Sunday01's picture
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import einops
from typing import Union, Tuple
import cv2
import torch
from .ctd_utils.basemodel import TextDetBase, TextDetBaseDNN
from .ctd_utils.utils.yolov5_utils import non_max_suppression
from .ctd_utils.utils.db_utils import SegDetectorRepresenter
from .ctd_utils.utils.imgproc_utils import letterbox
from .ctd_utils.textmask import REFINEMASK_INPAINT, refine_mask
from .common import OfflineDetector
from ..utils import Quadrilateral, det_rearrange_forward
def preprocess_img(img, input_size=(1024, 1024), device='cpu', bgr2rgb=True, half=False, to_tensor=True):
if bgr2rgb:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_in, ratio, (dw, dh) = letterbox(img, new_shape=input_size, auto=False, stride=64)
if to_tensor:
img_in = img_in.transpose((2, 0, 1))[::-1] # HWC to CHW, BGR to RGB
img_in = np.array([np.ascontiguousarray(img_in)]).astype(np.float32) / 255
if to_tensor:
img_in = torch.from_numpy(img_in).to(device)
if half:
img_in = img_in.half()
return img_in, ratio, int(dw), int(dh)
def postprocess_mask(img: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], thresh=None):
# img = img.permute(1, 2, 0)
if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
img = img.squeeze_()
if img.device != 'cpu':
img = img.detach().cpu()
img = img.numpy()
img = img.squeeze()
if thresh is not None:
img = img > thresh
img = img * 255
# if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
return img.astype(np.uint8)
def postprocess_yolo(det, conf_thresh, nms_thresh, resize_ratio, sort_func=None):
det = non_max_suppression(det, conf_thresh, nms_thresh)[0]
# bbox = det[..., 0:4]
if det.device != 'cpu':
det = det.detach_().cpu().numpy()
det[..., [0, 2]] = det[..., [0, 2]] * resize_ratio[0]
det[..., [1, 3]] = det[..., [1, 3]] * resize_ratio[1]
if sort_func is not None:
det = sort_func(det)
blines = det[..., 0:4].astype(np.int32)
confs = np.round(det[..., 4], 3)
cls = det[..., 5].astype(np.int32)
return blines, cls, confs
class ComicTextDetector(OfflineDetector):
'model-cuda': {
'url': '',
'hash': '1f90fa60aeeb1eb82e2ac1167a66bf139a8a61b8780acd351ead55268540cccb',
'file': '.',
'model-cpu': {
'url': '',
'hash': '1a86ace74961413cbd650002e7bb4dcec4980ffa21b2f19b86933372071d718f',
'file': '.',
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
os.makedirs(self.model_dir, exist_ok=True)
if os.path.exists(''):
shutil.move('', self._get_file_path(''))
if os.path.exists(''):
shutil.move('', self._get_file_path(''))
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
async def _load(self, device: str, input_size=1024, half=False, nms_thresh=0.35, conf_thresh=0.4):
self.device = device
if self.device == 'cuda' or self.device == 'mps':
self.model = TextDetBase(self._get_file_path(''), device=self.device, act='leaky')
self.backend = 'torch'
model_path = self._get_file_path('')
self.model = cv2.dnn.readNetFromONNX(model_path)
self.model = TextDetBaseDNN(input_size, model_path)
self.backend = 'opencv'
if isinstance(input_size, int):
input_size = (input_size, input_size)
self.input_size = input_size
self.half = half
self.conf_thresh = conf_thresh
self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh
self.seg_rep = SegDetectorRepresenter(thresh=0.3)
async def _unload(self):
del self.model
def det_batch_forward_ctd(self, batch: np.ndarray, device: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
if isinstance(self.model, TextDetBase):
batch = einops.rearrange(batch.astype(np.float32) / 255., 'n h w c -> n c h w')
batch = torch.from_numpy(batch).to(device)
_, mask, lines = self.model(batch)
mask = mask.detach().cpu().numpy()
lines = lines.detach().cpu().numpy()
elif isinstance(self.model, TextDetBaseDNN):
mask_lst, line_lst = [], []
for b in batch:
_, mask, lines = self.model(b)
if mask.shape[1] == 2: # some version of opencv spit out reversed result
tmp = mask
mask = lines
lines = tmp
lines, mask = np.concatenate(line_lst, 0), np.concatenate(mask_lst, 0)
raise NotImplementedError
return lines, mask
async def _infer(self, image: np.ndarray, detect_size: int, text_threshold: float, box_threshold: float,
unclip_ratio: float, verbose: bool = False):
# keep_undetected_mask = False
# refine_mode = REFINEMASK_INPAINT
im_h, im_w = image.shape[:2]
lines_map, mask = det_rearrange_forward(image, self.det_batch_forward_ctd, self.input_size[0], 4, self.device, verbose)
# blks = []
# resize_ratio = [1, 1]
if lines_map is None:
img_in, ratio, dw, dh = preprocess_img(image, input_size=self.input_size, device=self.device, half=self.half, to_tensor=self.backend=='torch')
blks, mask, lines_map = self.model(img_in)
if self.backend == 'opencv':
if mask.shape[1] == 2: # some version of opencv spit out reversed result
tmp = mask
mask = lines_map
lines_map = tmp
mask = mask.squeeze()
# resize_ratio = (im_w / (self.input_size[0] - dw), im_h / (self.input_size[1] - dh))
# blks = postprocess_yolo(blks, self.conf_thresh, self.nms_thresh, resize_ratio)
mask = mask[..., :mask.shape[0]-dh, :mask.shape[1]-dw]
lines_map = lines_map[..., :lines_map.shape[2]-dh, :lines_map.shape[3]-dw]
mask = postprocess_mask(mask)
lines, scores = self.seg_rep(None, lines_map, height=im_h, width=im_w)
box_thresh = 0.6
idx = np.where(scores[0] > box_thresh)
lines, scores = lines[0][idx], scores[0][idx]
# map output to input img
mask = cv2.resize(mask, (im_w, im_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# if lines.size == 0:
# lines = []
# else:
# lines = lines.astype(np.int32)
# YOLO was used for finding bboxes which to order the lines into. This is now solved
# through the textline merger, which seems to work more reliably.
# The YOLO language detection seems unnecessary as it could never be as good as
# using the OCR extracted string directly.
# Doing it for increasing the textline merge accuracy doesn't really work either,
# as the merge could be postponed until after the OCR finishes.
textlines = [Quadrilateral(pts.astype(int), '', score) for pts, score in zip(lines, scores)]
mask_refined = refine_mask(image, mask, textlines, refine_mode=None)
return textlines, mask_refined, None
# blk_list = group_output(blks, lines, im_w, im_h, mask)
# mask_refined = refine_mask(image, mask, blk_list, refine_mode=refine_mode)
# if keep_undetected_mask:
# mask_refined = refine_undetected_mask(image, mask, mask_refined, blk_list, refine_mode=refine_mode)
# return blk_list, mask, mask_refined