Configuration error
Configuration error
import os | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from utils.general import xywh2xyxy | |
from utils.metrics import bbox_iou | |
from utils.tal.anchor_generator import dist2bbox, make_anchors, bbox2dist | |
from utils.tal.assigner import TaskAlignedAssigner | |
from utils.torch_utils import de_parallel | |
def smooth_BCE(eps=0.1): # | |
# return positive, negative label smoothing BCE targets | |
return 1.0 - 0.5 * eps, 0.5 * eps | |
class VarifocalLoss(nn.Module): | |
# Varifocal loss by Zhang et al. | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
def forward(self, pred_score, gt_score, label, alpha=0.75, gamma=2.0): | |
weight = alpha * pred_score.sigmoid().pow(gamma) * (1 - label) + gt_score * label | |
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False): | |
loss = (F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred_score.float(), gt_score.float(), | |
reduction="none") * weight).sum() | |
return loss | |
class FocalLoss(nn.Module): | |
# Wraps focal loss around existing loss_fcn(), i.e. criteria = FocalLoss(nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), gamma=1.5) | |
def __init__(self, loss_fcn, gamma=1.5, alpha=0.25): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.loss_fcn = loss_fcn # must be nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() | |
self.gamma = gamma | |
self.alpha = alpha | |
self.reduction = loss_fcn.reduction | |
self.loss_fcn.reduction = "none" # required to apply FL to each element | |
def forward(self, pred, true): | |
loss = self.loss_fcn(pred, true) | |
# p_t = torch.exp(-loss) | |
# loss *= self.alpha * (1.000001 - p_t) ** self.gamma # non-zero power for gradient stability | |
# TF implementation | |
pred_prob = torch.sigmoid(pred) # prob from logits | |
p_t = true * pred_prob + (1 - true) * (1 - pred_prob) | |
alpha_factor = true * self.alpha + (1 - true) * (1 - self.alpha) | |
modulating_factor = (1.0 - p_t) ** self.gamma | |
loss *= alpha_factor * modulating_factor | |
if self.reduction == "mean": | |
return loss.mean() | |
elif self.reduction == "sum": | |
return loss.sum() | |
else: # 'none' | |
return loss | |
class BboxLoss(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, reg_max, use_dfl=False): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.reg_max = reg_max | |
self.use_dfl = use_dfl | |
def forward(self, pred_dist, pred_bboxes, anchor_points, target_bboxes, target_scores, target_scores_sum, fg_mask): | |
# iou loss | |
bbox_mask = fg_mask.unsqueeze(-1).repeat([1, 1, 4]) # (b, h*w, 4) | |
pred_bboxes_pos = torch.masked_select(pred_bboxes, bbox_mask).view(-1, 4) | |
target_bboxes_pos = torch.masked_select(target_bboxes, bbox_mask).view(-1, 4) | |
bbox_weight = torch.masked_select(target_scores.sum(-1), fg_mask).unsqueeze(-1) | |
iou = bbox_iou(pred_bboxes_pos, target_bboxes_pos, xywh=False, CIoU=True) | |
loss_iou = 1.0 - iou | |
loss_iou *= bbox_weight | |
loss_iou = loss_iou.sum() / target_scores_sum | |
# dfl loss | |
if self.use_dfl: | |
dist_mask = fg_mask.unsqueeze(-1).repeat([1, 1, (self.reg_max + 1) * 4]) | |
pred_dist_pos = torch.masked_select(pred_dist, dist_mask).view(-1, 4, self.reg_max + 1) | |
target_ltrb = bbox2dist(anchor_points, target_bboxes, self.reg_max) | |
target_ltrb_pos = torch.masked_select(target_ltrb, bbox_mask).view(-1, 4) | |
loss_dfl = self._df_loss(pred_dist_pos, target_ltrb_pos) * bbox_weight | |
loss_dfl = loss_dfl.sum() / target_scores_sum | |
else: | |
loss_dfl = torch.tensor(0.0).to(pred_dist.device) | |
return loss_iou, loss_dfl, iou | |
def _df_loss(self, pred_dist, target): | |
target_left = | |
target_right = target_left + 1 | |
weight_left = - target | |
weight_right = 1 - weight_left | |
loss_left = F.cross_entropy(pred_dist.view(-1, self.reg_max + 1), target_left.view(-1), reduction="none").view( | |
target_left.shape) * weight_left | |
loss_right = F.cross_entropy(pred_dist.view(-1, self.reg_max + 1), target_right.view(-1), | |
reduction="none").view(target_left.shape) * weight_right | |
return (loss_left + loss_right).mean(-1, keepdim=True) | |
class ComputeLoss: | |
# Compute losses | |
def __init__(self, model, use_dfl=True): | |
device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device | |
h = model.hyp # hyperparameters | |
# Define criteria | |
BCEcls = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.tensor([h["cls_pw"]], device=device), reduction='none') | |
# Class label smoothing eqn 3 | |
self.cp, = smooth_BCE(eps=h.get("label_smoothing", 0.0)) # positive, negative BCE targets | |
# Focal loss | |
g = h["fl_gamma"] # focal loss gamma | |
if g > 0: | |
BCEcls = FocalLoss(BCEcls, g) | |
m = de_parallel(model).model[-1] # Detect() module | |
self.balance = {3: [4.0, 1.0, 0.4]}.get(, [4.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.06, 0.02]) # P3-P7 | |
self.BCEcls = BCEcls | |
self.hyp = h | |
self.stride = m.stride # model strides | | = # number of classes | | = # number of layers | | = | |
self.reg_max = m.reg_max | |
self.device = device | |
self.assigner = TaskAlignedAssigner(topk=int(os.getenv('YOLOM', 10)), | |, | |
alpha=float(os.getenv('YOLOA', 0.5)), | |
beta=float(os.getenv('YOLOB', 6.0))) | |
self.assigner2 = TaskAlignedAssigner(topk=int(os.getenv('YOLOM', 10)), | |, | |
alpha=float(os.getenv('YOLOA', 0.5)), | |
beta=float(os.getenv('YOLOB', 6.0))) | |
self.bbox_loss = BboxLoss(m.reg_max - 1, use_dfl=use_dfl).to(device) | |
self.bbox_loss2 = BboxLoss(m.reg_max - 1, use_dfl=use_dfl).to(device) | |
self.proj = torch.arange(m.reg_max).float().to(device) # / 120.0 | |
self.use_dfl = use_dfl | |
def preprocess(self, targets, batch_size, scale_tensor): | |
if targets.shape[0] == 0: | |
out = torch.zeros(batch_size, 0, 5, device=self.device) | |
else: | |
i = targets[:, 0] # image index | |
_, counts = i.unique(return_counts=True) | |
out = torch.zeros(batch_size, counts.max(), 5, device=self.device) | |
for j in range(batch_size): | |
matches = i == j | |
n = matches.sum() | |
if n: | |
out[j, :n] = targets[matches, 1:] | |
out[..., 1:5] = xywh2xyxy(out[..., 1:5].mul_(scale_tensor)) | |
return out | |
def bbox_decode(self, anchor_points, pred_dist): | |
if self.use_dfl: | |
b, a, c = pred_dist.shape # batch, anchors, channels | |
pred_dist = pred_dist.view(b, a, 4, c // 4).softmax(3).matmul(self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype)) | |
# pred_dist = pred_dist.view(b, a, c // 4, 4).transpose(2,3).softmax(3).matmul(self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype)) | |
# pred_dist = (pred_dist.view(b, a, c // 4, 4).softmax(2) * self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype).view(1, 1, -1, 1)).sum(2) | |
return dist2bbox(pred_dist, anchor_points, xywh=False) | |
def __call__(self, p, targets, img=None, epoch=0): | |
loss = torch.zeros(3, device=self.device) # box, cls, dfl | |
feats = p[1][0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p[0] | |
feats2 = p[1][1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p[1] | |
pred_distri, pred_scores =[xi.view(feats[0].shape[0],, -1) for xi in feats], 2).split( | |
(self.reg_max * 4,, 1) | |
pred_scores = pred_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri = pred_distri.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri2, pred_scores2 =[xi.view(feats2[0].shape[0],, -1) for xi in feats2], 2).split( | |
(self.reg_max * 4,, 1) | |
pred_scores2 = pred_scores2.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri2 = pred_distri2.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
dtype = pred_scores.dtype | |
batch_size, grid_size = pred_scores.shape[:2] | |
imgsz = torch.tensor(feats[0].shape[2:], device=self.device, dtype=dtype) * self.stride[0] # image size (h,w) | |
anchor_points, stride_tensor = make_anchors(feats, self.stride, 0.5) | |
# targets | |
targets = self.preprocess(targets, batch_size, scale_tensor=imgsz[[1, 0, 1, 0]]) | |
gt_labels, gt_bboxes = targets.split((1, 4), 2) # cls, xyxy | |
mask_gt = gt_bboxes.sum(2, keepdim=True).gt_(0) | |
# pboxes | |
pred_bboxes = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri) # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4) | |
pred_bboxes2 = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri2) # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4) | |
target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask = self.assigner( | |
pred_scores.detach().sigmoid(), | |
(pred_bboxes.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype), | |
anchor_points * stride_tensor, | |
gt_labels, | |
gt_bboxes, | |
mask_gt) | |
target_labels2, target_bboxes2, target_scores2, fg_mask2 = self.assigner2( | |
pred_scores2.detach().sigmoid(), | |
(pred_bboxes2.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype), | |
anchor_points * stride_tensor, | |
gt_labels, | |
gt_bboxes, | |
mask_gt) | |
target_bboxes /= stride_tensor | |
target_scores_sum = max(target_scores.sum(), 1) | |
target_bboxes2 /= stride_tensor | |
target_scores_sum2 = max(target_scores2.sum(), 1) | |
# cls loss | |
# loss[1] = self.varifocal_loss(pred_scores, target_scores, target_labels) / target_scores_sum # VFL way | |
loss[1] = self.BCEcls(pred_scores, / target_scores_sum # BCE | |
loss[1] *= 0.25 | |
loss[1] += self.BCEcls(pred_scores2, / target_scores_sum2 # BCE | |
# bbox loss | |
if fg_mask.sum(): | |
loss[0], loss[2], iou = self.bbox_loss(pred_distri, | |
pred_bboxes, | |
anchor_points, | |
target_bboxes, | |
target_scores, | |
target_scores_sum, | |
fg_mask) | |
loss[0] *= 0.25 | |
loss[2] *= 0.25 | |
if fg_mask2.sum(): | |
loss0_, loss2_, iou2 = self.bbox_loss2(pred_distri2, | |
pred_bboxes2, | |
anchor_points, | |
target_bboxes2, | |
target_scores2, | |
target_scores_sum2, | |
fg_mask2) | |
loss[0] += loss0_ | |
loss[2] += loss2_ | |
loss[0] *= 7.5 # box gain | |
loss[1] *= 0.5 # cls gain | |
loss[2] *= 1.5 # dfl gain | |
return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach() # loss(box, cls, dfl) | |
class ComputeLossLH: | |
# Compute losses | |
def __init__(self, model, use_dfl=True): | |
device = next(model.parameters()).device # get model device | |
h = model.hyp # hyperparameters | |
# Define criteria | |
BCEcls = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.tensor([h["cls_pw"]], device=device), reduction='none') | |
# Class label smoothing eqn 3 | |
self.cp, = smooth_BCE(eps=h.get("label_smoothing", 0.0)) # positive, negative BCE targets | |
# Focal loss | |
g = h["fl_gamma"] # focal loss gamma | |
if g > 0: | |
BCEcls = FocalLoss(BCEcls, g) | |
m = de_parallel(model).model[-1] # Detect() module | |
self.balance = {3: [4.0, 1.0, 0.4]}.get(, [4.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.06, 0.02]) # P3-P7 | |
self.BCEcls = BCEcls | |
self.hyp = h | |
self.stride = m.stride # model strides | | = # number of classes | | = # number of layers | | = | |
self.reg_max = m.reg_max | |
self.device = device | |
self.assigner = TaskAlignedAssigner(topk=int(os.getenv('YOLOM', 10)), | |, | |
alpha=float(os.getenv('YOLOA', 0.5)), | |
beta=float(os.getenv('YOLOB', 6.0))) | |
self.bbox_loss = BboxLoss(m.reg_max - 1, use_dfl=use_dfl).to(device) | |
self.proj = torch.arange(m.reg_max).float().to(device) # / 120.0 | |
self.use_dfl = use_dfl | |
def preprocess(self, targets, batch_size, scale_tensor): | |
if targets.shape[0] == 0: | |
out = torch.zeros(batch_size, 0, 5, device=self.device) | |
else: | |
i = targets[:, 0] # image index | |
_, counts = i.unique(return_counts=True) | |
out = torch.zeros(batch_size, counts.max(), 5, device=self.device) | |
for j in range(batch_size): | |
matches = i == j | |
n = matches.sum() | |
if n: | |
out[j, :n] = targets[matches, 1:] | |
out[..., 1:5] = xywh2xyxy(out[..., 1:5].mul_(scale_tensor)) | |
return out | |
def bbox_decode(self, anchor_points, pred_dist): | |
if self.use_dfl: | |
b, a, c = pred_dist.shape # batch, anchors, channels | |
pred_dist = pred_dist.view(b, a, 4, c // 4).softmax(3).matmul(self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype)) | |
# pred_dist = pred_dist.view(b, a, c // 4, 4).transpose(2,3).softmax(3).matmul(self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype)) | |
# pred_dist = (pred_dist.view(b, a, c // 4, 4).softmax(2) * self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype).view(1, 1, -1, 1)).sum(2) | |
return dist2bbox(pred_dist, anchor_points, xywh=False) | |
def __call__(self, p, targets, img=None, epoch=0): | |
loss = torch.zeros(3, device=self.device) # box, cls, dfl | |
feats = p[1][0] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p[0] | |
feats2 = p[1][1] if isinstance(p, tuple) else p[1] | |
pred_distri, pred_scores =[xi.view(feats[0].shape[0],, -1) for xi in feats], 2).split( | |
(self.reg_max * 4,, 1) | |
pred_scores = pred_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri = pred_distri.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri2, pred_scores2 =[xi.view(feats2[0].shape[0],, -1) for xi in feats2], 2).split( | |
(self.reg_max * 4,, 1) | |
pred_scores2 = pred_scores2.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
pred_distri2 = pred_distri2.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() | |
dtype = pred_scores.dtype | |
batch_size, grid_size = pred_scores.shape[:2] | |
imgsz = torch.tensor(feats[0].shape[2:], device=self.device, dtype=dtype) * self.stride[0] # image size (h,w) | |
anchor_points, stride_tensor = make_anchors(feats, self.stride, 0.5) | |
# targets | |
targets = self.preprocess(targets, batch_size, scale_tensor=imgsz[[1, 0, 1, 0]]) | |
gt_labels, gt_bboxes = targets.split((1, 4), 2) # cls, xyxy | |
mask_gt = gt_bboxes.sum(2, keepdim=True).gt_(0) | |
# pboxes | |
pred_bboxes = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri) # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4) | |
pred_bboxes2 = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri2) # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4) | |
target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask = self.assigner( | |
pred_scores2.detach().sigmoid(), | |
(pred_bboxes2.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype), | |
anchor_points * stride_tensor, | |
gt_labels, | |
gt_bboxes, | |
mask_gt) | |
target_bboxes /= stride_tensor | |
target_scores_sum = target_scores.sum() | |
# cls loss | |
# loss[1] = self.varifocal_loss(pred_scores, target_scores, target_labels) / target_scores_sum # VFL way | |
loss[1] = self.BCEcls(pred_scores, / target_scores_sum # BCE | |
loss[1] *= 0.25 | |
loss[1] += self.BCEcls(pred_scores2, / target_scores_sum # BCE | |
# bbox loss | |
if fg_mask.sum(): | |
loss[0], loss[2], iou = self.bbox_loss(pred_distri, | |
pred_bboxes, | |
anchor_points, | |
target_bboxes, | |
target_scores, | |
target_scores_sum, | |
fg_mask) | |
loss[0] *= 0.25 | |
loss[2] *= 0.25 | |
if fg_mask.sum(): | |
loss0_, loss2_, iou2 = self.bbox_loss(pred_distri2, | |
pred_bboxes2, | |
anchor_points, | |
target_bboxes, | |
target_scores, | |
target_scores_sum, | |
fg_mask) | |
loss[0] += loss0_ | |
loss[2] += loss2_ | |
loss[0] *= 7.5 # box gain | |
loss[1] *= 0.5 # cls gain | |
loss[2] *= 1.5 # dfl gain | |
return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach() # loss(box, cls, dfl) | |