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Copyright (c) 2019-present NAVER Corp.
MIT License
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2
import einops
from typing import List, Tuple
from .default_utils.DBNet_resnet34 import TextDetection as TextDetectionDefault
from .default_utils import imgproc, dbnet_utils, craft_utils
from .common import OfflineDetector
from ..utils import TextBlock, Quadrilateral, det_rearrange_forward
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPoint
from shapely import affinity
from .craft_utils.vgg16_bn import vgg16_bn, init_weights
from .craft_utils.refiner import RefineNet
class double_conv(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_ch, mid_ch, out_ch):
super(double_conv, self).__init__()
self.conv = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_ch + mid_ch, mid_ch, kernel_size=1),
nn.Conv2d(mid_ch, out_ch, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv(x)
return x
class CRAFT(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained=False, freeze=False):
super(CRAFT, self).__init__()
""" Base network """
self.basenet = vgg16_bn(pretrained, freeze)
""" U network """
self.upconv1 = double_conv(1024, 512, 256)
self.upconv2 = double_conv(512, 256, 128)
self.upconv3 = double_conv(256, 128, 64)
self.upconv4 = double_conv(128, 64, 32)
num_class = 2
self.conv_cls = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(32, 16, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(16, 16, kernel_size=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
nn.Conv2d(16, num_class, kernel_size=1),
def forward(self, x):
""" Base network """
sources = self.basenet(x)
""" U network """
y =[sources[0], sources[1]], dim=1)
y = self.upconv1(y)
y = F.interpolate(y, size=sources[2].size()[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
y =[y, sources[2]], dim=1)
y = self.upconv2(y)
y = F.interpolate(y, size=sources[3].size()[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
y =[y, sources[3]], dim=1)
y = self.upconv3(y)
y = F.interpolate(y, size=sources[4].size()[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
y =[y, sources[4]], dim=1)
feature = self.upconv4(y)
y = self.conv_cls(feature)
return y.permute(0,2,3,1), feature
from collections import OrderedDict
def copyStateDict(state_dict):
if list(state_dict.keys())[0].startswith("module"):
start_idx = 1
start_idx = 0
new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
for k, v in state_dict.items():
name = ".".join(k.split(".")[start_idx:])
new_state_dict[name] = v
return new_state_dict
class CRAFTDetector(OfflineDetector):
'refiner': {
'url': '',
'hash': 'f7000cd3e9c76f2231b62b32182212203f73c08dfaa12bb16ffb529948a01399',
'file': 'craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth',
'craft': {
'url': '',
'hash': '4a5efbfb48b4081100544e75e1e2b57f8de3d84f213004b14b85fd4b3748db17',
'file': 'craft_mlt_25k.pth',
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
os.makedirs(self.model_dir, exist_ok=True)
if os.path.exists('craft_mlt_25k.pth'):
shutil.move('craft_mlt_25k.pth', self._get_file_path('craft_mlt_25k.pth'))
if os.path.exists('craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth'):
shutil.move('craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth', self._get_file_path('craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth'))
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
async def _load(self, device: str):
self.model = CRAFT()
self.model.load_state_dict(copyStateDict(torch.load(self._get_file_path('craft_mlt_25k.pth'), map_location='cpu')))
self.model_refiner = RefineNet()
self.model_refiner.load_state_dict(copyStateDict(torch.load(self._get_file_path('craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth'), map_location='cpu')))
self.device = device
if device == 'cuda' or device == 'mps':
self.model =
self.model_refiner =
global MODEL
MODEL = self.model
async def _unload(self):
del self.model
async def _infer(self, image: np.ndarray, detect_size: int, text_threshold: float, box_threshold: float,
unclip_ratio: float, verbose: bool = False):
img_resized, target_ratio, size_heatmap, pad_w, pad_h = imgproc.resize_aspect_ratio(image, detect_size, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC, mag_ratio = 1)
ratio_h = ratio_w = 1 / target_ratio
# preprocessing
x = imgproc.normalizeMeanVariance(img_resized)
x = torch.from_numpy(x).permute(2, 0, 1) # [h, w, c] to [c, h, w]
x = x.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) # [c, h, w] to [b, c, h, w]
with torch.no_grad() :
y, feature = self.model(x)
# make score and link map
score_text = y[0,:,:,0].cpu().data.numpy()
score_link = y[0,:,:,1].cpu().data.numpy()
# refine link
y_refiner = self.model_refiner(y, feature)
score_link = y_refiner[0,:,:,0].cpu().data.numpy()
# Post-processing
boxes, polys = craft_utils.getDetBoxes(score_text, score_link, text_threshold, box_threshold, box_threshold, True)
# coordinate adjustment
boxes = craft_utils.adjustResultCoordinates(boxes, ratio_w, ratio_h)
polys = craft_utils.adjustResultCoordinates(polys, ratio_w, ratio_h)
for k in range(len(polys)):
if polys[k] is None: polys[k] = boxes[k]
mask = np.zeros(shape = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), dtype = np.uint8)
for poly in polys :
mask = cv2.fillPoly(mask, [poly.reshape((-1, 1, 2)).astype(np.int32)], color = 255)
polys_ret = []
for i in range(len(polys)) :
poly = MultiPoint(polys[i])
if poly.area > 10 :
rect = poly.minimum_rotated_rectangle
rect = affinity.scale(rect, xfact = 1.2, yfact = 1.2)
polys_ret.append(np.roll(np.asarray(list(rect.exterior.coords)[:4]), 2))
kern = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (9, 9))
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kern)
textlines = [Quadrilateral(pts.astype(int), '', 1) for pts in polys_ret]
textlines = list(filter(lambda q: q.area > 16, textlines))
return textlines, mask, None