MatAnyone / matanyone /utils /
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A helper function to get a default model for quick testing
from omegaconf import open_dict
from hydra import compose, initialize
import torch
from matanyone.model.matanyone import MatAnyone
def get_matanyone_model(ckpt_path, device=None) -> MatAnyone:
initialize(version_base='1.3.2', config_path="../config", job_name="eval_our_config")
cfg = compose(config_name="eval_matanyone_config")
with open_dict(cfg):
cfg['weights'] = ckpt_path
# Load the network weights
if device is not None:
matanyone = MatAnyone(cfg, single_object=True).to(device).eval()
model_weights = torch.load(cfg.weights, map_location=device)
else: # if device is not specified, `.cuda()` by default
matanyone = MatAnyone(cfg, single_object=True).cuda().eval()
model_weights = torch.load(cfg.weights)
return matanyone