GeoScience_Exam_Marker /
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#!pip install python-docx
#!pip install PyPDF2 --upgrade
import os
import json
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
from docx import Document
def extract_from_pdf(pdf_path):
"""Extract text from a PDF file."""
pdf_data = ""
with open(pdf_path, "rb") as pdf_file:
reader = PdfReader(pdf_file)
for page_num in range(len(reader.pages)):
page = reader.pages[page_num]
pdf_data += page.extract_text()
return pdf_data
def extract_from_json(json_path):
"""Extract data from a JSON file."""
with open(json_path, "r") as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
return json_data
def extract_from_word(word_path):
"""Extract text from a Word (.docx) file."""
doc = Document(word_path)
word_data = ""
for para in doc.paragraphs:
word_data += para.text + "\n"
return word_data
def extract_data(file_path):
"""Extract data from a file based on its extension."""
_, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)
if file_extension == ".pdf":
return extract_from_pdf(file_path)
elif file_extension == ".json":
return extract_from_json(file_path)
elif file_extension == ".docx":
return extract_from_word(file_path)
raise ValueError("Unsupported file extension: " + file_extension)
def create_data_dictionary(files):
"""Create a dictionary containing data from files based on their extension."""
data_dict = {}
for file_path in files:
file_data = extract_data(file_path)
data_dict[file_path] = file_data
except ValueError as e:
return data_dict
# Usage example
path = r'C:\Users\00110138\OneDrive - The University of Western Australia\Project\KaggleX FellowshipProgram\code\Exam_Data'
# Usage example
files = [str(path)+"/Geology_Geophysics_Exam.pdf", str(path)+"/Geology_Geophysics_Exam.json", str(path)+"/Geology_Geophysics_Exam.docx"]
exam_data = [files[1]]
data_dict = create_data_dictionary(exam_data)
school_data = ['university','department','course_code','course_title','date','duration','instructor']
qcm_data = ['question','options', 'answer']
short_data = ['question','answer']
multiple_choice_questions = data_dict[str(exam_data[0])]['multiple_choice_questions']
short_answer_questions = data_dict[str(exam_data[0])]['short_answer_questions']
long_answer_questions = data_dict[str(exam_data[0])]['long_answer_questions']
for s_data in school_data:
print(f" {s_data}: {data_dict[str(exam_data[0])]['header'][str(s_data)]}")
print(f"***************'school data'************************")
for idx,qcm in enumerate(multiple_choice_questions):
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Question': {qcm['question']}")
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Options': {qcm['options']}")
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Answer': {qcm['answer']}")
for idx,qcm in enumerate(short_answer_questions):
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Question': {qcm['question']}")
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Answer': {qcm['answer']}")
print(f"***************' END short_answer_questions'************************")
print(f"***************' START long_answer_questions'************************")
for idx,qcm in enumerate(long_answer_questions):
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Question': {qcm['question']}")
print(f" Index is: {idx} and 'Answer': {qcm['answer']}")
print(f"***************' END long_answer_questions'************************")