import os import re import cv2 import numpy as np import freetype import functools from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple, Optional, List from hyphen import Hyphenator from hyphen.dictools import LANGUAGES as HYPHENATOR_LANGUAGES from langcodes import standardize_tag from ..utils import BASE_PATH, is_punctuation, is_whitespace try: HYPHENATOR_LANGUAGES.remove('fr') HYPHENATOR_LANGUAGES.append('fr_FR') except Exception: pass CJK_H2V = { "‥": "︰", "—": "︱", "―": "|", "–": "︲", "_": "︳", "_": "︴", "(": "︵", ")": "︶", "(": "︵", ")": "︶", "{": "︷", "}": "︸", "〔": "︹", "〕": "︺", "【": "︻", "】": "︼", "《": "︽", "》": "︾", "〈": "︿", "〉": "﹀", "「": "﹁", "」": "﹂", "『": "﹃", "』": "﹄", "﹑": "﹅", "﹆": "﹆", "[": "﹇", "]": "﹈", "﹉": "﹉", "﹊": "﹊", "﹋": "﹋", "﹌": "﹌", "﹍": "﹍", "﹎": "﹎", "﹏": "﹏", "…": "⋮", } CJK_V2H = { **dict(zip(CJK_H2V.items(), CJK_H2V.keys())), } def CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(cdpt: str, direction: int): """direction: 0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical""" if cdpt == 'ー' and direction == 1: return 'ー', 90 if cdpt in CJK_V2H: if direction == 0: # translate return CJK_V2H[cdpt], 0 else: return cdpt, 0 elif cdpt in CJK_H2V: if direction == 1: # translate return CJK_H2V[cdpt], 0 else: return cdpt, 0 return cdpt, 0 def compact_special_symbols(text: str) -> str : text = text.replace('...', '…') return text def rotate_image(image, angle): if angle == 0: return image, (0, 0) image_exp = np.zeros((round(image.shape[0] * 1.5), round(image.shape[1] * 1.5), image.shape[2]), dtype = np.uint8) diff_i = (image_exp.shape[0] - image.shape[0]) // 2 diff_j = (image_exp.shape[1] - image.shape[1]) // 2 image_exp[diff_i:diff_i+image.shape[0], diff_j:diff_j+image.shape[1]] = image # from image_center = tuple(np.array(image_exp.shape[1::-1]) / 2) rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, angle, 1.0) result = cv2.warpAffine(image_exp, rot_mat, image_exp.shape[1::-1], flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if angle == 90: return result, (0, 0) return result, (diff_i, diff_j) def add_color(bw_char_map, color, stroke_char_map, stroke_color): if bw_char_map.size == 0: fg = np.zeros((bw_char_map.shape[0], bw_char_map.shape[1], 4), dtype = np.uint8) return fg # print(bw_char_map.shape, stroke_char_map.shape) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # x1, y1, w1, h1 = cv2.boundingRect(bw_char_map) # x2, y2, w2, h2 = cv2.boundingRect(stroke_char_map) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) # ax[0].imshow(bw_char_map) # ax[1].imshow(stroke_char_map) # # draw bounding boxes # rect1 = plt.Rectangle((x1, y1), w1, h1, fill=False, color='red') # rect2 = plt.Rectangle((x2, y2), w2, h2, fill=False, color='blue') # ax[0].add_patch(rect1) # ax[0].add_patch(rect2) # rect1 = plt.Rectangle((x1, y1), w1, h1, fill=False, color='red') # rect2 = plt.Rectangle((x2, y2), w2, h2, fill=False, color='blue') # ax[1].add_patch(rect1) # ax[1].add_patch(rect2) # # since bg rect is always larger than fg rect, we can just use the bg rect if stroke_color is None : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(bw_char_map) else : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(stroke_char_map) fg = np.zeros((h, w, 4), dtype = np.uint8) fg[:,:,0] = color[0] fg[:,:,1] = color[1] fg[:,:,2] = color[2] fg[:,:,3] = bw_char_map[y:y+h, x:x+w] if stroke_color is None : stroke_color = color bg = np.zeros((stroke_char_map.shape[0], stroke_char_map.shape[1], 4), dtype = np.uint8) bg[:,:,0] = stroke_color[0] bg[:,:,1] = stroke_color[1] bg[:,:,2] = stroke_color[2] bg[:,:,3] = stroke_char_map fg_alpha = fg[:, :, 3] / 255.0 bg_alpha = 1.0 - fg_alpha bg[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] = (fg_alpha[:, :, np.newaxis] * fg[:, :, :] + bg_alpha[:, :, np.newaxis] * bg[y:y+h, x:x+w, :]) #alpha_char_map = cv2.add(bw_char_map, stroke_char_map) #alpha_char_map[alpha_char_map > 0] = 255 return bg#, alpha_char_map FALLBACK_FONTS = [ os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'fonts/Arial-Unicode-Regular.ttf'), os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'fonts/msyh.ttc'), os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'fonts/msgothic.ttc'), ] FONT_SELECTION: List[freetype.Face] = [] font_cache = {} def get_cached_font(path: str) -> freetype.Face: path = path.replace('\\', '/') if not font_cache.get(path): # To circumvent a bug with non ascii paths in windows use memory fonts # font_cache[path] = freetype.Face(Path(path).open('rb')) return font_cache[path] def set_font(font_path: str): global FONT_SELECTION if font_path: selection = [font_path] + FALLBACK_FONTS else: selection = FALLBACK_FONTS FONT_SELECTION = [get_cached_font(p) for p in selection] class namespace: pass class Glyph: def __init__(self, glyph): self.bitmap = namespace() self.bitmap.buffer = glyph.bitmap.buffer self.bitmap.rows = glyph.bitmap.rows self.bitmap.width = glyph.bitmap.width self.advance = namespace() self.advance.x = glyph.advance.x self.advance.y = glyph.advance.y self.bitmap_left = glyph.bitmap_left self.bitmap_top = glyph.bitmap_top self.metrics = namespace() self.metrics.vertBearingX = glyph.metrics.vertBearingX self.metrics.vertBearingY = glyph.metrics.vertBearingY self.metrics.horiBearingX = glyph.metrics.horiBearingX self.metrics.horiBearingY = glyph.metrics.horiBearingY self.metrics.horiAdvance = glyph.metrics.horiAdvance self.metrics.vertAdvance = glyph.metrics.vertAdvance @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024, typed = True) def get_char_glyph(cdpt: str, font_size: int, direction: int) -> Glyph: global FONT_SELECTION for i, face in enumerate(FONT_SELECTION): if face.get_char_index(cdpt) == 0 and i != len(FONT_SELECTION) - 1: continue if direction == 0: face.set_pixel_sizes(0, font_size) elif direction == 1: face.set_pixel_sizes(font_size, 0) face.load_char(cdpt) return Glyph(face.glyph) #@functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024, typed = True) def get_char_border(cdpt: str, font_size: int, direction: int): global FONT_SELECTION for i, face in enumerate(FONT_SELECTION): if face.get_char_index(cdpt) == 0 and i != len(FONT_SELECTION) - 1: continue if direction == 0: face.set_pixel_sizes(0, font_size) elif direction == 1: face.set_pixel_sizes(font_size, 0) face.load_char(cdpt, freetype.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | freetype.FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP) slot_border = face.glyph return slot_border.get_glyph() # def get_char_kerning(cdpt, prev, font_size: int, direction: int): # global FONT_SELECTION # for i, face in enumerate(FONT_SELECTION): # if face.get_char_index(cdpt) == 0 and i != len(FONT_SELECTION) - 1: # continue # if direction == 0: # face.set_pixel_sizes(0, font_size) # elif direction == 1: # face.set_pixel_sizes(font_size, 0) # face.load_char(cdpt, freetype.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | freetype.FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP) # #print("VV", prev, cdpt, face.get_char_index(prev), face.get_char_index(cdpt)) # print("VR", face.has_kerning) # return face.get_kerning(face.get_char_index(prev), face.get_char_index(cdpt)) def calc_vertical(font_size: int, text: str, max_height: int): line_text_list = [] # line_width_list = [] line_height_list = [] line_str = "" line_height = 0 line_width_left = 0 line_width_right = 0 for i, cdpt in enumerate(text): if line_height == 0 and cdpt == ' ': continue cdpt, rot_degree = CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(cdpt, 1) ckpt = get_char_glyph(cdpt, font_size, 1) bitmap = ckpt.bitmap # spaces, etc if bitmap.rows * bitmap.width == 0 or len(bitmap.buffer) != bitmap.rows * bitmap.width: char_offset_y = ckpt.metrics.vertBearingY >> 6 else: char_offset_y = ckpt.metrics.vertAdvance >> 6 char_width = bitmap.width char_bearing_x = ckpt.metrics.vertBearingX >> 6 if line_height + char_offset_y > max_height: line_text_list.append(line_str) line_height_list.append(line_height) # line_width_list.append(line_width_left + line_width_right) line_str = "" line_height = 0 line_width_left = 0 line_width_right = 0 line_height += char_offset_y line_str += cdpt line_width_left = max(line_width_left, abs(char_bearing_x)) line_width_right = max(line_width_right, char_width - abs(char_bearing_x)) # last char line_text_list.append(line_str) line_height_list.append(line_height) # line_width_list.append(line_width_left + line_width_right) # box_calc_x = sum(line_width_list) + (len(line_width_list) - 1) * spacing_x # box_calc_y = max(line_height_list) return line_text_list, line_height_list def put_char_vertical(font_size: int, cdpt: str, pen_l: Tuple[int, int], canvas_text: np.ndarray, canvas_border: np.ndarray, border_size: int): pen = pen_l.copy() is_pun = is_punctuation(cdpt) cdpt, rot_degree = CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(cdpt, 1) slot = get_char_glyph(cdpt, font_size, 1) bitmap = slot.bitmap if bitmap.rows * bitmap.width == 0 or len(bitmap.buffer) != bitmap.rows * bitmap.width: char_offset_y = slot.metrics.vertBearingY >> 6 return char_offset_y char_offset_y = slot.metrics.vertAdvance >> 6 bitmap_char = np.array(bitmap.buffer, dtype = np.uint8).reshape((bitmap.rows,bitmap.width)) pen[0] += slot.metrics.vertBearingX >> 6 pen[1] += slot.metrics.vertBearingY >> 6 canvas_text[pen[1]:pen[1]+bitmap.rows, pen[0]:pen[0]+bitmap.width] = bitmap_char #print(pen_l, pen, slot.metrics.vertBearingX >> 6, bitmap.width) #border if border_size > 0: pen_border = (max(pen[0] - border_size, 0), max(pen[1] - border_size, 0)) #slot_border = glyph_border = get_char_border(cdpt, font_size, 1) stroker = freetype.Stroker() stroker.set(64 * max(int(0.07 * font_size), 1), freetype.FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, freetype.FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0) glyph_border.stroke(stroker, destroy=True) blyph = glyph_border.to_bitmap(freetype.FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, freetype.Vector(0,0), True) bitmap_b = blyph.bitmap bitmap_border = np.array(bitmap_b.buffer, dtype = np.uint8).reshape(bitmap_b.rows, bitmap_b.width) canvas_border[pen_border[1]:pen_border[1]+bitmap_b.rows, pen_border[0]:pen_border[0]+bitmap_b.width] = cv2.add(canvas_border[pen_border[1]:pen_border[1]+bitmap_b.rows, pen_border[0]:pen_border[0]+bitmap_b.width], bitmap_border) return char_offset_y def put_text_vertical(font_size: int, text: str, h: int, alignment: str, fg: Tuple[int, int, int], bg: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]], line_spacing: int): text = compact_special_symbols(text) if not text : return bg_size = int(max(font_size * 0.07, 1)) if bg is not None else 0 spacing_x = int(font_size * (line_spacing or 0.2)) # make large canvas num_char_y = h // font_size num_char_x = len(text) // num_char_y + 1 canvas_x = font_size * num_char_x + spacing_x * (num_char_x - 1) + (font_size + bg_size) * 2 canvas_y = font_size * num_char_y + (font_size + bg_size) * 2 line_text_list, line_height_list = calc_vertical(font_size, text, h) # print(line_text_list, line_height_list) canvas_text = np.zeros((canvas_y, canvas_x), dtype=np.uint8) canvas_border = canvas_text.copy() # pen (x, y) pen_orig = [canvas_text.shape[1] - (font_size + bg_size), font_size + bg_size] # write stuff for line_text, line_height in zip(line_text_list, line_height_list): pen_line = pen_orig.copy() if alignment == 'center': pen_line[1] += (max(line_height_list) - line_height) // 2 elif alignment == 'right': pen_line[1] += max(line_height_list) - line_height for c in line_text: offset_y = put_char_vertical(font_size, c, pen_line, canvas_text, canvas_border, border_size=bg_size) pen_line[1] += offset_y pen_orig[0] -= spacing_x + font_size # colorize canvas_border = np.clip(canvas_border, 0, 255) line_box = add_color(canvas_text, fg, canvas_border, bg) # rect if bg is None : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(canvas_text) else : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(canvas_border) return line_box[y:y+h, x:x+w] def select_hyphenator(lang: str): lang = standardize_tag(lang) if lang not in HYPHENATOR_LANGUAGES: for avail_lang in reversed(HYPHENATOR_LANGUAGES): if avail_lang.startswith(lang): lang = avail_lang break else: return None try: return Hyphenator(lang) except Exception: return None # @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024, typed = True) def get_char_offset_x(font_size: int, cdpt: str): c, rot_degree = CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(cdpt, 0) glyph = get_char_glyph(c, font_size, 0) bitmap = glyph.bitmap # Extract length if bitmap.rows * bitmap.width == 0 or len(bitmap.buffer) != bitmap.rows * bitmap.width: # spaces, etc char_offset_x = glyph.advance.x >> 6 else: char_offset_x = glyph.metrics.horiAdvance >> 6 return char_offset_x def get_string_width(font_size: int, text: str): return sum([get_char_offset_x(font_size, c) for c in text]) def calc_horizontal(font_size: int, text: str, max_width: int, max_height: int, language: str = 'en_US', hyphenate: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]: """ Splits up a string of text into lines. Returns list of lines and their widths. Will go over max_height if too much text is present. """ max_width = max(max_width, 2 * font_size) whitespace_offset_x = get_char_offset_x(font_size, ' ') hyphen_offset_x = get_char_offset_x(font_size, '-') # Split text into words and precalculate each word width words = re.split(r'\s+', text) word_widths = [] for i, word in enumerate(words): word_widths.append(get_string_width(font_size, word)) # Try to increase width usage if a height overflow is unavoidable while True: max_lines = max_height // font_size + 1 expected_size = sum(word_widths) + max((len(word_widths) - 1) * whitespace_offset_x - (max_lines - 1) * hyphen_offset_x, 0) max_size = max_width * max_lines if max_size < expected_size: multiplier = np.sqrt(expected_size / max_size) max_width *= max(multiplier, 1.05) max_height *= multiplier else: break # Split words into syllables syllables = [] hyphenator = select_hyphenator(language) for i, word in enumerate(words): new_syls = [] if hyphenator and len(word) <= 100: try: new_syls = hyphenator.syllables(word) except Exception: new_syls = [] if len(new_syls) == 0: if len(word) <= 3: new_syls = [word] else: new_syls = list(word) # # Make sure no syllable goes over max_width # for syl in syllables[-1]: # w = get_string_width(font_size, syl) # if w > max_width: # max_width = w # Split up syllables that are too large normalized_syls = [] for syl in new_syls: syl_width = get_string_width(font_size, syl) if syl_width > max_width: normalized_syls.extend(list(syl)) else: normalized_syls.append(syl) syllables.append(normalized_syls) line_words_list = [] line_width_list = [] hyphenation_idx_list = [] line_words = [] line_width = 0 hyphenation_idx = 0 def break_line(): nonlocal line_words, line_width, hyphenation_idx line_words_list.append(line_words) line_width_list.append(line_width) hyphenation_idx_list.append(hyphenation_idx) line_words = [] line_width = 0 hyphenation_idx = 0 def get_present_syllables_range(line_idx, word_pos): while word_pos < 0: word_pos += len(line_words_list[line_idx]) word_idx = line_words_list[line_idx][word_pos] syl_start_idx = 0 syl_end_idx = len(syllables[word_idx]) if line_idx > 0 and word_pos == 0 and line_words_list[line_idx - 1][-1] == word_idx: syl_start_idx = hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx - 1] if line_idx < len(line_words_list) - 1 and word_pos == len(line_words_list[line_idx]) - 1 \ and line_words_list[line_idx + 1][0] == word_idx: syl_end_idx = hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx] return syl_start_idx, syl_end_idx def get_present_syllables(line_idx, word_pos): syl_start_idx, syl_end_idx = get_present_syllables_range(line_idx, word_pos) return syllables[line_words_list[line_idx][word_pos]][syl_start_idx:syl_end_idx] # Step 1: # Arrange words without hyphenating unless necessary i = 0 while True: if i >= len(words): if line_width > 0: break_line() break current_width = whitespace_offset_x if line_width > 0 else 0 if line_width + current_width + word_widths[i] <= max_width + hyphen_offset_x: line_words.append(i) line_width += current_width + word_widths[i] i += 1 elif word_widths[i] > max_width: # We know no syllable can be larger than max_width j = 0 hyphenation_idx = 0 while j < len(syllables[i]): syl = syllables[i][j] syl_width = get_string_width(font_size, syl) if line_width + current_width + syl_width <= max_width: current_width += syl_width j += 1 hyphenation_idx = j else: if hyphenation_idx > 0: line_words.append(i) line_width += current_width current_width = 0 break_line() line_words.append(i) line_width += current_width i += 1 else: break_line() # Step 2: # Compare two adjacent lines and try to hyphenate backwards # Avoid hyphenation if max_lines isn't fully used if hyphenate and len(line_words_list) > max_lines: line_idx = 0 while line_idx < len(line_words_list) - 1: line_words1 = line_words_list[line_idx] line_words2 = line_words_list[line_idx + 1] left_space = max_width - line_width_list[line_idx] # Move syllables from below line to above first_word = True while len(line_words2) != 0: word_idx = line_words2[0] # A bit messy but were basically trying to only use the syllables on the current line if first_word and word_idx == line_words1[-1]: syl_start_idx = hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx] if line_idx < len(line_width_list) - 2 and word_idx == line_words_list[line_idx + 2][0]: syl_end_idx = hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx + 1] else: syl_end_idx = len(syllables[word_idx]) else: left_space -= whitespace_offset_x syl_start_idx = 0 syl_end_idx = len(syllables[word_idx]) if len(line_words2) > 1 else hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx + 1] first_word = False current_width = 0 for i in range(syl_start_idx, syl_end_idx): syl = syllables[word_idx][i] syl_width = get_string_width(font_size, syl) if left_space > current_width + syl_width: current_width += syl_width else: # Splitting up word if current_width > 0: # We dont want very small splits # if left_space -= current_width line_width_list[line_idx] = max_width - left_space hyphenation_idx_list[line_idx] = i line_words1.append(word_idx) break else: # Whole word was brought to above line left_space -= current_width line_width_list[line_idx] = max_width - left_space line_words1.append(word_idx) line_words2.pop(0) continue break if len(line_words2) == 0: line_words_list.pop(line_idx + 1) line_width_list.pop(line_idx + 1) hyphenation_idx_list.pop(line_idx) else: line_idx += 1 # Step 3 # Move single char syllables on the left up and those on the right down line_idx = 0 while line_idx < len(line_words_list) - 1: line_words1 = line_words_list[line_idx] line_words2 = line_words_list[line_idx + 1] merged_word_idx = -1 if line_words1[-1] == line_words2[0]: word1_text = ''.join(get_present_syllables(line_idx, -1)) word2_text = ''.join(get_present_syllables(line_idx + 1, 0)) word1_width = get_string_width(font_size, word1_text) word2_width = get_string_width(font_size, word2_text) if len(word2_text) == 1 or word2_width < font_size: merged_word_idx = line_words1[-1] line_words2.pop(0) line_width_list[line_idx] += word2_width line_width_list[line_idx + 1] -= word2_width + whitespace_offset_x elif len(word1_text) == 1 or word1_width < font_size: merged_word_idx = line_words1[-1] line_words1.pop(-1) line_width_list[line_idx] -= word1_width + whitespace_offset_x line_width_list[line_idx + 1] += word1_width if len(line_words1) == 0: line_words_list.pop(line_idx) line_width_list.pop(line_idx) hyphenation_idx_list.pop(line_idx) elif len(line_words2) == 0: line_words_list.pop(line_idx + 1) line_width_list.pop(line_idx + 1) hyphenation_idx_list.pop(line_idx) # We dont want all single letters to be merged elif line_idx >= len(line_words_list) - 1 or line_words_list[line_idx + 1] != merged_word_idx: line_idx += 1 # Step 4 # Assemble line_text_list use_hyphen_chars = hyphenate and hyphenator and max_width > 1.5 * font_size and len(words) > 1 line_text_list = [] for i, line in enumerate(line_words_list): line_text = '' for j, word_idx in enumerate(line): syl_start_idx, syl_end_idx = get_present_syllables_range(i, j) current_syllables = syllables[word_idx][syl_start_idx:syl_end_idx] line_text += ''.join(current_syllables) if len(line_text) == 0: continue if j == 0 and i > 0 and line_text_list[-1][-1] == '-' and line_text[0] == '-': line_text = line_text[1:] line_width_list[i] -= hyphen_offset_x if j < len(line) - 1 and len(line_text) > 0: line_text += ' ' elif use_hyphen_chars and syl_end_idx != len(syllables[word_idx]) and len(words[word_idx]) > 3 and line_text[-1] != '-' \ and not (syl_end_idx < len(syllables[word_idx]) and not'\w', syllables[word_idx][syl_end_idx][0])): line_text += '-' # hyphen_offset was ignored in previous steps line_width_list[i] += hyphen_offset_x # print(line_text, get_string_width(font_size, line_text), line_width_list[i]) # assert(line_width_list[i] == get_string_width(font_size, line_text)) # Shouldn't be needed but there is apparently still a bug somewhere (See #458) line_width_list[i] = get_string_width(font_size, line_text) line_text_list.append(line_text) return line_text_list, line_width_list def put_char_horizontal(font_size: int, cdpt: str, pen_l: Tuple[int, int], canvas_text: np.ndarray, canvas_border: np.ndarray, border_size: int): pen = pen_l.copy() cdpt, rot_degree = CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(cdpt, 0) slot = get_char_glyph(cdpt, font_size, 0) bitmap = slot.bitmap char_offset_x = slot.advance.x >> 6 bitmap_char = np.array(bitmap.buffer, dtype = np.uint8).reshape((bitmap.rows,bitmap.width)) if bitmap.rows * bitmap.width == 0 or len(bitmap.buffer) != bitmap.rows * bitmap.width: return char_offset_x pen[0] += slot.bitmap_left pen[1] = max(pen[1] - slot.bitmap_top, 0) canvas_text[pen[1]:pen[1]+bitmap.rows, pen[0]:pen[0]+bitmap.width] = bitmap_char #print(pen_l, pen, slot.metrics.vertBearingX >> 6, bitmap.width) #border if border_size > 0: pen_border = (max(pen[0] - border_size, 0), max(pen[1] - border_size, 0)) #slot_border = glyph_border = get_char_border(cdpt, font_size, 1) stroker = freetype.Stroker() stroker.set(64 * max(int(0.07 * font_size), 1), freetype.FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, freetype.FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0) glyph_border.stroke(stroker, destroy=True) blyph = glyph_border.to_bitmap(freetype.FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, freetype.Vector(0,0), True) bitmap_b = blyph.bitmap bitmap_border = np.array(bitmap_b.buffer, dtype = np.uint8).reshape(bitmap_b.rows,bitmap_b.width) canvas_border[pen_border[1]:pen_border[1]+bitmap_b.rows, pen_border[0]:pen_border[0]+bitmap_b.width] = cv2.add(canvas_border[pen_border[1]:pen_border[1]+bitmap_b.rows, pen_border[0]:pen_border[0]+bitmap_b.width], bitmap_border) return char_offset_x def put_text_horizontal(font_size: int, text: str, width: int, height: int, alignment: str, reversed_direction: bool, fg: Tuple[int, int, int], bg: Tuple[int, int, int], lang: str = 'en_US', hyphenate: bool = True, line_spacing: int = 0): text = compact_special_symbols(text) if not text : return bg_size = int(max(font_size * 0.07, 1)) if bg is not None else 0 spacing_y = int(font_size * (line_spacing or 0.01)) # calc # print(width) line_text_list, line_width_list = calc_horizontal(font_size, text, width, height, lang, hyphenate) # print(line_text_list, line_width_list) # make large canvas canvas_w = max(line_width_list) + (font_size + bg_size) * 2 canvas_h = font_size * len(line_width_list) + spacing_y * (len(line_width_list) - 1) + (font_size + bg_size) * 2 canvas_text = np.zeros((canvas_h, canvas_w), dtype=np.uint8) canvas_border = canvas_text.copy() # pen (x, y) pen_orig = [font_size + bg_size, font_size + bg_size] if reversed_direction: # right to left languages have to be rendered in the correct order (starting from right) # so that the white outline of characters dont go over black parts of neighbouring characters pen_orig[0] = canvas_w - bg_size - 10 # write stuff for line_text, line_width in zip(line_text_list, line_width_list): pen_line = pen_orig.copy() if alignment == 'center': pen_line[0] += (max(line_width_list) - line_width) // 2 * (-1 if reversed_direction else 1) elif alignment == 'right' and not reversed_direction: pen_line[0] += max(line_width_list) - line_width elif alignment == 'left' and reversed_direction: pen_line[0] -= max(line_width_list) - line_width pen_line[0] = max(line_width, pen_line[0]) # print((line_width, pen_line[0], canvas_w)) # print(0, pen_line, line_text) for c in line_text: if reversed_direction: cdpt, rot_degree = CJK_Compatibility_Forms_translate(c, 0) glyph = get_char_glyph(cdpt, font_size, 0) offset_x = glyph.metrics.horiAdvance >> 6 pen_line[0] -= offset_x # print(1, pen_line, c) offset_x = put_char_horizontal(font_size, c, pen_line, canvas_text, canvas_border, border_size=bg_size) if not reversed_direction: pen_line[0] += offset_x pen_orig[1] += spacing_y + font_size # colorize canvas_border = np.clip(canvas_border, 0, 255) line_box = add_color(canvas_text, fg, canvas_border, bg) # rect if bg is None : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(canvas_text) else : x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(canvas_border) return line_box[y:y+height, x:x+width] # def put_text(img: np.ndarray, text: str, line_count: int, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, fg: Tuple[int, int, int], bg: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]): # pass def test(): #canvas = put_text_vertical(64, 1.0, '因为不同‼ [这"真的是普]通的》肉!那个“姑娘”的恶作剧!是吗?咲夜⁉。', 700, (0, 0, 0), (255, 128, 128)) canvas = put_text_horizontal(64, 1.0, '因为不同‼ [这"真的是普]通的》肉!那个“姑娘”的恶作剧!是吗?咲夜⁉', 400, (0, 0, 0), (255, 128, 128)) cv2.imwrite('text_render_combined.png', canvas) if __name__ == '__main__': test()