Upload 6 files
Browse files- +78 -6
- +260 -0
- config/data.yaml +105 -0
- models/ +3 -0
- models/ +3 -0
- requirements.txt +10 -0
@@ -1,13 +1,85 @@
1 |
2 |
title: License Plate
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
sdk: streamlit
7 |
sdk_version: 1.
8 |
9 |
pinned: false
10 |
short_description: License plate detection
11 |
12 |
13 |
Check out the configuration reference at
1 |
2 |
3 |
title: Thai License Plate Detection V1.2
4 |
emoji: 🚗
5 |
colorFrom: blue
6 |
colorTo: green
7 |
sdk: streamlit
8 |
sdk_version: "1.29.0"
9 |
10 |
pinned: false
11 |
12 |
13 |
Check out the configuration reference at
14 |
15 |
# Thai License Plate Recognition App
16 |
17 |
This Streamlit application performs Thai license plate detection and recognition using deep learning models.
18 |
19 |
## Features
20 |
21 |
- License plate detection using YOLO
22 |
- Character recognition for Thai license plates
23 |
- Province name detection and recognition
24 |
- Real-time processing with visual feedback
25 |
- User-friendly web interface
26 |
27 |
## Setup
28 |
29 |
1. Install the required dependencies:
30 |
31 |
pip install -r requirements.txt
32 |
33 |
34 |
2. Download the required model files and place them in the `models` directory:
35 |
- `` - YOLO model for license plate detection
36 |
- `` - YOLO model for character recognition
37 |
38 |
3. Ensure the configuration file `config/data.yaml` is present with character mappings.
39 |
40 |
## Running the Application
41 |
42 |
To run the application:
43 |
44 |
45 |
streamlit run
46 |
47 |
48 |
The application will be available at `http://localhost:8501` by default.
49 |
50 |
## Usage
51 |
52 |
1. Open the application in your web browser
53 |
2. Click the "Choose an image..." button to upload an image containing a Thai license plate
54 |
3. Wait for the processing to complete
55 |
4. View the results:
56 |
- Detected license plate number
57 |
- Detected province name
58 |
- Visual detection results
59 |
60 |
## Models
61 |
62 |
The application uses three main models:
63 |
1. YOLO model for license plate detection
64 |
2. YOLO model for character recognition
65 |
3. TrOCR model for province text recognition (automatically downloaded)
66 |
67 |
## Directory Structure
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
├── requirements.txt
73 |
74 |
├── models/
75 |
│ ├──
76 |
│ └──
77 |
└── config/
78 |
└── data.yaml
79 |
80 |
81 |
## Notes
82 |
83 |
- The application requires an internet connection for the first run to download the TrOCR model
84 |
- Supported image formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG
85 |
- For optimal results, ensure the license plate is clearly visible in the image
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
1 |
import streamlit as st
2 |
from PIL import Image
3 |
import cv2
4 |
import numpy as np
5 |
from transformers import TrOCRProcessor, VisionEncoderDecoderModel
6 |
from ultralytics import YOLO
7 |
import Levenshtein
8 |
import yaml
9 |
import os
10 |
import io
11 |
import tempfile
12 |
import torchvision
13 |
14 |
15 |
class LicensePlateProcessor:
16 |
def __init__(self):
17 |
# Load models for plate detection
18 |
self.yolo_detector = YOLO('models/') # For plate detection
19 |
self.char_reader = YOLO('models/') # For character reading
20 |
21 |
# Load TrOCR for province detection
22 |
self.processor_plate = TrOCRProcessor.from_pretrained('openthaigpt/thai-trocr')
23 |
self.model_plate = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained('openthaigpt/thai-trocr')
24 |
25 |
# Load character mapping from yaml
26 |
with open('config/data.yaml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
27 |
data_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
28 |
self.char_mapping = data_config.get('char_mapping', {})
29 |
self.names = data_config['names']
30 |
31 |
# Load province list
32 |
self.thai_provinces = [
33 |
"กรุงเทพมหานคร", "กระบี่", "กาญจนบุรี", "กาฬสินธุ์", "กำแพงเพชร", "ขอนแก่น",
34 |
"จันทบุรี", "ฉะเชิงเทรา", "ชลบุรี", "ชัยนาท", "ชัยภูมิ", "ชุมพร", "เชียงราย",
35 |
"เชียงใหม่", "ตรัง", "ตราด", "ตาก", "นครนายก", "นครปฐม", "นครพนม", "นครราชสีมา",
36 |
"นครศรีธรรมราช", "นครสวรรค์", "นราธิวาส", "น่าน", "บึงกาฬ", "บุรีรัมย์", "ปทุมธานี",
37 |
"ประจวบคีรีขันธ์", "ปราจีนบุรี", "ปัตตานี", "พะเยา", "พังงา", "พัทลุง", "พิจิตร",
38 |
"พิษณุโลก", "เพชรบูรณ์", "เพชรบุรี", "แพร่", "ภูเก็ต", "มหาสารคาม", "มุกดาหาร",
39 |
"แม่ฮ่องสอน", "ยโสธร", "ยะลา", "ร้อยเอ็ด", "ระนอง", "ระยอง", "ราชบุรี", "ลพบุรี",
40 |
"ลำปาง", "ลำพูน", "เลย", "ศรีสะเกษ", "สกลนคร", "สงขลา", "สมุทรปราการ", "สมุทรสงคราม",
41 |
"สมุทรสาคร", "สระแก้ว", "สระบุรี", "สิงห์บุรี", "สุโขทัย", "สุพรรณบุรี", "สุราษฎร์ธานี",
42 |
"สุรินทร์", "หนองคาย", "หนองบัวลำภู", "อำนาจเจริญ", "อุดรธานี", "อุทัยธานี",
43 |
"อุบลราชธานี", "อ่างทอง"
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
def _map_class_to_char(self, class_name):
49 |
"""Map class to character using yaml mapping"""
50 |
if str(class_name) in self.char_mapping:
51 |
return self.char_mapping[str(class_name)]
52 |
return str(class_name)
53 |
54 |
def get_closest_province(self, input_text):
55 |
"""Find closest matching province"""
56 |
min_distance = float('inf')
57 |
closest_province = None
58 |
59 |
for province in self.thai_provinces:
60 |
distance = Levenshtein.distance(input_text, province)
61 |
if distance < min_distance:
62 |
min_distance = distance
63 |
closest_province = province
64 |
65 |
return closest_province, min_distance
66 |
67 |
def read_plate_characters(self, plate_image):
68 |
"""Read characters from plate image"""
69 |
results = self.char_reader.predict(plate_image, conf=0.3)
70 |
71 |
detections = []
72 |
for r in results:
73 |
boxes = r.boxes
74 |
for box in boxes:
75 |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, box.xyxy[0])
76 |
confidence = float(box.conf[0])
77 |
class_id = int(box.cls[0])
78 |
79 |
mapped_char = self._map_class_to_char(self.names[class_id])
80 |
81 |
82 |
'char': mapped_char,
83 |
'confidence': confidence,
84 |
'bbox': (x1, y1, x2, y2)
85 |
86 |
87 |
# Sort detections left to right
88 |
detections.sort(key=lambda x: x['bbox'][0])
89 |
90 |
# Combine characters
91 |
plate_text = ''.join(det['char'] for det in detections)
92 |
return plate_text
93 |
94 |
def process_image(self, image_path: str):
95 |
96 |
# Read image
97 |
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
98 |
if image is None:
99 |
print(f"Error: Could not read image from {image_path}")
100 |
return None
101 |
102 |
# Detect license plate location
103 |
results = self.yolo_detector(image)
104 |
105 |
data = {"plate_number": "", "province": "", "raw_province": ""}
106 |
107 |
# Save visualization
108 |
output_image = image.copy()
109 |
110 |
for result in results:
111 |
for box in result.boxes:
112 |
confidence = float(box.conf)
113 |
if confidence < self.CONF_THRESHOLD:
114 |
115 |
116 |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, box.xyxy.flatten())
117 |
cropped_image = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
118 |
119 |
# Draw rectangle on output image
120 |
color = (0, 255, 0) if int(box.cls.item()) == 0 else (255, 0, 0)
121 |
cv2.rectangle(output_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, 2)
122 |
123 |
if int(box.cls.item()) == 0: # License plate number
124 |
# Read characters using YOLO character reader
125 |
data["plate_number"] = self.read_plate_characters(cropped_image)
126 |
127 |
elif int(box.cls.item()) == 1: # Province
128 |
# Process province using TrOCR
129 |
cropped_image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cropped_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
130 |
equalized_image = cv2.equalizeHist(cropped_image_gray)
131 |
_, thresh_image = cv2.threshold(equalized_image, 65, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
132 |
cropped_image_3d = cv2.cvtColor(thresh_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
133 |
resized_image = cv2.resize(cropped_image_3d, (128, 32))
134 |
135 |
pixel_values = self.processor_plate(resized_image, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values
136 |
generated_ids = self.model_plate.generate(pixel_values)
137 |
generated_text = self.processor_plate.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
138 |
139 |
generated_province, _ = self.get_closest_province(generated_text)
140 |
data["raw_province"] = generated_text
141 |
data["province"] = generated_province
142 |
143 |
# Save the output image
144 |
cv2.imwrite('output_detection.jpg', output_image)
145 |
return data
146 |
147 |
except Exception as e:
148 |
print(f"Error processing image: {str(e)}")
149 |
return None
150 |
151 |
def main():
152 |
153 |
page_title="Thai License Plate Recognition",
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
st.title("Thai License Plate Recognition")
158 |
st.write("Upload an image to detect and read Thai license plates")
159 |
160 |
# Initialize processor
161 |
162 |
def load_processor():
163 |
return LicensePlateProcessor()
164 |
165 |
processor = load_processor()
166 |
167 |
# File uploader
168 |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"])
169 |
170 |
if uploaded_file is not None:
171 |
# Create columns for side-by-side display
172 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
173 |
174 |
# Display original image
175 |
with col1:
176 |
st.subheader("Original Image")
177 |
image =
178 |
st.image(image, use_column_width=True)
179 |
180 |
# Convert PIL Image to OpenCV format for processing
181 |
image_array = np.array(image)
182 |
if len(image_array.shape) == 3 and image_array.shape[2] == 4:
183 |
# Convert RGBA to RGB if needed
184 |
image_array = cv2.cvtColor(image_array, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)
185 |
image_cv = cv2.cvtColor(image_array, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
186 |
187 |
# Process image
188 |
with st.spinner("Processing image..."):
189 |
190 |
# Save the OpenCV image for processing
191 |
temp_path = 'temp_input.jpg'
192 |
cv2.imwrite(temp_path, image_cv)
193 |
194 |
# Process the image using the processor
195 |
results = processor.process_image(temp_path)
196 |
197 |
# Clean up temporary input file
198 |
199 |
200 |
if results:
201 |
# Display results
202 |
st.subheader("Detection Results")
203 |
204 |
# Create a styled container for results
205 |
results_container = st.container()
206 |
with results_container:
207 |
208 |
<div style='background-color: #f0f2f6; padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px;'>
209 |
<h3>License Plate: {results['plate_number']}</h3>
210 |
<h3>Province: {results['province']}</h3>
211 |
<p>Raw Province Text: {results['raw_province']}</p>
212 |
213 |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
214 |
215 |
# Display detection visualization
216 |
with col2:
217 |
st.subheader("Detection Visualization")
218 |
if os.path.exists('output_detection.jpg'):
219 |
# Read and convert the output image from BGR to RGB
220 |
output_image = cv2.imread('output_detection.jpg')
221 |
output_image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(output_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
222 |
st.image(output_image_rgb, use_column_width=True)
223 |
# Clean up output image
224 |
225 |
226 |
st.error("No license plate detected in the image.")
227 |
228 |
except Exception as e:
229 |
st.error(f"Error processing image: {str(e)}")
230 |
# Clean up any temporary files in case of error
231 |
if os.path.exists('temp_input.jpg'):
232 |
233 |
if os.path.exists('output_detection.jpg'):
234 |
235 |
236 |
# Add information about the application
237 |
with st.expander("About This Application"):
238 |
239 |
### Thai License Plate Recognition System
240 |
241 |
This application uses advanced computer vision and deep learning to:
242 |
- Detect license plates in images using YOLO
243 |
- Read Thai license plate numbers using character recognition
244 |
- Identify province names using TrOCR
245 |
- Provide visual detection results
246 |
247 |
#### How to Use:
248 |
1. Click the 'Browse files' button above
249 |
2. Select an image containing a Thai license plate
250 |
3. Wait for the processing to complete
251 |
4. View the results and detection visualization
252 |
253 |
#### Technologies Used:
254 |
- YOLO for license plate detection
255 |
- Custom YOLO model for character recognition
256 |
- TrOCR for province text recognition
257 |
258 |
259 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
260 |
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
1 |
2 |
0: '0'
3 |
1: '1'
4 |
2: '2'
5 |
3: '3'
6 |
4: '4'
7 |
5: '5'
8 |
6: '6'
9 |
7: '7'
10 |
8: '8'
11 |
9: '9'
12 |
10: 'ก'
13 |
11: 'ข'
14 |
12: 'ค'
15 |
13: 'ง'
16 |
14: 'จ'
17 |
15: 'ฉ'
18 |
16: 'ช'
19 |
17: 'ซ'
20 |
18: 'ฌ'
21 |
19: 'ญ'
22 |
20: 'ฎ'
23 |
21: 'ฏ'
24 |
22: 'ฐ'
25 |
23: 'ฑ'
26 |
24: 'ฒ'
27 |
25: 'ณ'
28 |
26: 'ด'
29 |
27: 'ต'
30 |
28: 'ถ'
31 |
29: 'ท'
32 |
30: 'ธ'
33 |
31: 'น'
34 |
32: 'บ'
35 |
33: 'ป'
36 |
34: 'ผ'
37 |
35: 'ฝ'
38 |
36: 'พ'
39 |
37: 'ฟ'
40 |
38: 'ภ'
41 |
39: 'ม'
42 |
40: 'ย'
43 |
41: 'ร'
44 |
42: 'ล'
45 |
43: 'ว'
46 |
44: 'ศ'
47 |
45: 'ษ'
48 |
46: 'ส'
49 |
47: 'ห'
50 |
48: 'ฬ'
51 |
49: 'อ'
52 |
50: 'ฮ'
53 |
54 |
55 |
'0': '0'
56 |
'1': '1'
57 |
'2': '2'
58 |
'3': '3'
59 |
'4': '4'
60 |
'5': '5'
61 |
'6': '6'
62 |
'7': '7'
63 |
'8': '8'
64 |
'9': '9'
65 |
'10': 'ก'
66 |
'11': 'ข'
67 |
'12': 'ค'
68 |
'13': 'ง'
69 |
'14': 'จ'
70 |
'15': 'ฉ'
71 |
'16': 'ช'
72 |
'17': 'ซ'
73 |
'18': 'ฌ'
74 |
'19': 'ญ'
75 |
'20': 'ฎ'
76 |
'21': 'ฏ'
77 |
'22': 'ฐ'
78 |
'23': 'ฑ'
79 |
'24': 'ฒ'
80 |
'25': 'ณ'
81 |
'26': 'ด'
82 |
'27': 'ต'
83 |
'28': 'ถ'
84 |
'29': 'ท'
85 |
'30': 'ธ'
86 |
'31': 'น'
87 |
'32': 'บ'
88 |
'33': 'ป'
89 |
'34': 'ผ'
90 |
'35': 'ฝ'
91 |
'36': 'พ'
92 |
'37': 'ฟ'
93 |
'38': 'ภ'
94 |
'39': 'ม'
95 |
'40': 'ย'
96 |
'41': 'ร'
97 |
'42': 'ล'
98 |
'43': 'ว'
99 |
'44': 'ศ'
100 |
'45': 'ษ'
101 |
'46': 'ส'
102 |
'47': 'ห'
103 |
'48': 'ฬ'
104 |
'49': 'อ'
105 |
'50': 'ฮ'
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:3b1da8d9362a1005aa5b060b0ac53b4622677e753eded2893da10b6a69bc9fb7
3 |
size 5468691
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:871501b08ee035447680cfef41a764da1dc9ed67fabdac1bcb3b67543a2678e1
3 |
size 19224275
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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