<div id="tool-box" class="overlay"></div> | |
<div id="inspector" class="overlay sidebar right scroll monospaced"></div> | |
<script>import * as polyDecomp from "[email protected]"; | |
const { | |
Bodies, | |
Body, | |
Bounds, | |
Common, | |
Composite, | |
Constraint, | |
Engine, | |
Events, | |
Mouse, | |
MouseConstraint, | |
Query, | |
Render, | |
Runner, | |
Vector, | |
Vertices, | |
} = Matter; | |
Common.setDecomp(polyDecomp); | |
const engine = Engine.create({ | |
gravity: { | |
scale: 0.001, | |
x: 0, | |
y: 1, | |
}, | |
}); | |
const rect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
const render = Render.create({ | |
element: document.body, | |
engine: engine, | |
options: { | |
width: rect.height, | |
height: rect.height, | |
pixelRatio: 1, | |
hasBounds: true, | |
showConvexHulls: true, | |
showAxes: true, | |
}, | |
}); | |
const boxA = Bodies.rectangle(100, -50, 80, 80); | |
const boxB = Bodies.rectangle(400 * 0.60, -50, 80, 80); | |
const ground = Bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 50, { isStatic: true }); | |
const mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas); | |
const mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine, { | |
mouse, | |
constraint: { | |
angularStiffness: 0.8, | |
render: { | |
visible: true, | |
}, | |
}, | |
collisionFilter: { | |
category: 0x0000, | |
mask: 0x00000000, | |
group: 0, | |
}, | |
/*{ // Default | |
category: 0x0001, | |
mask: 0xFFFFFFFF, | |
group: 0, | |
},*/ | |
}); | |
render.mouse = mouse; | |
Composite.add(, [boxA, boxB, ground, mouseConstraint]); | |
const runner = Runner.create(); | |, engine); | |; | |
// Setup | |
const KEYS_DOWN = new Set(); | |
setInterval(() => console.log(KEYS_DOWN), 1000); | |
const SHAPE_FACTORIES = [ | |
{ key: 'rectangle', | |
icon: 'square', | |
numPoints: 2, | |
factory: ([pointStart, pointEnd], isAlternateMode) => { | |
if (!pointStart || !pointEnd) return; | |
const min = Vector.create(Math.min(pointStart.position.x, pointEnd.position.x), Math.min(pointStart.position.y, pointEnd.position.y)); | |
const max = Vector.create(Math.max(pointStart.position.x, pointEnd.position.x), Math.max(pointStart.position.y, pointEnd.position.y)); | |
let width = max.x - min.x | |
let height = max.y - min.y | |
let position = Vector.div(Vector.add(pointStart.position, pointEnd.position), 2); | |
if (isAlternateMode) { | |
width *= 2; | |
height *= 2; | |
position = pointStart.position; | |
} | |
if (width > 0 && height > 0) { | |
return Bodies.rectangle(position.x, position.y, width, height, {}); | |
} | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'circle', | |
icon: 'circle', | |
numPoints: 2, | |
factory: ([pointStart, pointEnd], isAlternateMode) => { | |
if (!pointStart || !pointEnd) return; | |
let radius = Vector.magnitude(Vector.sub(pointStart.position, pointEnd.position)); | |
if (isAlternateMode) radius /= 2; | |
if (radius > 0) { | |
let position = pointStart.position; | |
if (isAlternateMode) position = Vector.div(Vector.add(pointStart.position, pointEnd.position), 2); | |
return, position.y, radius, {}, 50); | |
} | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'capsule', | |
icon: 'capsules', | |
numPoints: 3, | |
factory: ([pointStart, pointEnd, pointTangent], isAlternateMode) => { | |
if (!pointStart || !pointEnd || !pointTangent) return; | |
// Note: There is no way any of this is efficient | |
const midpoint = Vector.div(Vector.add(pointStart.position, pointEnd.position), 2); | |
const delta = Vector.sub(pointEnd.position, pointStart.position); | |
const deltaMagSq = Vector.magnitudeSquared(delta); | |
const deltaMag = Math.sqrt(deltaMagSq); | |
const deltaDir = Vector.div(delta, deltaMag); | |
let radius = 0; | |
if (deltaMagSq <= (Number.EPSILON * Number.EPSILON)) { | |
radius = Vector.magnitude(Vector.sub(pointStart.position, pointTangent.position)); | |
} else { | |
let proj, scale; | |
if (true) { | |
proj = Vector.mult(deltaDir,, pointStart.position), deltaDir)); | |
scale = Vector.magnitudeSquared(proj) / deltaMagSq * Math.sign(, Vector.normalise(Vector.sub(pointTangent.position, pointStart.position)))); | |
} | |
if (scale < 0) | |
radius = Vector.magnitude(Vector.sub(pointStart.position, pointTangent.position)); | |
else if (scale > 1) | |
radius = Vector.magnitude(Vector.sub(pointEnd.position, pointTangent.position)); | |
else | |
radius = Math.abs((pointEnd.position.x - pointStart.position.x) * (pointStart.position.y - pointTangent.position.y) - (pointStart.position.x - pointTangent.position.x) * (pointEnd.position.y - pointStart.position.y)) / Vector.magnitude(Vector.sub(pointEnd.position, pointStart.position)); | |
} | |
const width = !isAlternateMode ? deltaMag + radius * 2 : deltaMag; | |
const height = radius * 2; | |
if (width > 0 && height > 0 && radius > 0) { | |
const body = Bodies.rectangle(midpoint.x, midpoint.y, width, height, { chamfer: { radius } }); | |
Body.setAngle(body, Vector.angle(pointStart.position, pointEnd.position)); | |
return body; | |
} | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'polygon', | |
icon: 'draw-polygon', | |
numPoints: 0, | |
factory: (points, isAlternateMode) => { | |
if (points.length < 3) return; | |
const positions = => point.position); | |
const body = Bodies.fromVertices(0, 0, positions, {}, true); | |
const positionBounds = Bounds.create(positions); | |
const offset = Vector.create(positionBounds.min.x - body.bounds.min.x, positionBounds.min.y - body.bounds.min.y); | |
Body.setPosition(body, Vector.add(body.position, offset)); | |
console.log(offset); | |
return body; | |
}, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'clone', | |
icon: 'clone', | |
numPoints: 2, | |
doUnfreeze: false, | |
factory: ([original, placement]) => { | |
if (!original || !original.body || !placement) return; | |
const body = Object.assign(clone(original.body), { | |
id: Common.nextId(), | |
collisionFilter: { category: 0x0000, | |
mask: 0x00000000, | |
group: 0, | |
}, | |
}); | |
Body.setAngle(body, original.angle); | |
Body.setPosition(body, Vector.sub(placement.position, original.offset)); | |
return body; | |
}, | |
onFinalize: (body, [original, placement]) => { | |
body.collisionFilter = clone(original.body.collisionFilter); | |
Body.setStatic(body, original.body.isStatic); | |
return true; // Override default finalization | |
}, | |
}, | |
]; | |
const SHAPE_TOOL_BUILDER = ({ key, icon, iconStyle, numPoints, doUnfreeze, factory, onFinalize }) => { | |
const createPoint = (position, bodies, ignoreBodies) => { | |
position = Vector.clone(position); | |
bodies = bodies || Composite.allBodies(; | |
ignoreBodies = !Array.isArray(ignoreBodies) ? [ignoreBodies] : ignoreBodies; | |
if (KEYS_DOWN.has('ControlLeft')) { | |
position.x = Math.floor(position.x / 10 + 0.5) * 10; | |
position.y = Math.floor(position.y / 10 + 0.5) * 10; | |
} | |
const queryResult = Query.point(bodies, position); | |
const body = _.first(ignoreBodies ? queryResult.filter(body => !ignoreBodies.includes(body)) : queryResult); | |
if (body && KEYS_DOWN.has('AltLeft')) { | |
position = Vector.clone(body.position); | |
} | |
return { | |
body, | |
position, | |
angle: body ? body.angle : 0, | |
offset: body? Vector.sub(position, body.position) : Vector.create(0, 0), | |
}; | |
}; | |
const updateBody = (state) => { | |
if (!state.isActive) return; | |
if (state.body) { | |
Composite.remove(, state.body); | |
state.body = null; | |
} | |
try { | |
state.body = factory(state.points, state.isAlternateMode); | |
if (state.body) { | |
Body.setStatic(state.body, true); | |
Composite.add(, [state.body]); | |
} | |
} catch (err) { | |
// TODO: Include points | |
console.error(`Unable to generate body from '${key}' factory: ${err.message}\n${err.stack || err}`); | |
} | |
}; | |
const finalizeBody = (state) => { | |
if (!state.isActive) return; | |
state.points = state.points.slice(0, state.pointsCommitted); | |
updateBody(state); | |
if (state.body) { | |
if (!onFinalize || !onFinalize(state.body, state.points)) { | |
if (!KEYS_DOWN.has('ShiftLeft')) { | |
Body.setStatic(state.body, false); | |
} else { | |
Body.setStatic(state.body, true); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
return { | |
key, | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-xl" style="${iconStyle || ''}"></i> | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-plus"></i> | |
`, | |
onEvent: { | |
mousedown: (event, state) => { | |
const bodies = Composite.allBodies(; | |
if (!state.isActive) { | |
state.isActive = true; | |
state.isAlternateMode = event.mouse.button === 2; | |
state.points = [createPoint(event.mouse.position, bodies, state.body)]; | |
state.pointsCommitted = 1; | |
state.body = null; | |
} else if (event.mouse.button === 0) { | |
state.points[state.pointsCommitted] = createPoint(event.mouse.position, bodies, state.body); | |
state.pointsCommitted++; | |
} | |
updateBody(state); | |
if ((numPoints > 0 && state.points.length >= numPoints) || (numPoints <= 0 && event.mouse.button === 2)) { | |
finalizeBody(state); | |
state.isActive = false; | |
state.body = null; | |
} | |
}, | |
mousemove: (event, state) => { | |
if (!state.isActive) return; | |
state.points[state.pointsCommitted] = createPoint(event.mouse.position, null, state.body); | |
updateBody(state); | |
}, | |
}, | |
state: { | |
isActive: false, | |
points: null, | |
pointsCommitted: 0, | |
body: null, | |
}, | |
}; | |
}; | |
{ key: 'pin', | |
icon: 'thumbtack', | |
numPoints: 1, | |
factory: ([point]) => { | |
if (!point || !point.body) return; | |
return Constraint.create({ | |
bodyB: point.body, | |
pointA: point.position, | |
pointB: point.offset, | |
length: 0, | |
}); | |
}, | |
}, | |
...[1.00, 0.10, 0.01, 0.001].map(stiffness => ({ | |
key: `connect-${stiffness.toPrecision(2)}`, | |
icon: stiffness !== 1.00 ? 'share-nodes' : 'circle-nodes', | |
iconStyle: stiffness !== 1.00 ? `color:rgba(${150 + 100 * (stiffness / 0.15)}, 255, ${150 + 100 * (1-(stiffness / 0.15))}, 1);` : '', | |
numPoints: 2, | |
factory: ([pointStart, pointEnd]) => { | |
if (!pointStart || !pointEnd) return; | |
if (!pointStart.body && !pointEnd.body) return; | |
return Constraint.create({ | |
bodyA: pointStart.body, | |
bodyB: pointEnd.body, | |
pointA: pointStart.body ? pointStart.offset : pointStart.position, | |
pointB: pointEnd.body ? pointEnd.offset : pointEnd.position, | |
stiffness, | |
}); | |
}, | |
})), | |
{ key: 'union', | |
icon: 'object-group', | |
numPoints: 0, | |
factory: (points) => { | |
if (!points || points.length < 2) return; | |
const bodies = => point.body).filter(Boolean); | |
for (let body of bodies) { | |
// Note: Deep search? Would be slow, right? | |
Composite.remove(, body); | |
} | |
// TODO: Clone only specific body properties needed | |
const parts = => > 1 ? => p !== body) :; | |
const clones = => Object.assign(clone(part), { id: Common.nextId() })); | |
return Body.create({ | |
parts: clones, | |
isStatic: clones.some(body => body.isStatic), | |
}); | |
}, | |
}, | |
]; | |
const CONSTRAINT_TOOL_BUILDER = ({ key, icon, iconStyle, numPoints, factory }) => { | |
const createPoint = (position, bodies, ignoreBodies) => { | |
position = Vector.clone(position); | |
bodies = bodies || Composite.allBodies(; | |
ignoreBodies = !Array.isArray(ignoreBodies) ? [ignoreBodies] : ignoreBodies; | |
if (KEYS_DOWN.has('ControlLeft')) { | |
position.x = Math.floor(position.x / 10 + 0.5) * 10; | |
position.y = Math.floor(position.y / 10 + 0.5) * 10; | |
} | |
const queryResult = Query.point(bodies, position); | |
const body = _.first(ignoreBodies ? queryResult.filter(body => !ignoreBodies.includes(body)) : queryResult); | |
if (body && KEYS_DOWN.has('AltLeft')) { | |
position = Vector.clone(body.position); | |
} | |
return { | |
body, | |
position, | |
angle: body ? body.angle : 0, | |
offset: body? Vector.sub(position, body.position) : Vector.create(0, 0), | |
}; | |
}; | |
const finalizeConstraint = (state) => { | |
if (!state.isActive) return; | |
try { | |
const result = factory(state.points); | |
if (result) { | |
Composite.add(, [result]); | |
} | |
} catch (err) { | |
// TODO: Include points | |
console.error(`Unable to generate constraint from '${key}' factory: ${err.message}\n${err.stack || err}`); | |
} | |
}; | |
return { | |
key, | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-xl" style="${iconStyle || ''}"></i> | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-link"></i> | |
`, | |
onEvent: { | |
mousedown: (event, state) => { | |
const bodies = Composite.allBodies(; | |
if (!state.isActive) { | |
state.isActive = true; | |
state.points = [createPoint(event.mouse.position, bodies)]; | |
state.pointsCommitted = 1; | |
} else { | |
state.points[state.pointsCommitted] = createPoint(event.mouse.position, bodies); | |
state.pointsCommitted++; | |
} | |
if ((numPoints > 0 && state.points.length >= numPoints) || (numPoints <= 0 && event.mouse.button === 2)) { | |
finalizeConstraint(state); | |
state.isActive = false; | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
state: { | |
isActive: false, | |
points: null, | |
pointsCommitted: 0, | |
}, | |
}; | |
}; | |
let INSPECTED_OBJECT = null; | |
let ACTIVE_TOOL = null; | |
const TOOL_BOX = [ | |
{ key: 'general', | |
tools: [ | |
{ key: 'pointer', | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-pointer"></i> | |
`, | |
onDeactivate: (state) => { | |
if (state.isDown) { | |
state.isDown = false; | |
state.isExpired = true; | |
} | |
if (state.timeout) { | |
clearTimeout(state.timeout); | |
state.timeout = null; | |
} | |
if (state.contextMenu) { | |
state.contextMenu.hide(); | |
state.contextMenu = null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onEvent: { | |
mousedown: (event, state) => { | |
state.isDown = true; | |
state.isExpired = false; | |
state.position = Vector.clone(event.mouse.position); | |
state.bodies = Query.point(Composite.allBodies(, state.position); | |
if (state.timeout) { | |
clearTimeout(state.timeout); | |
state.timeout = null; | |
} | |
if (state.contextMenu) { | |
state.contextMenu.hide(); | |
state.contextMenu = null; | |
} | |
state.timeout = setTimeout(() => { | |
state.isExpired = true; | |
const menuItems = => ({ | |
text: body.label, | |
hotkey:, | |
onclick: () => inspectObject(body), | |
})); | |
const contextMenu = state.contextMenu = new ContextMenu(document.body, menuItems); | |, event.mouse.absolute.y); | |
}, 1500); | |
}, | |
mouseup: (event, state) => { | |
if (!state.isDown || state.isExpired) return; | |
state.isDown = false; | |
if (state.timeout) { | |
clearTimeout(state.timeout); | |
state.timeout = null; | |
} | |
inspectObject(_.first(state.bodies)); | |
}, | |
}, | |
state: { | |
isDown: false, | |
isExpired: false, | |
timeout: null, | |
contextMenu: null, | |
position: null, | |
bodies: null, | |
}, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'move', | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-arrows-up-down-left-right"></i> | |
`, | |
onEvent: { | |
mousedown: (event, state) => { | |
if (state.isDown) return; | |
state.isDown = true; | |
state.position = Vector.clone(event.mouse.position); | |
state.body = _.first(Query.point(Composite.allBodies(, state.position)); | |
if (state.body) { | |
state.wasStatic = state.body.isStatic; | |
Body.setStatic(state.body, true); | |
state.localPosition = Vector.sub(state.body.position, state.position); | |
} | |
}, | |
mousemove: (event, state) => { | |
if (!state.isDown) return; | |
if (state.body) { | |
Body.setPosition(state.body, Vector.add(event.mouse.position, state.localPosition)); | |
} | |
}, | |
mouseup: (event, state) => { | |
if (!state.isDown) return; | |
if (state.body) { | |
Body.setStatic(state.body, state.wasStatic); | |
} | |
state.isDown = false; | |
state.body = null; | |
state.wasStatic = false; | |
state.position = null; | |
state.localPosition = null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
state: { isDown: false, body: null, wasStatic: false, position: null, localPosition: null }, | |
}, | |
{ key: 'grab', | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-hand"></i> | |
`, | |
onActivate: () => { | |
mouseConstraint.collisionFilter = { // Default | |
category: 0x0001, | |
mask: 0xFFFFFFFF, | |
group: 0, | |
}; | |
}, | |
onDeactivate: () => { | |
mouseConstraint.collisionFilter = { // Empty | |
category: 0x0000, | |
mask: 0x00000000, | |
group: 0, | |
}; | |
}, | |
}, | |
], | |
}, | |
{ key: 'destructive', | |
tools: [ | |
{ key: 'remove', | |
innerHTML: ` | |
<i class="fa-solid fa-delete-left"></i> | |
`, | |
onEvent: { | |
mousedown: (event, state) => { | |
if (state.isDown) return; | |
state.isDown = true; | |
state.bodies = Query.point(Composite.allBodies(, event.mouse.position); | |
}, | |
mouseup: (event, state) => { | |
if (!state.isDown) return; | |
const confirm = Query.point(Composite.allBodies(, event.mouse.position); | |
const body = _.first(state.bodies, _.intersection(state.bodies, confirm)); | |
if (body) { | |
Composite.remove(, body); | |
} | |
state.isDown = false; | |
state.bodies = null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
state: { isDown: false, bodies: null }, | |
}, | |
], | |
}, | |
{ key: 'create', | |
tools: => SHAPE_TOOL_BUILDER(shapeFactory)), | |
}, | |
{ key: 'constrain', | |
tools: => CONSTRAINT_TOOL_BUILDER(constraintFactory)), | |
}, | |
]; | |
// Functions | |
function updateCanvasDimensions() { | |
const rect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
const size = Vector.create(rect.width, rect.height); | |
render.options.width = size.x; | |
render.options.height = size.y; | |
render.canvas.width = size.x; | |
render.canvas.height = size.y; | |
render.bounds.min.x = size.x * -0.5; | |
render.bounds.min.y = size.y * -0.90; | |
render.bounds.max.x = size.x * 0.5; | |
render.bounds.max.y = size.y * 0.10; | |
} | |
function buildToolbox() { | |
const elToolBox = document.getElementById('tool-box'); | |
let firstTool = null; | |
for (let category of TOOL_BOX) { | |
const elCategory = category.element = elToolBox.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); | | = `tool-category-${category.key}`; | |
elCategory.classList.add('container') | |
for (let tool of { | |
if (!firstTool) firstTool = tool; | |
tool.category = category; | |
tool.state = tool.state || {}; | |
tool._onEventCallbacks = {}; | |
const elTool = tool.element = elCategory.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); | | = `tool-tool-${category.key}-${tool.key}`; | |
elTool.classList.add('tool'); | |
elTool.innerHTML = tool.innerHTML; | |
elTool.addEventListener('click', event => { | |
activateTool(tool); | |
}); | |
} | |
if (firstTool) { | |
activateTool(firstTool); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function activateTool(tool) { | |
if (tool === ACTIVE_TOOL) return; | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL !== null) { | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.onEvent) { | |
for (let [eventName, eventHandler] of Object.entries(ACTIVE_TOOL.onEvent)) { | |
const callback = ACTIVE_TOOL._onEventCallbacks[eventName]; | |
if (callback) { | |, eventName, callback); | |
delete ACTIVE_TOOL._onEventCallbacks[eventName]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.onDeactivate) { | |
try { | |
ACTIVE_TOOL.onDeactivate(ACTIVE_TOOL.state); | |
} catch (err) { | |
const message = `Error attempting to deactivate tool '${ACTIVE_TOOL.category.key}:${ACTIVE_TOOL.key}': ${err.stack || err}`; | |
console.error(message); | |
alert(message); | |
} | |
} | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.element) ACTIVE_TOOL.element.classList.remove('active'); | |
ACTIVE_TOOL = null; | |
} | |
if (tool !== null) { | |
ACTIVE_TOOL = tool; | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.onEvent) { | |
for (let [eventName, eventHandler] of Object.entries(ACTIVE_TOOL.onEvent)) { | |
const _tool = ACTIVE_TOOL; | |
const callback = _tool._onEventCallbacks[eventName] = (event) => eventHandler(event, _tool.state); | |
Events.on(mouseConstraint, eventName, callback); | |
} | |
} | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.onActivate) { | |
try { | |
ACTIVE_TOOL.onActivate(ACTIVE_TOOL.state); | |
} catch (err) { | |
const message = `Error attempting to activate tool '${ACTIVE_TOOL.category.key}:${ACTIVE_TOOL.key}': ${err.stack || err}`; | |
console.error(message); | |
alert(message); | |
} | |
} | |
if (ACTIVE_TOOL.element) ACTIVE_TOOL.element.classList.add('active'); | |
} | |
} | |
function inspectObject(object) { | |
INSPECTED_OBJECT = object; | |
INSPECTED_OBJECT_PROPERTIES = object ? {} : null; | |
const elInspector = document.getElementById('inspector'); | |
if (!object) return elInspector.replaceChildren(); | |
const elTable = elInspector.appendChild(document.createElement('table')); | |
elTable.appendChild(document.createElement('thead')).innerHTML = ` | |
<tr> | |
<th>Key</th> | |
<th>Value</th> | |
</tr> | |
`; | |
const elTBody = elTable.appendChild(document.createElement('tbody')); | |
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) { | |
const elRow = elTBody.appendChild(document.createElement('tr')); | |
elRow.setAttribute('data-key', key); | |
elRow.classList.add('property'); | |
const elKey = elRow.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); | |
elKey.classList.add('key'); | |
elKey.append(_.toString(key)); | |
const elValue = elRow.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); | |
elValue.classList.add('value'); | |
elValue.append(_.toString(value)); | |
INSPECTED_OBJECT_PROPERTIES[key] = { key, value, elements: { row: elRow, key: elKey, value: elValue } }; | |
} | |
elInspector.replaceChildren(elTable); | |
} | |
function updateInspectedObject() { | |
if (!INSPECTED_OBJECT) return; | |
for (let [key, property] of Object.entries(INSPECTED_OBJECT_PROPERTIES)) { | |
const value = property.value = INSPECTED_OBJECT[key]; | |
const elValue = property.elements.value; | |
elValue.replaceChildren(); | |
elValue.append(_.toString(value)); | |
} | |
} | |
Events.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', () => { | |
const now =; | |
if (now - INSPECTED_OBJECT_LAST_UPDATE < 100) return; | |
updateInspectedObject(); | |
}); | |
Events.on(render, 'beforeRender', () => { | |
}); | |
// Init | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { | |
window.addEventListener('resize', updateCanvasDimensions); | |
document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { | |
KEYS_DOWN.add(event.code); | |
if (event.key === 'Alt') event.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
document.addEventListener('keyup', event => { | |
KEYS_DOWN.delete(event.code); | |
if (event.key === 'Alt') event.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
updateCanvasDimensions(); | |
buildToolbox(); | |
}); | |
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