Jarod Castillo
# Third Party Imports
import torch
import onnxruntime as ort
# Local Imports
from vocal_isolation.models.mdx_net import Conv_TDF_net_trimm
# Global Variables
from vocal_isolation.constants import EXECUTION_PROVIDER_LIST, COMPUTATION_DEVICE
from vocal_isolation.constants import ONNX_MODEL_PATH, PRETRAINED_MODELS_DIRECTORY
class KimVocal:
def __init__(self):
self.models = [
ONNX_MODEL_PATH, use_onnx=True, target_name='vocals',
L=11, l=3, g=48, bn=8, bias=False,
dim_f=11, dim_t=8
def demix_both(self, music_tensor, sample_rate):
Isolating vocals AND instrumental using an ONNX model.
Assuming the audio is loaded correctly at 41000hz samplerate.
music_tensor (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
model (torch.nn): Model used for inferring.
torch.Tensor: Output tensor after passing through the network.
number_of_samples = music_tensor.shape[1]
vocals_tensor = None
# * Extracting vocals
overlap = self.models[0].overlap
chunk_size = self.models[0].chunk_size
gen_size = chunk_size - 2 * overlap
pad_size = gen_size - number_of_samples % gen_size
# Along the column dimensions (used for features), we pad the left and right side of the mix to keep the integrity of the whole tensor
# overlap is added to ensure there's overlap between chunks.
mix_padded = torch.cat([torch.zeros(2, overlap), music_tensor, torch.zeros(2, pad_size+overlap)], 1)
ort_session = ort.InferenceSession(f'{PRETRAINED_MODELS_DIRECTORY}/{self.models[0].target_name}.onnx', providers=EXECUTION_PROVIDER_LIST)
# process one chunk at a time (batch_size=1)
demixed_chunks = []
i = 0
while i < number_of_samples + pad_size:
chunk = mix_padded[:, i : i + chunk_size]
x = self.models[0].stft(chunk.unsqueeze(0).to(COMPUTATION_DEVICE))
with torch.no_grad():
x = torch.tensor(ort_session.run(None, {'input': x.cpu().numpy()})[0])
x = self.models[0].stft.inverse(x).squeeze(0)
x = x[...,overlap:-overlap]
i += gen_size
vocals_tensor = torch.cat(demixed_chunks, -1)[...,:-pad_size].cpu()
# Subtract vocals output from the input mix for the remaining models
music_minus_vocals_tensor = music_tensor - vocals_tensor
# Returning two tensors.
return music_minus_vocals_tensor, vocals_tensor
def demix_vocals(self, music_tensor, sample_rate):
Isolating vocals using an ONNX model.
Assuming the audio is loaded correctly at 41000hz samplerate.
music_tensor (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
model (torch.nn): Model used for inferring.
torch.Tensor: Output tensor after passing through the network.
number_of_samples = music_tensor.shape[1]
overlap = self.models[0].overlap
# Calculate chunk_size and gen_size based on the sample rate
chunk_size = self.models[0].chunk_size
gen_size = chunk_size - 2 * overlap
pad_size = gen_size - number_of_samples % gen_size
mix_padded = torch.cat(
[torch.zeros(2, overlap), music_tensor, torch.zeros(2, pad_size + overlap)],
# Start running the session for the model
ort_session = ort.InferenceSession(
# process one chunk at a time (batch_size=1)
demixed_chunks = []
i = 0
while i < number_of_samples + pad_size:
# Computation
chunk = mix_padded[:, i : i + chunk_size]
x = self.models[0].stft(chunk.unsqueeze(0).to(COMPUTATION_DEVICE))
with torch.no_grad():
x = torch.tensor(ort_session.run(None, {"input": x.cpu().numpy()})[0])
x = self.models[0].stft.inverse(x).squeeze(0)
x = x[..., overlap:-overlap]
i += gen_size
vocals_output = torch.cat(demixed_chunks, -1)[..., :-pad_size].cpu()
return vocals_output