import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; | |
import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js"; | |
import { is_UEnode, is_helper, inject, Logger, get_real_node } from "./use_everywhere_utilities.js"; | |
import { displayMessage, update_input_label, indicate_restriction } from "./use_everywhere_ui.js"; | |
import { LinkRenderController } from "./use_everywhere_ui.js"; | |
import { autoCreateMenu } from "./use_everywhere_autocreate.js"; | |
import { add_autoprompts } from "./use_everywhere_autoprompt.js"; | |
import { GraphAnalyser } from "./use_everywhere_graph_analysis.js"; | |
import { main_menu_settings, node_menu_settings, canvas_menu_settings } from "./use_everywhere_settings.js"; | |
import { add_debug } from "./ue_debug.js"; | |
/* | |
The ui component that looks after the link rendering | |
*/ | |
var linkRenderController; | |
var graphAnalyser; | |
/* | |
Inject a call to linkRenderController.mark_list_link_outdated into a method with name methodname on all objects in the array | |
If object is undefined, do nothing. | |
The injection is added at the end of the existing method (if the method didn't exist, it is created). | |
A Logger.trace call is added at the start with 'tracetext' | |
*/ | |
function inject_outdating_into_objects(array, methodname, tracetext) { | |
if (array) { | |
array.forEach((object) => { inject_outdating_into_object_method(object, methodname, tracetext); }) | |
} | |
} | |
function inject_outdating_into_object_method(object, methodname, tracetext) { | |
if (object) inject(object, methodname, tracetext, linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated, linkRenderController); | |
} | |
const nodeHandler = { | |
set: function(obj, property, value) { | |
const oldValue = Reflect.get(obj, property, this); | |
const result = Reflect.set(...arguments); | |
if (oldValue!=value) { | |
if (property==='bgcolor') { | |
if (obj.mode!=4) linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated(); | |
} | |
if (property==='mode') { | |
linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated(); | |
obj.widgets?.forEach((widget) => {widget.onModeChange?.(value)}); | |
} | |
} | |
return result; | |
}, | |
} | |
app.registerExtension({ | |
name: "cg.customnodes.use_everywhere", | |
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) { | |
/* | |
When a node is connected or unconnected, the link list is dirty. | |
If it is a UE node, we need to update it as well | |
*/ | |
const onConnectionsChange = nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange; | |
nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange = function (side,slot,connect,link_info,output) { | |
Logger.trace("onConnectionsChange", arguments, this); | |
if (this.IS_UE && side==1) { // side 1 is input | |
if (this.type=="Anything Everywhere?" && slot!=0) { | |
// don't do anything for the regexs | |
} else { | |
const type = (connect && link_info) ? get_real_node(link_info?.origin_id)?.outputs[link_info?.origin_slot]?.type : undefined; | |
this.input_type[slot] = type; | |
if (link_info) link_info.type = type ? type : "*"; | |
update_input_label(this, slot, app); | |
} | |
} | |
linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated(); | |
onConnectionsChange?.apply(this, arguments); | |
}; | |
/* | |
Toggle the group restriction. | |
Any right click action on a node might make the link list dirty. | |
*/ | |
const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions; | |
nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function(_, options) { | |
Logger.trace("getExtraMenuOptions", arguments, this); | |
getExtraMenuOptions?.apply(this, arguments); | |
if (is_UEnode(this)) { | |
node_menu_settings(options, this); | |
} | |
// any right click action can make the list dirty | |
inject_outdating_into_objects(options,'callback',`menu option on ${}`); | |
} | |
if (is_UEnode(nodeType)) { | |
const onNodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated; | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
const r = onNodeCreated ? onNodeCreated.apply(this, arguments) : undefined; | |
if (! = {} | | = 0; | | = 0; | |
if (this.inputs) { | |
if (!this.widgets) this.widgets = []; | |
for (const input of this.inputs) { | |
if (input.widget && !this.widgets.find((w) => === this.widgets.push(input.widget) | |
} | |
} | |
return r; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
async nodeCreated(node) { | |
node.IS_UE = is_UEnode(node); | |
if (node.IS_UE) { | |
node.input_type = [undefined, undefined, undefined]; // for dynamic input types | |
node.displayMessage = displayMessage; // receive messages from the python code | |
// If a widget on a UE node is edited, link list is dirty | |
inject_outdating_into_objects(node.widgets,'callback',`widget callback on ${}`); | |
// draw the indication of group restrictions | |
const original_onDrawTitleBar = node.onDrawTitleBar; | |
node.onDrawTitleBar = function(ctx, title_height) { | |
original_onDrawTitleBar?.apply(this, arguments); | |
if ( || indicate_restriction(ctx, title_height); | |
} | |
} | |
if (is_helper(node)) { // editing a helper node makes the list dirty | |
inject_outdating_into_objects(node.widgets,'callback',`widget callback on ${}`); | |
} | |
// removing a node makes the list dirty | |
inject_outdating_into_object_method(node, 'onRemoved', `node ${} removed`) | |
// creating a node makes the link list dirty - but give the system a moment to finish | |
setTimeout( ()=>{linkRenderController.mark_link_list_outdated()}, 100 ); | |
}, | |
loadedGraphNode(node) { if (node.flags.collapsed && node.loaded_when_collapsed) node.loaded_when_collapsed(); }, | |
async setup() { | |
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0]; | |
const link = document.createElement('link'); | |
link.rel = 'stylesheet'; | |
link.type = 'text/css'; | |
link.href = 'extensions/cg-use-everywhere/ue.css'; | |
head.appendChild(link); | |
/* | |
Listen for message-handler event from python code | |
*/ | |
function messageHandler(event) { | |
const id =; | |
const message = event.detail.message; | |
const node = get_real_node(id); | |
if (node && node.displayMessage) node.displayMessage(id, message); | |
else (console.log(`node ${id} couldn't handle a message`)); | |
} | |
api.addEventListener("ue-message-handler", messageHandler); | |
api.addEventListener("status", ({detail}) => { | |
if (linkRenderController) linkRenderController.note_queue_size(detail ? detail.exec_info.queue_remaining : 0) | |
}); | |
/* | |
We don't want to do that if we are saving the workflow or api: | |
*/ | |
const _original_save_onclick = document.getElementById('comfy-save-button').onclick; | |
document.getElementById('comfy-save-button').onclick = function() { | |
graphAnalyser.pause(); | |
_original_save_onclick(); | |
graphAnalyser.unpause() | |
} | |
const _original_save_api_onclick = document.getElementById('comfy-dev-save-api-button').onclick; | |
document.getElementById('comfy-dev-save-api-button').onclick = function() { | |
graphAnalyser.pause(); | |
_original_save_api_onclick(); | |
graphAnalyser.unpause(); | |
} | |
/* | |
Hijack drawNode to render the virtual connection points | |
and links to node with mouseOver | |
*/ | |
const original_drawNode = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode; | |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode = function(node, ctx) { | |
original_drawNode.apply(this, arguments); | |
linkRenderController.highlight_ue_connections(node, ctx); | |
} | |
/* | |
When we draw connections, do the ue ones as well | |
*/ | |
const drawConnections = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawConnections; | |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawConnections = function(ctx) { | |
drawConnections?.apply(this, arguments); | |
linkRenderController.render_all_ue_links(ctx); | |
} | |
main_menu_settings(); | |
/* | |
Canvas menu is the right click on backdrop. | |
We need to add our option, and hijack the others. | |
*/ | |
const original_getCanvasMenuOptions = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions; | |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions = function () { | |
// Add our items to the canvas menu | |
const options = original_getCanvasMenuOptions.apply(this, arguments); | |
canvas_menu_settings(options); | |
// every menu item makes our list dirty | |
inject_outdating_into_objects(options,'callback',`menu option on canvas`); | |
return options; | |
} | |
/* | |
When you drag from a node, showConnectionMenu is called. If shift key is pressed call ours | |
*/ | |
const original_showConnectionMenu = LGraphCanvas.prototype.showConnectionMenu; | |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.showConnectionMenu = function (optPass) { | |
if (optPass.e.shiftKey) { | |
autoCreateMenu.apply(this, arguments); | |
} else { | |
this.use_original_menu = true; | |
original_showConnectionMenu.apply(this, arguments); | |
this.use_original_menu = false; | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
To allow us to use the shift drag above, we need to intercept 'allow_searchbox' sometimes | |
(because searchbox is the default behaviour when shift dragging) | |
*/ | |
var original_allow_searchbox = app.canvas.allow_searchbox; | |
Object.defineProperty(app.canvas, 'allow_searchbox', { | |
get : function() { | |
if (this.use_original_menu) { return original_allow_searchbox; } | |
if(app.ui.settings.getSettingValue('AE.replacesearch', true) && this.connecting_output) { | |
return false; | |
} else { return original_allow_searchbox; } | |
}, | |
set : function(v) { original_allow_searchbox = v; } | |
}); | |
}, | |
init() { | |
graphAnalyser = GraphAnalyser.instance(); | |
app.graphToPrompt = async function () { | |
return graphAnalyser.analyse_graph(true, true, false); | |
} | |
linkRenderController = LinkRenderController.instance(graphAnalyser); | |
add_autoprompts(); | |
const createNode = LiteGraph.createNode; | |
LiteGraph.createNode = function() { | |
const nd = createNode.apply(this,arguments); | |
if (nd && nd.IS_UE) { | |
return new Proxy( nd, nodeHandler ); | |
} else { | |
return nd; | |
} | |
} | |
if (false) add_debug(); | |
} | |
}); | |