align, 256, "arcface", shrink_factor=1.0)
im_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(im, M, (256, 256), borderValue=0.0)
if "anonymize" in settings:
"""source_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(im_aligned, [112, 112]) / 255.0, axis=0))
anon_ratio = int(512 * (slider / 100))
anon_vector = np.ones(shape=(1, 512))
anon_vector[:, :anon_ratio] = -1
source_z *= anon_vector"""
slider_weight = slider / 100
target_z = ArcFace.predict(np.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(im_aligned, [112, 112]) / 255.0, axis=0))
source_z = IDP.predict(target_z)
source_z = slider_weight * source_z + (1 - slider_weight ) * target_z
# face swap
changed_face_cage = G.predict([np.expand_dims((im_aligned - 127.5) / 127.5, axis=0),
changed_face = (changed_face_cage[0] + 1) / 2
# get inverse transformation landmarks
transformed_lmk = transform_landmark_points(M, lm_align)
# warp image back
iM, _ = inverse_estimate_norm(lm_align, transformed_lmk, 256, "arcface", shrink_factor=1.0)
iim_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(changed_face, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0)
# blend swapped face with target image
blend_mask = cv2.warpAffine(blend_mask_base, iM, im_shape, borderValue=0.0)
blend_mask = np.expand_dims(blend_mask, axis=-1)
total_img = (iim_aligned * blend_mask + total_img * (1 - blend_mask))
if "compare" in settings:
total_img = np.concatenate((im / 255.0, total_img), axis=1)
total_img = np.clip(total_img, 0, 1)
total_img *= 255.0
total_img = total_img.astype('uint8')
return total_img
except Exception as e:
return None
description = "Performs subject agnostic identity transfer from a source face to all target faces. \n\n" \
"Options:\n" \
"compare returns the target image concatenated with the results.\n" \
"anonymize will ignore the source image and perform an identity permutation of target faces." \
"NOTE: There is no guarantees with the anonymization process currently.\n" \
"\n" \
"Note, source image with too high resolution may not work properly!"
examples = [["assets/rick.jpg", "assets/musk.jpg", 80, ["compare"]],
["assets/musk.jpg", "assets/musk.jpg", 80, ["anonymize"]]]
Demo is based of recent research from my Ph.D work. Results expects to be published in the coming months.
iface = gradio.Interface(run_inference,
[gradio.inputs.Image(shape=None, label='Target'),
gradio.inputs.Image(shape=None, label='Source'),
gradio.inputs.Slider(0, 100, default=80, label="Anonymization ratio (%)"),
gradio.inputs.CheckboxGroup(["compare", "anonymize"], label='Options')],
title="Face Swap",