#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import configparser import time import grpc import PartiiService_pb2_grpc import PartiiService_pb2 import wave import numpy as np import sys _SERVER_IP = "" _SERVER_PORT = 27021 _AUDIO_INPUT = "" _AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 _AUDIO_CODEC = "LINEAR16" _PACKAGE_SIZE = 1024 _CHUNK_LEN_SECONE = 0.2 _VERBOSE = 0 _API_KEY = "" _CLIENT_ID = "web-R75PbQuF" _VAD_THRESHOLD = 0.5 _NUM_CHANNELS = 1 _DECODE_CHANEL = 0 _MODEL_KEY = "default" _PROTOCOL = "partii" _ENABLE_TEXTNORM = "true" _ENABLE_PARTIAL = "true" _ENABLE_VAD = "true" _ENABLE_ENDPOINT = "true" _NUMBER_TARGET = "english" _VIEW = "sentent" def convMilliFormat(millis): time = (float(millis) * 1000); mil = time % 1000; sec = (time / 1000) % 60; minute = (time / (1000 * 60)) % 60; hour = (time / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24; return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d},{:03d}".format(int(hour), int(minute), int(sec), int(mil)); def readwave(fname): obj = wave.open(fname,'r') if _VERBOSE != "0" : print( "Number of channels",obj.getnchannels()) print ( "Sample width",obj.getsampwidth()) print ( "Frame rate.",obj.getframerate()) print ( "Number of frames",obj.getnframes()) print ( "parameters:",obj.getparams()) for i in range(0, obj.getnframes(), int(_PACKAGE_SIZE)): waveData = obj.readframes(int(_PACKAGE_SIZE)) yield PartiiService_pb2.AudioData(ByteChunk=waveData, Bytelen=len(waveData), Datatype=PartiiService_pb2.AudioDataType.SPEECH) obj.close() def GetAvailable(): available = 0 channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(_SERVER_IP, _SERVER_PORT)) stub = PartiiService_pb2_grpc.TranscriptionStub(channel) metadata = ( ('apikey', str(_API_KEY)), ('client-id', str(_CLIENT_ID)), ('modelkey', str(_MODEL_KEY)), ('protocol', str(_PROTOCOL)) ) response = stub.GetAvailable(PartiiService_pb2.EmptyMsg(), metadata=metadata) available = response.Available return available def run(): retries = 1 timeout = 3 while retries > 0: if GetAvailable() > 0 : if _VERBOSE != "0" : print("Start : ",_AUDIO_INPUT ) print('{}:{}'.format(_SERVER_IP, _SERVER_PORT)) with grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(_SERVER_IP, _SERVER_PORT)) as channel: stub = PartiiService_pb2_grpc.TranscriptionStub(channel) metadata = ( ('apikey', str(_API_KEY)), ('sampling-rate', str(_AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATE)), ('client-id', str(_CLIENT_ID)), ('vad-threshold', str(_VAD_THRESHOLD)), ('num-channels', str(_NUM_CHANNELS)), ('decode-channels', str(_DECODE_CHANEL)), ('modelkey', str(_MODEL_KEY)), ('audio-codec', str(_AUDIO_CODEC)), ('protocol', str(_PROTOCOL)), ('enable-textnorm', str(_ENABLE_TEXTNORM)), ('enable-partial', str(_ENABLE_PARTIAL)), ('enable-vad', str(_ENABLE_VAD)), ('enable-endpoint', str(_ENABLE_ENDPOINT)), ('number-target', str(_NUMBER_TARGET)) ) if _VERBOSE != "0" : print(metadata) rawbyte_list = readwave(_AUDIO_INPUT) responses = stub.LiveTranscribe(rawbyte_list, metadata=metadata) try: for response in responses: if(response.Status == PartiiService_pb2.StatusCode.Ok): if(response.sentenceType == PartiiService_pb2.ResultType.PARTIAL): if _VERBOSE != "0" : print("sentenceNumber %s " %(response.sentenceNumber)) print("transcript %s " %(response.transcript)) print("confidence %s " %(response.confidence)) print("startTime %s, %s " %(response.startTime, convMilliFormat(response.startTime))) print("endTime %s, %s " %(response.endTime, convMilliFormat(response.endTime))) elif(response.sentenceType == PartiiService_pb2.ResultType.RESULT): if _VIEW == "sentent" : print("sentenceNumber %s " %(response.sentenceNumber)) print("transcript %s " %(response.transcript)) print("confidence %s " %(response.confidence)) print("startTime %s " %(response.startTime)) print("endTime %s " %(response.endTime)) if _VIEW == "word" : for w in response.words: print("\twordNumber %s " %(w.wordNumber)) print("\tword %s " %(w.word)) print("\tconfidence %s " %(w.confidence)) print("\tstartTime %s " %(w.startTime)) print("\tendTime %s " %(w.endTime)) if _VIEW == "phone" : for w in response.words: for p in w.phones: print("\t\tphoneNumber %s " %(p.phoneNumber)) print("\t\tphone %s " %(p.phone)) print("\t\tconfidence %s " %(p.confidence)) print("\t\tstartTime %s " %(p.startTime)) print("\t\tendTime %s " %(p.endTime)) elif(response.sentenceType == PartiiService_pb2.ResultType.FINISHED): if _VERBOSE != "0" : print("Last respond from server [%s] " %(response.transcript)) print("Stop : ", _AUDIO_INPUT) retries = 0 break elif(response.Status == PartiiService_pb2.StatusCode.Failed): print("ERROR [%s] " %(response.transcript)) print('Waiting for %s seconds'%(timeout)) time.sleep(timeout) retries -= 1 except: print("An exception occurred") print('Waiting for %s seconds'%(timeout)) time.sleep(timeout) retries -= 1 else: print('Waiting for %s seconds'%(timeout)) time.sleep(timeout) retries -= 1 if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = time.time() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('config.ini') _SERVER_IP = config['DEFAULT']['_SERVER_IP'] _SERVER_PORT = int(config['DEFAULT']['_SERVER_PORT']) _AUDIO_INPUT = sys.argv[1] _AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATE = int(config['DEFAULT']['_AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATE']) _AUDIO_CODEC = config['DEFAULT']['_AUDIO_CODEC'] _CHUNK_LEN_SECONE = config['DEFAULT']['_CHUNK_LEN_SECOND'] _VERBOSE = config['DEFAULT']['_VERBOSE'] _PACKAGE_SIZE = float(_CHUNK_LEN_SECONE) * float(_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE) * 2 _API_KEY = sys.argv[2] _CLIENT_ID = config['DEFAULT']['_CLIENT_ID'] _VAD_THRESHOLD = config['DEFAULT']['_VAD_THRESHOLD'] _NUM_CHANNELS = config['DEFAULT']['_NUM_CHANNELS'] _DECODE_CHANEL = config['DEFAULT']['_DECODE_CHANEL'] _MODEL_KEY = config['DEFAULT']['_MODEL_KEY'] _PROTOCOL = config['DEFAULT']['_PROTOCOL'] _ENABLE_TEXTNORM = config['DEFAULT']['_ENABLE_TEXTNORM'] _ENABLE_PARTIAL = config['DEFAULT']['_ENABLE_PARTIAL'] _ENABLE_VAD = config['DEFAULT']['_ENABLE_VAD'] _ENABLE_ENDPOINT = config['DEFAULT']['_ENABLE_ENDPOINT'] _NUMBER_TARGET = config['DEFAULT']['_NUMBER_TARGET'] _VIEW = config['DEFAULT']['_VIEW'] run() end_time = time.time() print("Runtime of the program is ", (end_time - start_time))