Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import torch | |
from openpyxl import Workbook | |
from docx import Document | |
from fpdf import FPDF | |
from pptx import Presentation | |
import csv | |
from transformers import AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq, AutoProcessor, pipeline | |
from datasets import load_dataset | |
import gradio as gr | |
from PIL import Image | |
import requests | |
import json | |
import base64 | |
from io import BytesIO | |
from mistralai import Mistral | |
import google.generativeai as genai | |
import subprocess | |
import re | |
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Generator, Optional | |
from pydub import AudioSegment | |
# --- Konfiguration --- | |
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | |
torch_dtype = torch.float16 if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.float32 | |
model_id = "openai/whisper-large-v3-turbo" | |
model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained( | |
model_id, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, use_safetensors=True | |
) | | | |
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id) | |
pipe = pipeline( | |
"automatic-speech-recognition", | |
model=model, | |
tokenizer=processor.tokenizer, | |
feature_extractor=processor.feature_extractor, | |
torch_dtype=torch_dtype, | |
device=device, | |
) | |
# --- API-Schlüssel und Modelle --- | |
mistral_api_key = os.environ.get('MISTRAL_API_KEY', 'YourKey') | |
gemini_api_key = os.environ.get('GEMINI_API_KEY', 'YourKey') | |
MISTRAL_CHAT_MODEL = "mistral-large-latest" | |
MISTRAL_IMAGE_MODEL = "pixtral-12b-2409" | |
"phi4-model:latest", | |
"phi4:latest", | |
"wizardlm2:7b-fp16", | |
"unzensiert:latest", | |
"llama2-uncensored:7b-chat-q8_0", | |
"teufel:latest", | |
"Odin:latest", | |
"luzifer:latest", | |
"llama2-uncensored:latest" | |
] | |
DEFAULT_OLLAMA_MODEL = "phi4:latest" | |
STATUS_MESSAGE_GENERATING = "Antwort wird generiert..." | |
STATUS_MESSAGE_COMPLETE = "Antwort generiert." | |
STATUS_MESSAGE_ERROR = "Fehler: Die Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden." | |
SAVE_DIR = ".gradio" | |
SAVE_FILE = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "save.json") | |
# --- API Clients Initialisieren --- | |
mistral_client = Mistral(api_key=mistral_api_key) | |
genai.configure(api_key=gemini_api_key) | |
gemini_generation_config = { | |
"temperature": 1, | |
"top_p": 0.95, | |
"top_k": 40, | |
"max_output_tokens": 16192, | |
"response_mime_type": "text/plain", | |
} | |
gemini_model = genai.GenerativeModel( | |
model_name="gemini-2.0-flash-exp", | |
generation_config=gemini_generation_config, | |
) | |
# --- Hilfsfunktionen --- | |
def encode_image(image: Image.Image) -> str: | |
"""Kodiert ein Bild in Base64.""" | |
buffered = BytesIO() | |, format="JPEG") | |
return base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') | |
def format_chat_message(text: str) -> str: | |
"""Formatiert eine Chatnachricht mit benutzerdefiniertem Stil.""" | |
return f"<div style='background-color:#333333; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; border-radius: 5px;'>{text}</div>" | |
def process_audio(audio_file_path: str) -> str: | |
"""Verarbeitet eine Audiodatei und extrahiert den Text.""" | |
try: | |
# Audio laden und konvertieren | |
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file_path) | |
temp_audio_path = "temp_audio.wav" | |
audio.export(temp_audio_path, format="wav") # Konvertieren in WAV | |
# Transkription | |
result = pipe(temp_audio_path) | |
os.remove(temp_audio_path) # Temporäre Datei löschen | |
return result["text"] | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise ValueError(f"Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Audiodatei: {e}") | |
# --- Funktionen zur Dateierstellung --- | |
def generate_content_with_model(model_name: str, user_prompt: str) -> str: | |
"""Generiert den Inhalt basierend auf dem ausgewählten Modell.""" | |
if model_name == "Mistral": | |
response = | |
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}] | |
) | |
return response.choices[0].message.content.strip() | |
elif model_name == "Gemini": | |
response = gemini_model.generate_content(prompt=user_prompt) | |
return response.text.strip() | |
elif model_name == "Ollama": | |
process = subprocess.Popen( | |
["ollama", "run", DEFAULT_OLLAMA_MODEL], | |
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, | |
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, | |
text=True | |
) | |
process.stdin.write(user_prompt + "\n") | |
process.stdin.close() | |
output = | |
process.stdout.close() | |
return clean_output(output).strip() | |
else: | |
return "Modell nicht verfügbar oder unbekannt." | |
def create_excel_with_ai(user_prompt: str, sheets: int = 1) -> str: | |
"""Erstellt eine Excel-Datei mit von KI generiertem Inhalt.""" | |
content = generate_content_with_model("Gemini", user_prompt) | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
for i in range(sheets): | |
sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title=f"Tabelle{i+1}") if i > 0 else | |
rows = content.split("\n") | |
for row_index, row in enumerate(rows, start=1): | |
columns = row.split(",") # Annahme: Kommagetrennte Spalten | |
for col_index, value in enumerate(columns, start=1): | |
sheet.cell(row=row_index, column=col_index, value=value.strip()) | |
file_path = "erstellte_tabelle.xlsx" | | | |
os.startfile(file_path) # Datei automatisch öffnen | |
return file_path | |
def create_word_with_ai(user_prompt: str) -> str: | |
"""Erstellt eine Word-Datei mit von KI generiertem Inhalt.""" | |
content = generate_content_with_model("Gemini", user_prompt) | |
doc = Document() | |
doc.add_paragraph(content) | |
file_path = "erstelltes_dokument.docx" | | | |
os.startfile(file_path) # Datei automatisch öffnen | |
return file_path | |
def create_pdf_with_ai(user_prompt: str) -> str: | |
"""Erstellt eine PDF-Datei mit von KI generiertem Inhalt.""" | |
content = generate_content_with_model("Gemini", user_prompt) | |
pdf = FPDF() | |
pdf.add_page() | |
pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) | |
pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, content) | |
file_path = "erstellte_datei.pdf" | |
pdf.output(file_path) | |
os.startfile(file_path) # Datei automatisch öffnen | |
return file_path | |
def create_ppt_with_ai(user_prompt: str) -> str: | |
"""Erstellt eine PowerPoint-Datei mit von KI generiertem Inhalt.""" | |
content = generate_content_with_model("Gemini", user_prompt) | |
prs = Presentation() | |
slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[1] | |
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout) | |
title = slide.shapes.title | |
subtitle = slide.placeholders[1] | |
title.text = "Erstellte Präsentation" | |
subtitle.text = content | |
file_path = "erstellte_praesentation.pptx" | | | |
os.startfile(file_path) # Datei automatisch öffnen | |
return file_path | |
def create_csv_with_ai(user_prompt: str) -> str: | |
"""Erstellt eine CSV-Datei mit von KI generiertem Inhalt.""" | |
content = generate_content_with_model("Gemini", user_prompt) | |
file_path = "erstellte_datei.csv" | |
with open(file_path, mode='w', newline='') as file: | |
writer = csv.writer(file) | |
rows = content.split("\n") | |
for row in rows: | |
writer.writerow([col.strip() for col in row.split(",")]) | |
os.startfile(file_path) # Datei automatisch öffnen | |
return file_path | |
# --- Mistral Funktionen --- | |
def chat_with_mistral(user_input: str, chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]], image: Optional[Image.Image] = None, audio_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], str], None, None]: | |
if not user_input.strip() and not audio_file: | |
yield chat_history, "Bitte geben Sie eine Nachricht ein oder laden Sie eine Audiodatei hoch." | |
return | |
if audio_file: | |
try: | |
user_input = process_audio(audio_file) # Audio in Text umwandeln | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Audiodatei: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
return | |
chat_history.append((user_input, None)) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
messages = [{"role": "user", "content": user_input}] | |
if image: | |
try: | |
image_base64 = encode_image(image) | |
messages[0]["content"] = [ | |
{"type": "text", "text": user_input}, | |
{"type": "image_url", "image_url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}"}, | |
] | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler beim Hochladen des Bildes: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
return | |
try: | |
headers = { | |
"Content-Type": "application/json", | |
"Accept": "application/json", | |
"Authorization": f"Bearer {mistral_api_key}", | |
} | |
payload = { | |
"model": MISTRAL_CHAT_MODEL, | |
"messages": messages, | |
"temperature": 1, | |
"top_p": 0.95, | |
"max_tokens": 16192, | |
"stream": True | |
} | |
response =, headers=headers, json=payload, stream=True) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
full_response = "" | |
for chunk in response.iter_lines(): | |
if chunk: | |
try: | |
# Debug: Logge den ursprünglichen Chunk-Inhalt | |
print(f"Empfangener Chunk: {chunk}") | |
# Ignoriere den speziellen "[DONE]" Chunk | |
if chunk == b"data: [DONE]": | |
print("Stream abgeschlossen (DONE).") | |
break # Beende die Verarbeitung | |
# Überprüfe, ob der Chunk nicht leer ist | |
if chunk.strip(): | |
# Versuche, den Chunk zu dekodieren | |
chunk_data = json.loads(chunk.decode('utf-8').replace('data: ', '')) | |
print(f"Parsed JSON-Daten: {chunk_data}") | |
# Verarbeite den JSON-Inhalt | |
if 'choices' in chunk_data and chunk_data['choices']: | |
delta_content = chunk_data['choices'][0]['delta'].get('content', '') | |
if delta_content: | |
full_response += delta_content | |
formatted_response = format_chat_message(full_response) | |
chat_history[-1] = (user_input, formatted_response) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
except json.JSONDecodeError as e: | |
# Debug: Fehler bei der JSON-Verarbeitung | |
print(f"JSON Decode Fehler: {e} - Ungültiger Chunk: {chunk}") | |
continue | |
else: | |
# Debug: Leerer Chunk empfangen | |
print("Leerer Chunk empfangen.") | |
if full_response: | |
chat_history[-1] = (user_input, format_chat_message(full_response)) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
else: | |
chat_history.append((None, "Keine Antwort vom Modell erhalten.")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Anfrage: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Unbekannter Fehler: {e}. Bitte versuchen Sie es nochmal.")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
def analyze_image_mistral(image: Optional[Image.Image], chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]], user_input: str, prompt: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: | |
"""Analysiert ein Bild mit Mistral.""" | |
if image is None: | |
chat_history.append((None, "Bitte laden Sie ein Bild hoch.")) | |
return chat_history | |
try: | |
image_base64 = encode_image(image) | |
messages = [ | |
{ | |
"role": "user", | |
"content": [ | |
{"type": "text", "text": f"{user_input} {prompt}"}, | |
{"type": "image_url", "image_url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}"}, | |
], | |
} | |
] | |
chat_response = | |
messages=messages | |
) | |
response_text = chat_response.choices[0].message.content | |
chat_history.append((None, format_chat_message(response_text))) | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Unbekannter Fehler bei der Bildanalyse: {e}. Bitte versuchen Sie es nochmal.")) | |
return chat_history | |
def compare_images_mistral(image1: Optional[Image.Image], image2: Optional[Image.Image], chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: | |
"""Vergleicht zwei Bilder mit Mistral.""" | |
if image1 is None or image2 is None: | |
chat_history.append((None, "Bitte laden Sie zwei Bilder hoch.")) | |
return chat_history | |
try: | |
image1_base64 = encode_image(image1) | |
image2_base64 = encode_image(image2) | |
messages = [ | |
{ | |
"role": "user", | |
"content": [ | |
{"type": "text", "text": "Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Bildern? Bitte in Deutsch antworten."}, | |
{"type": "image_url", "image_url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image1_base64}"}, | |
{"type": "image_url", "image_url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image2_base64}"}, | |
], | |
} | |
] | |
chat_response = | |
messages=messages | |
) | |
response_text = chat_response.choices[0].message.content | |
chat_history.append((None, format_chat_message(response_text))) | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Unbekannter Fehler beim Vergleich der Bilder: {e}. Bitte versuchen Sie es nochmal.")) | |
return chat_history | |
# --- Gemini Funktionen --- | |
def upload_to_gemini(image: Image.Image): | |
"""Lädt ein Bild zur Gemini API hoch.""" | |
image_path = "temp_image.jpg" | | | |
sample_file = genai.upload_file(path=image_path, display_name="Hochgeladenes Bild") | |
print(f"Hochgeladene Datei '{sample_file.display_name}' as: {sample_file.uri}") | |
os.remove(image_path) | |
return sample_file | |
def chat_with_gemini( | |
user_input: str, | |
chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]], | |
image: Optional[Image.Image] = None, | |
audio_file: Optional[str] = None | |
) -> Generator[Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], str], None, None]: | |
if not user_input.strip() and not audio_file: | |
yield chat_history, "Bitte geben Sie eine Nachricht ein oder laden Sie eine Audiodatei hoch." | |
return | |
if audio_file: | |
try: | |
user_input = process_audio(audio_file) # Audio in Text umwandeln | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Audiodatei: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
return | |
chat_history.append((user_input, None)) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
# Chatverlauf initialisieren | |
history = [{"role": "user", "parts": [user_input]}] | |
if image: | |
try: | |
sample_file = upload_to_gemini(image) | |
history[0]["parts"].append(sample_file) | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler beim Hochladen des Bildes: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
return | |
try: | |
# Chat mit Gemini starten | |
chat_session = gemini_model.start_chat(history=history) | |
response_text = chat_session.send_message(user_input).text | |
chat_history.append((None, format_chat_message(response_text))) | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Anfrage: {e}")) | |
yield chat_history, "" | |
def analyze_image_gemini(image: Optional[Image.Image], chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]], user_input: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: | |
"""Analysiert ein Bild mit Gemini.""" | |
if image is None: | |
chat_history.append((None, "Bitte laden Sie ein Bild hoch.")) | |
return chat_history | |
try: | |
sample_file = upload_to_gemini(image) | |
response = gemini_model.generate_content([f"{user_input} Beschreiben Sie das Bild mit einer kreativen Beschreibung. Bitte in German antworten.", sample_file]) | |
response_text = response.text | |
chat_history.append((None, format_chat_message(response_text))) | |
except Exception as e: | |
chat_history.append((None, f"Fehler bei der Bildanalyse: {e}")) | |
return chat_history | |
# --- Chat-Verwaltungsfunktionen --- | |
def clear_chat(chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: | |
"""Leert den Chatverlauf.""" | |
chat_history.clear() | |
return chat_history | |
def generate_chat_title(chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> str: | |
"""Generiert einen Titel basierend auf den ersten Chatnachrichten.""" | |
if not chat_history: | |
return "Neuer Chat" | |
first_messages = [msg[0] for msg in chat_history if msg[0] is not None][:2] | |
if not first_messages: | |
return "Neuer Chat" | |
title = " ".join(first_messages) | |
title = title[:50] + "..." if len(title) > 50 else title | |
return title | |
def save_chat(chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]], saved_chats: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: | |
"""Speichert den aktuellen Chatverlauf.""" | |
if not chat_history: | |
return saved_chats | |
title = generate_chat_title(chat_history) | |
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | |
saved_chat = { | |
"title": title, | |
"date": timestamp, | |
"chat": chat_history, | |
} | |
saved_chats.append(saved_chat) | |
_save_chats_to_file(saved_chats) | |
return saved_chats | |
def _save_chats_to_file(chats: List[Dict[str, Any]]): | |
"""Speichert Chatverläufe in einer JSON-Datei.""" | |
os.makedirs(SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True) | |
with open(SAVE_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
json.dump(chats, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) | |
def _load_chats_from_file() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: | |
"""Lädt Chatverläufe aus einer JSON-Datei.""" | |
if os.path.exists(SAVE_FILE): | |
try: | |
with open(SAVE_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
return json.load(f) | |
except json.JSONDecodeError: | |
return [] | |
return [] | |
def format_saved_chat(saved_chat: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: | |
"""Formatiert einen gespeicherten Chat für die Anzeige.""" | |
return f"**{saved_chat['title']}** ({saved_chat['date']})" | |
def load_chat(chat_title: str, saved_chats: List[Dict[str, Any]], chat_history: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, str]], str]: | |
"""Lädt einen Chat in die Chat-Ausgabe.""" | |
selected_chat = next((chat for chat in saved_chats if format_saved_chat(chat) == chat_title), None) | |
if selected_chat: | |
return selected_chat['chat'], selected_chat['chat'], chat_title | |
return chat_history, chat_history, None # Fallback if title not found | |
def new_chat(saved_chats: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: | |
"""Startet einen neuen Chat.""" | |
return [], saved_chats | |
def delete_chat(chat_title: str, saved_chats: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: | |
"""Löscht einen einzelnen Chat.""" | |
updated_chats = [chat for chat in saved_chats if format_saved_chat(chat) != chat_title] | |
_save_chats_to_file(updated_chats) | |
return updated_chats | |
def delete_all_chats() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: | |
"""Löscht alle gespeicherten Chats.""" | |
_save_chats_to_file([]) | |
return [] | |
# --- Ollama Funktionen --- | |
def clean_output(output: str) -> str: | |
"""Entfernt Steuerzeichen aus der Ollama-Ausgabe.""" | |
cleaned_output = re.sub(r'(?:\x1B[@-_]|[\x1B\x9B][0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])', '', output) | |
cleaned_output = re.sub(r'\?\d+[lh]', '', cleaned_output) | |
cleaned_output = re.sub(r'[\u2800-\u28FF]', '', cleaned_output) | |
cleaned_output = re.sub(r'\r', '', cleaned_output) | |
cleaned_output = re.sub(r'2K1G ?(?:2K1G)*!?', '', cleaned_output) | |
return cleaned_output | |
def format_as_codeblock(output: str) -> str: | |
"""Formatiert die Ausgabe als Markdown-Codeblock.""" | |
return f"```\n{output}\n```" | |
def run_ollama_live(prompt: str, model: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]: | |
"""Führt Ollama aus und gibt die Ausgabe live zurück.""" | |
try: | |
process = subprocess.Popen( | |
["ollama", "run", model], | |
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, | |
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, | |
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, | |
text=True, | |
bufsize=1, | |
encoding='utf-8', | |
) | |
process.stdin.write(prompt + "\n") | |
process.stdin.close() | |
buffer = "" | |
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''): | |
clean_line = clean_output(line) | |
if clean_line: | |
buffer += clean_line + "\n" | |
yield format_as_codeblock(buffer) | |
process.stdout.close() | |
process.wait() | |
except Exception as e: | |
yield f"**Fehler:** {str(e)}" | |
def process_uploaded_file(file: gr.File) -> str: | |
"""Verarbeitet hochgeladene TXT- und PDF-Dateien.""" | |
if".txt"): | |
with open(, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
return | |
elif".pdf"): | |
try: | |
reader = PdfReader( | |
content = "" | |
for page in reader.pages: | |
content += page.extract_text() | |
return content | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise ValueError(f"Fehler beim Lesen der PDF-Datei: {e}") | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Nur TXT- und PDF-Dateien werden unterstützt.") | |
def chatbot_interface(input_text: str, model: str, file: Optional[gr.File], audio_file: Optional[gr.File] = None) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]: | |
"""Schnittstelle für die Ollama-Chatbot-Funktion.""" | |
if file: | |
try: | |
input_text = process_uploaded_file(file) | |
except ValueError as e: | |
yield f"**Fehler:** {str(e)}", STATUS_MESSAGE_ERROR | |
return | |
except Exception as e: | |
yield f"**Unerwarteter Fehler:** {str(e)}", STATUS_MESSAGE_ERROR | |
return | |
if audio_file: | |
try: | |
input_text = process_audio(audio_file) # Übergibt den Dateipfad direkt | |
except Exception as e: | |
yield f"**Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Audiodatei:** {str(e)}", STATUS_MESSAGE_ERROR | |
return | |
try: | |
for chunk in run_ollama_live(input_text, model): | |
except Exception as e: | |
yield f"**Fehler bei der Kommunikation mit Ollama:** {str(e)}", STATUS_MESSAGE_ERROR | |
# --- Gradio Benutzeroberfläche --- | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
gr.Markdown("## Chatbots mit Bild- und Audioanalyse") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
# --- Mistral Chatbot --- | |
with gr.TabItem("Mistral Chatbot"): | |
mistral_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Chat-Verlauf", height=400) | |
mistral_state = gr.State([]) | |
mistral_saved_chats = gr.State(_load_chats_from_file()) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=5): | |
mistral_user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nachricht", placeholder="Geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein...") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100): | |
mistral_submit_btn = gr.Button("Senden") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_image_upload = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bild hochladen", height=200) | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_audio_upload = gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Audio hochladen") # NEU | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn = gr.Button("Bild Nachricht senden") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
mistral_clear_chat_button = gr.Button("Chat leeren") | |
mistral_save_chat_button = gr.Button("Chat speichern") | |
mistral_new_chat_button = gr.Button("Neuen Chat starten") | |
with gr.Accordion("Gespeicherte Chats", open=False): | |
mistral_saved_chat_display = gr.Radio(label="Gespeicherte Chats", interactive=True) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
mistral_delete_chat_button = gr.Button("Ausgewählten Chat löschen") | |
mistral_delete_all_chats_button = gr.Button("Alle Chats löschen") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
with gr.TabItem("Bildanalyse"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_image_upload_analysis = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bild hochladen", height=200) | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_analysis = gr.Button("Nur Bild analysieren") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_charts = gr.Button("Diagramme verstehen") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_compare = gr.Button("Bilder vergleichen") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_receipts = gr.Button("Belege umschreiben") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_documents = gr.Button("Alte Dokumente umschreiben") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_analyze_btn_ocr = gr.Button("OCR mit strukturiertem Output") | |
with gr.TabItem("Bildvergleich"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_image_upload_compare1 = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bild 1 hochladen", height=200) | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
mistral_image_upload_compare2 = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bild 2 hochladen", height=200) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
mistral_compare_btn = gr.Button("Bilder vergleichen") | | | |
chat_with_mistral, | |
inputs=[mistral_user_input, mistral_state, mistral_image_upload, mistral_audio_upload], # Audio hinzugefügt | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot, mistral_user_input] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Beschreiben Sie das Bild mit einer kreativen Beschreibung. Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | |, inputs=[mistral_state], outputs=[mistral_chatbot]) | |, inputs=[mistral_state, mistral_saved_chats], outputs=[mistral_saved_chats]) | |, inputs=[mistral_saved_chats], outputs=[mistral_chatbot, mistral_saved_chats]) | |
def update_mistral_radio(chats): | |
formatted_chats = [format_saved_chat(chat) for chat in chats] | |
return gr.update(choices=formatted_chats) | |
mistral_saved_chats.change(update_mistral_radio, inputs=[mistral_saved_chats], outputs=[mistral_saved_chat_display]) | |
mistral_saved_chat_display.change(load_chat, inputs=[mistral_saved_chat_display, mistral_saved_chats, mistral_state], outputs=[mistral_chatbot, mistral_state, mistral_saved_chat_display]) | |, inputs=[mistral_saved_chat_display, mistral_saved_chats], outputs=[mistral_saved_chats]) | |, outputs=[mistral_saved_chats]) | |
demo.load(update_mistral_radio, inputs=[mistral_saved_chats], outputs=[mistral_saved_chat_display]) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Was ist auf diesem Bild? Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Was ist auf diesem Bild? Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Bildern? Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Transkribieren Sie diesen Beleg. Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Transkribieren Sie dieses Dokument. Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_mistral(image, chat_history, user_input, "Extrahieren Sie aus dieser Rechnung die Rechnungsnummer, die Artikelnamen und zugehörigen Preise sowie den Gesamtpreis und geben Sie sie als Zeichenfolge in einem JSON-Objekt zurück. Bitte in Deutsch antworten."), | |
inputs=[mistral_image_upload_analysis, mistral_state, mistral_user_input], | |
outputs=[mistral_chatbot] | |
) | |, inputs=[mistral_image_upload_compare1, mistral_image_upload_compare2, mistral_state], outputs=[mistral_chatbot]) | |
# --- Gemini Chatbot --- | |
with gr.TabItem("Gemini Chatbot"): | |
gemini_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Chat-Verlauf", height=400) | |
gemini_state = gr.State([]) | |
gemini_saved_chats = gr.State(_load_chats_from_file()) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=5): | |
gemini_user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Nachricht", placeholder="Geben Sie hier Ihre Nachricht ein...") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100): | |
gemini_submit_btn = gr.Button("Senden") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
gemini_image_upload = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bild hochladen", height=200) | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
gemini_audio_upload = gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Audio hochladen") # NEU | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
gemini_analyze_btn = gr.Button("Bild mit Nachricht senden") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gemini_clear_chat_button = gr.Button("Chat leeren") | |
gemini_save_chat_button = gr.Button("Chat speichern") | |
gemini_new_chat_button = gr.Button("Neuen Chat starten") | |
with gr.Accordion("Gespeicherte Chats", open=False): | |
gemini_saved_chat_display = gr.Radio(label="Gespeicherte Chats", interactive=True) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gemini_delete_chat_button = gr.Button("Ausgewählten Chat löschen") | |
gemini_delete_all_chats_button = gr.Button("Alle Chats löschen") | | | |
chat_with_gemini, | |
inputs=[gemini_user_input, gemini_state, gemini_image_upload, gemini_audio_upload], # Audio hinzugefügt | |
outputs=[gemini_chatbot, gemini_user_input] | |
) | | | |
lambda image, chat_history, user_input: analyze_image_gemini(image, chat_history, user_input), | |
inputs=[gemini_image_upload, gemini_state, gemini_user_input], | |
outputs=[gemini_chatbot] | |
) | |, inputs=[gemini_state], outputs=[gemini_chatbot]) | |, inputs=[gemini_state, gemini_saved_chats], outputs=[gemini_saved_chats]) | |, inputs=[gemini_saved_chats], outputs=[gemini_chatbot, gemini_saved_chats]) | |
def update_gemini_radio(chats): | |
formatted_chats = [format_saved_chat(chat) for chat in chats] | |
return gr.update(choices=formatted_chats) | |
gemini_saved_chats.change(update_gemini_radio, inputs=[gemini_saved_chats], outputs=[gemini_saved_chat_display]) | |
gemini_saved_chat_display.change(load_chat, inputs=[gemini_saved_chat_display, gemini_saved_chats, gemini_state], outputs=[gemini_chatbot, gemini_state, gemini_saved_chat_display]) | |, inputs=[gemini_saved_chat_display, gemini_saved_chats], outputs=[gemini_saved_chats]) | |, outputs=[gemini_saved_chats]) | |
demo.load(update_gemini_radio, inputs=[gemini_saved_chats], outputs=[gemini_saved_chat_display]) | |
# --- Ollama Chatbot --- | |
with gr.TabItem("Ollama Chatbot"): | |
ollama_input_text = gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Geben Sie Ihre Frage an Ollama ein", label="Eingabe (oder Datei hochladen)") | |
ollama_model_selector = gr.Dropdown(choices=OLLAMA_MODELS, value=DEFAULT_OLLAMA_MODEL, label="Modell auswählen") | |
ollama_file_upload = gr.File(label="Datei hochladen (PDF oder TXT)", file_types=[".txt", ".pdf"]) | |
ollama_audio_upload = gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Audio hochladen") | |
ollama_output = gr.Markdown(label="Antwort") | |
ollama_status = gr.Label(label="Status") | |
ollama_submit_btn = gr.Button("Senden") | |, inputs=[ollama_input_text, ollama_model_selector, ollama_file_upload, ollama_audio_upload], outputs=[ollama_output, ollama_status]) | |
# --- Dateierstellung --- | |
with gr.TabItem("Dateierstellung"): | |
gr.Markdown("## Dateierstellung") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
file_type = gr.Radio(choices=["Excel", "Word", "PDF", "PowerPoint", "CSV"], label="Dateiformat", value="Excel") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
sheets = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, step=1, label="Anzahl der Tabellenblätter (nur Excel)", value=1) | |
with gr.Column(scale=2): | |
file_content = gr.Textbox(label="Inhalt der Datei", placeholder="Geben Sie den Inhalt der Datei ein...") | |
with gr.Column(scale=1): | |
create_file_btn = gr.Button("Datei erstellen") | |
download_file = gr.File(label="Herunterladen") | | | |
lambda content, file_format, sheets: ( | |
create_excel_with_ai(content, sheets) if file_format == "Excel" else | |
create_word_with_ai(content) if file_format == "Word" else | |
create_pdf_with_ai(content) if file_format == "PDF" else | |
create_ppt_with_ai(content) if file_format == "PowerPoint" else | |
create_csv_with_ai(content) | |
), | |
inputs=[file_content, file_type, sheets], | |
outputs=[download_file] | |
) | |
# Starten Sie die Gradio-Benutzeroberfläche | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
demo.launch(share=True, server_name="localhost", server_port=8779) | |