import numpy as np import json import torch from transformers import SegformerImageProcessor, SegformerForSemanticSegmentation from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageOps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def segmentation(input_img_path): #with open('face-parsing/config.json', 'r') as file: # data = json.load(file) #for key, value in data["id2label"].items(): #print(f"{key}: {value}") image_processor = SegformerImageProcessor.from_pretrained("jonathandinu/face-parsing") model = SegformerForSemanticSegmentation.from_pretrained("jonathandinu/face-parsing") # input_img_path = "akshay kumar img.jpeg" if isinstance(input_img_path, str): # It's a path image = else: # It's already an image object image = input_img_path image = image.convert("RGB") # new_size = (128, 128) # image = image.resize(new_size) # plt.imshow(image) # plt.axis("off") # inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model(**inputs) color_map = np.array([ [255, 255, 255], # 0 background [255, 0, 0], # 1 skin [0, 255, 0], # 2 nose [0, 0, 255], # 3 eye_g [255, 255, 0], # 4 l_eye [255, 0, 255], # 5 r_eye [0, 255, 255], # 6 l_brow [192, 192, 192], # 7 r_brow [128, 128, 128], # 8 l_ear [128, 0, 0], # 9 r_ear [128, 128, 0], # 10 mouth [0, 128, 0], # 11 u_lip [0, 128, 128], # 12 l_lip [0, 0, 128], # 13 hair [255, 165, 0], # 14 hat [75, 0, 130], # 15 ear_r [240, 230, 140], # 16 neck_l [255, 20, 147], # 17 neck [100, 149, 237] # 18 cloth ]) predicted_classes = torch.argmax(outputs["logits"], dim=1).squeeze().cpu().numpy() segmentation_map = color_map[predicted_classes] outputs["logits"] = outputs["logits"].squeeze() outputs["logits"].shape img = np.array(image) print(img.shape) print(segmentation_map.shape) face_mask = outputs["logits"][1] print(face_mask) # plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) # plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) # plt.title("Original Image") # plt.imshow(image) # plt.axis('off') # plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) # plt.title("Predicted Segmentation Map") # plt.imshow(segmentation_map) # plt.axis('off') # new_size = (128, 128) image = image.resize(new_size) original_image_np = np.array(image) segmented_image_np = np.array(segmentation_map) skin_color = [255, 0, 0] eyeg_color = [0, 0, 255] nose_color = [0, 255, 0] leye_color = [255, 255, 0] reye_color = [255, 0, 255] lbrow_color = [0, 255, 255] rbrow_color = [192, 192, 192] lear_color = [128, 128, 128] rear_color = [128, 0, 0] mouth_color = [128, 128, 0] ulip_color = [0, 128, 0] llip_color = [0, 128, 128] hair_color = [0, 0, 128] hat_color = [255, 165, 0] neck_color = [255, 20, 147] skin_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == skin_color, axis=-1) eyeg_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == eyeg_color, axis=-1) nose_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == nose_color, axis=-1) leye_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == leye_color, axis=-1) reye_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == reye_color, axis=-1) lbrow_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == lbrow_color, axis=-1) rbrow_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == rbrow_color, axis=-1) lear_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == lear_color, axis=-1) rear_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == rear_color, axis=-1) mouth_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == mouth_color, axis=-1) ulip_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == ulip_color, axis=-1) llip_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == llip_color, axis=-1) hair_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == hair_color, axis=-1) hat_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == hat_color, axis=-1) neck_mask = np.all(segmented_image_np == neck_color, axis=-1) # combining all the masks combined_mask = np.logical_or.reduce(( skin_mask, eyeg_mask, nose_mask, leye_mask, reye_mask, lbrow_mask, rbrow_mask, lear_mask, rear_mask, mouth_mask, ulip_mask, llip_mask, hair_mask, hat_mask, neck_mask )) # applying the combined mask to the original image selected_regions = np.full_like(original_image_np, 255) selected_regions[combined_mask] = original_image_np[combined_mask] # # Visualize the results # plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # # Display the original image # plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) # plt.imshow(image) # plt.title("Original Image") # plt.axis("off") # # Display the segmented image # plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) # plt.imshow(segmentation_map) # plt.title("Segmented Image") # plt.axis("off") # # Display the extracted regions # plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) # plt.imshow(Image.fromarray(selected_regions)) # plt.title("Selected Regions") # plt.axis("off") # plt.tight_layout() # selected_regions = Image.fromarray(selected_regions) #"only_face.jpg") return selected_regions """challenges as of now: 1. meme face image is not eradicated (manually remove this). (done!) 2. note down the width of the neck of meme image and make adjustements accordingly so that the target face gets fixed on the meme image. (pending) 3. background in the person's image is black, which is messing up with hair, fix that. """ def integration_with_meme(input_img_path, face_x, face_y, face_width, face_height, flip): person_image = segmentation(input_img_path) # person_image ='only_face.jpg') meme_image ='chillguy.jpeg') # Convert meme image to RGBA (for transparency handling) and to a NumPy array meme_image = meme_image.convert("RGBA") meme_data = np.array(meme_image) # Define the coordinates of the face region in the meme image # face_x, face_y, face_width, face_height = 0, 40, 180, 110 # Adjust based on meme image # Clamp the face region to ensure it is within bounds meme_height, meme_width = meme_data.shape[:2] face_width = min(face_width, meme_width - face_x) face_height = min(face_height, meme_height - face_y) # Resize the person's image to fit the face region person_resized = person_image.resize((face_width, face_height)).convert("RGBA") if flip: person_resized = ImageOps.mirror(person_resized) person_data = np.array(person_resized) r, g, b, a = person_data[..., 0], person_data[..., 1], person_data[..., 2], person_data[..., 3] white_areas = (r > 230) & (g > 230) & (b > 230) person_data[white_areas, 3] = 0 person_resized = Image.fromarray(person_data) face_region = meme_data[face_y:face_y+face_height, face_x:face_x+face_width] face_region_resized = Image.fromarray(face_region).resize((face_width, face_height)) blended_region = Image.alpha_composite(face_region_resized, person_resized) blended_region_data = np.array(blended_region) meme_data[face_y:face_y+face_height, face_x:face_x+face_width] = blended_region_data result_image = Image.fromarray(meme_data) # plt.imshow(result_image) # plt.axis("off") # meme_image = np.array(meme_image) print(meme_image.shape) result_image = np.array(result_image) print(result_image.shape) return result_image # integration_with_meme(input_img_path="akshay kumar img.jpeg", face_x=0, face_y=40, face_width=180, face_height=110)