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import itertools
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Set
from collections import Counter
import networkx as nx
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from ..utils import TextBlock, Quadrilateral, quadrilateral_can_merge_region
def split_text_region(
bboxes: List[Quadrilateral],
connected_region_indices: Set[int],
gamma = 0.5,
sigma = 2
) -> List[Set[int]]:
connected_region_indices = list(connected_region_indices)
# case 1
if len(connected_region_indices) == 1:
return [set(connected_region_indices)]
# case 2
if len(connected_region_indices) == 2:
fs1 = bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].font_size
fs2 = bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]].font_size
fs = max(fs1, fs2)
# print(bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].pts, bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]].pts)
# print(fs, bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].distance(bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]]), (1 + gamma) * fs)
# print(bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].angle, bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]].angle, 4 * np.pi / 180)
if bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].distance(bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]]) < (1 + gamma) * fs \
and abs(bboxes[connected_region_indices[0]].angle - bboxes[connected_region_indices[1]].angle) < 0.2 * np.pi:
return [set(connected_region_indices)]
return [set([connected_region_indices[0]]), set([connected_region_indices[1]])]
# case 3
G = nx.Graph()
for idx in connected_region_indices:
for (u, v) in itertools.combinations(connected_region_indices, 2):
G.add_edge(u, v, weight=bboxes[u].distance(bboxes[v]))
# Get distances from neighbouring bboxes
edges = nx.algorithms.tree.minimum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm='kruskal', data=True)
edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda a: a[2]['weight'], reverse=True)
distances_sorted = [a[2]['weight'] for a in edges]
fontsize = np.mean([bboxes[idx].font_size for idx in connected_region_indices])
distances_std = np.std(distances_sorted)
distances_mean = np.mean(distances_sorted)
std_threshold = max(0.3 * fontsize + 5, 5)
b1, b2 = bboxes[edges[0][0]], bboxes[edges[0][1]]
max_poly_distance = Polygon(b1.pts).distance(Polygon(b2.pts))
max_centroid_alignment = min(abs(b1.centroid[0] - b2.centroid[0]), abs(b1.centroid[1] - b2.centroid[1]))
# print(edges)
# print(f'std: {distances_std} < thrshold: {std_threshold}, mean: {distances_mean}')
# print(f'{distances_sorted[0]} <= {distances_mean + distances_std * sigma}' \
# f' or {distances_sorted[0]} <= {fontsize * (1 + gamma)}' \
# f' or {distances_sorted[0] - distances_sorted[1]} < {distances_std * sigma}')
if (distances_sorted[0] <= distances_mean + distances_std * sigma \
or distances_sorted[0] <= fontsize * (1 + gamma)) \
and (distances_std < std_threshold \
or max_poly_distance == 0 and max_centroid_alignment < 5):
return [set(connected_region_indices)]
# (split_u, split_v, _) = edges[0]
# print(f'split between "{bboxes[split_u].pts}", "{bboxes[split_v].pts}"')
G = nx.Graph()
for idx in connected_region_indices:
# Split out the most deviating bbox
for edge in edges[1:]:
G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
ans = []
for node_set in nx.algorithms.components.connected_components(G):
ans.extend(split_text_region(bboxes, node_set, width, height))
return ans
# def get_mini_boxes(contour):
# bounding_box = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
# points = sorted(list(cv2.boxPoints(bounding_box)), key=lambda x: x[0])
# index_1, index_2, index_3, index_4 = 0, 1, 2, 3
# if points[1][1] > points[0][1]:
# index_1 = 0
# index_4 = 1
# else:
# index_1 = 1
# index_4 = 0
# if points[3][1] > points[2][1]:
# index_2 = 2
# index_3 = 3
# else:
# index_2 = 3
# index_3 = 2
# box = [points[index_1], points[index_2], points[index_3], points[index_4]]
# box = np.array(box)
# startidx = box.sum(axis=1).argmin()
# box = np.roll(box, 4 - startidx, 0)
# box = np.array(box)
# return box
def merge_bboxes_text_region(bboxes: List[Quadrilateral], width, height):
# step 0: merge quadrilaterals that belong to the same textline
# u = 0
# removed_counter = 0
# while u < len(bboxes) - 1 - removed_counter:
# v = u
# while v < len(bboxes) - removed_counter:
# if quadrilateral_can_merge_region(bboxes[u], bboxes[v], aspect_ratio_tol=1.1, font_size_ratio_tol=1,
# char_gap_tolerance=1, char_gap_tolerance2=3, discard_connection_gap=0) \
# and abs(bboxes[u].centroid[0] - bboxes[v].centroid[0]) < 5 or abs(bboxes[u].centroid[1] - bboxes[v].centroid[1]) < 5:
# bboxes[u] = merge_quadrilaterals(bboxes[u], bboxes[v])
# removed_counter += 1
# bboxes.pop(v)
# else:
# v += 1
# u += 1
# step 1: divide into multiple text region candidates
G = nx.Graph()
for i, box in enumerate(bboxes):
G.add_node(i, box=box)
for ((u, ubox), (v, vbox)) in itertools.combinations(enumerate(bboxes), 2):
# if quadrilateral_can_merge_region_coarse(ubox, vbox):
if quadrilateral_can_merge_region(ubox, vbox, aspect_ratio_tol=1.3, font_size_ratio_tol=2,
char_gap_tolerance=1, char_gap_tolerance2=3):
G.add_edge(u, v)
# step 2: postprocess - further split each region
region_indices: List[Set[int]] = []
for node_set in nx.algorithms.components.connected_components(G):
region_indices.extend(split_text_region(bboxes, node_set, width, height))
# step 3: return regions
for node_set in region_indices:
# for node_set in nx.algorithms.components.connected_components(G):
nodes = list(node_set)
txtlns: List[Quadrilateral] = np.array(bboxes)[nodes]
# calculate average fg and bg color
fg_r = round(np.mean([box.fg_r for box in txtlns]))
fg_g = round(np.mean([box.fg_g for box in txtlns]))
fg_b = round(np.mean([box.fg_b for box in txtlns]))
bg_r = round(np.mean([box.bg_r for box in txtlns]))
bg_g = round(np.mean([box.bg_g for box in txtlns]))
bg_b = round(np.mean([box.bg_b for box in txtlns]))
# majority vote for direction
dirs = [box.direction for box in txtlns]
majority_dir_top_2 = Counter(dirs).most_common(2)
if len(majority_dir_top_2) == 1 :
majority_dir = majority_dir_top_2[0][0]
elif majority_dir_top_2[0][1] == majority_dir_top_2[1][1] : # if top 2 have the same counts
max_aspect_ratio = -100
for box in txtlns :
if box.aspect_ratio > max_aspect_ratio :
max_aspect_ratio = box.aspect_ratio
majority_dir = box.direction
if 1.0 / box.aspect_ratio > max_aspect_ratio :
max_aspect_ratio = 1.0 / box.aspect_ratio
majority_dir = box.direction
else :
majority_dir = majority_dir_top_2[0][0]
# sort textlines
if majority_dir == 'h':
nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: bboxes[x].centroid[1])
elif majority_dir == 'v':
nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: -bboxes[x].centroid[0])
txtlns = np.array(bboxes)[nodes]
# yield overall bbox and sorted indices
yield txtlns, (fg_r, fg_g, fg_b), (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b)
async def dispatch(textlines: List[Quadrilateral], width: int, height: int, verbose: bool = False) -> List[TextBlock]:
# print(width, height)
# import re
# for l in textlines:
# s = str(l.pts)
# s = re.sub(r'([\d\]]) ', r'\1, ', s.replace('\n ', ', ')).replace(']]', ']],')
# print(s)
text_regions: List[TextBlock] = []
for (txtlns, fg_color, bg_color) in merge_bboxes_text_region(textlines, width, height):
total_logprobs = 0
for txtln in txtlns:
total_logprobs += np.log(txtln.prob) * txtln.area
total_logprobs /= sum([txtln.area for txtln in textlines])
font_size = int(min([txtln.font_size for txtln in txtlns]))
angle = np.rad2deg(np.mean([txtln.angle for txtln in txtlns])) - 90
if abs(angle) < 3:
angle = 0
lines = [txtln.pts for txtln in txtlns]
texts = [txtln.text for txtln in txtlns]
region = TextBlock(lines, texts, font_size=font_size, angle=angle, prob=np.exp(total_logprobs),
fg_color=fg_color, bg_color=bg_color)
return text_regions