const GPTResearcher = (() => { const init = () => { // Not sure, but I think it would be better to add event handlers here instead of in the HTML //document.getElementById("startResearch").addEventListener("click", startResearch); document .getElementById('copyToClipboard') .addEventListener('click', copyToClipboard) updateState('initial') } const changeSource = () => { const report_source = document.querySelector('select[name="report_source"]').value if (report_source === 'sources') { document.getElementById('sources').style.display = 'block' } else { document.getElementById('sources').style.display = 'none' } } const startResearch = () => { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = '' document.getElementById('reportContainer').innerHTML = '' const imageContainer = document.getElementById('selectedImagesContainer') imageContainer.innerHTML = '' = 'none' updateState('in_progress') addAgentResponse({ output: '🤔 Thinking about research questions for the task...', }) listenToSockEvents() } const listenToSockEvents = () => { const { protocol, host, pathname } = window.location const ws_uri = `${ protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss:' : 'ws:' }//${host}${pathname}ws` const converter = new showdown.Converter() const socket = new WebSocket(ws_uri) socket.onmessage = (event) => { const data = JSON.parse( console.log("Received message:", data); // Debug log if (data.type === 'logs') { addAgentResponse(data) } else if (data.type === 'images') { console.log("Received images:", data); // Debug log displaySelectedImages(data) } else if (data.type === 'report') { writeReport(data, converter) } else if (data.type === 'path') { updateState('finished') updateDownloadLink(data) } } socket.onopen = (event) => { const task = document.querySelector('input[name="task"]').value const report_type = document.querySelector( 'select[name="report_type"]' ).value const report_source = document.querySelector( 'select[name="report_source"]' ).value const tone = document.querySelector('select[name="tone"]').value const agent = document.querySelector('input[name="agent"]:checked').value let source_urls = tags if (report_source !== 'sources' && source_urls.length > 0) { source_urls = source_urls.slice(0, source_urls.length - 1) } const requestData = { task: task, report_type: report_type, report_source: report_source, source_urls: source_urls, tone: tone, agent: agent, } socket.send(`start ${JSON.stringify(requestData)}`) } } const addAgentResponse = (data) => { const output = document.getElementById('output') output.innerHTML += '
' + data.output + '
' output.scrollTop = output.scrollHeight = 'block' updateScroll() } const writeReport = (data, converter) => { const reportContainer = document.getElementById('reportContainer') const markdownOutput = converter.makeHtml(data.output) reportContainer.innerHTML += markdownOutput updateScroll() } const updateDownloadLink = (data) => { if (!data.output) { console.error('No output data received'); return; } const { pdf, docx, md, json } = data.output; console.log('Received paths:', { pdf, docx, md, json }); // Helper function to safely update link const updateLink = (id, path) => { const element = document.getElementById(id); if (element && path) { console.log(`Setting ${id} href to:`, path); element.setAttribute('href', path); element.classList.remove('disabled'); } else { console.warn(`Either element ${id} not found or path not provided`); } }; updateLink('downloadLink', pdf); updateLink('downloadLinkWord', docx); updateLink('downloadLinkMd', md); updateLink('downloadLinkJson', json); } const updateScroll = () => { window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight) } const copyToClipboard = () => { const textarea = document.createElement('textarea') = 'temp_element' = 0 document.body.appendChild(textarea) textarea.value = document.getElementById('reportContainer').innerText const selector = document.querySelector('#temp_element') document.execCommand('copy') document.body.removeChild(textarea) } const updateState = (state) => { var status = '' switch (state) { case 'in_progress': status = 'Research in progress...' setReportActionsStatus('disabled') break case 'finished': status = 'Research finished!' setReportActionsStatus('enabled') break case 'error': status = 'Research failed!' setReportActionsStatus('disabled') break case 'initial': status = '' setReportActionsStatus('hidden') break default: setReportActionsStatus('disabled') } document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = status if (document.getElementById('status').innerHTML == '') { document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'none' } else { document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'block' } } /** * Shows or hides the download and copy buttons * @param {str} status Kind of hacky. Takes "enabled", "disabled", or "hidden". "Hidden is same as disabled but also hides the div" */ const setReportActionsStatus = (status) => { const reportActions = document.getElementById('reportActions') // Disable everything in reportActions until research is finished if (status == 'enabled') { reportActions.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((link) => { link.classList.remove('disabled') link.removeAttribute('onclick') = 'block' }) } else { reportActions.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((link) => { link.classList.add('disabled') link.setAttribute('onclick', 'return false;') }) if (status == 'hidden') { = 'none' } } } const tagsInput = document.getElementById('tags-input'); const input = document.getElementById('custom_source'); const tags = []; const addTag = (url) => { if (tags.includes(url)) return; tags.push(url); const tagElement = document.createElement('span'); tagElement.className = 'tag'; tagElement.textContent = url; const removeButton = document.createElement('span'); removeButton.className = 'remove-tag'; removeButton.textContent = 'x'; removeButton.onclick = function () { tagsInput.removeChild(tagElement); tags.splice(tags.indexOf(url), 1); }; tagElement.appendChild(removeButton); tagsInput.insertBefore(tagElement, input); } const displaySelectedImages = (data) => { const imageContainer = document.getElementById('selectedImagesContainer') //imageContainer.innerHTML = '

Selected Images

' const images = JSON.parse(data.output) console.log("Received images:", images); // Debug log if (images && images.length > 0) { images.forEach(imageUrl => { const imgElement = document.createElement('img') imgElement.src = imageUrl imgElement.alt = 'Research Image' = '200px' = '5px' = 'pointer' imgElement.onclick = () => showImageDialog(imageUrl) imageContainer.appendChild(imgElement) }) = 'block' } else { imageContainer.innerHTML += '

No images found for this research.

' } } const showImageDialog = (imageUrl) => { const dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.className = 'image-dialog'; const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = imageUrl; img.alt = 'Full-size Research Image'; const closeBtn = document.createElement('button'); closeBtn.textContent = 'Close'; closeBtn.onclick = () => document.body.removeChild(dialog); dialog.appendChild(img); dialog.appendChild(closeBtn); document.body.appendChild(dialog); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init) return { startResearch, copyToClipboard, changeSource, addTag, displaySelectedImages, showImageDialog, } })()