# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only).
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Base class for the global alignement procedure
# --------------------------------------------------------
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import roma
from copy import deepcopy
import tqdm

from dust3r.utils.geometry import inv, geotrf
from dust3r.utils.device import to_numpy
from dust3r.utils.image import rgb
from dust3r.viz import SceneViz, segment_sky, auto_cam_size
from dust3r.optim_factory import adjust_learning_rate_by_lr

from dust3r.cloud_opt.commons import (edge_str, ALL_DISTS, NoGradParamDict, get_imshapes, signed_expm1, signed_log1p,
                                      cosine_schedule, linear_schedule, get_conf_trf)
import dust3r.cloud_opt.init_im_poses as init_fun

class BasePCOptimizer (nn.Module):
    """ Optimize a global scene, given a list of pairwise observations.
    Graph node: images
    Graph edges: observations = (pred1, pred2)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            other = deepcopy(args[0])
            attrs = '''edges is_symmetrized dist n_imgs pred_i pred_j imshapes 
                        min_conf_thr conf_thr conf_i conf_j im_conf
                        base_scale norm_pw_scale POSE_DIM pw_poses 
                        pw_adaptors pw_adaptors has_im_poses rand_pose imgs verbose'''.split()
            self.__dict__.update({k: other[k] for k in attrs})
            self._init_from_views(*args, **kwargs)

    def _init_from_views(self, view1, view2, pred1, pred2,
        if not isinstance(view1['idx'], list):
            view1['idx'] = view1['idx'].tolist()
        if not isinstance(view2['idx'], list):
            view2['idx'] = view2['idx'].tolist()
        self.edges = [(int(i), int(j)) for i, j in zip(view1['idx'], view2['idx'])]
        self.is_symmetrized = set(self.edges) == {(j, i) for i, j in self.edges}
        self.dist = ALL_DISTS[dist]
        self.verbose = verbose

        self.n_imgs = self._check_edges()

        # input data
        pred1_pts = pred1['pts3d']
        pred2_pts = pred2['pts3d_in_other_view']
        self.pred_i = NoGradParamDict({ij: pred1_pts[n] for n, ij in enumerate(self.str_edges)})
        self.pred_j = NoGradParamDict({ij: pred2_pts[n] for n, ij in enumerate(self.str_edges)})
        self.imshapes = get_imshapes(self.edges, pred1_pts, pred2_pts)

        # work in log-scale with conf
        pred1_conf = pred1['conf']
        pred2_conf = pred2['conf']
        self.min_conf_thr = min_conf_thr
        self.conf_trf = get_conf_trf(conf)

        self.conf_i = NoGradParamDict({ij: pred1_conf[n] for n, ij in enumerate(self.str_edges)})
        self.conf_j = NoGradParamDict({ij: pred2_conf[n] for n, ij in enumerate(self.str_edges)})
        self.im_conf = self._compute_img_conf(pred1_conf, pred2_conf)

        # pairwise pose parameters
        self.base_scale = base_scale
        self.norm_pw_scale = True
        self.pw_break = pw_break
        self.POSE_DIM = 7
        self.pw_poses = nn.Parameter(rand_pose((self.n_edges, 1+self.POSE_DIM)))  # pairwise poses
        self.pw_adaptors = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((self.n_edges, 2)))  # slight xy/z adaptation
        self.has_im_poses = False
        self.rand_pose = rand_pose

        # possibly store images for show_pointcloud
        self.imgs = None
        if 'img' in view1 and 'img' in view2:
            imgs = [torch.zeros((3,)+hw) for hw in self.imshapes]
            for v in range(len(self.edges)):
                idx = view1['idx'][v]
                imgs[idx] = view1['img'][v]
                idx = view2['idx'][v]
                imgs[idx] = view2['img'][v]
            self.imgs = rgb(imgs)

    def n_edges(self):
        return len(self.edges)

    def str_edges(self):
        return [edge_str(i, j) for i, j in self.edges]

    def imsizes(self):
        return [(w, h) for h, w in self.imshapes]

    def device(self):
        return next(iter(self.parameters())).device

    def state_dict(self, trainable=True):
        all_params = super().state_dict()
        return {k: v for k, v in all_params.items() if k.startswith(('_', 'pred_i.', 'pred_j.', 'conf_i.', 'conf_j.')) != trainable}

    def load_state_dict(self, data):
        return super().load_state_dict(self.state_dict(trainable=False) | data)

    def _check_edges(self):
        indices = sorted({i for edge in self.edges for i in edge})
        assert indices == list(range(len(indices))), 'bad pair indices: missing values '
        return len(indices)

    def _compute_img_conf(self, pred1_conf, pred2_conf):
        im_conf = nn.ParameterList([torch.zeros(hw, device=self.device) for hw in self.imshapes])
        for e, (i, j) in enumerate(self.edges):
            im_conf[i] = torch.maximum(im_conf[i], pred1_conf[e])
            im_conf[j] = torch.maximum(im_conf[j], pred2_conf[e])
        return im_conf

    def get_adaptors(self):
        adapt = self.pw_adaptors
        adapt = torch.cat((adapt[:, 0:1], adapt), dim=-1)  # (scale_xy, scale_xy, scale_z)
        if self.norm_pw_scale:  # normalize so that the product == 1
            adapt = adapt - adapt.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        return (adapt / self.pw_break).exp()

    def _get_poses(self, poses):
        # normalize rotation
        Q = poses[:, :4]
        T = signed_expm1(poses[:, 4:7])
        RT = roma.RigidUnitQuat(Q, T).normalize().to_homogeneous()
        return RT

    def _set_pose(self, poses, idx, R, T=None, scale=None, force=False):
        # all poses == cam-to-world
        pose = poses[idx]
        if not (pose.requires_grad or force):
            return pose

        if R.shape == (4, 4):
            assert T is None
            T = R[:3, 3]
            R = R[:3, :3]

        if R is not None:
            pose.data[0:4] = roma.rotmat_to_unitquat(R)
        if T is not None:
            pose.data[4:7] = signed_log1p(T / (scale or 1))  # translation is function of scale

        if scale is not None:
            assert poses.shape[-1] in (8, 13)
            pose.data[-1] = np.log(float(scale))
        return pose

    def get_pw_norm_scale_factor(self):
        if self.norm_pw_scale:
            # normalize scales so that things cannot go south
            # we want that exp(scale) ~= self.base_scale
            return (np.log(self.base_scale) - self.pw_poses[:, -1].mean()).exp()
            return 1  # don't norm scale for known poses

    def get_pw_scale(self):
        scale = self.pw_poses[:, -1].exp()  # (n_edges,)
        scale = scale * self.get_pw_norm_scale_factor()
        return scale

    def get_pw_poses(self):  # cam to world
        RT = self._get_poses(self.pw_poses)
        scaled_RT = RT.clone()
        scaled_RT[:, :3] *= self.get_pw_scale().view(-1, 1, 1)  # scale the rotation AND translation
        return scaled_RT

    def get_masks(self):
        return [(conf > self.min_conf_thr) for conf in self.im_conf]

    def depth_to_pts3d(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_pts3d(self, raw=False):
        res = self.depth_to_pts3d()
        if not raw:
            res = [dm[:h*w].view(h, w, 3) for dm, (h, w) in zip(res, self.imshapes)]
        return res

    def _set_focal(self, idx, focal, force=False):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_focals(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_known_focal_mask(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_principal_points(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_conf(self, mode=None):
        trf = self.conf_trf if mode is None else get_conf_trf(mode)
        return [trf(c) for c in self.im_conf]

    def get_im_poses(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _set_depthmap(self, idx, depth, force=False):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_depthmaps(self, raw=False):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def clean_pointcloud(self, tol=0.001, max_bad_conf=0):
        """ Method: 
        1) express all 3d points in each camera coordinate frame
        2) if they're in front of a depthmap --> then lower their confidence
        assert 0 <= tol < 1
        cams = inv(self.get_im_poses())
        K = self.get_intrinsics()
        depthmaps = self.get_depthmaps()
        res = deepcopy(self)

        for i, pts3d in enumerate(self.depth_to_pts3d()):
            for j in range(self.n_imgs):
                if i == j:

                # project 3dpts in other view
                Hi, Wi = self.imshapes[i]
                Hj, Wj = self.imshapes[j]
                proj = geotrf(cams[j], pts3d[:Hi*Wi]).reshape(Hi, Wi, 3)
                proj_depth = proj[:, :, 2]
                u, v = geotrf(K[j], proj, norm=1, ncol=2).round().long().unbind(-1)

                # check which points are actually in the visible cone
                msk_i = (proj_depth > 0) & (0 <= u) & (u < Wj) & (0 <= v) & (v < Hj)
                msk_j = v[msk_i], u[msk_i]

                # find bad points = those in front but less confident
                bad_points = (proj_depth[msk_i] < (1-tol) * depthmaps[j][msk_j]
                              ) & (res.im_conf[i][msk_i] < res.im_conf[j][msk_j])

                bad_msk_i = msk_i.clone()
                bad_msk_i[msk_i] = bad_points
                res.im_conf[i][bad_msk_i] = res.im_conf[i][bad_msk_i].clip_(max=max_bad_conf)

        return res

    def forward(self, ret_details=False):
        pw_poses = self.get_pw_poses()  # cam-to-world
        pw_adapt = self.get_adaptors()
        proj_pts3d = self.get_pts3d()
        # pre-compute pixel weights
        weight_i = {i_j: self.conf_trf(c) for i_j, c in self.conf_i.items()}
        weight_j = {i_j: self.conf_trf(c) for i_j, c in self.conf_j.items()}

        loss = 0
        if ret_details:
            details = -torch.ones((self.n_imgs, self.n_imgs))

        for e, (i, j) in enumerate(self.edges):
            i_j = edge_str(i, j)
            # distance in image i and j
            aligned_pred_i = geotrf(pw_poses[e], pw_adapt[e] * self.pred_i[i_j])
            aligned_pred_j = geotrf(pw_poses[e], pw_adapt[e] * self.pred_j[i_j])
            li = self.dist(proj_pts3d[i], aligned_pred_i, weight=weight_i[i_j]).mean()
            lj = self.dist(proj_pts3d[j], aligned_pred_j, weight=weight_j[i_j]).mean()
            loss = loss + li + lj

            if ret_details:
                details[i, j] = li + lj
        loss /= self.n_edges  # average over all pairs

        if ret_details:
            return loss, details
        return loss

    def get_mst_tree(self):
        return init_fun.init_minimum_spanning_tree(self, return_tree=True)

    def get_tsp(self):
        return init_fun.get_tsp(self)
    def compute_global_alignment(self, init=None, niter_PnP=10, **kw):
        if init is None:
        elif init == 'msp' or init == 'mst':
            init_fun.init_minimum_spanning_tree(self, niter_PnP=niter_PnP)
        elif init == 'known_poses':
            init_fun.init_from_known_poses(self, min_conf_thr=self.min_conf_thr,
            raise ValueError(f'bad value for {init=}')

        return global_alignment_loop(self, **kw)

    def mask_sky(self):
        res = deepcopy(self)
        for i in range(self.n_imgs):
            sky = segment_sky(self.imgs[i])
            res.im_conf[i][sky] = 0
        return res

    def show(self, show_pw_cams=False, show_pw_pts3d=False, cam_size=None, **kw):
        viz = SceneViz()
        if self.imgs is None:
            colors = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(self.n_imgs, 3))
            colors = list(map(tuple, colors.tolist()))
            for n in range(self.n_imgs):
                viz.add_pointcloud(self.get_pts3d()[n], colors[n], self.get_masks()[n])
            viz.add_pointcloud(self.get_pts3d(), self.imgs, self.get_masks())
            colors = np.random.randint(256, size=(self.n_imgs, 3))

        # camera poses
        im_poses = to_numpy(self.get_im_poses())
        if cam_size is None:
            cam_size = auto_cam_size(im_poses)
        viz.add_cameras(im_poses, self.get_focals(), colors=colors,
                        images=self.imgs, imsizes=self.imsizes, cam_size=cam_size)
        if show_pw_cams:
            pw_poses = self.get_pw_poses()
            viz.add_cameras(pw_poses, color=(192, 0, 192), cam_size=cam_size)

            if show_pw_pts3d:
                pts = [geotrf(pw_poses[e], self.pred_i[edge_str(i, j)]) for e, (i, j) in enumerate(self.edges)]
                viz.add_pointcloud(pts, (128, 0, 128))

        return viz

def global_alignment_loop(net, lr=0.01, niter=300, schedule='cosine', lr_min=1e-6):
    params = [p for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
    if not params:
        return net

    verbose = net.verbose
    if verbose:
        print('Global alignement - optimizing for:')
        print([name for name, value in net.named_parameters() if value.requires_grad])

    lr_base = lr
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=lr, betas=(0.9, 0.9))

    loss = float('inf')
    if verbose:
        with tqdm.tqdm(total=niter) as bar:
            while bar.n < bar.total:
                loss = global_alignment_iter(net, bar.n, niter, lr_base, lr_min, optimizer, schedule)
                bar.set_postfix_str(f'{lr=:g} loss={loss:g}')
        for n in range(niter):
            loss = global_alignment_iter(net, n, niter, lr_base, lr_min, optimizer, schedule)
    return loss

def global_alignment_iter(net, cur_iter, niter, lr_base, lr_min, optimizer, schedule):
    t = cur_iter / niter
    if schedule == 'cosine':
        lr = cosine_schedule(t, lr_base, lr_min)
    elif schedule == 'linear':
        lr = linear_schedule(t, lr_base, lr_min)
        raise ValueError(f'bad lr {schedule=}')
    adjust_learning_rate_by_lr(optimizer, lr)
    loss = net()

    return float(loss)