Surn's picture
Trellis V1
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
'dim': 8,
'rank': 8,
'solid': False,
'degree': 8,
'rank': 16,
class DfsOctree:
Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) implementation for PyTorch.
Using Depth-First Search (DFS) order to store the octree.
DFS order suits rendering and ray tracing.
The structure and data are separatedly stored.
Structure is stored as a continuous array, each element is a 3*32 bits descriptor.
| 0:3 bits | 4:31 bits |
| leaf num | unused |
| 0:31 bits |
| child ptr |
| 0:31 bits |
| data ptr |
Each element represents a non-leaf node in the octree.
The valid mask is used to indicate whether the children are valid.
The leaf mask is used to indicate whether the children are leaf nodes.
The child ptr is used to point to the first non-leaf child. Non-leaf children descriptors are stored continuously from the child ptr.
The data ptr is used to point to the data of leaf children. Leaf children data are stored continuously from the data ptr.
There are also auxiliary arrays to store the additional structural information to facilitate parallel processing.
- Position: the position of the octree nodes.
- Depth: the depth of the octree nodes.
depth (int): the depth of the octree.
def __init__(
self.max_depth = depth
self.aabb = torch.tensor(aabb, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
self.device = device
self.sh_degree = sh_degree
self.active_sh_degree = sh_degree
self.primitive = primitive
self.primitive_config = primitive_config
self.structure = torch.tensor([[8, 1, 0]], dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
self.position = torch.zeros((8, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.depth = torch.zeros((8, 1), dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.device)
self.position[:, 0] = torch.tensor([0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25, 0.75], device=self.device)
self.position[:, 1] = torch.tensor([0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75], device=self.device)
self.position[:, 2] = torch.tensor([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75], device=self.device)
self.depth[:, 0] = 1 = ['position', 'depth']
self.param_names = []
if primitive == 'voxel':
self.features_dc = torch.zeros((8, 1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_ac = torch.zeros((8, (sh_degree+1)**2-1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) += ['features_dc', 'features_ac']
self.param_names += ['features_dc', 'features_ac']
if not primitive_config.get('solid', False):
self.density = torch.zeros((8, 1), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)'density')
elif primitive == 'gaussian':
self.features_dc = torch.zeros((8, 1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_ac = torch.zeros((8, (sh_degree+1)**2-1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.opacity = torch.zeros((8, 1), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) += ['features_dc', 'features_ac', 'opacity']
self.param_names += ['features_dc', 'features_ac', 'opacity']
elif primitive == 'trivec':
self.trivec = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], 3, primitive_config['dim']), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.density = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank']), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_dc = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], 1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_ac = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], (sh_degree+1)**2-1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.density_shift = 0 += ['trivec', 'density', 'features_dc', 'features_ac']
self.param_names += ['trivec', 'density', 'features_dc', 'features_ac']
elif primitive == 'decoupoly':
self.decoupoly_V = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.decoupoly_g = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], primitive_config['degree']), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.density = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank']), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_dc = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], 1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.features_ac = torch.zeros((8, primitive_config['rank'], (sh_degree+1)**2-1, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
self.density_shift = 0 += ['decoupoly_V', 'decoupoly_g', 'density', 'features_dc', 'features_ac']
self.param_names += ['decoupoly_V', 'decoupoly_g', 'density', 'features_dc', 'features_ac']
def setup_functions(self):
self.density_activation = (lambda x: torch.exp(x - 2)) if self.primitive != 'trivec' else (lambda x: x)
self.opacity_activation = lambda x: torch.sigmoid(x - 6)
self.inverse_opacity_activation = lambda x: torch.log(x / (1 - x)) + 6
self.color_activation = lambda x: torch.sigmoid(x)
def num_non_leaf_nodes(self):
return self.structure.shape[0]
def num_leaf_nodes(self):
return self.depth.shape[0]
def cur_depth(self):
return self.depth.max().item()
def occupancy(self):
return self.num_leaf_nodes / 8 ** self.cur_depth
def get_xyz(self):
return self.position
def get_depth(self):
return self.depth
def get_density(self):
if self.primitive == 'voxel' and self.voxel_config['solid']:
return torch.full((self.position.shape[0], 1), 1000, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
return self.density_activation(self.density)
def get_opacity(self):
return self.opacity_activation(self.density)
def get_trivec(self):
return self.trivec
def get_decoupoly(self):
return F.normalize(self.decoupoly_V, dim=-1), self.decoupoly_g
def get_color(self):
return self.color_activation(self.colors)
def get_features(self):
if self.sh_degree == 0:
return self.features_dc
return[self.features_dc, self.features_ac], dim=-2)
def state_dict(self):
ret = {'structure': self.structure, 'position': self.position, 'depth': self.depth, 'sh_degree': self.sh_degree, 'active_sh_degree': self.active_sh_degree, 'trivec_config': self.trivec_config, 'voxel_config': self.voxel_config, 'primitive': self.primitive}
if hasattr(self, 'density_shift'):
ret['density_shift'] = self.density_shift
for data in set( + self.param_names):
if not isinstance(getattr(self, data), nn.Module):
ret[data] = getattr(self, data)
ret[data] = getattr(self, data).state_dict()
return ret
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
keys = list(set( + self.param_names + list(state_dict.keys()) + ['structure', 'position', 'depth']))
for key in keys:
if key not in state_dict:
print(f"Warning: key {key} not found in the state_dict.")
if not isinstance(getattr(self, key), nn.Module):
setattr(self, key, state_dict[key])
getattr(self, key).load_state_dict(state_dict[key])
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Error loading key {key}.")
def gather_from_leaf_children(self, data):
Gather the data from the leaf children.
data (torch.Tensor): the data to gather. The first dimension should be the number of leaf nodes.
leaf_cnt = self.structure[:, 0]
leaf_cnt_masks = [leaf_cnt == i for i in range(1, 9)]
ret = torch.zeros((self.num_non_leaf_nodes,), dtype=data.dtype, device=self.device)
for i in range(8):
if leaf_cnt_masks[i].sum() == 0:
start = self.structure[leaf_cnt_masks[i], 2]
for j in range(i+1):
ret[leaf_cnt_masks[i]] += data[start + j]
return ret
def gather_from_non_leaf_children(self, data):
Gather the data from the non-leaf children.
data (torch.Tensor): the data to gather. The first dimension should be the number of leaf nodes.
non_leaf_cnt = 8 - self.structure[:, 0]
non_leaf_cnt_masks = [non_leaf_cnt == i for i in range(1, 9)]
ret = torch.zeros_like(data, device=self.device)
for i in range(8):
if non_leaf_cnt_masks[i].sum() == 0:
start = self.structure[non_leaf_cnt_masks[i], 1]
for j in range(i+1):
ret[non_leaf_cnt_masks[i]] += data[start + j]
return ret
def structure_control(self, mask):
Control the structure of the octree.
mask (torch.Tensor): the mask to control the structure. 1 for subdivide, -1 for merge, 0 for keep.
# Dont subdivide when the depth is the maximum.
mask[self.depth.squeeze() == self.max_depth] = torch.clamp_max(mask[self.depth.squeeze() == self.max_depth], 0)
# Dont merge when the depth is the minimum.
mask[self.depth.squeeze() == 1] = torch.clamp_min(mask[self.depth.squeeze() == 1], 0)
# Gather control mask
structre_ctrl = self.gather_from_leaf_children(mask)
structre_ctrl[structre_ctrl==-8] = -1
new_leaf_num = self.structure[:, 0].clone()
# Modify the leaf num.
structre_valid = structre_ctrl >= 0
new_leaf_num[structre_valid] -= structre_ctrl[structre_valid] # Add the new nodes.
structre_delete = structre_ctrl < 0
merged_nodes = self.gather_from_non_leaf_children(
new_leaf_num += merged_nodes # Delete the merged nodes.
# Update the structure array to allocate new nodes.
mem_offset = torch.zeros((self.num_non_leaf_nodes + 1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
mem_offset.index_add_(0, self.structure[structre_valid, 1], structre_ctrl[structre_valid]) # Add the new nodes.
mem_offset[:-1] -= # Delete the merged nodes.
new_structre_idx = torch.arange(0, self.num_non_leaf_nodes + 1, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device) + mem_offset.cumsum(0)
new_structure_length = new_structre_idx[-1].item()
new_structre_idx = new_structre_idx[:-1]
new_structure = torch.empty((new_structure_length, 3), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
new_structure[new_structre_idx[structre_valid], 0] = new_leaf_num[structre_valid]
# Initialize the new nodes.
new_node_mask = torch.ones((new_structure_length,), dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
new_node_mask[new_structre_idx[structre_valid]] = False
new_structure[new_node_mask, 0] = 8 # Initialize to all leaf nodes.
new_node_num = new_node_mask.sum().item()
# Rebuild child ptr.
non_leaf_cnt = 8 - new_structure[:, 0]
new_child_ptr =[torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device), non_leaf_cnt.cumsum(0)[:-1]])
new_structure[:, 1] = new_child_ptr + 1
# Rebuild data ptr with old data.
leaf_cnt = torch.zeros((new_structure_length,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
leaf_cnt.index_add_(0, new_structre_idx, self.structure[:, 0])
old_data_ptr =[torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device), leaf_cnt.cumsum(0)[:-1]])
# Update the data array
subdivide_mask = mask == 1
merge_mask = mask == -1
data_valid = ~(subdivide_mask | merge_mask)
mem_offset = torch.zeros((self.num_leaf_nodes + 1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
mem_offset.index_add_(0, old_data_ptr[new_node_mask], torch.full((new_node_num,), 8, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)) # Add data array for new nodes
mem_offset[:-1] -= # Delete data elements for subdivide nodes
mem_offset[:-1] -= # Delete data elements for merge nodes
mem_offset.index_add_(0, self.structure[structre_valid, 2], merged_nodes[structre_valid]) # Add data elements for merge nodes
new_data_idx = torch.arange(0, self.num_leaf_nodes + 1, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device) + mem_offset.cumsum(0)
new_data_length = new_data_idx[-1].item()
new_data_idx = new_data_idx[:-1]
new_data = {data: torch.empty((new_data_length,) + getattr(self, data).shape[1:], dtype=getattr(self, data).dtype, device=self.device) for data in}
for data in
new_data[data][new_data_idx[data_valid]] = getattr(self, data)[data_valid]
# Rebuild data ptr
leaf_cnt = new_structure[:, 0]
new_data_ptr =[torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device), leaf_cnt.cumsum(0)[:-1]])
new_structure[:, 2] = new_data_ptr
# Initialize the new data array
## For subdivide nodes
if subdivide_mask.sum() > 0:
subdivide_data_ptr = new_structure[new_node_mask, 2]
for data in
for i in range(8):
if data == 'position':
offset = torch.tensor([i // 4, (i // 2) % 2, i % 2], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) - 0.5
scale = 2 ** (-1.0 - self.depth[subdivide_mask])
new_data['position'][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = self.position[subdivide_mask] + offset * scale
elif data == 'depth':
new_data['depth'][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = self.depth[subdivide_mask] + 1
elif data == 'opacity':
new_data['opacity'][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = self.inverse_opacity_activation(torch.sqrt(self.opacity_activation(self.opacity[subdivide_mask])))
elif data == 'trivec':
offset = torch.tensor([i // 4, (i // 2) % 2, i % 2], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) * 0.5
coord = (torch.linspace(0, 0.5, self.trivec.shape[-1], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)[None] + offset[:, None]).reshape(1, 3, self.trivec.shape[-1], 1)
axis = torch.linspace(0, 1, 3, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device).reshape(1, 3, 1, 1).repeat(1, 1, self.trivec.shape[-1], 1)
coord = torch.stack([coord, axis], dim=3).reshape(1, 3, self.trivec.shape[-1], 2).expand(self.trivec[subdivide_mask].shape[0], -1, -1, -1) * 2 - 1
new_data['trivec'][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = F.grid_sample(self.trivec[subdivide_mask], coord, align_corners=True)
new_data[data][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = getattr(self, data)[subdivide_mask]
## For merge nodes
if merge_mask.sum() > 0:
merge_data_ptr = torch.empty((merged_nodes.sum().item(),), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device)
merge_nodes_cumsum =[torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device), merged_nodes.cumsum(0)[:-1]])
for i in range(8):
merge_data_ptr[merge_nodes_cumsum[merged_nodes > i] + i] = new_structure[new_structre_idx[merged_nodes > i], 2] + i
old_merge_data_ptr = self.structure[structre_delete, 2]
for data in
if data == 'position':
scale = 2 ** (1.0 - self.depth[old_merge_data_ptr])
new_data['position'][merge_data_ptr] = ((self.position[old_merge_data_ptr] + 0.5) / scale).floor() * scale + 0.5 * scale - 0.5
elif data == 'depth':
new_data['depth'][merge_data_ptr] = self.depth[old_merge_data_ptr] - 1
elif data == 'opacity':
new_data['opacity'][subdivide_data_ptr + i] = self.inverse_opacity_activation(self.opacity_activation(self.opacity[subdivide_mask])**2)
elif data == 'trivec':
new_data['trivec'][merge_data_ptr] = self.trivec[old_merge_data_ptr]
new_data[data][merge_data_ptr] = getattr(self, data)[old_merge_data_ptr]
# Update the structure and data array
self.structure = new_structure
for data in
setattr(self, data, new_data[data])
# Save data array control temp variables
self.data_rearrange_buffer = {
'subdivide_mask': subdivide_mask,
'merge_mask': merge_mask,
'data_valid': data_valid,
'new_data_idx': new_data_idx,
'new_data_length': new_data_length,
'new_data': new_data