Condition,Point Headache,"Thumb tip, Tips of all fingers" Eye Problems,"Index finger tip, Upper tip of the index finger" Ear Issues,Middle finger tip Nose and Sinus,"Ring finger tip, Base of the thumb (near the nail)" Throat Discomfort,Little finger tip Heart and Chest,Base of the thumb (near the wrist) Lung and Respiratory,Upper part of the thumb (near the nail) Stomach Disorders,Below the thumb Liver and Gallbladder,Thumb joint area Kidney and Urinary,Middle of the palm Digestive Problems,Center of the palm Back Pain,"Wrist area, Lower wrist area" Stress and Anxiety,"Point between the thumb and index finger, Points on the palm's center" Insomnia,"Point between the thumb and index finger, Lower wrist area" Fatigue,"Wrist area between the thumb and wrist, Upper wrist area, Outer edge of the little finger, Base of the middle finger" Nausea,"Point below the thumb, Tip of the middle finger" Joint Pain,"Joints of fingers and thumb, Tip of the ring finger" Menstrual Issues,Lower area of the thumb Diabetes,"Tip of the thumb, Thumb joint area" Hypertension,Middle finger joint area Immune System,"Upper part of the index finger, Outer edge of the thumb" Digestive Disorders,"Points along the middle finger, Base of the thumb" Hormonal Balance,"Center of the index finger, Point between the middle and ring finger" Constipation,Point below the middle finger Sciatica,"Outer edge of the hand, near the little finger" Weight Management,Upper edge of the palm Skin Issues,Points on the palm's center and edges Blood Circulation,"Circular motions around the palm, Point between the middle and ring finger" Anxiety,"Point between the index and middle finger, Points on the palm's center, Base of the little finger" Depression,Lower wrist area Knee Pain,"Tip of the thumb and index finger, Joints of fingers and thumb"