import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js";
import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js";

import { is_UEnode, is_helper, inject, Logger, get_real_node } from "./use_everywhere_utilities.js";
import { displayMessage, update_input_label, indicate_restriction } from "./use_everywhere_ui.js";
import { LinkRenderController } from "./use_everywhere_ui.js";
import { autoCreateMenu } from "./use_everywhere_autocreate.js";
import { add_autoprompts } from "./use_everywhere_autoprompt.js";
import { GraphAnalyser } from "./use_everywhere_graph_analysis.js";
import { main_menu_settings, node_menu_settings, canvas_menu_settings } from "./use_everywhere_settings.js";
import { add_debug } from "./ue_debug.js";

The ui component that looks after the link rendering
var linkRenderController;
var graphAnalyser;

Inject a call to linkRenderController.mark_list_link_outdated into a method with name methodname on all objects in the array
If object is undefined, do nothing.
The injection is added at the end of the existing method (if the method didn't exist, it is created).
A Logger.trace call is added at the start with 'tracetext'
function inject_outdating_into_objects(array, methodname, tracetext) {
    if (array) {
        array.forEach((object) => { inject_outdating_into_object_method(object, methodname, tracetext); })
function inject_outdating_into_object_method(object, methodname, tracetext) {
    if (object) inject(object, methodname, tracetext, linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated, linkRenderController);

const nodeHandler = {
    set: function(obj, property, value) {
        const oldValue = Reflect.get(obj, property, this);
        const result = Reflect.set(...arguments);
        if (oldValue!=value) {
            if (property==='bgcolor') {
                if (obj.mode!=4) linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated();
            if (property==='mode') {
                obj.widgets?.forEach((widget) => {widget.onModeChange?.(value)});
        return result;

	name: "cg.customnodes.use_everywhere",

    async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) {
        When a node is connected or unconnected, the link list is dirty.
        If it is a UE node, we need to update it as well
        const onConnectionsChange = nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange;
        nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange = function (side,slot,connect,link_info,output) {        
            Logger.trace("onConnectionsChange", arguments, this);
            if (this.IS_UE && side==1) { // side 1 is input
                if (this.type=="Anything Everywhere?" && slot!=0) {
                    // don't do anything for the regexs
                } else {
                    const type = (connect && link_info) ? get_real_node(link_info?.origin_id)?.outputs[link_info?.origin_slot]?.type : undefined;
                    this.input_type[slot] = type;
                    if (link_info) link_info.type = type ? type : "*";
                    update_input_label(this, slot, app);
            onConnectionsChange?.apply(this, arguments);

        Toggle the group restriction.
        Any right click action on a node might make the link list dirty.
        const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions;
        nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function(_, options) {
            Logger.trace("getExtraMenuOptions", arguments, this);
            getExtraMenuOptions?.apply(this, arguments);
            if (is_UEnode(this)) {
                node_menu_settings(options, this);

            // any right click action can make the list dirty
            inject_outdating_into_objects(options,'callback',`menu option on ${}`);

        if (is_UEnode(nodeType)) {
            const onNodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated;
            nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () {
                const r = onNodeCreated ? onNodeCreated.apply(this, arguments) : undefined;
                if (! = {}
       = 0;
       = 0;
                if (this.inputs) {
                    if (!this.widgets) this.widgets = [];
                    for (const input of this.inputs) {
                        if (input.widget && !this.widgets.find((w) => === this.widgets.push(input.widget)
                return r;

    async nodeCreated(node) {
        node.IS_UE = is_UEnode(node);
        if (node.IS_UE) {
            node.input_type = [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // for dynamic input types
            node.displayMessage = displayMessage;                // receive messages from the python code           

            // If a widget on a UE node is edited, link list is dirty
            inject_outdating_into_objects(node.widgets,'callback',`widget callback on ${}`);

            // draw the indication of group restrictions
            const original_onDrawTitleBar = node.onDrawTitleBar;
            node.onDrawTitleBar = function(ctx, title_height) {
                original_onDrawTitleBar?.apply(this, arguments);
                if ( || indicate_restriction(ctx, title_height);

        if (is_helper(node)) { // editing a helper node makes the list dirty
            inject_outdating_into_objects(node.widgets,'callback',`widget callback on ${}`);

        // removing a node makes the list dirty
        inject_outdating_into_object_method(node, 'onRemoved', `node ${} removed`)

        // creating a node makes the link list dirty - but give the system a moment to finish
        setTimeout( ()=>{linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated()}, 100 );

    loadedGraphNode(node) { if (node.flags.collapsed && node.loaded_when_collapsed) node.loaded_when_collapsed(); },

	async setup() {
        const head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0];
        const link = document.createElement('link');
        link.rel = 'stylesheet';
        link.type = 'text/css';
        link.href = 'extensions/cg-use-everywhere/ue.css';

        Listen for message-handler event from python code
        function messageHandler(event) {
            const id =;
            const message = event.detail.message;
            const node = get_real_node(id);
            if (node && node.displayMessage) node.displayMessage(id, message);
            else (console.log(`node ${id} couldn't handle a message`));
        api.addEventListener("ue-message-handler", messageHandler);

        api.addEventListener("status", ({detail}) => {
            if (linkRenderController) linkRenderController.note_queue_size(detail ? detail.exec_info.queue_remaining : 0)

        We don't want to do that if we are saving the workflow or api:
        const _original_save_onclick = document.getElementById('comfy-save-button').onclick;
        document.getElementById('comfy-save-button').onclick = function() {
        const _original_save_api_onclick = document.getElementById('comfy-dev-save-api-button').onclick;
        document.getElementById('comfy-dev-save-api-button').onclick = function() {
        Hijack drawNode to render the virtual connection points
        and links to node with mouseOver
        const original_drawNode = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode;
        LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode = function(node, ctx) {
            original_drawNode.apply(this, arguments);
            linkRenderController.highlight_ue_connections(node, ctx);

        When we draw connections, do the ue ones as well
        const drawConnections = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawConnections;
        LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawConnections = function(ctx) {
            drawConnections?.apply(this, arguments);

        Canvas menu is the right click on backdrop.
        We need to add our option, and hijack the others.
        const original_getCanvasMenuOptions = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions;
        LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions = function () {
            // Add our items to the canvas menu 
            const options = original_getCanvasMenuOptions.apply(this, arguments);
            //  every menu item makes our list dirty
            inject_outdating_into_objects(options,'callback',`menu option on canvas`);

            return options;

        When you drag from a node, showConnectionMenu is called. If shift key is pressed call ours
        const original_showConnectionMenu = LGraphCanvas.prototype.showConnectionMenu;
        LGraphCanvas.prototype.showConnectionMenu = function (optPass) {
            if (optPass.e.shiftKey) {
                autoCreateMenu.apply(this, arguments);
            } else {
                this.use_original_menu = true;
                original_showConnectionMenu.apply(this, arguments);
                this.use_original_menu = false;

        To allow us to use the shift drag above, we need to intercept 'allow_searchbox' sometimes
        (because searchbox is the default behaviour when shift dragging)
        var original_allow_searchbox = app.canvas.allow_searchbox;
        Object.defineProperty(app.canvas, 'allow_searchbox', {
            get : function() { 
                if (this.use_original_menu) { return original_allow_searchbox; }
                if(app.ui.settings.getSettingValue('AE.replacesearch', true) && this.connecting_output) {
                    return false;
                } else { return original_allow_searchbox; }
            set : function(v) { original_allow_searchbox = v; }


    init() {
        graphAnalyser = GraphAnalyser.instance();
        app.graphToPrompt = async function () {
            return graphAnalyser.analyse_graph(true, true, false);
        linkRenderController = LinkRenderController.instance(graphAnalyser);

        const createNode = LiteGraph.createNode;
        LiteGraph.createNode = function() {
            const nd = createNode.apply(this,arguments);
            if (nd && nd.IS_UE) {
                return new Proxy( nd, nodeHandler );
            } else {
                return nd;

        if (false) add_debug();

