import torch | |
import torchvision.transforms as T | |
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F | |
import torch.nn.functional as NNF | |
import torch.nn.functional as NNF | |
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence, ImageOps | |
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo | |
import random | |
import folder_paths | |
import hashlib | |
import numpy as np | |
import os | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from comfy.cli_args import args | |
from comfy_extras import nodes_mask as masks | |
import comfy.utils | |
import nodes as nodes | |
import json | |
import math | |
import datetime | |
yanc_root_name = "YANC" | |
yanc_sub_image = "/๐ผ Image" | |
yanc_sub_text = "/๐ผ Text" | |
yanc_sub_basics = "/๐ผ Basics" | |
yanc_sub_nik = "/๐ผ Noise Injection Sampler" | |
yanc_sub_masking = "/๐ผ Masking" | |
yanc_sub_utils = "/๐ผ Utils" | |
yanc_sub_experimental = "/๐ผ Experimental" | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
# Functions # | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
def permute_to_image(image): | |
image = T.ToTensor()(image).unsqueeze(0) | |
return image.permute([0, 2, 3, 1])[:, :, :, :3] | |
def to_binary_mask(image): | |
images_sum = image.sum(axis=3) | |
return torch.where(images_sum > 0, 1.0, 0.) | |
def print_brown(text): | |
print("\033[33m" + text + "\033[0m") | |
def print_cyan(text): | |
print("\033[96m" + text + "\033[0m") | |
def print_green(text): | |
print("\033[92m" + text + "\033[0m") | |
def get_common_aspect_ratios(): | |
return [ | |
(4, 3), | |
(3, 2), | |
(16, 9), | |
(1, 1), | |
(21, 9), | |
(9, 16), | |
(3, 4), | |
(2, 3), | |
(5, 8) | |
] | |
def get_sdxl_resolutions(): | |
return [ | |
("1:1", (1024, 1024)), | |
("3:4", (896, 1152)), | |
("5:8", (832, 1216)), | |
("9:16", (768, 1344)), | |
("9:21", (640, 1536)), | |
("4:3", (1152, 896)), | |
("3:2", (1216, 832)), | |
("16:9", (1344, 768)), | |
("21:9", (1536, 640)) | |
] | |
def get_15_resolutions(): | |
return [ | |
("1:1", (512, 512)), | |
("2:3", (512, 768)), | |
("3:4", (512, 682)), | |
("3:2", (768, 512)), | |
("16:9", (910, 512)), | |
("1.85:1", (952, 512)), | |
("2:1", (1024, 512)), | |
("2.39:1", (1224, 512)) | |
] | |
def replace_dt_placeholders(string): | |
dt = | |
format_mapping = { | |
"%d", # Day | |
"%m", # Month | |
"%Y", # Year long | |
"%y", # Year short | |
"%H", # Hour 00 - 23 | |
"%I", # Hour 00 - 12 | |
"%p", # AM/PM | |
"%M", # Minute | |
"%S" # Second | |
} | |
for placeholder in format_mapping: | |
if placeholder in string: | |
string = string.replace(placeholder, dt.strftime(placeholder)) | |
return string | |
def patch(model, multiplier): # RescaleCFG functionality from the ComfyUI nodes | |
def rescale_cfg(args): | |
cond = args["cond"] | |
uncond = args["uncond"] | |
cond_scale = args["cond_scale"] | |
sigma = args["sigma"] | |
sigma = sigma.view(sigma.shape[:1] + (1,) * (cond.ndim - 1)) | |
x_orig = args["input"] | |
# rescale cfg has to be done on v-pred model output | |
x = x_orig / (sigma * sigma + 1.0) | |
cond = ((x - (x_orig - cond)) * (sigma ** 2 + 1.0) ** 0.5) / (sigma) | |
uncond = ((x - (x_orig - uncond)) * | |
(sigma ** 2 + 1.0) ** 0.5) / (sigma) | |
# rescalecfg | |
x_cfg = uncond + cond_scale * (cond - uncond) | |
ro_pos = torch.std(cond, dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) | |
ro_cfg = torch.std(x_cfg, dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) | |
x_rescaled = x_cfg * (ro_pos / ro_cfg) | |
x_final = multiplier * x_rescaled + (1.0 - multiplier) * x_cfg | |
return x_orig - (x - x_final * sigma / (sigma * sigma + 1.0) ** 0.5) | |
m = model.clone() | |
m.set_model_sampler_cfg_function(rescale_cfg) | |
return (m, ) | |
def blend_images(image1, image2, blend_mode, blend_rate): | |
if blend_mode == 'multiply': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (image1 * image2) | |
elif blend_mode == 'add': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (image1 + image2) | |
elif blend_mode == 'overlay': | |
blended_image = torch.where( | |
image1 < 0.5, 2 * image1 * image2, 1 - 2 * (1 - image1) * (1 - image2)) | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * blended_image | |
elif blend_mode == 'soft light': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (soft_light_blend(image1, image2)) | |
elif blend_mode == 'hard light': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (hard_light_blend(image1, image2)) | |
elif blend_mode == 'lighten': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (lighten_blend(image1, image2)) | |
elif blend_mode == 'darken': | |
return (1 - blend_rate) * image1 + blend_rate * (darken_blend(image1, image2)) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Unsupported blend mode") | |
def soft_light_blend(base, blend): | |
return 2 * base * blend + base**2 * (1 - 2 * blend) | |
def hard_light_blend(base, blend): | |
return 2 * base * blend + (1 - 2 * base) * (1 - blend) | |
def lighten_blend(base, blend): | |
return torch.max(base, blend) | |
def darken_blend(base, blend): | |
return torch.min(base, blend) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
# Comfy classes # | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCRotateImage: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
"rotation_angle": ("INT", { | |
"default": 0, | |
"min": -359, | |
"max": 359, | |
"step": 1, | |
"display": "number"}) | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("image", "mask") | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
def do_it(self, image, rotation_angle): | |
samples = image.movedim(-1, 1) | |
height, width = F.get_image_size(samples) | |
rotation_angle = rotation_angle * -1 | |
rotated_image = F.rotate(samples, angle=rotation_angle, expand=True) | |
empty_mask ='RGBA', (height, width), color=(255, 255, 255)) | |
rotated_mask = F.rotate(empty_mask, angle=rotation_angle, expand=True) | |
img_out = rotated_image.movedim(1, -1) | |
mask_out = to_binary_mask(permute_to_image(rotated_mask)) | |
return (img_out, mask_out) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCText: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", { | |
"multiline": True, | |
"default": "", | |
"dynamicPrompts": True | |
}), | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text): | |
return (text,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCTextCombine: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"text_append": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"delimiter": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ", "}), | |
"add_empty_line": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}) | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text, text_append, delimiter, add_empty_line): | |
if text_append.strip() == "": | |
delimiter = "" | |
str_list = [text, text_append] | |
if add_empty_line: | |
str_list = [text, "\n\n", text_append] | |
return (delimiter.join(str_list),) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCTextPickRandomLine: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}) | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text, seed): | |
lines = text.splitlines() | |
random.seed(seed) | |
line = random.choice(lines) | |
return (line,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCClearText: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"chance": ("FLOAT", { | |
"default": 0.0, | |
"min": 0.0, | |
"max": 1.0, | |
"step": 0.01, | |
"round": 0.001, | |
"display": "number"}), | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text, chance): | |
dice = random.uniform(0, 1) | |
if chance > dice: | |
text = "" | |
return (text,) | |
def IS_CHANGED(s, text, chance): | |
return s.do_it(s, text, chance) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCTextReplace: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"find": ("STRING", { | |
"multiline": False, | |
"Default": "find" | |
}), | |
"replace": ("STRING", { | |
"multiline": False, | |
"Default": "replace" | |
}), | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text, find, replace): | |
text = text.replace(find, replace) | |
return (text,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCTextRandomWeights: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"min": ("FLOAT", { | |
"default": 1.0, | |
"min": 0.0, | |
"max": 10.0, | |
"step": 0.1, | |
"round": 0.1, | |
"display": "number"}), | |
"max": ("FLOAT", { | |
"default": 1.0, | |
"min": 0.0, | |
"max": 10.0, | |
"step": 0.1, | |
"round": 0.1, | |
"display": "number"}), | |
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), | |
}, | |
} | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_text | |
def do_it(self, text, min, max, seed): | |
lines = text.splitlines() | |
count = 0 | |
out = "" | |
random.seed(seed) | |
for line in lines: | |
count += 1 | |
out += "({}:{})".format(line, round(random.uniform(min, max), 1) | |
) + (", " if count < len(lines) else "") | |
return (out,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCLoadImageAndFilename: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
input_dir = folder_paths.get_input_directory() | |
# files = [f for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if os.path.isfile( | |
# os.path.join(input_dir, f))] | |
files = [] | |
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(input_dir): | |
for filename in filenames: | |
full_path = os.path.join(root, filename) | |
relative_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, input_dir) | |
relative_path = relative_path.replace("\\", "/") | |
files.append(relative_path) | |
return {"required": | |
{"image": (sorted(files), {"image_upload": True}), | |
"strip_extension": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True})} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image, strip_extension): | |
image_path = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(image) | |
img = | |
output_images = [] | |
output_masks = [] | |
for i in ImageSequence.Iterator(img): | |
i = ImageOps.exif_transpose(i) | |
if i.mode == 'I': | |
i = i.point(lambda i: i * (1 / 255)) | |
image = i.convert("RGB") | |
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
image = torch.from_numpy(image)[None,] | |
if 'A' in i.getbands(): | |
mask = np.array(i.getchannel('A')).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
mask = 1. - torch.from_numpy(mask) | |
else: | |
mask = torch.zeros((64, 64), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") | |
output_images.append(image) | |
output_masks.append(mask.unsqueeze(0)) | |
if len(output_images) > 1: | |
output_image =, dim=0) | |
output_mask =, dim=0) | |
else: | |
output_image = output_images[0] | |
output_mask = output_masks[0] | |
if strip_extension: | |
filename = Path(image_path).stem | |
else: | |
filename = Path(image_path).name | |
return (output_image, output_mask, filename,) | |
def IS_CHANGED(s, image, strip_extension): | |
image_path = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(image) | |
m = hashlib.sha256() | |
with open(image_path, 'rb') as f: | |
m.update( | |
return m.digest().hex() | |
def VALIDATE_INPUTS(s, image, strip_extension): | |
if not folder_paths.exists_annotated_filepath(image): | |
return "Invalid image file: {}".format(image) | |
return True | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCSaveImage: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_output_directory() | |
self.type = "output" | |
self.prefix_append = "" | |
self.compress_level = 4 | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"images": ("IMAGE", ), | |
"filename_prefix": ("STRING", {"default": "ComfyUI"}), | |
"folder": ("STRING", {"default": ""}), | |
"overwrite_warning": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}), | |
"include_metadata": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}), | |
"extension": (["png", "jpg"],), | |
"quality": ("INT", {"default": 95, "min": 0, "max": 100}), | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{"filename_opt": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True})}, | |
"hidden": {"prompt": "PROMPT", "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO"}, | |
} | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
OUTPUT_NODE = True | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
def do_it(self, images, overwrite_warning, include_metadata, extension, quality, filename_opt=None, folder=None, filename_prefix="ComfyUI", prompt=None, extra_pnginfo=None,): | |
if folder: | |
filename_prefix += self.prefix_append | |
filename_prefix = os.sep.join([folder, filename_prefix]) | |
else: | |
filename_prefix += self.prefix_append | |
if "%" in filename_prefix: | |
filename_prefix = replace_dt_placeholders(filename_prefix) | |
full_output_folder, filename, counter, subfolder, filename_prefix = folder_paths.get_save_image_path( | |
filename_prefix, self.output_dir, images[0].shape[1], images[0].shape[0]) | |
results = list() | |
for (batch_number, image) in enumerate(images): | |
i = 255. * image.cpu().numpy() | |
img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(i, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) | |
metadata = None | |
if not filename_opt: | |
filename_with_batch_num = filename.replace( | |
"%batch_num%", str(batch_number)) | |
counter = 1 | |
if os.path.exists(full_output_folder) and os.listdir(full_output_folder): | |
filtered_filenames = list(filter( | |
lambda filename: filename.startswith( | |
filename_with_batch_num + "_") | |
and filename[len(filename_with_batch_num) + 1:-4].isdigit(), | |
os.listdir(full_output_folder) | |
)) | |
if filtered_filenames: | |
max_counter = max( | |
int(filename[len(filename_with_batch_num) + 1:-4]) | |
for filename in filtered_filenames | |
) | |
counter = max_counter + 1 | |
file = f"{filename_with_batch_num}_{counter:05}.{extension}" | |
else: | |
if len(images) == 1: | |
file = f"{filename_opt}.{extension}" | |
else: | |
raise Exception( | |
"Multiple images and filename detected: Images will overwrite themselves!") | |
save_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, file) | |
if os.path.exists(save_path) and overwrite_warning: | |
raise Exception("Filename already exists.") | |
else: | |
if extension == "png": | |
if not args.disable_metadata and include_metadata: | |
metadata = PngInfo() | |
if prompt is not None: | |
metadata.add_text("prompt", json.dumps(prompt)) | |
if extra_pnginfo is not None: | |
for x in extra_pnginfo: | |
metadata.add_text(x, json.dumps(extra_pnginfo[x])) | |, pnginfo=metadata, | |
compress_level=self.compress_level) | |
elif extension == "jpg": | |
if not args.disable_metadata and include_metadata: | |
metadata = {} | |
if prompt is not None: | |
metadata["prompt"] = prompt | |
if extra_pnginfo is not None: | |
for key, value in extra_pnginfo.items(): | |
metadata[key] = value | |
metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata) | |["comment"] = metadata_json | |, quality=quality) | |
results.append({ | |
"filename": file, | |
"subfolder": subfolder, | |
"type": self.type | |
}) | |
return {"ui": {"images": results}} | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCLoadImageFromFolder: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"image_folder": ("STRING", {"default": ""}) | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{"index": ("INT", | |
{"default": -1, | |
"min": -1, | |
"max": 0xffffffffffffffff, | |
"forceInput": True})} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("image", "file_name") | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image_folder, index=-1): | |
image_path = os.path.join( | |
folder_paths.get_input_directory(), image_folder) | |
# Get all files in the directory | |
files = os.listdir(image_path) | |
# Filter out only image files | |
image_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith( | |
('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'))] | |
if index is not -1: | |
print_green("INFO: Index connected.") | |
if index > len(image_files) - 1: | |
index = index % len(image_files) | |
print_green( | |
"INFO: Index too high, falling back to: " + str(index)) | |
image_file = image_files[index] | |
else: | |
print_green("INFO: Picking a random image.") | |
image_file = random.choice(image_files) | |
filename = Path(image_file).stem | |
img_path = os.path.join(image_path, image_file) | |
img = | |
img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img) | |
if img.mode == 'I': | |
img = img.point(lambda i: i * (1 / 255)) | |
output_image = img.convert("RGB") | |
output_image = np.array(output_image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
output_image = torch.from_numpy(output_image)[None,] | |
return (output_image, filename) | |
def IS_CHANGED(s, image_folder, index): | |
image_path = folder_paths.get_input_directory() | |
m = hashlib.sha256() | |
with open(image_path, 'rb') as f: | |
m.update( | |
return m.digest().hex() | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCIntToText: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"int": ("INT", | |
{"default": 0, | |
"min": 0, | |
"max": 0xffffffffffffffff, | |
"forceInput": True}), | |
"leading_zeros": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}), | |
"length": ("INT", | |
{"default": 5, | |
"min": 0, | |
"max": 5}) | |
} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_basics | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("text",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, int, leading_zeros, length): | |
text = str(int) | |
if leading_zeros: | |
text = text.zfill(length) | |
return (text,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCInt: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, | |
"max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), } | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_basics | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("int",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, seed): | |
return (seed,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCFloatToInt: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"float": ("FLOAT", {"forceInput": True}), | |
"function": (["round", "floor", "ceil"],) | |
} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_basics | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("int",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, float, function): | |
result = round(float) | |
if function == "floor": | |
result = math.floor(float) | |
elif function == "ceil": | |
result = math.ceil(float) | |
return (int(result),) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCScaleImageToSide: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
"scale_to": ("INT", {"default": 512}), | |
"side": (["shortest", "longest", "width", "height"],), | |
"interpolation": (["lanczos", "nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic", "area", "nearest-exact"],), | |
"modulo": ("INT", {"default": 0}) | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{ | |
"mask_opt": ("MASK",), | |
} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("image", "mask", "width", "height", "scale_ratio",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image, scale_to, side, interpolation, modulo, mask_opt=None): | |
image = image.movedim(-1, 1) | |
image_height, image_width = image.shape[-2:] | |
longer_side = "height" if image_height > image_width else "width" | |
shorter_side = "height" if image_height < image_width else "width" | |
new_height, new_width, scale_ratio = 0, 0, 0 | |
if side == "shortest": | |
side = shorter_side | |
elif side == "longest": | |
side = longer_side | |
if side == "width": | |
scale_ratio = scale_to / image_width | |
elif side == "height": | |
scale_ratio = scale_to / image_height | |
new_height = image_height * scale_ratio | |
new_width = image_width * scale_ratio | |
if modulo != 0: | |
new_height = new_height - (new_height % modulo) | |
new_width = new_width - (new_width % modulo) | |
new_width = int(new_width) | |
new_height = int(new_height) | |
image = comfy.utils.common_upscale(image, | |
new_width, new_height, interpolation, "center") | |
if mask_opt is not None: | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.permute(0, 1, 2) | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.unsqueeze(0) | |
mask_opt = NNF.interpolate(mask_opt, size=( | |
new_height, new_width), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.squeeze(0) | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.squeeze(0) | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.permute(0, 1) | |
image = image.movedim(1, -1) | |
return (image, mask_opt, new_width, new_height, 1.0/scale_ratio) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCResolutionByAspectRatio: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"stable_diffusion": (["1.5", "SDXL"],), | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
}, | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("width", "height",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, stable_diffusion, image): | |
common_ratios = get_common_aspect_ratios() | |
resolutionsSDXL = get_sdxl_resolutions() | |
resolutions15 = get_15_resolutions() | |
resolution = resolutions15 if stable_diffusion == "1.5" else resolutionsSDXL | |
image_height, image_width = 0, 0 | |
image = image.movedim(-1, 1) | |
image_height, image_width = image.shape[-2:] | |
gcd = math.gcd(image_width, image_height) | |
aspect_ratio = image_width // gcd, image_height // gcd | |
closest_ratio = min(common_ratios, key=lambda x: abs( | |
x[1] / x[0] - aspect_ratio[1] / aspect_ratio[0])) | |
closest_resolution = min(resolution, key=lambda res: abs( | |
res[1][0] * aspect_ratio[1] - res[1][1] * aspect_ratio[0])) | |
height, width = closest_resolution[1][1], closest_resolution[1][0] | |
sd_version = stable_diffusion if stable_diffusion == "SDXL" else "SD 1.5" | |
print_cyan( | |
f"Orig. Resolution: {image_width}x{image_height}, Aspect Ratio: {closest_ratio[0]}:{closest_ratio[1]}, Picked resolution: {width}x{height} for {sd_version}") | |
return (width, height,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCNIKSampler: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{"model": ("MODEL",), | |
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), | |
"steps": ("INT", {"default": 30, "min": 1, "max": 10000}), | |
"cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step": 0.1, "round": 0.01}), | |
"cfg_noise": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step": 0.1, "round": 0.01}), | |
"sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS, ), | |
"scheduler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS, ), | |
"positive": ("CONDITIONING", ), | |
"negative": ("CONDITIONING", ), | |
"latent_image": ("LATENT", ), | |
"noise_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.1, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.1, "round": 0.01}), | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{ | |
"latent_noise": ("LATENT", ), | |
"mask": ("MASK",) | |
} | |
} | |
RETURN_NAME = ("latent",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_nik | |
def do_it(self, model, seed, steps, cfg, cfg_noise, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, latent_image, noise_strength, latent_noise, inject_time=0.5, denoise=1.0, mask=None): | |
inject_at_step = round(steps * inject_time) | |
print("Inject at step: " + str(inject_at_step)) | |
empty_latent = False if torch.all( | |
latent_image["samples"]) != 0 else True | |
print_cyan("Sampling first step image.") | |
samples_base_sampler = nodes.common_ksampler(model, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, latent_image, | |
denoise=denoise, disable_noise=False, start_step=0, last_step=inject_at_step, force_full_denoise=True) | |
if mask is not None and empty_latent: | |
print_cyan( | |
"Sampling full image for unmasked areas. You can avoid this step by providing a non empty latent.") | |
samples_base_sampler2 = nodes.common_ksampler( | |
model, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, latent_image, denoise=1.0) | |
samples_base_sampler = samples_base_sampler[0] | |
if mask is not None and not empty_latent: | |
samples_base_sampler = latent_image.copy() | |
samples_base_sampler["samples"] = latent_image["samples"].clone() | |
samples_out = latent_image.copy() | |
samples_out["samples"] = latent_image["samples"].clone() | |
samples_noise = latent_noise.copy() | |
samples_noise = latent_noise["samples"].clone() | |
if samples_base_sampler["samples"].shape != samples_noise.shape: | |
samples_noise.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) | |
samples_noise = comfy.utils.common_upscale( | |
samples_noise, samples_base_sampler["samples"].shape[3], samples_base_sampler["samples"].shape[2], 'bicubic', crop='center') | |
samples_noise.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) | |
samples_o = samples_base_sampler["samples"] * (1 - noise_strength) | |
samples_n = samples_noise * noise_strength | |
samples_out["samples"] = samples_o + samples_n | |
patched_model = patch(model=model, multiplier=0.65)[ | |
0] if round(cfg_noise, 1) > 8.0 else model | |
print_cyan("Applying noise.") | |
result = nodes.common_ksampler(patched_model, seed, steps, cfg_noise, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, samples_out, | |
denoise=denoise, disable_noise=False, start_step=inject_at_step, last_step=steps, force_full_denoise=False)[0] | |
if mask is not None: | |
print_cyan("Composing...") | |
destination = latent_image["samples"].clone( | |
) if not empty_latent else samples_base_sampler2[0]["samples"].clone() | |
source = result["samples"] | |
result["samples"] = masks.composite( | |
destination, source, 0, 0, mask, 8) | |
return (result,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCNoiseFromImage: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
"magnitude": ("FLOAT", {"default": 210.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 250.0, "step": 0.5, "round": 0.1}), | |
"smoothness": ("FLOAT", {"default": 3.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.5, "round": 0.1}), | |
"noise_intensity": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01, "round": 0.01}), | |
"noise_resize_factor": ("INT", {"default": 2.0, "min": 0, "max": 5.0}), | |
"noise_blend_rate": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.005, "round": 0.005}), | |
"saturation_correction": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.5, "step": 0.1, "round": 0.1}), | |
"blend_mode": (["off", "multiply", "add", "overlay", "soft light", "hard light", "lighten", "darken"],), | |
"blend_rate": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.25, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01, "round": 0.01}), | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{ | |
"vae_opt": ("VAE", ), | |
} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_nik | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("image", "latent") | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image, magnitude, smoothness, noise_intensity, noise_resize_factor, noise_blend_rate, saturation_correction, blend_mode, blend_rate, vae_opt=None): | |
# magnitude: The alpha for the elastic transform. Magnitude of displacements. | |
# smoothness: The sigma for the elastic transform. Smoothness of displacements. | |
# noise_intensity: Multiplier for the torch noise. | |
# noise_resize_factor: Multiplier to enlarge the generated noise. | |
# noise_blend_rate: Blend rate between the elastic and the noise. | |
# saturation_correction: Well, for saturation correction. | |
# blend_mode: Different blending modes to blend over batched images. | |
# blend_rate: The strength of the blending. | |
noise_blend_rate = noise_blend_rate / 2.25 | |
if blend_mode != "off": | |
blended_image = image[0:1] | |
for i in range(1, image.size(0)): | |
blended_image = blend_images( | |
blended_image, image[i:i+1], blend_mode=blend_mode, blend_rate=blend_rate) | |
max_value = torch.max(blended_image) | |
blended_image /= max_value | |
image = blended_image | |
noisy_image = torch.randn_like(image) * noise_intensity | |
noisy_image = noisy_image.movedim(-1, 1) | |
image = image.movedim(-1, 1) | |
image_height, image_width = image.shape[-2:] | |
r_mean = torch.mean(image[:, 0, :, :]) | |
g_mean = torch.mean(image[:, 1, :, :]) | |
b_mean = torch.mean(image[:, 2, :, :]) | |
fill_value = (r_mean.item(), g_mean.item(), b_mean.item()) | |
elastic_transformer = T.ElasticTransform( | |
alpha=float(magnitude), sigma=float(smoothness), fill=fill_value) | |
transformed_img = elastic_transformer(image) | |
if saturation_correction != 1.0: | |
transformed_img = F.adjust_saturation( | |
transformed_img, saturation_factor=saturation_correction) | |
if noise_resize_factor > 0: | |
resize_cropper = T.RandomResizedCrop( | |
size=(image_height // noise_resize_factor, image_width // noise_resize_factor)) | |
resized_crop = resize_cropper(noisy_image) | |
resized_img = T.Resize( | |
size=(image_height, image_width))(resized_crop) | |
resized_img = resized_img.movedim(1, -1) | |
else: | |
resized_img = noisy_image.movedim(1, -1) | |
if image.size(0) == 1: | |
result = transformed_img.squeeze(0).permute( | |
1, 2, 0) + (resized_img * noise_blend_rate) | |
else: | |
result = transformed_img.squeeze(0).permute( | |
[0, 2, 3, 1])[:, :, :, :3] + (resized_img * noise_blend_rate) | |
latent = None | |
if vae_opt is not None: | |
latent = vae_opt.encode(result[:, :, :, :3]) | |
return (result, {"samples": latent}) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCMaskCurves: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"mask": ("MASK",), | |
"low_value_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "step": 0.05, "round": 0.05}), | |
"mid_low_value_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "step": 0.05, "round": 0.05}), | |
"mid_value_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "step": 0.05, "round": 0.05}), | |
"high_value_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "step": 0.05, "round": 0.05}), | |
"brightness": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 3.0, "step": 0.05, "round": 0.05}), | |
}, | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_masking | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("mask",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, mask, low_value_factor, mid_low_value_factor, mid_value_factor, high_value_factor, brightness): | |
low_mask = (mask < 0.25).float() | |
mid_low_mask = ((mask >= 0.25) & (mask < 0.5)).float() | |
mid_mask = ((mask >= 0.5) & (mask < 0.75)).float() | |
high_mask = (mask >= 0.75).float() | |
low_mask = low_mask * (mask * low_value_factor) | |
mid_low_mask = mid_low_mask * (mask * mid_low_value_factor) | |
mid_mask = mid_mask * (mask * mid_value_factor) | |
high_mask = high_mask * (mask * high_value_factor) | |
final_mask = low_mask + mid_low_mask + mid_mask + high_mask | |
final_mask = final_mask * brightness | |
final_mask = torch.clamp(final_mask, 0, 1) | |
return (final_mask,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCLightSourceMask: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
"threshold": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.33, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01, "round": 0.01}), | |
}, | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_masking | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("mask",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image, threshold): | |
batch_size, height, width, _ = image.shape | |
kernel_size = max(33, int(0.05 * min(height, width))) | |
kernel_size = kernel_size if kernel_size % 2 == 1 else kernel_size + 1 | |
sigma = max(1.0, kernel_size / 5.0) | |
masks = [] | |
for i in range(batch_size): | |
mask = image[i].permute(2, 0, 1) | |
mask = torch.mean(mask, dim=0) | |
mask = torch.where(mask > threshold, mask * 3.0, | |
torch.tensor(0.0, device=mask.device)) | |
mask.clamp_(min=0.0, max=1.0) | |
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) | |
blur = T.GaussianBlur(kernel_size=( | |
kernel_size, kernel_size), sigma=(sigma, sigma)) | |
mask = blur(mask) | |
mask = mask.squeeze(0).squeeze(0) | |
masks.append(mask) | |
masks = torch.stack(masks) | |
return (masks,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCNormalMapLighting: | |
def __init__(self): | |
pass | |
def INPUT_TYPES(cls): | |
return { | |
"required": { | |
"diffuse_map": ("IMAGE",), | |
"normal_map": ("IMAGE",), | |
"specular_map": ("IMAGE",), | |
"light_yaw": ("FLOAT", {"default": 45, "min": -180, "max": 180, "step": 1}), | |
"light_pitch": ("FLOAT", {"default": 30, "min": -90, "max": 90, "step": 1}), | |
"specular_power": ("FLOAT", {"default": 32, "min": 1, "max": 200, "step": 1}), | |
"ambient_light": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.50, "min": 0, "max": 1, "step": 0.01}), | |
"NormalDiffuseStrength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.00, "min": 0, "max": 5.0, "step": 0.01}), | |
"SpecularHighlightsStrength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.00, "min": 0, "max": 5.0, "step": 0.01}), | |
"TotalGain": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.00, "min": 0, "max": 2.0, "step": 0.01}), | |
"color": ("INT", {"default": 0xFFFFFF, "min": 0, "max": 0xFFFFFF, "step": 1, "display": "color"}), | |
}, | |
"optional": { | |
"mask": ("MASK",), | |
} | |
} | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_image | |
def resize_tensor(self, tensor, size): | |
return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(tensor, size=size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) | |
def do_it(self, diffuse_map, normal_map, specular_map, light_yaw, light_pitch, specular_power, ambient_light, NormalDiffuseStrength, SpecularHighlightsStrength, TotalGain, color, mask=None,): | |
if mask is None: | |
mask = torch.ones_like(diffuse_map[:, :, :, 0]) | |
diffuse_tensor = diffuse_map.permute( | |
0, 3, 1, 2) | |
normal_tensor = normal_map.permute( | |
0, 3, 1, 2) * 2.0 - 1.0 | |
specular_tensor = specular_map.permute( | |
0, 3, 1, 2) | |
mask_tensor = mask.unsqueeze(1) | |
mask_tensor = mask_tensor.expand(-1, 3, -1, -1) | |
target_size = (diffuse_tensor.shape[2], diffuse_tensor.shape[3]) | |
normal_tensor = self.resize_tensor(normal_tensor, target_size) | |
specular_tensor = self.resize_tensor(specular_tensor, target_size) | |
mask_tensor = self.resize_tensor(mask_tensor, target_size) | |
normal_tensor = torch.nn.functional.normalize(normal_tensor, dim=1) | |
light_direction = self.euler_to_vector(light_yaw, light_pitch, 0) | |
light_direction = light_direction.view(1, 3, 1, 1) | |
camera_direction = self.euler_to_vector(0, 0, 0) | |
camera_direction = camera_direction.view(1, 3, 1, 1) | |
light_color = self.int_to_rgb(color) | |
light_color_tensor = torch.tensor( | |
light_color).view(1, 3, 1, 1) | |
diffuse = torch.sum(normal_tensor * light_direction, | |
dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
diffuse = torch.clamp(diffuse, 0, 1) | |
diffuse = diffuse * light_color_tensor | |
half_vector = torch.nn.functional.normalize( | |
light_direction + camera_direction, dim=1) | |
specular = torch.sum(normal_tensor * half_vector, dim=1, keepdim=True) | |
specular = torch.pow(torch.clamp(specular, 0, 1), specular_power) | |
specular = specular * light_color_tensor | |
if diffuse.shape != target_size: | |
diffuse = self.resize_tensor(diffuse, target_size) | |
if specular.shape != target_size: | |
specular = self.resize_tensor(specular, target_size) | |
output_tensor = (diffuse_tensor * (ambient_light + diffuse * NormalDiffuseStrength) + | |
specular_tensor * specular * SpecularHighlightsStrength) * TotalGain | |
output_tensor = output_tensor * mask_tensor + \ | |
diffuse_tensor * (1 - mask_tensor) | |
output_tensor = output_tensor.permute( | |
0, 2, 3, 1) | |
return (output_tensor,) | |
def euler_to_vector(self, yaw, pitch, roll): | |
yaw_rad = np.radians(yaw) | |
pitch_rad = np.radians(pitch) | |
roll_rad = np.radians(roll) | |
cos_pitch = np.cos(pitch_rad) | |
sin_pitch = np.sin(pitch_rad) | |
cos_yaw = np.cos(yaw_rad) | |
sin_yaw = np.sin(yaw_rad) | |
direction = np.array([ | |
sin_yaw * cos_pitch, | |
sin_pitch, | |
cos_pitch * cos_yaw | |
]) | |
return torch.from_numpy(direction).float() | |
def int_to_rgb(self, color_int): | |
r = (color_int >> 16) & 0xFF | |
g = (color_int >> 8) & 0xFF | |
b = color_int & 0xFF | |
return (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCRGBColor: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"red": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}), | |
"green": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}), | |
"blue": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}), | |
"plus_minus": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": -255, "max": 255, "step": 1}), | |
}, | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_utils | |
RETURN_TYPES = ("INT", "INT", "INT", "INT", "STRING",) | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("int", "red", "green", "blue", "hex",) | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, red, green, blue, plus_minus): | |
total = red + green + blue | |
r_ratio = red / total if total != 0 else 0 | |
g_ratio = green / total if total != 0 else 0 | |
b_ratio = blue / total if total != 0 else 0 | |
if plus_minus > 0: | |
max_plus_minus = min((255 - red) / r_ratio if r_ratio > 0 else float('inf'), | |
(255 - green) / g_ratio if g_ratio > 0 else float('inf'), | |
(255 - blue) / b_ratio if b_ratio > 0 else float('inf')) | |
effective_plus_minus = min(plus_minus, max_plus_minus) | |
else: | |
max_plus_minus = min(red / r_ratio if r_ratio > 0 else float('inf'), | |
green / g_ratio if g_ratio > 0 else float('inf'), | |
blue / b_ratio if b_ratio > 0 else float('inf')) | |
effective_plus_minus = max(plus_minus, -max_plus_minus) | |
new_r = red + effective_plus_minus * r_ratio | |
new_g = green + effective_plus_minus * g_ratio | |
new_b = blue + effective_plus_minus * b_ratio | |
new_r = max(0, min(255, round(new_r))) | |
new_g = max(0, min(255, round(new_g))) | |
new_b = max(0, min(255, round(new_b))) | |
color = (new_r << 16) | (new_g << 8) | new_b | |
hex_color = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format( | |
int(new_r), int(new_g), int(new_b)).upper() | |
return (color, new_r, new_g, new_b, hex_color) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCGetMeanColor: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"image": ("IMAGE",), | |
"amplify": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}) | |
}, | |
"optional": | |
{ | |
"mask_opt": ("MASK",), | |
}, | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_utils | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("int", "red", "green", "blue", "hex") | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, image, amplify, mask_opt=None): | |
masked_image = image.clone() | |
if mask_opt is not None: | |
if mask_opt.shape[1:3] != image.shape[1:3]: | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Mask and image spatial dimensions must match.") | |
mask_opt = mask_opt.unsqueeze(-1) | |
masked_image = masked_image * mask_opt | |
num_masked_pixels = torch.sum(mask_opt) | |
if num_masked_pixels == 0: | |
raise ValueError( | |
"No masked pixels found in the image. Please set a mask.") | |
sum_r = torch.sum(masked_image[:, :, :, 0]) | |
sum_g = torch.sum(masked_image[:, :, :, 1]) | |
sum_b = torch.sum(masked_image[:, :, :, 2]) | |
r_mean = sum_r / num_masked_pixels | |
g_mean = sum_g / num_masked_pixels | |
b_mean = sum_b / num_masked_pixels | |
else: | |
r_mean = torch.mean(masked_image[:, :, :, 0]) | |
g_mean = torch.mean(masked_image[:, :, :, 1]) | |
b_mean = torch.mean(masked_image[:, :, :, 2]) | |
r_mean_255 = r_mean.item() * 255.0 | |
g_mean_255 = g_mean.item() * 255.0 | |
b_mean_255 = b_mean.item() * 255.0 | |
if amplify: | |
highest_value = max(r_mean_255, g_mean_255, b_mean_255) | |
diff_to_max = 255.0 - highest_value | |
amp_factor = 1.0 | |
r_mean_255 += diff_to_max * amp_factor * \ | |
(r_mean_255 / highest_value) | |
g_mean_255 += diff_to_max * amp_factor * \ | |
(g_mean_255 / highest_value) | |
b_mean_255 += diff_to_max * amp_factor * \ | |
(b_mean_255 / highest_value) | |
r_mean_255 = min(max(r_mean_255, 0), 255) | |
g_mean_255 = min(max(g_mean_255, 0), 255) | |
b_mean_255 = min(max(b_mean_255, 0), 255) | |
fill_value = (int(r_mean_255) << 16) + \ | |
(int(g_mean_255) << 8) + int(b_mean_255) | |
hex_color = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format( | |
int(r_mean_255), int(g_mean_255), int(b_mean_255)).upper() | |
return (fill_value, int(r_mean_255), int(g_mean_255), int(b_mean_255), hex_color,) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
class YANCLayerWeights: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": | |
{ | |
"layer_0": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_1": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_2": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_3": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_4": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_5": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_6": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_7": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_8": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_9": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_10": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
"layer_11": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}), | |
} | |
} | |
CATEGORY = yanc_root_name + yanc_sub_experimental | |
RETURN_NAMES = ("layer_weights", "help") | |
FUNCTION = "do_it" | |
def do_it(self, layer_0, layer_1, layer_2, layer_3, layer_4, layer_5, layer_6, layer_7, layer_8, layer_9, layer_10, layer_11,): | |
result = "" | |
result = f"0:{layer_0:g}, 1:{layer_1:g}, 2:{layer_2:g}, 3:{layer_3:g}, 4:{layer_4:g}, 5:{layer_5:g}, 6:{layer_6:g}, 7:{layer_7:g}, 8:{layer_8:g}, 9:{layer_9:g}, 10:{layer_10:g}, 11:{layer_11:g}" | |
help = """layer_3: Composition | |
layer_6: Style | |
""" | |
return (result, help) | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | |
# Image | |
"> Rotate Image": YANCRotateImage, | |
"> Scale Image to Side": YANCScaleImageToSide, | |
"> Resolution by Aspect Ratio": YANCResolutionByAspectRatio, | |
"> Load Image": YANCLoadImageAndFilename, | |
"> Save Image": YANCSaveImage, | |
"> Load Image From Folder": YANCLoadImageFromFolder, | |
"> Normal Map Lighting": YANCNormalMapLighting, | |
# Text | |
"> Text": YANCText, | |
"> Text Combine": YANCTextCombine, | |
"> Text Pick Random Line": YANCTextPickRandomLine, | |
"> Clear Text": YANCClearText, | |
"> Text Replace": YANCTextReplace, | |
"> Text Random Weights": YANCTextRandomWeights, | |
# Basics | |
"> Int to Text": YANCIntToText, | |
"> Int": YANCInt, | |
"> Float to Int": YANCFloatToInt, | |
# Noise Injection Sampler | |
"> NIKSampler": YANCNIKSampler, | |
"> Noise From Image": YANCNoiseFromImage, | |
# Masking | |
"> Mask Curves": YANCMaskCurves, | |
"> Light Source Mask": YANCLightSourceMask, | |
# Utils | |
"> Get Mean Color": YANCGetMeanColor, | |
"> RGB Color": YANCRGBColor, | |
# Experimental | |
"> Layer Weights (for IPAMS)": YANCLayerWeights, | |
} | |
# A dictionary that contains the friendly/humanly readable titles for the nodes | |
# Image | |
"> Rotate Image": "๐ผ> Rotate Image", | |
"> Scale Image to Side": "๐ผ> Scale Image to Side", | |
"> Resolution by Aspect Ratio": "๐ผ> Resolution by Aspect Ratio", | |
"> Load Image": "๐ผ> Load Image", | |
"> Save Image": "๐ผ> Save Image", | |
"> Load Image From Folder": "๐ผ> Load Image From Folder", | |
"> Normal Map Lighting": "๐ผ> Normal Map Lighting", | |
# Text | |
"> Text": "๐ผ> Text", | |
"> Text Combine": "๐ผ> Text Combine", | |
"> Text Pick Random Line": "๐ผ> Text Pick Random Line", | |
"> Clear Text": "๐ผ> Clear Text", | |
"> Text Replace": "๐ผ> Text Replace", | |
"> Text Random Weights": "๐ผ> Text Random Weights", | |
# Basics | |
"> Int to Text": "๐ผ> Int to Text", | |
"> Int": "๐ผ> Int", | |
"> Float to Int": "๐ผ> Float to Int", | |
# Noise Injection Sampler | |
"> NIKSampler": "๐ผ> NIKSampler", | |
"> Noise From Image": "๐ผ> Noise From Image", | |
# Masking | |
"> Mask Curves": "๐ผ> Mask Curves", | |
"> Light Source Mask": "๐ผ> Light Source Mask", | |
# Utils | |
"> Get Mean Color": "๐ผ> Get Mean Color", | |
"> RGB Color": "๐ผ> RGB Color", | |
# Experimental | |
"> Layer Weights (for IPAMS)": "๐ผ> Layer Weights (for IPAMS)", | |
} | |