import re import time import asyncio from typing import List, Tuple from abc import abstractmethod from ..utils import InfererModule, ModelWrapper, repeating_sequence, is_valuable_text try: import readline except Exception: readline = None VALID_LANGUAGES = { 'CHS': 'Chinese (Simplified)', 'CHT': 'Chinese (Traditional)', 'CSY': 'Czech', 'NLD': 'Dutch', 'ENG': 'English', 'FRA': 'French', 'DEU': 'German', 'HUN': 'Hungarian', 'ITA': 'Italian', 'JPN': 'Japanese', 'KOR': 'Korean', 'PLK': 'Polish', 'PTB': 'Portuguese (Brazil)', 'ROM': 'Romanian', 'RUS': 'Russian', 'ESP': 'Spanish', 'TRK': 'Turkish', 'UKR': 'Ukrainian', 'VIN': 'Vietnamese', 'ARA': 'Arabic', 'CNR': 'Montenegrin', 'SRP': 'Serbian', 'HRV': 'Croatian', 'THA': 'Thai', 'IND': 'Indonesian', 'FIL': 'Filipino (Tagalog)' } ISO_639_1_TO_VALID_LANGUAGES = { 'zh': 'CHS', 'ja': 'JPN', 'en': 'ENG', 'ko': 'KOR', 'vi': 'VIN', 'cs': 'CSY', 'nl': 'NLD', 'fr': 'FRA', 'de': 'DEU', 'hu': 'HUN', 'it': 'ITA', 'pl': 'PLK', 'pt': 'PTB', 'ro': 'ROM', 'ru': 'RUS', 'es': 'ESP', 'tr': 'TRK', 'uk': 'UKR', 'vi': 'VIN', 'ar': 'ARA', 'cnr': 'CNR', 'sr': 'SRP', 'hr': 'HRV', 'th': 'THA', 'id': 'IND', 'tl': 'FIL' } class InvalidServerResponse(Exception): pass class MissingAPIKeyException(Exception): pass class LanguageUnsupportedException(Exception): def __init__(self, language_code: str, translator: str = None, supported_languages: List[str] = None): error = 'Language not supported for %s: "%s"' % (translator if translator else 'chosen translator', language_code) if supported_languages: error += '. Supported languages: "%s"' % ','.join(supported_languages) super().__init__(error) class MTPEAdapter(): async def dispatch(self, queries: List[str], translations: List[str]) -> List[str]: # TODO: Make it work in windows (e.g. through os.startfile) if not readline: print('MTPE is currently only supported on linux') return translations new_translations = [] print('Running Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE)') for i, (query, translation) in enumerate(zip(queries, translations)): print(f'\n[{i + 1}/{len(queries)}] {query}:') readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(translation.replace('\n', '\\n'))) new_translation = '' try: new_translation = input(' -> ').replace('\\n', '\n') finally: readline.set_startup_hook() new_translations.append(new_translation) print() return new_translations class CommonTranslator(InfererModule): # Translator has to support all languages listed in here. The language codes will be resolved into # _LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP[lang_code] automatically if _LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP is a dict. # If it is a list it will simply return the language code as is. _LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP = {} # The amount of repeats upon detecting an invalid translation. # Use with _is_translation_invalid and _modify_invalid_translation_query. _INVALID_REPEAT_COUNT = 0 # Will sleep for the rest of the minute if the request count is over this number. _MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE = -1 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.mtpe_adapter = MTPEAdapter() self._last_request_ts = 0 def supports_languages(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, fatal: bool = False) -> bool: supported_src_languages = ['auto'] + list(self._LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP) supported_tgt_languages = list(self._LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP) if from_lang not in supported_src_languages: if fatal: raise LanguageUnsupportedException(from_lang, self.__class__.__name__, supported_src_languages) return False if to_lang not in supported_tgt_languages: if fatal: raise LanguageUnsupportedException(to_lang, self.__class__.__name__, supported_tgt_languages) return False return True def parse_language_codes(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, fatal: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str]: if not self.supports_languages(from_lang, to_lang, fatal): return None, None if type(self._LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP) is list: return from_lang, to_lang _from_lang = self._LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP.get(from_lang) if from_lang != 'auto' else 'auto' _to_lang = self._LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP.get(to_lang) return _from_lang, _to_lang async def translate(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, queries: List[str], use_mtpe: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Translates list of queries of one language into another. """ if to_lang not in VALID_LANGUAGES: raise ValueError('Invalid language code: "%s". Choose from the following: %s' % (to_lang, ', '.join(VALID_LANGUAGES))) if from_lang not in VALID_LANGUAGES and from_lang != 'auto': raise ValueError('Invalid language code: "%s". Choose from the following: auto, %s' % (from_lang, ', '.join(VALID_LANGUAGES)))'Translating into {VALID_LANGUAGES[to_lang]}') if from_lang == to_lang: return queries # Dont translate queries without text query_indices = [] final_translations = [] for i, query in enumerate(queries): if not is_valuable_text(query): final_translations.append(queries[i]) else: final_translations.append(None) query_indices.append(i) queries = [queries[i] for i in query_indices] translations = [''] * len(queries) untranslated_indices = list(range(len(queries))) for i in range(1 + self._INVALID_REPEAT_COUNT): # Repeat until all translations are considered valid if i > 0: self.logger.warn(f'Repeating because of invalid translation. Attempt: {i+1}') await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Sleep if speed is over the ratelimit await self._ratelimit_sleep() # Translate _translations = await self._translate(*self.parse_language_codes(from_lang, to_lang, fatal=True), queries) # Extend returned translations list to have the same size as queries if len(_translations) < len(queries): _translations.extend([''] * (len(queries) - len(_translations))) elif len(_translations) > len(queries): _translations = _translations[:len(queries)] # Only overwrite yet untranslated indices for j in untranslated_indices: translations[j] = _translations[j] if self._INVALID_REPEAT_COUNT == 0: break new_untranslated_indices = [] for j in untranslated_indices: q, t = queries[j], translations[j] # Repeat invalid translations with slightly modified queries if self._is_translation_invalid(q, t): new_untranslated_indices.append(j) queries[j] = self._modify_invalid_translation_query(q, t) untranslated_indices = new_untranslated_indices if not untranslated_indices: break translations = [self._clean_translation_output(q, r, to_lang) for q, r in zip(queries, translations)] if to_lang == 'ARA': import arabic_reshaper translations = [arabic_reshaper.reshape(t) for t in translations] if use_mtpe: translations = await self.mtpe_adapter.dispatch(queries, translations) # Merge with the queries without text for i, trans in enumerate(translations): final_translations[query_indices[i]] = trans'{i}: {queries[i]} => {trans}') return final_translations @abstractmethod async def _translate(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, queries: List[str]) -> List[str]: pass async def _ratelimit_sleep(self): if self._MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE > 0: now = time.time() ratelimit_timeout = self._last_request_ts + 60 / self._MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE if ratelimit_timeout > now:'Ratelimit sleep: {(ratelimit_timeout-now):.2f}s') await asyncio.sleep(ratelimit_timeout-now) self._last_request_ts = time.time() def _is_translation_invalid(self, query: str, trans: str) -> bool: if not trans and query: return True if not query or not trans: return False query_symbols_count = len(set(query)) trans_symbols_count = len(set(trans)) if query_symbols_count > 6 and trans_symbols_count < 6 and trans_symbols_count < 0.25 * len(trans): return True return False def _modify_invalid_translation_query(self, query: str, trans: str) -> str: """ Can be overwritten if _INVALID_REPEAT_COUNT was set. It modifies the query for the next translation attempt. """ return query def _clean_translation_output(self, query: str, trans: str, to_lang: str) -> str: """ Tries to spot and skim down invalid translations. """ if not query or not trans: return '' # ' ' -> ' ' trans = re.sub(r'\s+', r' ', trans) # 'text.text' -> 'text. text' trans = re.sub(r'(? ' !!.. ' trans = re.sub(r'([.,;!?])\s+(?=[.,;!?]|$)', r'\1', trans) if to_lang != 'ARA': # 'text .' -> 'text.' trans = re.sub(r'(?<=[.,;!?\w])\s+([.,;!?])', r'\1', trans) # ' ... text' -> ' ...text' trans = re.sub(r'((?:\s|^)\.+)\s+(?=\w)', r'\1', trans) seq = repeating_sequence(trans.lower()) # 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa' -> 'aaaaaa' if len(trans) < len(query) and len(seq) < 0.5 * len(trans): # Shrink sequence to length of original query trans = seq * max(len(query) // len(seq), 1) # Transfer capitalization of query to translation nTrans = '' for i in range(min(len(trans), len(query))): nTrans += trans[i].upper() if query[i].isupper() else trans[i] trans = nTrans # words = text.split() # elements = list(set(words)) # if len(elements) / len(words) < 0.1: # words = words[:int(len(words) / 1.75)] # text = ' '.join(words) # # For words that appear more then four times consecutively, remove the excess # for el in elements: # el = re.escape(el) # text = re.sub(r'(?: ' + el + r'){4} (' + el + r' )+', ' ', text) return trans class OfflineTranslator(CommonTranslator, ModelWrapper): _MODEL_SUB_DIR = 'translators' async def _translate(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self.infer(*args, **kwargs) @abstractmethod async def _infer(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, queries: List[str]) -> List[str]: pass async def load(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, device: str): return await super().load(device, *self.parse_language_codes(from_lang, to_lang)) @abstractmethod async def _load(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, device: str): pass async def reload(self, from_lang: str, to_lang: str, device: str): return await super().reload(device, from_lang, to_lang)