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nsarrazin HF staff
Add ollama endpoint support (#569)
14f0244 unverified
import type { Conversation } from "$lib/types/Conversation";
import type { TextGenerationStreamOutput } from "@huggingface/inference";
import { endpointTgi, endpointTgiParametersSchema } from "./tgi/endpointTgi";
import { z } from "zod";
import endpointAws, { endpointAwsParametersSchema } from "./aws/endpointAws";
import { endpointOAIParametersSchema, endpointOai } from "./openai/endpointOai";
import endpointLlamacpp, { endpointLlamacppParametersSchema } from "./llamacpp/endpointLlamacpp";
import endpointOllama, { endpointOllamaParametersSchema } from "./ollama/endpointOllama";
// parameters passed when generating text
interface EndpointParameters {
conversation: {
messages: Omit<Conversation["messages"][0], "id">[];
preprompt?: Conversation["preprompt"];
_id?: Conversation["_id"];
interface CommonEndpoint {
weight: number;
// type signature for the endpoint
export type Endpoint = (
params: EndpointParameters
) => Promise<AsyncGenerator<TextGenerationStreamOutput, void, void>>;
// generator function that takes in parameters for defining the endpoint and return the endpoint
export type EndpointGenerator<T extends CommonEndpoint> = (parameters: T) => Endpoint;
// list of all endpoint generators
export const endpoints = {
tgi: endpointTgi,
aws: endpointAws,
openai: endpointOai,
llamacpp: endpointLlamacpp,
ollama: endpointOllama,
export const endpointSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [
export default endpoints;