""" Provides a command line interface for the GPTResearcher class. Usage: ```shell python cli.py "<query>" --report_type <report_type> ``` """ import asyncio import argparse from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter from uuid import uuid4 import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from gpt_researcher import GPTResearcher from gpt_researcher.utils.enum import ReportType, Tone from backend.report_type import DetailedReport # ============================================================================= # CLI # ============================================================================= cli = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate a research report.", # Enables the use of newlines in the help message formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) # ===================================== # Arg: Query # ===================================== cli.add_argument( # Position 0 argument "query", type=str, help="The query to conduct research on.") # ===================================== # Arg: Report Type # ===================================== choices = [report_type.value for report_type in ReportType] report_type_descriptions = { ReportType.ResearchReport.value: "Summary - Short and fast (~2 min)", ReportType.DetailedReport.value: "Detailed - In depth and longer (~5 min)", ReportType.ResourceReport.value: "", ReportType.OutlineReport.value: "", ReportType.CustomReport.value: "", ReportType.SubtopicReport.value: "" } cli.add_argument( "--report_type", type=str, help="The type of report to generate. Options:\n" + "\n".join( f" {choice}: {report_type_descriptions[choice]}" for choice in choices ), # Deserialize ReportType as a List of strings: choices=choices, required=True) # First, let's see what values are actually in the Tone enum print([t.value for t in Tone]) cli.add_argument( "--tone", type=str, help="The tone of the report (optional).", choices=["objective", "formal", "analytical", "persuasive", "informative", "explanatory", "descriptive", "critical", "comparative", "speculative", "reflective", "narrative", "humorous", "optimistic", "pessimistic"], default="objective" ) # ============================================================================= # Main # ============================================================================= async def main(args): """ Conduct research on the given query, generate the report, and write it as a markdown file to the output directory. """ if args.report_type == 'detailed_report': detailed_report = DetailedReport( query=args.query, report_type="research_report", report_source="web_search", ) report = await detailed_report.run() else: # Convert the simple keyword to the full Tone enum value tone_map = { "objective": Tone.Objective, "formal": Tone.Formal, "analytical": Tone.Analytical, "persuasive": Tone.Persuasive, "informative": Tone.Informative, "explanatory": Tone.Explanatory, "descriptive": Tone.Descriptive, "critical": Tone.Critical, "comparative": Tone.Comparative, "speculative": Tone.Speculative, "reflective": Tone.Reflective, "narrative": Tone.Narrative, "humorous": Tone.Humorous, "optimistic": Tone.Optimistic, "pessimistic": Tone.Pessimistic } researcher = GPTResearcher( query=args.query, report_type=args.report_type, tone=tone_map[args.tone] ) await researcher.conduct_research() report = await researcher.write_report() # Write the report to a file artifact_filepath = f"outputs/{uuid4()}.md" os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True) with open(artifact_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(report) print(f"Report written to '{artifact_filepath}'") if __name__ == "__main__": load_dotenv() args = cli.parse_args() asyncio.run(main(args))