import json class HumanAgent: def __init__(self, websocket=None, stream_output=None, headers=None): self.websocket = websocket self.stream_output = stream_output self.headers = headers or {} async def review_plan(self, research_state: dict): print(f"HumanAgent websocket: {self.websocket}") print(f"HumanAgent stream_output: {self.stream_output}") task = research_state.get("task") layout = research_state.get("sections") user_feedback = None if task.get("include_human_feedback"): # Stream response to the user if a websocket is provided (such as from web app) if self.websocket and self.stream_output: try: await self.stream_output( "human_feedback", "request", f"Any feedback on this plan of topics to research? {layout}? If not, please reply with 'no'.", self.websocket, ) response = await self.websocket.receive_text() print(f"Received response: {response}", flush=True) response_data = json.loads(response) if response_data.get("type") == "human_feedback": user_feedback = response_data.get("content") else: print( f"Unexpected response type: {response_data.get('type')}", flush=True, ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error receiving human feedback: {e}", flush=True) # Otherwise, prompt the user for feedback in the console else: user_feedback = input( f"Any feedback on this plan? {layout}? If not, please reply with 'no'.\n>> " ) if user_feedback and "no" in user_feedback.strip().lower(): user_feedback = None print(f"User feedback before return: {user_feedback}") return {"human_feedback": user_feedback}