AudioValidation / tests /test-whisper.js
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var factory = require('../bindings/javascript/whisper.js')
factory().then(function(whisper) {
var fs = require('fs');
// to avoid reading WAV files and depending on some 3rd-party package, we read
// 32-bit float PCM directly. to genereate it:
// $ ffmpeg -i samples/jfk.wav -f f32le -acodec pcm_f32le samples/jfk.pcmf32
let fname_wav = "../samples/jfk.pcmf32";
let fname_model = "../models/ggml-base.en.bin";
// init whisper
// read binary data from file
var model_data = fs.readFileSync(fname_model);
if (model_data == null) {
console.log("whisper: failed to read model file");
// write binary data to WASM memory
whisper.FS_createDataFile("/", "whisper.bin", model_data, true, true);
// init the model
var ret = whisper.init("whisper.bin");
if (ret == false) {
console.log('whisper: failed to init');
// transcribe wav file
// read raw binary data
var pcm_data = fs.readFileSync(fname_wav);
if (pcm_data == null) {
console.log("whisper: failed to read wav file");
// convert to 32-bit float array
var pcm = new Float32Array(pcm_data.buffer);
// transcribe
var ret = whisper.full_default(pcm, "en", false);
if (ret != 0) {
console.log("whisper: failed to transcribe");
// free memory