""" | | - This file stores higher-level network blocks. | |
x - usually denotes features that are shared between objects. | |
g - usually denotes features that are not shared between objects | |
with an extra "num_objects" dimension (batch_size * num_objects * num_channels * H * W). | |
The trailing number of a variable usually denotes the stride | |
""" | |
from typing import Iterable | |
from omegaconf import DictConfig | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from matanyone.model.group_modules import MainToGroupDistributor, GroupFeatureFusionBlock, GConv2d | |
from matanyone.model.utils import resnet | |
from matanyone.model.modules import SensoryDeepUpdater, SensoryUpdater_fullscale, DecoderFeatureProcessor, MaskUpsampleBlock | |
class UncertPred(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.conv1x1_v2 = nn.Conv2d(model_cfg.pixel_dim*2 + 1 + model_cfg.value_dim, 64, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False) | |
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) | |
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) | |
self.conv3x3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=1, bias=False, dilation=1) | |
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(32) | |
self.conv3x3_out = nn.Conv2d(32, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=1, bias=False, dilation=1) | |
def forward(self, last_frame_feat: torch.Tensor, cur_frame_feat: torch.Tensor, last_mask: torch.Tensor, mem_val_diff:torch.Tensor): | |
last_mask = F.interpolate(last_mask, size=last_frame_feat.shape[-2:], mode='area') | |
x =[last_frame_feat, cur_frame_feat, last_mask, mem_val_diff], dim=1) | |
x = self.conv1x1_v2(x) | |
x = self.bn1(x) | |
x = self.relu(x) | |
x = self.conv3x3(x) | |
x = self.bn2(x) | |
x = self.relu(x) | |
x = self.conv3x3_out(x) | |
return x | |
# override the default train() to freeze BN statistics | |
def train(self, mode=True): | | = False | |
for module in self.children(): | |
module.train(False) | |
return self | |
class PixelEncoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.is_resnet = 'resnet' in model_cfg.pixel_encoder.type | |
# if model_cfg.pretrained_resnet is set in the model_cfg we get the value | |
# else default to True | |
is_pretrained_resnet = getattr(model_cfg,"pretrained_resnet",True) | |
if self.is_resnet: | |
if model_cfg.pixel_encoder.type == 'resnet18': | |
network = resnet.resnet18(pretrained=is_pretrained_resnet) | |
elif model_cfg.pixel_encoder.type == 'resnet50': | |
network = resnet.resnet50(pretrained=is_pretrained_resnet) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
self.conv1 = network.conv1 | |
self.bn1 = network.bn1 | |
self.relu = network.relu | |
self.maxpool = network.maxpool | |
self.res2 = network.layer1 | |
self.layer2 = network.layer2 | |
self.layer3 = network.layer3 | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, seq_length=None) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): | |
f1 = x | |
x = self.conv1(x) | |
x = self.bn1(x) | |
x = self.relu(x) | |
f2 = x | |
x = self.maxpool(x) | |
f4 = self.res2(x) | |
f8 = self.layer2(f4) | |
f16 = self.layer3(f8) | |
return f16, f8, f4, f2, f1 | |
# override the default train() to freeze BN statistics | |
def train(self, mode=True): | | = False | |
for module in self.children(): | |
module.train(False) | |
return self | |
class KeyProjection(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig): | |
super().__init__() | |
in_dim = model_cfg.pixel_encoder.ms_dims[0] | |
mid_dim = model_cfg.pixel_dim | |
key_dim = model_cfg.key_dim | |
self.pix_feat_proj = nn.Conv2d(in_dim, mid_dim, kernel_size=1) | |
self.key_proj = nn.Conv2d(mid_dim, key_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
# shrinkage | |
self.d_proj = nn.Conv2d(mid_dim, 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
# selection | |
self.e_proj = nn.Conv2d(mid_dim, key_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
nn.init.orthogonal_( | |
nn.init.zeros_( | |
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, *, need_s: bool, | |
need_e: bool) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): | |
x = self.pix_feat_proj(x) | |
shrinkage = self.d_proj(x)**2 + 1 if (need_s) else None | |
selection = torch.sigmoid(self.e_proj(x)) if (need_e) else None | |
return self.key_proj(x), shrinkage, selection | |
class MaskEncoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig, single_object=False): | |
super().__init__() | |
pixel_dim = model_cfg.pixel_dim | |
value_dim = model_cfg.value_dim | |
sensory_dim = model_cfg.sensory_dim | |
final_dim = model_cfg.mask_encoder.final_dim | |
self.single_object = single_object | |
extra_dim = 1 if single_object else 2 | |
# if model_cfg.pretrained_resnet is set in the model_cfg we get the value | |
# else default to True | |
is_pretrained_resnet = getattr(model_cfg,"pretrained_resnet",True) | |
if model_cfg.mask_encoder.type == 'resnet18': | |
network = resnet.resnet18(pretrained=is_pretrained_resnet, extra_dim=extra_dim) | |
elif model_cfg.mask_encoder.type == 'resnet50': | |
network = resnet.resnet50(pretrained=is_pretrained_resnet, extra_dim=extra_dim) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError | |
self.conv1 = network.conv1 | |
self.bn1 = network.bn1 | |
self.relu = network.relu | |
self.maxpool = network.maxpool | |
self.layer1 = network.layer1 | |
self.layer2 = network.layer2 | |
self.layer3 = network.layer3 | |
self.distributor = MainToGroupDistributor() | |
self.fuser = GroupFeatureFusionBlock(pixel_dim, final_dim, value_dim) | |
self.sensory_update = SensoryDeepUpdater(value_dim, sensory_dim) | |
def forward(self, | |
image: torch.Tensor, | |
pix_feat: torch.Tensor, | |
sensory: torch.Tensor, | |
masks: torch.Tensor, | |
others: torch.Tensor, | |
*, | |
deep_update: bool = True, | |
chunk_size: int = -1) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): | |
# ms_features are from the key encoder | |
# we only use the first one (lowest resolution), following XMem | |
if self.single_object: | |
g = masks.unsqueeze(2) | |
else: | |
g = torch.stack([masks, others], dim=2) | |
g = self.distributor(image, g) | |
batch_size, num_objects = g.shape[:2] | |
if chunk_size < 1 or chunk_size >= num_objects: | |
chunk_size = num_objects | |
fast_path = True | |
new_sensory = sensory | |
else: | |
if deep_update: | |
new_sensory = torch.empty_like(sensory) | |
else: | |
new_sensory = sensory | |
fast_path = False | |
# chunk-by-chunk inference | |
all_g = [] | |
for i in range(0, num_objects, chunk_size): | |
if fast_path: | |
g_chunk = g | |
else: | |
g_chunk = g[:, i:i + chunk_size] | |
actual_chunk_size = g_chunk.shape[1] | |
g_chunk = g_chunk.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1) | |
g_chunk = self.conv1(g_chunk) | |
g_chunk = self.bn1(g_chunk) # 1/2, 64 | |
g_chunk = self.maxpool(g_chunk) # 1/4, 64 | |
g_chunk = self.relu(g_chunk) | |
g_chunk = self.layer1(g_chunk) # 1/4 | |
g_chunk = self.layer2(g_chunk) # 1/8 | |
g_chunk = self.layer3(g_chunk) # 1/16 | |
g_chunk = g_chunk.view(batch_size, actual_chunk_size, *g_chunk.shape[1:]) | |
g_chunk = self.fuser(pix_feat, g_chunk) | |
all_g.append(g_chunk) | |
if deep_update: | |
if fast_path: | |
new_sensory = self.sensory_update(g_chunk, sensory) | |
else: | |
new_sensory[:, i:i + chunk_size] = self.sensory_update( | |
g_chunk, sensory[:, i:i + chunk_size]) | |
g =, dim=1) | |
return g, new_sensory | |
# override the default train() to freeze BN statistics | |
def train(self, mode=True): | | = False | |
for module in self.children(): | |
module.train(False) | |
return self | |
class PixelFeatureFuser(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig, single_object=False): | |
super().__init__() | |
value_dim = model_cfg.value_dim | |
sensory_dim = model_cfg.sensory_dim | |
pixel_dim = model_cfg.pixel_dim | |
embed_dim = model_cfg.embed_dim | |
self.single_object = single_object | |
self.fuser = GroupFeatureFusionBlock(pixel_dim, value_dim, embed_dim) | |
if self.single_object: | |
self.sensory_compress = GConv2d(sensory_dim + 1, value_dim, kernel_size=1) | |
else: | |
self.sensory_compress = GConv2d(sensory_dim + 2, value_dim, kernel_size=1) | |
def forward(self, | |
pix_feat: torch.Tensor, | |
pixel_memory: torch.Tensor, | |
sensory_memory: torch.Tensor, | |
last_mask: torch.Tensor, | |
last_others: torch.Tensor, | |
*, | |
chunk_size: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: | |
batch_size, num_objects = pixel_memory.shape[:2] | |
if self.single_object: | |
last_mask = last_mask.unsqueeze(2) | |
else: | |
last_mask = torch.stack([last_mask, last_others], dim=2) | |
if chunk_size < 1: | |
chunk_size = num_objects | |
# chunk-by-chunk inference | |
all_p16 = [] | |
for i in range(0, num_objects, chunk_size): | |
sensory_readout = self.sensory_compress( | |[sensory_memory[:, i:i + chunk_size], last_mask[:, i:i + chunk_size]], 2)) | |
p16 = pixel_memory[:, i:i + chunk_size] + sensory_readout | |
p16 = self.fuser(pix_feat, p16) | |
all_p16.append(p16) | |
p16 =, dim=1) | |
return p16 | |
class MaskDecoder(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg: DictConfig): | |
super().__init__() | |
embed_dim = model_cfg.embed_dim | |
sensory_dim = model_cfg.sensory_dim | |
ms_image_dims = model_cfg.pixel_encoder.ms_dims | |
up_dims = model_cfg.mask_decoder.up_dims | |
assert embed_dim == up_dims[0] | |
self.sensory_update = SensoryUpdater_fullscale([up_dims[0], up_dims[1], up_dims[2], up_dims[3], up_dims[4] + 1], sensory_dim, | |
sensory_dim) | |
self.decoder_feat_proc = DecoderFeatureProcessor(ms_image_dims[1:], up_dims[:-1]) | |
self.up_16_8 = MaskUpsampleBlock(up_dims[0], up_dims[1]) | |
self.up_8_4 = MaskUpsampleBlock(up_dims[1], up_dims[2]) | |
# newly add for alpha matte | |
self.up_4_2 = MaskUpsampleBlock(up_dims[2], up_dims[3]) | |
self.up_2_1 = MaskUpsampleBlock(up_dims[3], up_dims[4]) | |
self.pred_seg = nn.Conv2d(up_dims[-1], 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
self.pred_mat = nn.Conv2d(up_dims[-1], 1, kernel_size=3, padding=1) | |
def forward(self, | |
ms_image_feat: Iterable[torch.Tensor], | |
memory_readout: torch.Tensor, | |
sensory: torch.Tensor, | |
*, | |
chunk_size: int = -1, | |
update_sensory: bool = True, | |
seg_pass: bool = False, | |
last_mask=None, | |
sigmoid_residual=False) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): | |
batch_size, num_objects = memory_readout.shape[:2] | |
f8, f4, f2, f1 = self.decoder_feat_proc(ms_image_feat[1:]) | |
if chunk_size < 1 or chunk_size >= num_objects: | |
chunk_size = num_objects | |
fast_path = True | |
new_sensory = sensory | |
else: | |
if update_sensory: | |
new_sensory = torch.empty_like(sensory) | |
else: | |
new_sensory = sensory | |
fast_path = False | |
# chunk-by-chunk inference | |
all_logits = [] | |
for i in range(0, num_objects, chunk_size): | |
if fast_path: | |
p16 = memory_readout | |
else: | |
p16 = memory_readout[:, i:i + chunk_size] | |
actual_chunk_size = p16.shape[1] | |
p8 = self.up_16_8(p16, f8) | |
p4 = self.up_8_4(p8, f4) | |
p2 = self.up_4_2(p4, f2) | |
p1 = self.up_2_1(p2, f1) | |
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False): | |
if seg_pass: | |
if last_mask is not None: | |
res = self.pred_seg(F.relu(p1.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).float())) | |
if sigmoid_residual: | |
res = (torch.sigmoid(res) - 0.5) * 2 # regularization: (-1, 1) change on last mask | |
logits = last_mask + res | |
else: | |
logits = self.pred_seg(F.relu(p1.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).float())) | |
else: | |
if last_mask is not None: | |
res = self.pred_mat(F.relu(p1.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).float())) | |
if sigmoid_residual: | |
res = (torch.sigmoid(res) - 0.5) * 2 # regularization: (-1, 1) change on last mask | |
logits = last_mask + res | |
else: | |
logits = self.pred_mat(F.relu(p1.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=1).float())) | |
## SensoryUpdater_fullscale | |
if update_sensory: | |
p1 = | |
[p1, logits.view(batch_size, actual_chunk_size, 1, *logits.shape[-2:])], 2) | |
if fast_path: | |
new_sensory = self.sensory_update([p16, p8, p4, p2, p1], sensory) | |
else: | |
new_sensory[:, | |
i:i + chunk_size] = self.sensory_update([p16, p8, p4, p2, p1], | |
sensory[:, | |
i:i + chunk_size]) | |
all_logits.append(logits) | |
logits =, dim=0) | |
logits = logits.view(batch_size, num_objects, *logits.shape[-2:]) | |
return new_sensory, logits | |