import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import re | |
import os | |
import cloudpickle | |
from transformers import (DebertaTokenizerFast, | |
TFAutoModelForTokenClassification, | |
BartTokenizerFast, | |
TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM) | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
import spacy | |
import streamlit as st | |
class NERLabelEncoder: | |
''' | |
Label Encoder to encode and decode the entity labels | |
''' | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.label_mapping = {'O': 0, | |
'B-geo': 1, | |
'I-geo': 2, | |
'B-gpe': 3, | |
'I-gpe': 4, | |
'B-per': 5, | |
'I-per': 6, | |
'B-org': 7, | |
'I-org': 8, | |
'B-tim': 9, | |
'I-tim': 10, | |
'B-art': 11, | |
'I-art': 12, | |
'B-nat': 13, | |
'I-nat': 14, | |
'B-eve': 15, | |
'I-eve': 16, | |
'[CLS]': -100, | |
'[SEP]': -100} | |
self.inverse_label_mapping = {} | |
def fit(self): | |
self.inverse_label_mapping = {value: key for key, value in self.label_mapping.items()} | |
return self | |
def transform(self, x: pd.Series): | |
x = | |
return x | |
def inverse_transform(self, x: pd.Series): | |
x = | |
return x | |
############ NER MODEL & VARS INITIALIZATION START #################### | |
NER_CHECKPOINT = "microsoft/deberta-base" | |
NER_N_TOKENS = 50 | |
NER_N_LABELS = 18 | |
NER_COLOR_MAP = {'GEO': '#DFFF00', 'GPE': '#FFBF00', 'PER': '#9FE2BF', | |
'ORG': '#40E0D0', 'TIM': '#CCCCFF', 'ART': '#FFC0CB', 'NAT': '#FFE4B5', 'EVE': '#DCDCDC'} | |
def load_ner_models(): | |
ner_model = TFAutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(NER_CHECKPOINT, num_labels=NER_N_LABELS, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.4, hidden_dropout_prob=0.4) | |
ner_model.load_weights(os.path.join("models", "general_ner_deberta_weights.h5"), by_name=True) | |
ner_label_encoder = NERLabelEncoder() | | | |
ner_tokenizer = DebertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(NER_CHECKPOINT, add_prefix_space=True) | |
nlp = spacy.load(os.path.join('.', 'en_core_web_sm-3.6.0')) | |
print('Loaded NER models') | |
return ner_model, ner_label_encoder, ner_tokenizer, nlp | |
ner_model, ner_label_encoder, ner_tokenizer, nlp = load_ner_models() | |
############ NER MODEL & VARS INITIALIZATION END #################### | |
############ NER LOGIC START #################### | |
def softmax(x): | |
return tf.exp(x) / tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.exp(x)) | |
def ner_process_output(res): | |
''' | |
Function to concatenate sub-word tokens, labels and | |
compute mean prediction probability of tokens | |
''' | |
d = {} | |
result = [] | |
pred_prob = [] | |
res.append(['-', 'B-b', 0]) | |
for n, i in enumerate(res): | |
try: | |
split = i[1].split('-') | |
token = i[0] | |
token_prob = i[2] | |
prefix, suffix = split | |
if prefix == 'B': | |
if len(d) != 0: | |
result.append([(re.sub(r"[^\x00-\x7F]+", '', token.replace("Ġ", " ").strip()), label, np.mean(pred_prob)) | |
for label, token in d.items()][0]) | |
d = {} | |
pred_prob = [] | |
pred_prob.append(token_prob) | |
d[suffix] = token | |
else: | |
d[suffix] = d[suffix] + token | |
pred_prob.append(token_prob) | |
except: | |
continue | |
return result | |
def ner_inference(txt): | |
''' | |
Function that returns model prediction and prediction probabitliy | |
''' | |
test_data = [txt] | |
# tokenizer = DebertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(NER_CHECKPOINT, add_prefix_space=True) | |
tokens = ner_tokenizer.tokenize(txt) | |
tokenized_data = ner_tokenizer(test_data, is_split_into_words=True, max_length=NER_N_TOKENS, | |
truncation=True, padding="max_length") | |
token_idx_to_consider = tokenized_data.word_ids() | |
token_idx_to_consider = [i for i in range(len(token_idx_to_consider)) if token_idx_to_consider[i] is not None] | |
input_ = [tokenized_data['input_ids'], tokenized_data['attention_mask']] | |
pred_logits = ner_model.predict(input_, verbose=0).logits[0] | |
pred_prob = tf.map_fn(softmax, pred_logits) | |
pred_idx = tf.argmax(pred_prob, axis=-1).numpy() | |
pred_idx = pred_idx[token_idx_to_consider] | |
pred_prob = tf.math.reduce_max(pred_prob, axis=-1).numpy() | |
pred_prob = np.round(pred_prob[token_idx_to_consider], 3) | |
pred_labels = ner_label_encoder.inverse_transform(pd.Series(pred_idx)) | |
result = [[token, label, prob] for token, label, | |
prob in zip(tokens, pred_labels, pred_prob) if label.find('-') >= 0] | |
output = ner_process_output(result) | |
return output | |
def ner_inference_long_text(txt): | |
entities = [] | |
doc = nlp(txt) | |
for sent in doc.sents: | |
entities.extend(ner_inference(sent.text)) | |
return entities | |
def get_ner_text(article_txt, ner_result): | |
res_txt = '' | |
start = 0 | |
prev_start = 0 | |
for i in ner_result: | |
try: | |
span = next(re.finditer(fr'{i[0]}', article_txt)).span() | |
start = span[0] | |
end = span[1] | |
res_txt += article_txt[prev_start:start] | |
repl_str = f'''<span style="background-color:{NER_COLOR_MAP[i[1]]}; border-radius: 3px">{article_txt[start:end].strip()} | |
<span style="font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle;"> | |
{i[1]} ({str(np.round(i[2], 3))})</span></span>''' | |
res_txt += article_txt[start:end].replace(article_txt[start:end], repl_str) | |
prev_start = 0 | |
article_txt = article_txt[end:] | |
except: | |
continue | |
res_txt += article_txt | |
return res_txt | |
############ NER LOGIC END #################### | |
############ SUMMARIZATION MODEL & VARS INITIALIZATION START #################### | |
SUMM_CHECKPOINT = "facebook/bart-base" | |
def load_summarizer_models(): | |
summ_tokenizer = BartTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(SUMM_CHECKPOINT) | |
summ_model = TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(SUMM_CHECKPOINT) | |
summ_model.load_weights(os.path.join("models", "bart_en_summarizer.h5"), by_name=True) | |
print('Loaded summarizer models') | |
return summ_tokenizer, summ_model | |
summ_tokenizer, summ_model = load_summarizer_models() | |
def summ_preprocess(txt): | |
txt = re.sub(r'^By \. [\w\s]+ \. ', ' ', txt) # By . Ellie Zolfagharifard . | |
txt = re.sub(r'\d{1,2}\:\d\d [a-zA-Z]{3}', ' ', txt) # 10:30 EST | |
txt = re.sub(r'\d{1,2} [a-zA-Z]+ \d{4}', ' ', txt) # 10 November 1990 | |
txt = txt.replace('PUBLISHED:', ' ') | |
txt = txt.replace('UPDATED', ' ') | |
txt = re.sub(r' [\,\.\:\'\;\|] ', ' ', txt) # remove puncts with spaces before and after | |
txt = txt.replace(' : ', ' ') | |
txt = txt.replace('(CNN)', ' ') | |
txt = txt.replace('--', ' ') | |
txt = re.sub(r'^\s*[\,\.\:\'\;\|]', ' ', txt) # remove puncts at beginning of sent | |
txt = re.sub(r' [\,\.\:\'\;\|] ', ' ', txt) # remove puncts with spaces before and after | |
txt = re.sub(r'\n+',' ', txt) | |
txt = " ".join(txt.split()) | |
return txt | |
def summ_inference_tokenize(input_: list, n_tokens: int): | |
tokenized_data = summ_tokenizer(text=input_, max_length=SUMM_TARGET_N_TOKENS, truncation=True, padding="max_length", return_tensors="tf") | |
return summ_tokenizer, tokenized_data | |
def summ_inference(txt: str): | |
txt = summ_preprocess(txt) | |
test_data = [txt] | |
inference_tokenizer, tokenized_data = summ_inference_tokenize(input_=test_data, n_tokens=SUMM_INPUT_N_TOKENS) | |
pred = summ_model.generate(**tokenized_data, max_new_tokens=SUMM_TARGET_N_TOKENS) | |
result = inference_tokenizer.decode(pred[0]) | |
result = re.sub("<.*?>", "", result).strip() | |
return result | |
############ SUMMARIZATION MODEL & VARS INITIALIZATION END #################### | |
############## ENTRY POINT START ####################### | |
def main(): | |
st.markdown('''<h3>Text Summarizer</h3> | |
#<p><a href="" target="_blank">README</a></p>''', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
article_txt = st.text_area("Paste the text (the longer, the better):", "", height=200) | |
article_txt = re.sub(r'\n+',' ', article_txt) | |
if st.button("Submit"): | |
ner_result = [[ent, label.upper(), np.round(prob, 3)] | |
for ent, label, prob in ner_inference_long_text(article_txt)] | |
ner_df = pd.DataFrame(ner_result, columns=['entity', 'label', 'confidence']) | |
summ_result = summ_inference(article_txt) | |
ner_txt = get_ner_text(article_txt, ner_result).replace('$', '\$') | |
st.markdown(f"<h4>SUMMARY:</h4>{summ_result}", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
############## ENTRY POINT END ####################### | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |