import pathlib import re import feedparser from src.engine import SearchAPI from src.interfaces import Paper from src.utils import download class ArxivPaperList(SearchAPI): """arXiv API Inputs: cache_filepath: Filepath to save cached file use_cache: will use cached file if `True` raw: Raw api query, e.g. `cat:cs.CL AND ti:event`. If set, others will be disabled title: String of title you wanna search author: Author string abstract: Abstract string comment: Comment string category: arXiv category, e.g. "cs.CL" max_results: Maximal returned papers sort_by: `submittedDate` (default) or `lastUpdatedDate` sort_order: `descending` (default) or `ascending` Doc: prefix explanation - ti Title - au Author - abs Abstract - co Comment - jr Journal Reference - cat Subject Category - rn Report Number - id Id (use id_list instead) - all All of the above logics: - AND - OR - ANDNOT symbol encoding explanation - ( ) %28 %29 Used to group Boolean expressions for Boolean operator precedence. - double quotes %22 %22 Used to group multiple words into phrases to search a particular field. - space + Used to extend a search_query to include multiple fields. e.g. References: """ API_URL = "" def __init__( self, cache_filepath: str | pathlib.Path, use_cache: bool = False, raw: str = "", title: str = "", author: str = "", abstract: str = "", comment: str = "", category: str = "cs.CL", max_results: int = 5000, sort_by: str = "submittedDate", sort_order: str = "descending", ) -> None: super().__init__() if isinstance(cache_filepath, str): cache_filepath = pathlib.Path(cache_filepath) if (not cache_filepath.exists()) or (not use_cache): cache_filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) query: str = "" if raw: query = raw else: if title: if len(query) > 0: query += " AND " query += f"ti:{title.strip()}" if author: if len(query) > 0: query += " AND " query += f"au:{author.strip()}" if abstract: if len(query) > 0: query += " AND " query += f"abs:{abstract.strip()}" if comment: if len(query) > 0: query += " AND " query += f"co:{comment.strip()}" if category: if len(query) > 0: query += " AND " query += f"cat:{category.strip()}" query = query.strip().replace(" ", "+") query = query.replace("(", "%28") query = query.replace(")", "%29") query = query.replace('"', "%22") url = f"{self.API_URL}{query}&start=0&max_results={max_results}&sortBy={sort_by}&sortOrder={sort_order}" download(url, cache_filepath) feed_string ="rt", encoding="utf8").read() feed = feedparser.parse(feed_string) for entry in feed.entries: author = "" if hasattr(entry, "authors"): author = " , ".join( for author in entry.authors) url = "" doi = "" for link in entry.links: if link.rel == "alternate": url = link.href if "doi" in link.href: doi = link.href if not url: url = entry.links[0].href if sort_by == "submittedDate": date = entry.published_parsed else: date = entry.updated_parsed title = re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", " ", entry.title, flags=re.MULTILINE).strip() abstract = re.sub( r"[\s\n]+", " ", entry.summary, flags=re.MULTILINE ).strip() paper = Paper( title, author, abstract, url, doi, " , ".join([t["term"] for t in entry.tags]), str(date.tm_year), str(date.tm_mon), ) self.papers.append(paper) @staticmethod def build_logic_string(req: list[list[str]]) -> str: if not req: return "" tmp_strings = [] for and_strs in req: tmp_strings.append(f"({' AND '.join(and_strs)})") logic_string = " OR ".join(tmp_strings) return logic_string @classmethod def build_paper_list( cls, cache_filepath: str, query: dict, max_results: int = 5000 ): title = query.get("title", []) ti_string = cls.build_logic_string(title) author = query.get("author", []) au_string = cls.build_logic_string(author) abstract = query.get("abstract", []) abs_string = cls.build_logic_string(abstract) venue = query.get("venue", []) # only subject category is used when caching if venue: cat_string = venue[0] else: cat_string = "" return cls( cache_filepath, use_cache=False, title=ti_string, author=au_string, abstract=abs_string, category=cat_string, max_results=max_results, ) @classmethod def build_and_search( cls, cache_filepath: str, query: dict, max_results: int = -1 ) -> list[Paper]: obj = cls.build_paper_list(cache_filepath, query, max_results=max_results) return[:max_results]