Sachin9728's picture
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import re
import os
import tensorflow
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from PIL import Image
import random
import io
import as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import tweepy
# Download stopwords if not already downloaded"stopwords")
stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))
# βœ… Set Page Config FIRST to avoid Streamlit API Exception
st.set_page_config(page_title="Twitter Sentiment Analyzer", layout="wide")
# βœ… Load Tokenizer
def load_tokenizer():
with open("tokenizer.pkl", "rb") as handle:
return pickle.load(handle)
# βœ… Download Model from Google Drive
def download_model():
# Google Drive link (replace with your actual link)
drive_link = ""
model_file = "text_classification_model.h5"
# Download the model if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(model_file):, model_file, quiet=False)
return model_file
# βœ… Load Pretrained Sentiment Model
def load_sentiment_model():
model_file = download_model() # Ensure model is downloaded
return load_model(model_file)
# βœ… Load Tokenizer & Model
tokenizer = load_tokenizer()
model = load_sentiment_model()
# βœ… Define Preprocessing Function
def preprocess_text(text):
text=text.lower() # convert to lowercase
text=re.sub(r'@\w+',"",text) # remove mentios
text = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', text) # remove url
text=re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z\s]","",text) #remove punctuation
words = text.split() #tokenization
words=[word for word in words if word not in stop_words] #remove stopwords
return " ".join(words)
# βœ… Function to Predict Sentiment
def predict_tweet_sentiment(tweet):
processed_tweet = preprocess_text(tweet)
sequence = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([processed_tweet])
max_len = 50
padded_sequence = pad_sequences(sequence, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') # Adjust max_len
prediction = model.predict(padded_sequence)
sentiment = "Positive 😊" if prediction > 0.5 else "Negative 😞"
return sentiment, float(prediction[0][0])
# βœ… Main Function for Sidebar Navigation
def main():
selection ="Go to", ["Home", "Tweet Analysis", "Upload Tweets Dataset",
"Fetch Live Tweets", "About"])
if selection == "Home":
elif selection == "Tweet Analysis":
elif selection == "Upload Tweets Dataset":
elif selection == "Fetch Live Tweets":
elif selection == "About":
# βœ… Home Page
def show_home():
st.title("Welcome to the Twitter Sentiment Analyzer")
This application fetches live tweets from Twitter/X and analyzes their sentiment.
You can also upload your own dataset of reviews to get insights on sentiment distribution.
# βœ… Display Video (replacing the image)
st.subheader("App Intro Video")
video_file = open("video1642990305.mp4", "rb")
video_bytes =, start_time=0)
st.subheader("Use the sidebar to navigate different sections of the application.")
# βœ… Live Tweet Analysis Page
def show_live_tweet_analysis():
st.title("πŸ“’ Live Tweet Sentiment Analysis")
st.write("Analyze the sentiment of a single tweet in real time!")
user_tweet = st.text_area("✍️ Enter a tweet:", placeholder="Type a tweet here...")
if st.button("πŸ” Analyze Sentiment"):
if user_tweet.strip():
sentiment, score = predict_tweet_sentiment(user_tweet)
# πŸ”Ή **1. Display Sentiment with an Emoji**
st.markdown(f"## Sentiment: {sentiment}")
# πŸ”Ή **2. Probability Score as a Progress Bar**
st.markdown("### πŸ“Š Sentiment Confidence Score")
# Define progress bar color dynamically
progress_color = "green" if score > 0.6 else "red"
# Show sentiment score with progress bar
st.progress(int(score * 100))
st.metric(label="Confidence Score", value=f"{score:.2%}", delta=random.uniform(-0.02, 0.02))
# Custom styled message
if score > 0.8:
st.success("πŸ”΅ Highly Confident Prediction!")
elif score > 0.5:"🟑 Moderate Confidence")
st.warning("πŸ”΄ Low Confidence")
# πŸ”Ή **4. Generate Word Cloud**
st.markdown("### ☁️ Word Cloud of Tweet")
preprocessed_tweet = preprocess_text(user_tweet)
wordcloud = WordCloud(width=500, height=300, background_color="black").generate(preprocessed_tweet)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
# πŸ”Ή **5. Historical Sentiment Tracker (Dummy Data)**
st.markdown("### πŸ“ˆ Sentiment History")
history_data = pd.DataFrame({
"Tweet Number": list(range(1, 11)),
"Sentiment Score": np.round(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 10), 2)
fig = px.line(history_data, x="Tweet Number", y="Sentiment Score",
title="Sentiment Score Over Time",
markers=True, line_shape="spline")
st.warning("⚠️ Please enter a tweet to analyze.")
# βœ… Upload Tweets Dataset Page (Future Feature)
# Function to read CSV or Excel
def read_file(uploaded_file):
file_type ='.')[-1]
if file_type == "csv":
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
elif file_type in ["xls", "xlsx"]:
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file)
st.error("Unsupported file format! Please upload a CSV or Excel file.")
return None
if "text" not in df.columns:
st.error("The uploaded file must contain a 'text' column.")
return None
return df
# Function to upload and analyze dataset
def show_upload_dataset():
st.title("πŸ“Š Bulk Tweet Sentiment Analysis")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a CSV or Excel file with tweets", type=["csv", "xlsx", "xls"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
df = read_file(uploaded_file)
if df is None:
return # Stop execution if file is invalid
# Show first 5 rows before processing
st.write("### First 5 Rows of Uploaded File:")
# Apply sentiment analysis
df["Sentiment"], df["Score"] = zip(*df["text"].apply(predict_tweet_sentiment))
# Show first 5 rows after processing
st.write("### First 5 Rows After Sentiment Analysis:")
# Plot sentiment distribution
sentiment_counts = df["Sentiment"].value_counts().reset_index()
sentiment_counts.columns = ["Sentiment", "Count"]
fig =
title="Sentiment Distribution",
color_discrete_map={"Positive 😊": "green", "Negative 😞": "red"}
# Convert back to original format for download
file_type ='.')[-1]
if file_type == "csv":
output_file = df.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8")
st.download_button("Download Predictions (CSV)", output_file, "predicted_tweets.csv", "text/csv")
# Use BytesIO for Excel
excel_buffer = io.BytesIO()
with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_buffer, engine="openpyxl") as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, index=False)
st.download_button("Download Predictions (Excel)", excel_buffer, "predicted_tweets.xlsx","application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
# Function to fetch tweets using Twitter API v2
def fetch_tweets(api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, bearer_token, query, count=10):
# Authenticate Twitter API v2
client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=bearer_token)
# Fetch tweets
tweets = client.search_recent_tweets(query=query, max_results=count, tweet_fields=["created_at"])
tweet_list = [{"Tweet": tweet.text, "Time": tweet.created_at} for tweet in]
return pd.DataFrame(tweet_list)
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"❌ Error fetching tweets: {e}")
return None
# Streamlit UI for fetching live tweets
def fetch_live_tweets():
st.title("πŸ”΄ Fetch Live Tweets in Real-time")
with st.sidebar:
st.subheader("πŸ”‘ Enter Twitter API Keys")
api_key = st.text_input("API Key", type="password")
api_secret = st.text_input("API Secret", type="password")
access_token = st.text_input("Access Token", type="password")
access_token_secret = st.text_input("Access Token Secret", type="password")
bearer_token = st.text_input("Bearer Token", type="password")
st.subheader("πŸ“’ Search for Tweets")
query = st.text_input("Enter a keyword or hashtag:")
count = st.slider("Number of tweets to fetch:", 5, 50, 10)
if st.button("πŸš€ Fetch Tweets"):
if all([api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, bearer_token, query]):
tweets_df = fetch_tweets(api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, bearer_token, query, count)
if tweets_df is not None and not tweets_df.empty:
st.success(f"βœ… Successfully fetched {len(tweets_df)} tweets for '{query}'")
# Download option
csv = tweets_df.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8")
st.download_button("πŸ“₯ Download CSV", csv, "live_tweets.csv", "text/csv")
st.warning("⚠️ No tweets found. Try a different keyword.")
st.warning("⚠️ Please enter all API keys and a search query.")
# βœ… About Page
def show_about():
st.title("About This Application")
This Twitter Sentiment Analyzer uses an LSTM model trained on tweets to predict sentiments.
You can analyze individual tweets, upload datasets, and visualize sentiment trends.
import streamlit as st
def show_about():
st.title("About This App")
## πŸ“ **Twitter Sentiment Analysis**
This application analyzes the sentiment of tweets using a **deep learning model (LSTM)**.
It can process:
- **Single tweets** (Live Tweet Analysis) πŸ“’
- **Bulk tweets** from uploaded CSV/Excel files πŸ“‚
The app predicts whether a tweet expresses **Positive 😊 or Negative 😞** sentiment.
## πŸ›  **Technologies Used**
- **Natural Language Processing (NLP)** for text processing
- **TensorFlow/Keras (LSTM Model)** for sentiment classification
- **Streamlit** for building an interactive UI
- **Plotly** for data visualizations
- **Pandas & NumPy** for data manipulation
## πŸ“Š **Data & Model Information**
- The model was trained on the **Hugging Face Tweets Dataset (180,000 tweets)**
- Achieved **83% accuracy** on test data
- Preprocessing steps include **tokenization, padding, and stopword removal**
## πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» **Developer**
- **[Sachin Balhara]** – Data Scientist & AI Developer
- **GitHub:** []
- **LinkedIn:** []
- **Website:** [Your Website](#)
πŸš€ *This project is open-source! Feel free to contribute & improve it.* 🎯
# βœ… Run the Streamlit App
if __name__ == "__main__":