PanoEvJ commited on
1 Parent(s): f1b13d2

setting up on_chat_start Chailit functionality

Browse files
Files changed (4) hide show
  1. +1 -1
  2. +195 -53
  3. barbie_data/barbie.csv +257 -0
  4. oppenheimer_data/oppenheimer.csv +306 -0 CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- title: Barbie RAQA Application Chainlit Demo
  emoji: 🔥
  colorFrom: red
  colorTo: red
+ title: Barbenheimer RAQA Application Chainlit Demo
  emoji: 🔥
  colorFrom: red
  colorTo: red CHANGED
@@ -1,79 +1,221 @@
  import chainlit as cl
  from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
- from langchain.document_loaders.csv_loader import CSVLoader
  from langchain.embeddings import CacheBackedEmbeddings
- from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
- from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
- from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
- from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
  from import LocalFileStore
- from import (
- ChatPromptTemplate,
- SystemMessagePromptTemplate,
- HumanMessagePromptTemplate,
- )
- import chainlit as cl
- text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
- system_template = """
- Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question.
- Please respond as if you were Ken from the movie Barbie. Ken is a well-meaning but naive character who loves to Beach. He talks like a typical Californian Beach Bro, but he doesn't use the word "Dude" so much.
- If you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.
- You can make inferences based on the context as long as it still faithfully represents the feedback.
- Example of your response should be:
- ```
- The answer is foo
- ```
- Begin!
- ----------------
- {context}"""
- messages = [
- SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(system_template),
- HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("{question}"),
- ]
- prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=messages)
- chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": prompt}
  def rename(orig_author: str):
- rename_dict = {"RetrievalQA": "Consulting The Kens"}
  return rename_dict.get(orig_author, orig_author)
  async def init():
  msg = cl.Message(content=f"Building Index...")
  await msg.send()
- # build FAISS index from csv
- loader = CSVLoader(file_path="./data/barbie.csv", source_column="Review_Url")
- data = loader.load()
- documents = text_splitter.transform_documents(data)
  store = LocalFileStore("./cache/")
  core_embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings()
- embedder = CacheBackedEmbeddings.from_bytes_store(
- core_embeddings_model, store, namespace=core_embeddings_model.model
- # make async docsearch
- docsearch = await cl.make_async(FAISS.from_documents)(documents, embedder)
- chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
- ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0, streaming=True),
- chain_type="stuff",
- return_source_documents=True,
- retriever=docsearch.as_retriever(),
- chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": prompt}
- msg.content = f"Index built!"
- await msg.send()
- cl.user_session.set("chain", chain)
  async def main(message):
  import chainlit as cl
+ from langchain.retrievers import BM25Retriever, EnsembleRetriever
+ from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
  from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
  from langchain.embeddings import CacheBackedEmbeddings
  from import LocalFileStore
+ from langchain.agents.agent_toolkits import create_retriever_tool
+ from langchain.agents.agent_toolkits import create_conversational_retrieval_agent
+ from langchain.document_loaders import WikipediaLoader, CSVLoader
+ from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
+ from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
+ from langchain.agents import Tool
+ from langchain.agents import ZeroShotAgent, AgentExecutor
+ from langchain import LLMChain
+ # text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
+ # system_template = """
+ # Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question.
+ # Please respond as if you were Ken from the movie Barbie. Ken is a well-meaning but naive character who loves to Beach. He talks like a typical Californian Beach Bro, but he doesn't use the word "Dude" so much.
+ # If you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.
+ # You can make inferences based on the context as long as it still faithfully represents the feedback.
+ # Example of your response should be:
+ # ```
+ # The answer is foo
+ # ```
+ # Begin!
+ # ----------------
+ # {context}"""
+ # messages = [
+ # SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(system_template),
+ # HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("{question}"),
+ # ]
+ # prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=messages)
+ # chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": prompt}
  def rename(orig_author: str):
+ rename_dict = {"RetrievalQA": "Consulting The Barbenheimer"}
  return rename_dict.get(orig_author, orig_author)
  async def init():
  msg = cl.Message(content=f"Building Index...")
  await msg.send()
+ # set up text splitters
+ wikipedia_text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
+ chunk_size = 1024,
+ chunk_overlap = 512,
+ length_function = len,
+ is_separator_regex= False,
+ separators = ["\n==", "\n", " "] # keep headings, then paragraphs, then sentences
+ )
+ csv_text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
+ chunk_size = 1024,
+ chunk_overlap = 512,
+ length_function = len,
+ is_separator_regex= False,
+ separators = ["\n", " "] # keep paragraphs, then sentences
+ )
+ # set up cached embeddings store
  store = LocalFileStore("./cache/")
  core_embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings()
+ embedder = CacheBackedEmbeddings.from_bytes_store(core_embeddings_model,
+ store,
+ namespace=core_embeddings_model.model)
+ # Barbie retrieval system (Wikipedia, CSV)
+ # load the multiple source documents for Barbie and build FAISS index
+ barbie_wikipedia_docs = WikipediaLoader(
+ query="Barbie (film)",
+ load_max_docs= 1, # YOUR CODE HERE,
+ doc_content_chars_max=10000000
+ ).load()
+ barbie_csv_docs = CSVLoader(
+ file_path= "./barbie_data/barbie.csv",
+ source_column="Review"
+ ).load()
+ # chunk the loaded documents using the text splitters
+ chunked_barbie_wikipedia_docs = wikipedia_text_splitter.transform_documents(barbie_wikipedia_docs)
+ chunked_barbie_csv_docs = csv_text_splitter.transform_documents(barbie_csv_docs)
+ # set up FAISS vector store and create retriever for CSV docs
+ barbie_csv_faiss_retriever = FAISS.from_documents(chunked_barbie_csv_docs, embedder)
+ # set up BM25 retriever
+ barbie_wikipedia_bm25_retriever = BM25Retriever.from_documents(
+ chunked_barbie_wikipedia_docs
+ barbie_wikipedia_bm25_retriever.k = 1
+ # set up FAISS vector store and create retriever
+ barbie_wikipedia_faiss_store = FAISS.from_documents(
+ chunked_barbie_wikipedia_docs,
+ embedder
+ barbie_wikipedia_faiss_retriever = barbie_wikipedia_faiss_store.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 1})
+ # set up ensemble retriever
+ barbie_ensemble_retriever = EnsembleRetriever(
+ retrievers=[barbie_wikipedia_bm25_retriever, barbie_wikipedia_faiss_retriever],
+ weights= [0.25, 0.75] # should sum to 1
+ )
+ # create retriever tools
+ barbie_wikipedia_retrieval_tool = create_retriever_tool(
+ retriever=barbie_ensemble_retriever,
+ name='Search_Wikipedia',
+ description='Useful for when you need to answer questions about plot, cast, production, release, music, marketing, reception, themes and analysis of the Barbie movie.'
+ )
+ barbie_csv_retrieval_tool = create_retriever_tool(
+ retriever=barbie_csv_faiss_retriever.as_retriever(),
+ name='Search_Reviews',
+ description='Useful for when you need to answer questions about public reviews of the Barbie movie.'
+ )
+ barbie_retriever_tools = [barbie_wikipedia_retrieval_tool, barbie_csv_retrieval_tool]
+ # retrieval agent
+ barbie_retriever_agent_executor = create_conversational_retrieval_agent(llm=llm, tools=barbie_retriever_tools, verbose=True)
+ # Oppenheimer retrieval system (Wikipedia, CSV)
+ # load the multiple source documents for Oppenheimer and build FAISS index
+ oppenheimer_wikipedia_docs = WikipediaLoader(
+ query="Oppenheimer",
+ load_max_docs=1,
+ doc_content_chars_max=10000000
+ ).load()
+ oppenheimer_csv_docs = CSVLoader(
+ file_path="./oppenheimer_data/oppenheimer.csv",
+ source_column="Review"
+ ).load()
+ # chunk the loaded documents using the text splitters
+ chunked_opp_wikipedia_docs = wikipedia_text_splitter.transform_documents(oppenheimer_wikipedia_docs)
+ chunked_opp_csv_docs = csv_text_splitter.transform_documents(oppenheimer_csv_docs)
+ # set up FAISS vector store and create retriever for CSV docs
+ opp_csv_faiss_retriever = FAISS.from_documents(chunked_opp_csv_docs, embedder).as_retriever()
+ # set up BM25 retriever
+ opp_wikipedia_bm25_retriever = BM25Retriever.from_documents(chunked_opp_wikipedia_docs)
+ opp_wikipedia_bm25_retriever.k = 1
+ # set up FAISS vector store and create retriever
+ opp_wikipedia_faiss_store = FAISS.from_documents(
+ chunked_opp_wikipedia_docs,
+ embedder
+ )
+ opp_wikipedia_faiss_retriever = opp_wikipedia_faiss_store.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 1})
+ # set up ensemble retriever
+ opp_ensemble_retriever = EnsembleRetriever(
+ retrievers=[opp_wikipedia_bm25_retriever, opp_wikipedia_faiss_retriever],
+ weights= [0.25, 0.75] # should sum to 1
+ )
+ # setup prompt
+ system_message = """Use the information from the below two sources to answer any questions.
+ Source 1: public user reviews about the Oppenheimer movie
+ <source1>
+ {source1}
+ </source1>
+ Source 2: the wikipedia page for the Oppenheimer movie including the plot summary, cast, and production information
+ <source2>
+ {source2}
+ </source2>
+ """
+ prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([("system", system_message), ("human", "{question}")])
+ # build multi-source chain
+ oppenheimer_multisource_chain = {
+ "source1": (lambda x: x["question"]) | opp_ensemble_retriever,
+ "source2": (lambda x: x["question"]) | opp_csv_faiss_retriever,
+ "question": lambda x: x["question"],
+ } | prompt | llm
+ # Agent creation
+ # set up tools
+ def query_barbie(input):
+ return barbie_retriever_agent_executor({"input" : input})
+ def query_oppenheimer(input):
+ return oppenheimer_multisource_chain.invoke({"question" : input})
+ tools = [
+ Tool(
+ name = "BarbieInfo",
+ func=query_barbie,
+ description='Useful when you need to answer questions about the Barbie movie'
+ ),
+ Tool(
+ name = "OppenheimerInfo",
+ func= query_oppenheimer,
+ description='Useful when you need to answer questions about the Oppenheimer movie'
+ ),
+ ]
+ # create prompt
+ prefix = """Have a conversation with a human, answering the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:"""
+ suffix = """Begin!"
+ Question: {input}
+ {agent_scratchpad}"""
+ prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(
+ tools=tools,
+ prefix=prefix,
+ suffix=suffix,
+ input_variables=['input', 'agent_scratchpad']
+ )
+ # chain llm with prompt
+ llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt, verbose=True)
+ # create reasoning agent
+ barbenheimer_agent = ZeroShotAgent(
+ llm_chain=llm_chain,
+ tools=tools,
+ verbose=True )
+ # create execution agent
+ barbenheimer_agent_chain = cl.make_async(AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools)(
+ agent=barbenheimer_agent,
+ tools=tools,
+ verbose=True )
  async def main(message):
barbie_data/barbie.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ ,Review_Date,Author,Rating,Review_Title,Review,Review_Url
+ 0,21 July 2023,LoveofLegacy,6," Beautiful film, but so preachy
+ ","Margot does the best with what she's given, but this film was very disappointing to me. It was marketed as a fun, quirky satire with homages to other movies. It started that way, but ended with over-dramatized speeches and an ending that clearly tried to make the audience feel something, but left everyone just feeling confused. And before you say I'm a crotchety old man, I'm a woman in my 20s, so I'm pretty sure I'm this movie's target audience. The saddest part is there were parents with their kids in the theater that were victims of the poor marketing, because this is not a kid's movie. Overall, the humor was fun on occasion and the film is beautiful to look at, but the whole concept falls apart in the second half of the film and becomes a pity party for the ""strong"" woman.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 1,22 July 2023,imseeg,7," 3 reasons FOR seeing it and 1 reason AGAINST.
+ ",The first reason to go see it:,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 2,22 July 2023,Natcat87,6," Too heavy handed
+ ","As a woman that grew up with Barbie, I was very excited for this movie. I was curious to see how they would evolve the ""stereotypical Barbie"" into something more. But the messaging in this movie was so heavy handed that it completely lost the plot. I consider myself a proponent of gender equality, and this ain't the way to get it.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 3,31 July 2023,ramair350,10," As a guy I felt some discomfort, and that's ok.
+ ","As much as it pains me to give a movie called ""Barbie"" a 10 out of 10, I have to do so. It is so brilliantly handled and finely crafted, I have to give the filmakers credit. Yes, I am somewhat conservative person and former law enforcement officer. I'm a guy. I like guy things. Hell I even enjoyed the Battleship movie a few years ago (an absolutely ridiculous but fun romp of an action film). But I also like to experience other perspectives. And man oh man does this movie deliver that in spades - pretty much encapsulated everything my wife has tried to convey about her entire career and life experience wrapped up into two hours! The humor, the sets, the acting, and the ability to weave the current narrative into the story was just perfect. I don't agree with some of the points of the movie, but again, that's ok. This movie wasn't designed to give a balanced perspective of men versus women; it is a no-holds-barred unapologetic crazy ride of a rant about the real issues that women have faced since they were ""allowed"" to have ""real jobs"" and do the same things as men. Give me a well done film that is a blast to watch, that makes you think, and that was done from a place of creativity, passion, and attention to detail, and I'll call it what it is: a 10 out of 10 masterpiece.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 4,24 July 2023,heatherhilgers,9," A Technicolor Dream
+ ","Wow, this movie was a love letter to cinema. From the Kubrick reference at the opening, to the soundstage being 100% real - no cgi for the sets. There were dance sequences like in the olden days (think Grease) and the costuming , wow the costuming. Greta Gerwig dug deep to make this masterpiece using all of her technical chops along the way. The casting director also nailed it, everyone was wonderful.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 5,21 July 2023,G-Joshua-Benjamin,6," My mom and I saw this yesterday. Here are my thoughts.
+ ",I don't know if I put spoilers in here. I am super worn out. Haha So I will just put that I did.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 6,21 July 2023,Sleepin_Dragon,8," Well this really did come as a surprise.
+ ","It pains me to say it, but I enjoyed this movie so much more then I was expecting to, musical numbers, humour, there truly is something for the whole family yo enjoy.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 7,20 July 2023,portraitofaladyonfire,6," Brilliant observations, but social depth is missing
+ ","Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach have a knack for incorporating the many little observations of life, whether funny or deeply interpersonal, into a screenplay. Gerwig manages to direct them with great visuals and clever transitions.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 8,24 July 2023,coxaneesa,8," It was depressing
+ ",I thought this would be so much different. The ending made me feel sad and empty. Ken and Barbie don't end up together and they made Ken seem like a complete idiot. Actually they presented men as being dumb throughout the whole movie. And I'm not a man but that's just not true. It was depressing and sad and never the way Barbie was created for. I know a lot of people won't agree with me and that's okay but it was just pointless going to see it. The only good thing is that the Barbie aesthetic was beautifully done.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 9,19 July 2023,hamsterination,6," It could have been so much better...
+ ","The film's universe and settings are fantastic. The casting is really good too, with Gosling excelling in the role of Ken.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 10,19 July 2023,HabibieHakim123,8," Barbie Is A Weirdly Fun Movie!
+ ","8.5/10
+ While i'm not so sure at first, the movie kept getting even more fun, entertaining, and definitely better, also surprisingly deal with a legit serious stuff, Barbie is a weirdly fun movie that fills with this very interesting concept, definitely the first time that's ever done, Greta Gerwig has created this whole new style of filmmaking specifically for Barbie, from the intentionally weird yet creative editing, some awkward and cringe scene, i found the comedy so funny instead of cringe, Barbie is one of the most original movie of the year and also one of the most original movie i've seen in a while, we all know Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling is gonna carry the movie and they are, but Will Ferrell, Simu Liu, and the whole rest of the cast were also great and entertaining, the soundtrack was just great, except Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice ""Barbie World"" song that are just absolutely terrible, but Billie Eilish ""What Was I Made For?"" tune that kept haunting in the background until it finally get the perfect scene to played it was really the best thing because that song was just beautiful and emotional, anyway, Barbie is a lot of fun, while there is still some noticeable flawed, most of them i found it funny, entertaining, colourful, creative, and fun, pure fun, it's something that i probably will love it even more the second time i see it, but as of right now, Barbie was a good time, definitely recommended and with this movie somehow it's actually possible to have a live-action Barbie movie, all you need to have is a good writer, good director, and good cast, and they delivers mostly.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 11,20 July 2023,fscsgxp,6," Amazing Cast & Set, but the political message was too strong
+ ","I've been excited for this movie for over a year. The casting was perfect and the acting was amazing! The set was next level, the tiny details were all there and even the highest barbie fan couldn't ask for anything more from it. It is PERFECTION.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 12,20 July 2023,MissSimonetta,4," The marketing was more entertaining than the actual movie
+ ","I went to see this today, everyone in my group dressed in pink and ready to at least be entertained by pastel-colored camp for two hours. BARBIE kind of succeeds there: I loved the costuming and sets of Barbieland, and Margot Robie is such a fantastic actress, the perfect embodiment of the optimistic, she-can-do-it-all Barbie. Ryan Gosling was a scene-stealer with his horse obsession and faux mink coat.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 13,19 July 2023,jpismyname,8," Fun and surprisingly touching
+ ","I was honestly doubting this movie at first, but surprisingly I find myself really liking it quite a lot.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 14,22 July 2023,finnconnelly-63017,10," Ken out of ten
+ ","Wow. I did not see this masterpiece coming. And that's not a joke. Somehow, Greta Gerwig took Barbie, and made a movie that tackles some really tough social issues....well? It's crazy. But wow, does it work. The story is very mature, thinker of a plot. Once you're done laughing your butt off, you'll get really emotional. The production design is so on point. The whole movie is pink everything, but it's never polarizing. All the shades melt together in a very pleasing way. And of course the cast! Margot Robbie was born to play Barbie, and she hits a home run, but Ryan Gosling. This dude rocks as Ken. He knocked it all the way around the world and hit himself in the back of the head. He steals every scene he's in, and I would be so on board with a Ken spin-off. America Ferrara and Simu Liu are also great in their respective roles, but the cast overall is just perfect. Overall, Barbie is probably the best movie based off a toy (sorry LEGO Movies) and an overall fantastic time at the movies.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 15,23 July 2023,Revuer223,6," Could Have Been Great. 2nd Half Brings It Down.
+ ","The quality, the humor, and the writing of the movie is fun for a while. It's quirky and it's unique. When they get into the weeds and try to explore deeper themes, the movie is a miss. The middle expositional phase of the movie, I must say, is a bore.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 16,29 July 2023,cmdown-50506,9," Now I am become Barbie Girl, the enjoyer of Barbie worlds
+ ","I have been waiting for this to release for so long and I finally got to watch it today. I absolutely loved it! It was fun, it had Margot Robbie (and extra stuff for Tarantino's out there if you know what I mean) And it had some absolute bangers! What more could you want from a new summer classic?",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 17,21 July 2023,andermic18,6," No Direction
+ ","The movie was very funny and really enjoyable to laugh at with the full theatre. However, the messages of the movie were the problem. I was never really sure what I was supposed to take away, there was nothing about finding equality or love it was all about how every man cat falls every woman or women can't be anything. It was really silly because there was no accurate reflection of America at any single point except for Barbie getting called a Fascist for no reason by a 14 year old. I enjoyed how they called out women for hating women and how they really tried to preach empowerment and the ability to be anything, but at the same time there was so much resentment and they ended the movie by reinstating hate. The majority of the movie was hating men as much as possible. That's just whatever because what really matters is the story. Well it fell short on that mark and it was really disappointing. The pacing was horrible, the villain won and was pretty irrelevant in the long run, the story was all over the place, and it is totally not for kids. I think the worst part is how disappointed I was at the opportunity to really make something special and it just wasn't. 6 points for all the laughs and fun I had and I would expect 6-7 to be an appropriate rating.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 18,4 August 2023,thePopcornExplorer,9," I don't see how it was preachy
+ ","In this day and age with society overall becoming more and more polarized and our leaders around the world doing nothing to improve dialogue, it seems that people became broken records. Now everything in the movies and TV shows is perceived as preachy, not everything is a conspiracy, people need to consider that movies and TV shows at its core, and specially the good ones, are about sharing perspectives and allow the audience, if their minds are opened to it, to acknowledge all sides of the stories.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 19,19 July 2023,tm-sheehan,6," Didn't hit my pink spot
+ ","My Review - Barbie
+ In Cinemas now
+ My Rating 6.5/10",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 20,20 July 2023,Genti25,8," You are Kenough
+ ","This movie is so much fun. It starts off really strong although the story does move away from ""Barbieland"" sooner than I would have liked. Nonetheless, it regains its footing with the final act in particular and I could not stop laughing at Ryan Gosling's portrayal of Ken. That song will forever be stuck in my head.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 21,24 July 2023,lokicola,6," Strong Start... and That's It
+ ","I walked out of the theatre thinking, ""Yeah, I had a good time in that movie"". But as the day went on I kind had that ""Ok, that kebab probably wasn't a good idea.""",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 22,23 July 2023,herrcarter-92161,5," Somewhat of a Jumbled Mess
+ ",My 15-year old daughter wrote the following review and posted it to my IMDB account.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 23,19 July 2023,andypaps101,8," ""Barbie"" - A Multifaceted Exploration of Femininity, Consumerism, and Existentialism
+ ",I got free tickets for a preview and to be honest I was more than a little embarrassed to go. I did not tell a soul. As a cool middle aged gentleman if word got out this could have really affected my street cred.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 24,23 July 2023,subxerogravity,8," It's like G.I Joe...For girls! Seriously, and I love it for that!
+ ","I mean, Margo Robbie as Barbie just made perfect sense, but I really wanted to see the movie when I herd that Ryian Gosling was going to be Ken, I just thought that would be hilarious and I was right!",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 25,26 July 2023,aherdofbeautifulwildponies,6," A Hot Pink Mess
+ ","Before making Barbie (2023), ",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 26,21 July 2023,masonsaul,10," The best version of itself
+ ","Barbie is everything expected of it and so much more, a self aware and meta comedy made for fans and newcomers alike that's also incredibly profound, layered and really funny. It's the best version of itself and just immensely satisfying that the Barbie movie that got made on this scale is so weird and unique.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 27,19 July 2023,dreopdreef,6," Not so unique as expected
+ ",The concept of a Barbie movie is really unique and got me all exited. But unfortunately to me it delivers the same messages that we keep hearing as of lately.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 28,19 July 2023,anjamulder,8," not for everyone
+ ","This is very much a movie that will get devided opinions on it, my cousin said well this is two hours of my life i will never get back, and me? I left the theatre in such a good mood. It was the sense of humor for me, laughed so hard. Specially Ryan Gossling was sooooo good and funny, many familiar faces to spot also. And margot robbie come on... the perfect casting for Barbie. I also have to say, the way they created Barbie land was so amazing, it just makes you just want to there. I don't really have anything bad to say about this movie. I can understand not everyone will love it. But i am sure it is a iconic film already.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 29,19 July 2023,mark-217-307033,6," Fun film whose script falls in on itself
+ ","Margot Robbie's performance is perfect, and no other actor could've embodied the character as well as she does. However, Ryan Gosling is the film-stealer. I often forget his comedic talent, and he's given a lot of room to flex it in this. A cleverly executed Matchbox Twenty joke is particularly memorable.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 30,21 July 2023,imdbmovieguy,," Honestly - not funny and light enough
+ ","I really enjoyed the first 20 minutes of the movie. It was very upbeat, positive and light. However, things soon became negative about 20 - 25 minutes into the movie. I couldn't stand it. Barbie's world and attitude was a constant bummer. Ken's attitude was sour. For the next hour (and more) the movie just lived in negativity.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 31,1 August 2023,zkonedog,10," An Amazingly Perfect Blend Of Social Satire & Fun
+ ","For a film like ""Barbie"" to succeed, every aspect had to come together perfectly. It needed to consummately balance satire with fun, the casting had to be spot-on, and the writing/directing required to pull off such a feat would need to be exquisite. Somewhat remarkably, that is exactly what writer/director Greta Gerwig pulls off here to create the best movie of summer 2023.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 32,21 July 2023,arslanmanzoor123,6," Quite disappointing
+ ","Some friends freaking out that I went to see Barbie lol I mean I mentioned I went coz my sister insisted since ages. Anyway the movie was bad. These days, every other director and producer wants to convey messages about women rights and feminism through whatever platform possible and this movie was a perfect example of that with sheer cringe to convey all that. I wished I had gotten the ticket for Oppenheimer in the same timings as my sister's Barbie show. Other than that, the acting done by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling was great so can't take that away from them. They did justice to their roles.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 33,21 July 2023,MaskedMinty,5," Preach Preach Preach
+ ","Let me start by saying that I'm by no means a conservative or traditional woman. I believe that inequality for women still is rampant even in first world countries and that we go through many problems. But damn...this movie is so corporate and shallow. It's clearly ordered and tailored by executives at Mattel to rebrand and sell more dolls. The movie starts well and has the potential of becoming something very good, but then it just goes downhill: the premise of the owner's feeling being projected onto the doll was going to lead to a very nice build up about a person's life journey and then Barbie and Ken go to the human world and cue in the speeches and preaching. This movie suffers from a bad case of showing and not telling, they keep repeating the same dialogues: patriarchy bad patriarchy bad patriarchy bad sexism sexism sexism, not even one time but MULTIPLE TIMES. These characters go into random rants like its a ted talk! The chemistry between the mother and daughter is absolutely nonexistent and their relationship is so cringe, You cant root for them or feel their feelings at all. Barbie should have understood how Kens had been feeling in the Barbieland the whole time which is a mimic of how many women are still treated in the society: just existing for the gaze of a woman (man). Yet what do they do? They manipulate them (with a super nonsense plan) and force them back to their original position while she gives him a half assed apology that could have been done better and end up to a more accurate point about equality. (I guess this is again meta and a reflection of how women are pitted against each other while people in charge benefit from that but its so badly done that it feels meh.)
+ I can imagine that in the boardroom they went through a discussion like this: People are going to think this is a feel good movie so we need to give them something deeper but also lets make it absurd and fast paced so that we can finish the plot quickly and also jump on the ""not taking itself serious"" bandwagon and also market these dolls again in the age of smartphone kids. The only reason this movie gets at 5 from me is the humor, which sometimes becomes very meta and creative and Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling have acted very well. Besides this, they could have just given us a simple feel good movie and I would have respected the creators more. Pass.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 34,19 July 2023,faeez_rizwan,9," Wildly Pink
+ ",Barbie Movie Review,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 35,4 August 2023,evanston_dad,8," Smart and Winning
+ ","My wife and I were two of the apparently 200,000 or so people who Barbenheimered Greta Gerwig's and Chritopher Nolan's hot topic movies on opening weekend. ""Oppenheimer"" was first, a boring slog of history in which a bunch of white men blathering at each other for three hours resulted in the creation of weapons that could wipe out humanity. ""Barbie"" came in the evening, a fresh breeze of humanity to clear away Nolan's emotional constipation.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 36,19 July 2023,AvionPrince16,6," Barbie land and reality
+ ","Im not really disappointed or love the movie to be honest. It was kind of weird and strange at the beginning: we understand it later because we are in the Barbie world. So they played with the culture reference of the barbie, the dolls and what they represent: an ideal world with where the womans are in power. Things will get pretty normal after they enter the real world and all the problems: sexual remark, womens and their place in society (the inequality with mens.) I was pretty sure they will talk about the problems with womans and their complex because of Barbie and the perfect women she is and how this is contrasted with the real world. Its pretty obvious that they will talk about it. I love also how Ken will also notice how mens are more powerful in the real world: its like everyone see that reality is not really what they perceived themselves in their own reality and power will shift also later in Barbie Land. I understand why they act like this and stuff but i didnt really get into the movie to be honest: i only identify myself when they talked about society and business but all the musical things, the choregraphy and even the morality was kind of superficial. But i enjoyed that Barbie realised the problems of our world and compare to her own. Some moments was funny and some more serious or drama sometimes even if its pretty soft because we are in Barbie Land. I mean i spend a great time but it was kind of ok. And i still think its a great Barbie movie: the task was not easy to represent that world but i enjoyed the set design, the colors, the camera movements. I think people who played with Barbie dolls or just know the universe will be happy; they have a lot of references to the world and a lot of Barbie references to the dolls and the differents clothes and the impact of her in society. Some moments were also absurd ( the fight with all the Kens). Its good anyway.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 37,23 July 2023,eoinageary,8," I am Kenough
+ ",So I went into the movie with little to no expectations and I was pleasantly impressed with the movie overall.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 38,25 July 2023,spika13,6," Too overrated
+ ","Its like watching at ""Truman's show"" but all the set it's pink color with a hint of extreme feminist ideas. I grew up with barbie dolls and I felt very disappointed, I was expecting a different kind of story, the ending was the worst. I think the message should be more with the real feminist concept of Simone de Bouvoir, we all deserve the same rights. In the end Instead of just Barbie Land they should changed as; Barbie and Ken Land.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 39,23 July 2023,Anurag-Shetty,10," A wholesome delight!
+ ","Barbie is based on Mattel's iconic plastic dolls of the same name. Barbie(Margot Robbie) lives a very happy life in Barbie Land, along with her fellow Barbies, Ken(Ryan Gosling) & his fellow Kens. Suddenly, Barbie goes through an existential crisis that makes her question Barbie Land & the truth of her existence.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 40,24 July 2023,GhostFoxX,6," Misleading.
+ ","I personally expected the movie to be fun and adventurous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what it is supposed to be? It's literally a movie about Barbie. Instead, it felt more like an agent of woke culture, and basically Mattel's (the company that produces Barbie dolls) way of capitalizing the emotional aspect of the cinephiles to make their business more popular and trendier. It continuously tried to portray the fact that Mattel is no more producing white barbie dolls, it is now producing dolls of all colors and races. Well, that is definitely a good thing, but making most of the movie focus on that aspect felt very boring and wrong. If they didn't quite make a movie that is fun and adventurous, why make the marketing events misleading? They could've just focused on the audience for whom it was made, rather than on the entire world through their absurdly irrelevant marketing events that made the world think that this movie is going to be all about fun and adventure. Sadly, it was not nearly as enjoyable as the misleading marketing made it seem.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 41,25 July 2023,mr_bickle_the_pickle,8," Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
+ ","It's an incredibly fun movie. Lots of laughs. Very campy over the top humour. But also surprisingly touching. My favourite scene of the movie is just rather a small quiet moment where Barbie is observing every day life and tells an old woman how beautiful she is. Margot Robbie shines in the lead role. Ryan Gosling clearly was having a lot of fun with the role, but don't sleep on Michael Cera as Allan. I know a lot of people say that Ryan Gosling is a scene stealer, but personally I thought Michael was.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 42,23 July 2023,jacquihives,6," I had no expectations but was still underwhelmed
+ ","I loved barbie growing up, and even at 42 years old I couldn't wait to go see the movie! I didn't have any expectations because I had no idea how they could make a movie about barbie that's for adults and not kids. I adored Barbieland, but unfortunately they leave it behind so fast and with it they also leave behind everything good about bringing barbie to life in a movie! It got silly, had no storyline, was overly political and woke, man bashing and made men silly, and I really didn't care for the ending which is just as well because it was abrupt and crude.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 43,24 July 2023,brianjohnson-20043,4," This movie tries to be too much
+ ",I wanted to like it. But I just didn't. The story wasn't very compelling to me because it seemed as if the entire point of much of the movie was to provide learning moments for viewers with some slapstick comedy and quick-delivery comedy. The story itself should nearly always be more important.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 44,21 July 2023,rannynm,10," What A Film! I Was Ecstatic About Seeing Barbie And It Definitely Exceeded My Expectations By Far.
+ ","What a film! I was ecstatic about seeing Barbie and it definitely exceeded my expectations by far. As much as I was excited, I was a bit scared that the stakes were too high; after all Barbie is an icon and a part of so many people's childhood. For a film like this it's very easy to create something corny, disappointing, or unappealing to viewers. I'm so glad that Gretta Gerwig stepped up to the plate and created an absolute masterpiece.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 45,23 July 2023,Jeremy_Urquhart,8," Surprisingly good
+ ","I think part of my brain rejects this for being a feature-length toy commercial, but it's a very small part of my brain (and that really wasn't where my mind was for the majority of the movie).",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 46,1 August 2023,badreviewer,6," This Barbie is dissapointed.
+ ","Yes. Day by day it becomes more obvious that now the movies are made just because of the income they generate and nothing else. Ok, Barbie itself was not a creative idea, I know. And actually I didn't expect to see something unseen something unique in the first place, all in all it's ""Barbie"".",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 47,23 July 2023,nethy-nho,10," Barbie is not a simple live action of a timeless doll
+ ","But it is also in its smallest details, from the art direction, costumes, and any technical choice completely thought of referencing all Barbie generations and the like. A soundtrack that will take you from laughing to crying (yes, very musical moments, after all it is a Barbie movie), in addition to the hand-picked cast, Margot is impeccable and manages to express all her feelings, just with her eyes. Greta's direction and screenplay, just amazing, strong, emotional, empowering and very, very feminist, not only for the women who are already fighting for the cause, but to open everyone's eyes to a sisterhood.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 48,26 July 2023,JPARM-IMDb,6," Expected more from Greta Gerwig
+ ","Even though I'm not the target audience for this movie, I thought Barbie might impress me due to Greta Gerwig's previous works but I'm disappointed.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 49,22 July 2023,lisacarlson50,10," Creatively Brilliant
+ ","Brilliantly written by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach. Everyone in this is fantastic. It's a wink at nostalgia and commentary on society. Never played with Barbies but my daughter did. Tribute to the inventor of Barbie, Ruth Handler. Helen Mirren narrates. Kate McKinnon almost steals the movie. Not a movie for little kids but most of the references will probably go over their heads. My girlfriend and I laughed out loud many times. It's about 20 minutes too long for my taste. The music is spot on. It's a perfect summer movie. Guess what? It has value and substance. Margot Robbie is not only gorgeous but more importantly, she's highly intelligent as actor and producer. This movie is going to make bank!",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 50,29 July 2023,Vic_max,7," A lot like The Lego Movie - except for the 2nd half
+ ","As a guy who never played with Barbie dolls, I was surprised to be caught up in the enthusiasm to see this movie; I purchased tickets well in advance when they first went on sale.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 51,9 August 2023,L3MM3,," Boring, mind-numbing drivel
+ ","I do not usually write reviews, but this is beyond description. Last time I wrote a review it was for the absolutely horrible wrinkle in time. This is almost as bad. At least Gosling plays his part well, but the story is abysmal. If you can find anything else to do like watch paint dry, then yes please do. You will save your brain cells the agony of a painful slow ..... nearly two hours long this was mind-numbing storytelling at its mediocre worst. How many ways can I say do not go see it if you have a choice. See anything else but this exercise in horrendous cliches and exaggerated self-importance. If I could give it negative 10 stars I would.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 52,7 August 2023,saimariejohnson,10," Wildly Entertaining.
+ ","Barbie surprised me in all the best ways. It was funny, moving, inspirational, and all around ridiculously entertaining. I mean that with every sense of the implication to.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 53,29 July 2023,planktonrules,6," Good...not great
+ ","""Barbie"" is a movie that is setting all sorts of records, so it's obvious that the film is touching many people. For some, it's the fun of seeing a doll come to life, for others it's the theme of empowerment that make the movie a big hit. As for me, I did like it and thought it was a pretty good movie...but it's not for everyone.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 54,22 July 2023,shadowtramp,5," More of a marketing flick
+ ",The brilliant marketing is what led us tonight to pay for the tickets. The brilliance ends there.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 55,10 August 2023,adamjohns-42575,8," A sheer pleasure to watch.
+ ",Barbie (2023) -,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 56,22 July 2023,DoNotComeToTheCinemaDepressed,10," 🏩 Possibly a Masterpiece? 💒
+ ","I Understand that Some People are Going to Have Big Big Problems with Some of the Messaging within this Film. But Sometimes, in Life 😂, You Just Have to Go With It.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 57,19 July 2023,AvionPrince16,6," Barbie Land
+ ","Im not really disappointed or love the movie to be honest. It was kind of weird and strange at the beginning: we understand it later because we are in the Barbie world. So they played with the culture reference of the barbie, the dolls and what they represent: an ideal world with where the womans are in power. Things will get pretty normal after they enter the real world and all the problems: sexual remark, womens and their place in society (the inequality with mens.) I was pretty sure they will talk about the problems with womans and their complex because of Barbie and the perfect women she is and how this is contrasted with the real world. Its pretty obvious that they will talk about it. I love also how Ken will also notice how mens are more powerful in the real world: its like everyone see that reality is not really what they perceived themselves in their own reality and power will shift also later in Barbie Land. I understand why they act like this and stuff but i didnt really get into the movie to be honest: i only identify myself when they talked about society and business but all the musical things, the choregraphy and even the morality was kind of superficial. But i enjoyed that Barbie realised the problems of our world and compare to her own. Some moments was funny and some more serious or drama sometimes even if its pretty soft because we are in Barbie Land. I mean i spend a great time but it was kind of ok. And i still think its a great Barbie movie: the task was not easy to represent that world but i enjoyed the set design, the colors, the camera movements. Its good anyway.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 58,21 July 2023,meltingmel,10," 10/10!!!!!!!
+ ",Wow. WOW!!!!,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 59,21 July 2023,suf-54719,6," It's a silly movie
+ ","The story feels like watching modern animated barbie movies in this past decade. If you lower your expectations, you gonna kinda enjoy it. The first 30 minutes is good, but the last 30 minutes feel rushed.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 60,20 July 2023,mavigangi,10," A colorful love letter to human kind
+ ","I cried, I laughed, I dance and I did sing too. What a joyful time I had at the movies watching Barbie. This is a movie to celebrate how diverse and complicated are the humans. The cinematography is a outstanding as well as the production design and the vestuary. The casting seems like made in heaven. I recommend this movie for 11+ years old. And if you have a teen at home, take her with you. Barbie goes from fun to introspection and I love a good comedy that makes you think. Ryan Gosling is the perfect Ken, he does everything in this movie and shines every time he shows up. Margo is a perfect Barbie and got a real sense of the relevance this is going to have.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 61,23 July 2023,agjbull,6," Just a little empty
+ ","I really wanted to enjoy this and I know that I am not the target audience but there were massive plot holes and no real flow. The film was very disjointed. Ryan Gosling as good as he is seemed to old to play Ken and Will Ferrell ruined every scene he was in. I just didn't get it, it seemed hollow artificial and hackneyed. A waste of some great talent. It was predictable without being reassuring and trying so hard to be woke in the most superficial way in that but trying to tick so many boxes it actually ticked none. Margo Robbie looks beautiful throughout, the costumes and the sets were amazing but the story was way too weak and didn't make much sense at all.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 62,20 July 2023,MatthewMichaelHoffman,8," Fails to meet expectations, but still fun!
+ ",SCORE: 7.8/10,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 63,10 August 2023,arcelivez-753-983928,6," Honestly - no idea why people are so hyped up with this
+ ","Honestly I really have no idea why this movie seems to be so popular. Again honest - I went there just for Margot Robbie (I'm a married 34 year old male, and margot is one of my top 3 favorite actrices of all time, and arguably the most talented one from my list). And for that part it was totally ok. But the movie absolutely doesn't deserve an imdb rating above 5.6. The plot itself was very simple. Absolutely nothing particularly special in it. So if it is in fact getting rated so high just because of Margot alone, then why do her other movies don't get rated that well and get that much attention? Honestly I really don't understand and I think this movie is way too overhyped for no reason. And I have no idea why... For other movies that get hyped like that I do see the reasons why they're getting so hyped. So the movie is not awful, but it's rather average, if you're not going there specifically for Margot then I am pretty sure there will be multiple movies at your local cinema at the time you're reading this, which are way more worth watching than this one...",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 64,22 July 2023,fernandoschiavi,5," ""Barbie"" is fun and visually beautiful, but unfortunately Barbie doll was dragged into the cultural war, used as a puppet by political militancy
+ ","Despite the strong commercial tone, it is still possible to perceive that we are watching a film by Greta Gerwig, director known for dramatic comedies that capture the complexity of femininity in an original way - although, in this case, it is almost inevitable to fall into some clichés. The undeniable feminist tone exists through the presence of this female director - in addition to Margot Robbie herself as a producer. ""Barbie"" has sharp and intelligent comments on the dynamics between men and women over time and also on how these social roles are seen and problematized today. And the film does it with a big heart: the story is genuinely fun, with a humor that walks between acidity and innocence, but also moves with the existential journey of its protagonists, reserving touching moments and provoking reflections, especially in its final stretch. Debauchery is the great ally of Gerwig and Baumbach to deal not only with sexism, but also with the ""corporate"" issue. It won't be strange if you catch yourself thinking ""how did Mattel let this film see the light of day?"" Laughing at yourself, after all, seems to be a prerequisite for establishing communication with a young generation of consumers who associate their consumption habits with a critical eye on consumerism itself.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 65,20 July 2023,PedroPires90,8," A triumph
+ ",I appreciated it but wasn't a huge fan of Greta Gerwig's first two films. I knew absolutely nothing about Barbie except that it was a doll. The trailers didn't impress me. I slept less than an hour last night. I watched the movie alone surrounded by teenagers who cheered when the WB logo appeared in pink.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 66,27 July 2023,sanadalsalt,10," Laugh, Reflect, Repeat: Exploring the Wonders of 'Barbie'
+ ","Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with ""Barbie"" (2023)? This film is an absolute delight and a true masterpiece that will leave you in awe. Directed by the incredibly talented Greta Gerwig and starring the stunning Margot Robbie as the iconic doll herself, ""Barbie"" is a cinematic experience like no other.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 67,6 August 2023,pompeiirome,6," Ryan Gosling, a pure showman
+ ","If forgotten, Ryan Gosling started off in the mickey mouse club. Important to remember because wow what a talented individual. Recent memory sees him leading roles that require a more stoic subdued approach, and it can be easy to miss his range. Barbie seeks to utilize all his acting muscles, and to a resounding success. He can sing, dance, act, and do comedy.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 68,6 August 2023,D4V1D2411,8," Fun enough to like it but easily to hate for its message
+ ",": I feel confused about this movie, probably like a lot of people, on one hand I laughed as I hadnt with a movie in a long time and the vibe this movie has is just very appealing, but on the other hand while not being an anti-men movie and actually trying to have a deep message, it feels at some parts like a tantrum. The way it handles its feminist message is not the best, because while it tries to give a meaningful speach, it almost boarders with hate speach and ridiculization, I say almost, because a lot of this situations are just played by the laughs and when theyre not, while being bad, theyre not terrible. But this makes it sound like a bad movie, which barbie is not, at the end it manages to actually give a meaningfull speech about the wrong in the real world and takes some minutes to understand both sides. It is still not the best ending possible because it can be a little too ridiculous, when you have a movie thats like that all the time I dont think it matters all that much. And at the end of the day I took home with me the minutes of laughter this movie gave to me, an enjoying fun time that is worth watching.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 69,3 August 2023,DanLawson146,7," Fun, but too on the nose at times
+ ",POSITIVES:,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 70,7 August 2023,misscattik,," No questions just answers
+ ","The title of the review practically sums it all up. With the highest potential in style, aesthetics, cast and concept, the movie fails spectacularly when it comes to the deliverance of it's main idea. And it's not feminism that bothers, surely not, it's the artistic language in which the idea is told - harsh, manipulative, abusive, straightforward and unkind. Instead of aspiring the audience to think and reflect, it shoves the manifestations down your throat, and in monologues that are generally painfully awkward to watch.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 71,5 August 2023,sjw1029,8," The movie event of 2023 lives up to the hype
+ ",Let me start by saying it makes me happy to see a movie that isn't from the MCU or a sequel doing so well at the box office. There is still originality out there. This movie was very funny - the scene with Ken and the doctor in LA made me laugh very hard. It's weird and inventive. It has amazing choreography. So many talented people worked on this. I didn't grow up with Barbies so I'm sure a lot of the jokes went over my head. But it didn't hurt the enjoyment. It even manages to land a sentimental note at the end. I can definitely see this being a movie people see over and over.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 72,20 July 2023,FeastMode,7," I'll beach you off so hard
+ ",I had no idea what to expect going into Barbie. I had no interest in seeing a movie about Barbie but was immediately sold on the highly talented Margot Robbie and the awesome Ryan Gosling. But I was still nervous that the comedy would be aimed strictly at women and would be difficult for a guy to enjoy.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 73,23 July 2023,acdc_mp3,9," A really fun time
+ ","Weeks ago I heard that there was going to be a Barbie movie coming out and my immediate first thought was ""Oh, God."" I then forgot about it and then saw the trailer for it when we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I always enjoy seeing Margot Robbie when I can and Ryan Gosling looked like he was going to bring some humor to the movie, so when my wife asked if I wanted to see it, I said SURE! I'm glad I did.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 74,24 July 2023,terryforma,6," It was good but far too preachy
+ ","I really enjoyed the movie. The acting was amazing. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling was amazing. I just thought it was too on the nose. Like the message was literally forced in your face. It seemed lazy to me. I went in thinking it was going to be similar to The Truman Show and I wished it had've taken some elements from it because it would've made it much more powerful if so. I'm not going to spoil the ending but I thought the writers just gave up. Overall for me it's a 6/10. Good film but that's all. Definitely could've been less preachy. Ultimately, it's nice movie to see and I'd see it again at some point but it wasn't great.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 75,25 July 2023,Dello_,4," Funny and sharp first half, boring and baffling second one
+ ","I had great expectations for the Barbie movie, mainly because of the writers (Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach) and the stellar cast with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling leading the way. Unfortunately I found myself disappointed, bored and shocked by some messages the movie tries to convey.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 76,23 July 2023,a-hilton,10," Had me smiling all the way through
+ ","Okay maybe it was a 9.5 because of two flaws: First was the Will Ferrell character and his board that made their point but then became superfluos. Second was that it is definitely not a kids' movie (although maybe they would see things that I didn't - I mean to be fair, the few kids in the theatre were well behaved so perhaps the movie got their full attention as well).",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 77,28 July 2023,klastaitas,8," We're All Dolls
+ ","Without consumerism, without belief, without plastic accessory and hope for a perfect day, where would Barbie find herself?",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 78,20 July 2023,moriumemoltre,6," Great acting but why this movie?
+ ","I was really surprised about how much i liked Ryan Gosling in this. I had totally forgot about his comedic talent and timing. The movie works. There is definitely a moral message in this, even though I believe the majority of viewers will be too distracted by Margot Robbie and Ryan Goslings great performances and all of the comedy elements in this and the fact that the script is hardly worth being filmed. I feel like with a different script they could have created something truly great.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 79,11 August 2023,gortx,," Sly and litely amusing
+ ","Greta Gerwig's mildly sly take on the doll myth works more on the margins than directly. Here, a ""Stereotypical Barbie"" (Margot Robbie) and a seemingly stock Ken (Ryan Gosling), end up questioning the standard Barbie myth.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 80,8 August 2023,isabellacatgirl,8," Historical Barbie Film
+ ","As someone who played with the dolls growin up,the in-jokes and references to some rare Barbie variations and playsets are funny. The political message gives Barbie a new dimension I never thought would go to. I felt a hidden anti-war message in it actually which is deep for a toy I never thought would be taken that serious. Makes sense in order to explain the historical connotations about the franchise's history,but on rewatch I'll fast forward to the cheesy funny parts. Would I watch it again? Probably!!!!!!!! Especially after eating a pot cookie,bet this movie would look crazier! After watching I feel I'm on a Barbie kick and searching for the toys.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 81,23 July 2023,dmmart-28624,6," Great if not ham-fisted message but a sloppy movie.
+ ","I was pretty excited to see this film and hope I'm not going to get put on a list for saying I didn't enjoy it that much. The message of female empowerment was fine, but didn't really speak to gender equality. Barbieland is the opposite of real world where Barbies are in control and kens are perceived as the mindless accessories. However, the ending just puts Barbies back on top and doesn't do much to equality which I hope is our goal. The movie itself was very sloppy and all finish with no build up. You could tell the writers had ideas of what they wanted to have happen but had zero clue how to get there. They wanted Ken to take the patriarchy back to Barbieland but this happens immediately and off screen despite the Kens being bumbling morons the entire movie. It's all payoff and no buildup. Good acting from a strong cast made this more fun to watch but when you start thinking a little deeper it didn't make much sense. I think this was a made for tik tok movie where there's 100 great scenes to throw up on the internet but not very cohesive when put together.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 82,21 July 2023,bankofmarquis,8," More Than Meets The Eye
+ ","The Margot Robbie/Ryan Gosling curiosity BARBIE is a subversive film. This Greta Gerwig directed move lures you in by presenting a farcical/satirical look at the pastel colored ""Barbieland"" and the myriad of outfits and ""golly-gosh"" goodness of the world of this iconic Mattel doll (and her boyfriend, Ken). Once you are comfortably settled into this world, you are transformed to the ""real world"" and the much deeper themes of a women's place in a patriarchal world.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 83,23 July 2023,sandrachungate,6," Great for the first 30 minutes, then not
+ ",The trailers and marketing for the movie were so good that I was really disappointed when the movie took an odd turn after 20-30 minutes into it.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 84,23 July 2023,anniebleasdale-97708,9," Wildly misunderstood by the poor reviewers.
+ ","Unfortunately, most reviews that I've read here that score this film poorly explain so clearly that the reviewer did not understand the message of the film. It is not anti-men, it does not portray men as ""stupid"". Take a moment to think about how women have been portrayed in movies over the last century - oh yes, just as Ken is here! The movie exaggerates this, yes. That is the point. To clearly (and humourously) highlight the inequalities when the roles are reversed. Stop being offended by something that isn't offensive and take a bit of time to actually think about the film that you have watched.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 85,23 July 2023,hyllus-01262,6," Overhyped movie, had its moments though
+ ","The first half was pretty enjoyable, fun, light, but it took itself too seriously by the second half. No longer allowing the talented cast, especially Gosling, to shine and make us laugh. It felt like the talents of Will Ferrell and Michael Cera were also somewhat underutilized. Interesting concept, had potential, but later in the movie, it definitely started to fall flat for me.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 86,23 July 2023,jacobarch,3," Did I watch the same movie as everyone else lol
+ ","While the production value, cinematography and acting were what you would expect from Margo Robbie and the supporting cast. I felt the movie fell short of not preaching to me and spreading a message of division rather than unity. Men and women cannot survive without each other but you'd never know it watching this movie. And me having my 13 year old daughter with me almost caused me to walk out of the theater. I kept on waiting for the writers to hit the direction of unity but it never came. After the movie my daughter brought up the message to me saying how she even noticed the weird agenda they're trying to push and said that is not a movie for the easily impressionable. Come to find out my daughter is better suited to take on the world that I thought she was. Proud day for me as a father.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 87,20 July 2023,threenails10,9," It's really something different and that's a good thing
+ ","It's really something different but some of it feels inspired by other films, I caught references to Fight Club, 2001 Space Odyssey, Lego Movie, and others I can't think of at the moment. But yeah, this was a special film. I don't think as many people will like it as it probably deserves. But I did love most of it. Sometimes the tones felt off at times but it's definitely recommended to see. The satire works great here and the production design, cinematography and acting (intentionally bad in a way on purpose in some spots to deliver the satire aspects) are all perfectly done here though overall. The music is a highlight here too which is sometimes hilarious and reminded me of the Lego movie in some ways. Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie are both pitch perfect here as well. Definitely recommend anyone to give it a chance. I wouldn't say this is a family movie but I think families with older kids would work perfectly for this. Not sure this will be in the Oscar race but it seems like it will at least for technical aspects and production designs.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 88,22 July 2023,bm230199,10," Heart-warming, serious and such an important movie for everyone to see!
+ ","When I sat down to watch this film I assumed it would be some fun pink silly movie but it was not in the best possible way. It starts very much in that way but the second Barbie gets to the real world everything changes and the film makes so many important statements on sexism and the treatment of women. I thought it perfectly addressed the affect Barbie has had on the world and never shied away from it. This movie does not flinch away from the reality of the world or what damage ignorance can do (Ken). America Ferrera's speech is amazing and moved me so much as did Barbie's own found freedom. Robbie was an amazing Barbie and all the women shined in this movie...and Alan was pretty good too. It was everything you can want from a movie, sharp, whitty, moving, honest and progressive. The perfect Barbie.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 89,21 July 2023,captainsermig,6," It's alright
+ ","""If you brought a 7 year old girl to see this movie she would neither have fun nor be happy at all""
+ And this was my girlfriend's statement as soon as we left the cinema.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 90,12 August 2023,PotassiumMan,9," Big hype and the result is a mirror of today's society
+ ","Margot Robbie had a vision, and she was the driving force to get the Barbie movie produced by none other than world-class director Greta Gerwig.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 91,28 July 2023,edwardrevans,7," Good but not for under 12's
+ ","I saw this movie tonight and it was very entertaining but if your a parent and have young Children THEY WILL GET BORED as this is not a kids movie, it is on a higher intellectual plain than that. You could honestly say this is a movie for feminists, now thats not a bad thing as I saw it with my daughter and have always encouraged her to be whoever she wanted to be and played with Barbie when she was young (she's 23 now) .",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 92,9 August 2023,kosmasp,9," OPP - Eve and Adam
+ ","No pun intended - OPP as in other peoples .... patriarchy! What did you think the last p stood for? Naughty (by nature) are we? Kidding aside, I know that song too and I chose it ... well I would say wisely. Not sure if you think I am hammering anything home here ... I can tell you the movie is! And it did make quite a few people angry - now I understand that one should not count the times you hear the word patriarchy ... won't bode well for you. Also it is quite a lot.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 93,30 July 2023,msbecca00,6," Not as clever as it thinks it is
+ ","I went into the film having high expectations, the marketing for Barbie has been really effective, I have to give them that. I had also heard good things about the movie from friends and co-workers. So I went to the cinema with my friend, dressed in pink.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 94,23 July 2023,asayed-63121,9," Exceeds Expectations
+ ","If you told me a few years ago that one of the best movies in 2023, and arguably the highest-grossing one is going to be Barbie, I would have laughed and called you crazy. But here we are, and the atmosphere in the theatre felt like a cultural revolution, which can become ""You just had to be there"" moment for the Gen-Zs.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 95,25 July 2023,afuschiaperfume,6," Too much social commentary not enough Barbie
+ ","I knew this was going to be political going in but I thought its Barbie so I could overlook it. But it was too much, I do not enjoy politics in movies, whether it's left or right. I expected it to be more fun, and feel good, and it was for some parts but not enough at all. Ryan was great and so was Margot but I did not understand why Barbie didn't like Ken, it's wildly known that Barbie loves Ken and Ken loves Barbie, it's iconic and it made no sense for everything else in Barbie land to be accurate but not that. Another problem was the writing it was very ""told and not shown"" as well as wordy. The scenery was great as well as the costumes, but the story could have been so much better. Like Barbie and Ken take L. A. on a fun adventure and some self-discovery but it wasn't really like that. The ending was confusing does Barbie want to have a baby?",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 96,21 July 2023,olelmao,4," Didn't meet my expectations
+ ",I wanted to love this movie but it just wasn't it :(,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 97,21 July 2023,MrDHWong,9," A darkly satirical look at gender structure in society
+ ","""Barbie"" is a comedy film based on the line of fashion dolls by Mattel. Directed and co-written by Greta Gerwig (""Lady Bird"", ""Little Women"") and starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, it takes every opportunity to revel in its amusing premise with a darkly satirical look at gender structure in society.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 98,29 July 2023,willsfamily11,10," It's not what you think.
+ ","I am a MASSIVE and lifelong Barbie fanatic. I went in to this movie absolutely pumped. I came out of the movie blown away. Typical of Barbie, she blew me away with the absolute depth of her message. America Ferrera's monologue in Barbie Land had people clapping in the theatre. I appreciated it as a Mother, daughter, sister, wife and human being. The truth bombs she dropped got me right in the feels. I know. You are likely rolling your eyes and balking at the sheer IDEA that a BARBIE movie could be in any way profound. I say to you, you must not REALLY know Barbie then. This really was, if I think about it, in true Barbie fashion. Well done, my lady. Well done.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 99,19 July 2023,sriya-76870,6," Boring Movie
+ ",Dont fall for the 5 star reviews. This movie is extremely boring and goes on without a purpose even if it has it's hard to understand.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 100,19 July 2023,frisoflorentinus,8," Unexpectedly good!
+ ","I was be able to attend the pre premiere of this movie and I have to say this movie was unexpectetly good and this comes from a non Barbie fan. Barbie is the role Robbie was clearly born to play. Ryan Gosling and Simu Liu were incredible too and actually the whole cast of this movie shines ! Barbie is a brilliantly executed, incredibly fun, brightly colored, completely logical feminist statement that should be remembered come awards season. Ultimately, Barbie is so many things: a stereotype, a toy, an idea; a vessel of imagination; a cultural relic. But in Gerwig's trusted hands, this is Barbie like you've never seen her before.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 101,27 July 2023,mr_sharma,7," I'm a middle aged man with daughters. I liked it.
+ ",I suspect this is a personal thing. Who you are defines what you may get from this.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 102,1 August 2023,tforbes-2,10," Mind blowing
+ ","Barbie is simply a mind-blowing experience, and in a truly fine way! I was taken aback with the 2001 opening, since I have a personal aversion to seeing toys get destroyed, but then it starts to unfold.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 103,24 July 2023,welhof1,6," Decent but not my type
+ ",I'm a man in his 40's and I know I'm clearly not their target demographic. I went with my girlfriend and her two daughters and they enjoyed it.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 104,22 July 2023,No-Life-101,8," Barbie has an existential crisis
+ ","Barbie is a really fun movie that all ages can enjoy because while it's colourful and entertaining the main storyline can get emotional at times. The comedy in the movie is pretty funny too and got a few laughs from everyone in the cinema, the music is really nice and so are the choreographed dances. What I liked the most about this movie is that it was very doll-like, the food and drink were plastic and fake, the cars didn't have engines and just glided along the floor, and the actors were doll-like in their movements and how they interacted with their environment.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 105,19 July 2023,trinculodino,6," Witty, funny but severly sterotypical
+ ","A good laugh of a film poking fun at Mattel, complicating the concept of Barbie while at the same time highligting the patriarchy and it's inherent incompatibility with human emancipation.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 106,21 July 2023,michelle-kissler,5," Barbie, Swing and a Miss
+ ","This film had the potential to become a cult classic with its strong cast, stunning costumes, and iconic character. However, it failed to live up to expectations, falling flat just like *spoiler Barbie's heels.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 107,19 July 2023,Ralifax,8," Positively surprised
+ ","Addresses current critical issues; basically, the movie revolves around that. The central ideas are patriarchy and female empowerment, which I believe were handled intelligently and elegantly. I was particularly surprised in this regard; I didn't expect the film to be so mature.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 108,23 July 2023,mafiagirl-21431,8," So fun and charming!
+ ","So i've just got back from theaters and all i got to say is wow, that was such a fun, funny, charming movie and the Barbie world was just so colorful ! ( which we knew from the trailers )",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 109,28 July 2023,mohamed-elbehairy,6," Had some good moments but that's it
+ ","I found the movie to be refreshing, but it's far from perfect.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 110,21 July 2023,GusherPop,10," Greta shows real power of woman in Barbie
+ ","Greta Gerwig's Barbie explores creation myths in Barbieland, a parallel universe populated by Mattel dolls. The director uses the toy conglomerate's vast archive and successful products as tools to create a rich and weird material. The movie is a clever send-up of Barbie dolls and their legacy, featuring light-hearted jokes that poke fun at Mattel, the doll's lore, and the contradictions of our sexist society. The director's storytelling is impressive, and the film's humor is both lighthearted and chuckle-worthy. Gerwig's Barbieland, created by Sarah Greenwood and Jacqueline Durran, is a pink fever dream with funky compositions by Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt, bubblegum anthems by Dua Lipa, Nicki Minaj, and Ice Spice. The film features plastic trees and identical two-story Barbie dream homes, with flying being the preferred mode of transportation. The production design and costuming are exceptional, showcasing Gerwig's passion for details and her ability to create a dreamlike world. Barbieland is a feminist utopia in which Barbies serve as presidents, Supreme Court members, doctors, physicists, Nobel prize winners, and cancer cures. The dolls are not structurally different from our world, but they are represented by political fantasy and decade-dependent what-ifs. Barbie has gone to space, could vote, and own property before many human women, and her appearance has changed to mirror society's beauty politics. The representational doll has become an extension of political fantasy, reflecting the beauty politics of society. Gerwig features a cast of Barbies, including Issa Rae, Emma Mackey, Alexandra Shipp, and Hari Nef. Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) is the protagonist, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Barbie created by Ruth Handler. Her Ken counterpart, Ryan Gosling, is portrayed with humor and heart. They are a version of Eve and Adam, with their fall being dramatic. Barbie finds her perfect life hampered by existential thoughts and seeks answers from Weird Barbie (Kate McKinnon), a doll with a traumatic history. Stereotypical Barbie, with Ken, heads to real-world Los Angeles to find her little girl. The relationship between Barbies and their human owners is tenuously outlined, so it's best not to think too deeply about how it all works. Robbie's performance in Gerwig's Barbie highlights the tension between Barbie as an object and subject. Her expressive eyes and physical presence reveal the human world's forces, while her rigid presence in Barbieland suggests she's not less rigid in the real world. Despite the director's skill in capturing deeper themes, the film's ominousness and muddied politics suggest it ultimately serves a brand. The film's ominousness and muddied politics suggest the film serves as a brand. Gerwig's film Barbieland is a mix of fun and emotional depth, with a tension between keeping Barbie entertaining and blending her source material with previous projects. After a detour, Barbie returns home to find Ken's patriarchal knowledge has transformed Barbieland. The screenplay, by Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, avoids familiarity and mockery, but the moments that aren't just funny are buried in important monologues, making the gestures feel politically hollow. The film's mandate is too ambitious, making it feel politically hollow.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 111,19 July 2023,PK_71,7," Well played.
+ ","For me, Barbie came very, very close to an 8/10 rating. The only reason it didn't quite get there was that it contains a few scenes that are too long and a bit too weak.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 112,19 July 2023,A7medSalah,8," Greta Gerwig Masterpiece
+ ","A fun and clever enough comedy and twist on the world's most famous doll with wonderful production values, a charming Margot Robbie and an absolute hilarious Ryan Gosling.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 113,5 August 2023,pierreolivier-21287,6," What did I just watch?
+ ",I feel... Confused? I guess?,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 114,7 August 2023,christopherbrooke,10," Amazing movie (watched it twice now)
+ ","Having seen this movie twice now, I've laughed, I've cried and I enjoyed every minute of this movie! When I first saw the trailer for this movie I was thinking there is no way this movie will be any good! Well I am happy to say that I am wrong because I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from beginning to end! Margot Robbie was great as Barbie while Ryan Gosling was great as Ken! It also stars America Ferreira, Will Farrell and other A-List actors! It definitely has a great story line to it and the soundtrack was also amazing! For those who are skeptical about the movie, DON'T BE! I highly recommend it.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 115,31 July 2023,shaikhirshad-41223,6," Only for Margot Robbie.....
+ ","This movie is specially for those who loves the character of barbie specially in childhood. This film is a treat for Barbie lovers because the way director has told the storyline by introducing a whole barbie world and their characters is interesting to watch. Specially MARGOT ROBBIE what and actress she is her looks, style, acting performances, dresses of barbie all are top notch. Margot Robbie is perfectly suited for this role because she is the only one carrying the whole movie throughout the end. From start to end the main highlight of the this film is Margot Robbie. I've only watched this film for her and she has proved that currently she is one of the best actress in Hollywood. When I talk about supporting cast RYAN GOSLING is the only one who has done justice to the character of Ken rest are just average. Story is the main disappointment of the film, Film starts on a good note with laughs and riot of chaos when Barbie enters into the real world but after a bit of time story get exaggerated and only focuses on the central character which is the drawback of the film and from that case movie doesn't get the chance to give space to the other important characters. Background score and songs are good that wil give you a fresh vibe while watching this film. All n all this movie is a treat for Barbie fans and rest of the audience may consider as an average content....",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 116,1 August 2023,fredrikgunerius,5," A trite, divisive and most likely futile battle of the sexes
+ ","The big summer blockbuster of 2023 is a wonderful visual spectacle with a great deal of creative physical comedy, centered in and around the universe of Barbie, Mattel's historic toy doll. Unfortunately, the film tries to be and do much more than what the filmmakers ultimately are able to control and reel in. That a movie about Barbie would be guilty of Americanization is no surprise, and in many ways more than befitting, but the Americanization here isn't just about the history of the toy itself and all its cultural impacts - Barbie also views everything through the eyes of Hollywood anno 2023 - which arguably is a very particular and perhaps not that representative outlook. Instead of utilizing the fine foundation laid in the film's first third, director and co-writer Greta Gervig (Lady Bird, Little Women) gets herself lost in a trite, divisive and most likely futile battle of the sexes, which will leave youths - and perhaps particularly Europeans - feeling confused and conflicted. The filmmakers' supposed toying with stereotypes ultimately becomes more of a playing into them, especially towards the end when Gerwig staggers along desperately looking for closure and something meaningful to say. Alas, Barbie has ended up as a rather sad symptom of our times, when it could have been the wonderfully funny piece of femininity-appraising escapism it started out as. There are nonetheless several highlights here, such as the delightfully absurd opening sequence (a fine nod to Kubrick's 2001), the initial introduction of Barbie and Ken's days in Barbieland, and - of course - their first encounter with the real world.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 117,21 July 2023,bjacob,9," There is an art-house movie under all that pink
+ ","I tend to gravitate towards French cinema and the classics; the idea of watching a franchise movie about Barbie seemed mildly repellent at first. Well, I am glad I kept an open mind.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 118,19 July 2023,NewgenW,8," Drop the kids at Oppenheimer the adults can see a real, philosophical masterpiece
+ ","I'm not someone who often watches comedies, so they don't make me laugh much, but if they all became as funny as Barbie, I might give it another go.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 119,30 July 2023,Rice-and-Beans34,6," I don't get all the hype...
+ ","This movie is many things. One may say it is a story of strength, and finding the beauty in yourself. Others, may just not like it. I am in the middle of all of that. The movie was a little better than meh, but lacked in some aspects that it could have dealt with more. I think Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling were good, but I really didn't like their characters (Mostly Ken) The musical numbers and camera work were amazing. But, by far three things stood out to me. One, the costumes design and sets. The directors sculpted amazing set design with colorful costumes to go along with it. My honorable mention is Rhea Perlman. I thought she was phenomenal. While anyone could play that role she really brought it. Finally, America Ferrara. Since her days on Ugly Betty, she has became a household name. But in this movie she was wonderful. I enjoyed Superstore quite a bit and wanted to see Barbie mainly for her character. Her speech was moving and she brought so much to her simple, yet relatable mom.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 120,19 July 2023,mckai-89546,9," Best for Ryan Gosling Gives a really great performance acting
+ ",I am a man but watched this movie it's awesome Margot Robbie very beautiful but i like the performance of Ryan Gosling a lot this movie It's full of imagination and it surprises me a lot.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 121,3 August 2023,PennyReviews,6," Good Enough
+ ",Barbie is a fun summery movie for all ages.,/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 122,30 July 2023,walfordior,9," This is more than just a 'lighthearted comedy'
+ ","Barbie is no longer just a toy; rather, this idea of 'Barbie' has evolved into one of the most famous and significant topics in the world at this moment in time. It is so much more than merely a toy. It will not longer be just 'a toy'",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 123,5 August 2023,HuskerNation1,7," Funny And Good Cast, But Not This ""Great"" Movie Everyone's Been Saying
+ ","I wasn't dying to see this, but I felt like I had to participate in the Barbenheimer phenomenon, and the trailer looked good, so I went. I went in with reasonably high expectations because the reviews were high and it has a good cast and crew behind it. I was slightly disappointed.",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 124,19 July 2023,Mini135,9," Barbie is On Her Way to the Oscars
+ ","When I first knew there was a Barbie movie in production, a live action, I thought ""It should be as bad as the others movies""...
+ When I notice was Greta Gerwig making the movie, my expectation get higher. Then, when I saw the cast, my expectations were even higher!",/review/rw9199947/?ref_=tt_urv
oppenheimer_data/oppenheimer.csv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ ,Review_Date,Author,Rating,Review_Title,Review,Review_Url
+ 0,19 July 2023,Orlando_Gardner,9," Murphy is exceptional
+ ","You'll have to have your wits about you and your brain fully switched on watching Oppenheimer as it could easily get away from a nonattentive viewer. This is intelligent filmmaking which shows it's audience great respect. It fires dialogue packed with information at a relentless pace and jumps to very different times in Oppenheimer's life continuously through it's 3 hour runtime. There are visual clues to guide the viewer through these times but again you'll have to get to grips with these quite quickly. This relentlessness helps to express the urgency with which the US attacked it's chase for the atomic bomb before Germany could do the same. An absolute career best performance from (the consistenly brilliant) Cillian Murphy anchors the film. This is a nailed on Oscar performance. In fact the whole cast are fantastic (apart maybe for the sometimes overwrought Emily Blunt performance). RDJ is also particularly brilliant in a return to proper acting after his decade or so of calling it in. The screenplay is dense and layered (I'd say it was a thick as a Bible), cinematography is quite stark and spare for the most part but imbued with rich, lucious colour in moments (especially scenes with Florence Pugh), the score is beautiful at times but mostly anxious and oppressive, adding to the relentless pacing. The 3 hour runtime flies by. All in all I found it an intense, taxing but highly rewarding watch. This is film making at it finest. A really great watch.",/review/rw9199470/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 1,20 July 2023,Jeremy_Urquhart,8," A challenging watch to be sure, but a worthwhile one.
+ ","One of the most anticipated films of the year for many people, myself included, Oppenheimer largely delivers. Much of it's great. I feel like I loved two of its three hours, and liked the other hour.... but it's that fact that stops me from adoring the entire thing. I know with Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk, that clicked on a second watch, so maybe Oppenheimer will need one too. That being said, I don't feel the need to rush out and see it again too soon, because it was a long and exhausting film.",/review/rw9202448/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 2,20 July 2023,MrDHWong,10," A brilliantly layered examination of a man throughout all of his incredible accomplishments and fundamental flaws
+ ","""Oppenheimer"" is a biographical thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan (""The Dark Knight trilogy"", ""Inception"", ""Interstellar"", ""Dunkirk""), based on the biography ""American Prometheus"" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. Starring Cillian Murphy in the lead role, in addition to Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr, Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh, it subverts the usual biopic formula to create a brilliantly layered examination of a man throughout all of his incredible accomplishments and fundamental flaws.",/review/rw9202246/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 3,20 July 2023,and_mikkelsen,10," Nolan delivers a powerfull biopic that shows the dark side of human nature!
+ ","This movie is just... wow! I don't think I have ever felt like this watching a movie! Its like a blend of being sad but also scared! I read that Christopher Nolan said it kind of had themes of horror, and watching the movie i think I knew what he meant! Very few movies can make you feel quite like this one can!",/review/rw9202357/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 4,26 July 2023,Geekofriendly,8," Nolan touches greatness, falls just slightly short
+ ","I was familiar with the Manhattan project and the social and political aftermath, so ""Oppenheimer"" was an excursion into known territory.",/review/rw9216587/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 5,19 July 2023,mohameddawoud-26019,10," A Masterpiece
+ ",I may consider myself lucky to be alive to watch Christopher Nolan Works which get better by years.,/review/rw9200792/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 6,19 July 2023,mark-217-307033,10," And the Oscar goes to...
+ ","I'm still collecting my thoughts after experiencing this film, Cillian Murphy might as well start clearing a space on his mantle for the Best Actor Oscar.",/review/rw9199448/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 7,19 July 2023,Dvir971,10," Another Cinematic Masterpiece by Christopher Nolan
+ ","Oppenheimer might be the best film I watched in a long, long time.",/review/rw9200581/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 8,20 July 2023,zeki-4,8," This movie is the bomb!
+ ","Master craftsman, Christopher Nolan - probably the best blockbuster director out there (along with Ridley Scott) - returns to good old fashioned no-CGI drama, where tension comes from words spoken, and how people react to them. There are no chases, no shoot-outs , death defying stunts or explosions.... wait, actually there is one explosion. I don't know how they made those scenes without CGI, but it's technical achievement for sure.",/review/rw9202525/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 9,25 July 2023,EShy,6," This just might be as interesting as this topic can get
+ ",I'm a big Nolan fan. Maybe this one just wasn't for me.,/review/rw9213385/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 10,20 July 2023,Zay-Fee,9," Exceptional storytelling and Genius Cinametography
+ ","Just came out of the theater and watching Oppenheimer was such a great experience. I know many people will criticize the movie for some historical accuracy absence but I think Christopher Nolan has made this complicated man's story compelling, engaging, and simple to understand. The actors are phenomenal. Apart from the main leads, Robert Downey has probably done one of his finest work. His expressions, timing, delivery... Everything was on par. The cinematography has been crafted beautifully. I adored and enjoyed the whole three hours with ease and delight. This is the first attempt of Christopher Nolan at biographies and I think we should expect more of his work from this genre since it's not only entertaining but also sparks an interest to know history more. I have read the book earlier so I went to watch it with a little bit of knowledge and still enjoyed the film. I wish I could tell Cillian Murphy in person how stunning his screen presence has been throughout. Hopefully, this movie wins the awards like it deserves.",/review/rw9202236/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 11,23 July 2023,timmyhollywood,6," Breaks all filmmaklng rules, but not in a good way
+ ","Okay, Nolan fans, get your fingers poised to downvote what I'm about to say. That's the only way I can understand the high rating for this film - thousands of devoted Nolan fans inflating the score. Because if you're honest, there's no way this mottled mess of a movie is an 8.9. Not in any sane universe.",/review/rw9209516/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 12,21 July 2023,FeastMode,5," An unpopular opinion from a die-hard Nolan fan
+ ","Christopher Nolan is my favorite director of all time. He has four of my top six movies, eight of my top twenty. It's absurd how much joy he's given me. I consider him, to the full extent of the word, a genius.",/review/rw9203697/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 13,21 July 2023,pdean-49132,8," Is it just me ?
+ ","Is it just me or did anyone else find this movie... I hate to say it... boring?. I know I know it's a piece of history and don't get me wrong it was a good movie but idk, going in the theater expecting something ""Nolanesque"" and it never came so I was kind of a disappointed. I was super excited going in the theater and leaving I was like ,yeah it was good buuuuttt. I guess I was expecting something like inception and or interstellar but those are fictional and I get that this is based off of a true story . I think everyone should watch this movie once and it was very eye opening but I won't ever endure the painful 3 hour movie experience again . It's a one and done movie and I do respect Oppenheimer. Extremely good acting with a boatload of good actors . I also do want to say that there was nothing very IMAX about the movie so you could go to a regular theater and be just fine . Also Emily Blunts ending scene was amazing . All in all I would go as far as to say it's the most boring Christopher Nolan movie but it is a very good movie let's leave it at that . I still give the movie an 8.",/review/rw9205442/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 14,22 July 2023,leestoych,8," Technically superb but...
+ ","At its core Oppenheimer is a technical masterpiece. The haunting score by Ludwig Göransson is one of the film's most profound highlights. The score acts as its own character in how it builds and arcs throughout the film and peaks during arguably the best moment, the bomb drop. Paired with an aggressive and bold sound design that transports you into the screen, both sound aspects make this film truly remarkable.",/review/rw9205774/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 15,6 August 2023,Sleepin_Dragon,9," The cinematic event of 2023.
+ ","Anything that Nolan is involved in, I will go and see, the track record is enough to get me through the doors and on that seat.",/review/rw9242571/?ref_=tt_urv
+ ","Authentic audio-visual journey to the era of the birth of atomic genesis, which both terrifies and astonishes you with its nonlinear storytelling thanks to Christopher Nolan's masterful approach to direction and screenplay! The pacing of the movie is simply brilliant especially in the moments where the main theme by Ludwig Göransson kicks in! It's a future classic that will not leave you indifferent and will immerse you in the Homeric biography of the notorious scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer! Definitely a 10/10 for the artistic contribution to the history and art of audio-visual media depicting an extraordinarily important event for humanity and the present day!",/review/rw9201055/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 17,21 July 2023,slightlymad22,8," Murphy is Amazing, But Downey Jr Steals The Show
+ ",I just got out of Oppenheimer,/review/rw9204588/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 18,28 July 2023,TheBigSick,," Overlong and Overcomplicated
+ ",0 out of 10 stars,/review/rw9219646/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 19,20 July 2023,tm-sheehan,10," Stunning - put it in a time capsule
+ ","My Review - Oppenheimer
+ My Rating Ten plus 10/10
+ In Cinemas now",/review/rw9201932/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 20,21 July 2023,Bonobo13579,7," Quality but exhausting
+ ",I'm a big fan of Nolan's work so was really looking forward to this. I understood there would be some flipping in timelines and I'd need to concentrate. I didn't find this to be a problem at all and the storytelling was beautifully done. The acting was universally excellent. I saw a review saying Emily Blunt was rather OTT but I didn't find that at all.,/review/rw9205066/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 21,20 July 2023,s-s-jewbali,10," WATCH IT IN IMAX!!!
+ ",This movie is a cinematic masterpiece!,/review/rw9201549/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 22,22 July 2023,JustStone,7," I Wish I Could Say I Had A Blast
+ ","I think I will be in the minority here when I say, I think Christopher Nolan missed the mark with this film. Let's first talk about what worked: ""Oppenheimer"" is no doubt a treat for the ears and eyes. I watched it in IMAX 70mm, the crispness of detail in the 70mm film stock was superb, and the 5.1 DTS-HD master audio surround sound was impactful, sometimes even shaking the seats. The acting was outstanding and there are some really memorable moments and tense scenes between actors. I also don't think I need to say anything further about Nolan as a filmmaker; he's like Martin Scorsese in the way you know exactly what you're going to get from a Nolan film, in terms of style and tone.",/review/rw9205912/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 23,4 August 2023,shanayneigh,4," Pearls before swine
+ ","First of all, I love Christoper Nolan's work. He's the only director whose films I always see in a cinema. But it's clear that he's is now so powerful that no one has the guts to tell him no. He's almost the Stephen King of film making these days, with the end results too often overly long and meandering. Perhaps my Nolan cinema-first policy will end after Oppenheimer.",/review/rw9238031/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 24,25 July 2023,dweston-38669,," Oppen-bore-mer
+ ","Cillian Murphy is exceptional in the lead role (Oscar worthy,I'll say) and he's ably supported by a terrific ensemble cast- great to see James Remar again.",/review/rw9214820/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 25,24 July 2023,davidpayne-18586,8," Good movie, but don't let Nolan fans fool you.
+ ","It's isn't a masterpiece. It's a decent biopic about an interesting person, has some good performances, and it's probably about 30 minutes too long.",/review/rw9211602/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 26,31 July 2023,Pjtaylor-96-138044,8," Fission. Fusion. Oscars.
+ ","Everybody involved with the production of 'Oppenheimer (2023)' is working at the highest conceivable level, practicing their craft so adeptly that it's hard to express just how impressive their efforts truly are. There isn't a weak link in the entire chain; everything is at the highest standard imaginable. The writing, the directing, the editing, the score, the cinematography, the sound design, the special effects, the costuming, the set design, the casting, and the acting - oh, the acting - is all impeccable. This film is exactly what it was always intended to be. If it doesn't clean up at the Oscars, I'll eat my shoe* or, more realistically, I'll be very surprised.",/review/rw9229986/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 27,19 July 2023,bissatadam,10," Simply amazing
+ ","This movie is very interesting and very thrilling. Since this movie had no action and was mostly just a documentary and was 3 hours long, I though that it was going to be boring. But, the 3 hours went by very fast and had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. This movie is like no other movie I had ever seen it is very unique and mind blowing. The cinematography is beautiful and the aesthetic of the movie is also beautiful. Anyone who is interested in the history of war and bombs would love this movie but I think anyone would enjoy this movie. Oppenheimer is one of the best movies I have seen this decade.",/review/rw9199916/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 28,16 August 2023,TheOny13,9," No CGI here, just good writing and very good acting
+ ","Oppenheimer was the most anticipated movie of the year for me. I wanted to see a thought provoking and visually stunning biography about a very controversial man, whose history I didn't actually knew before watching the movie but knew about as ""the father of the atomic bomb"". And well, I mostly got what I wanted, except the only problem is that I would have wanted that the journey getting there would have been more smooth and sharply written. I will start with the negative parts and finish with the positive since that mirrors somewhat how the movie flows.",/review/rw9263081/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 29,20 July 2023,vishwatej286,10," A sheer Brilliance of Christopher Nolan
+ ",Dr. J Robert Oppenheimer the creator of Atomic Bomb and his role in Manhattan Project in R&D for Nuclear weapon. The movie is the Biography of Dr. Oppenheimer.,/review/rw9202348/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 30,19 July 2023,jjqqhnqhg,10," Cinematic masterpiece
+ ","Nolan is back and delivers a fast paced thrilling biopic that will leave you stunned.the cinematography, sound design, score all exceptional. Every acting performance is perfect with Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey JR standing out. Nolan is experimenting with new styles of surrealist and subjective filmmaking to him which is so incredible to see from such a seasoned writer and director. He's pushing the envelope with Oppenheimer and challenging the audience like never before.",/review/rw9200271/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 31,22 July 2023,GoatOfNeptune,6," Half an Hour too long, misses the point
+ ","Nolan is good at constructing complicated timing events. But he is not good at telling a biopic. The first half of the movie needs too long to built up, introduces too many charcters the are not important to the story ( heisenberg, Jean Tatlock). So he could have cut half an hour easily to speed things up.",/review/rw9208021/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 32,20 July 2023,kennedykevinr,10," His eyes look full of fear, regrets and guilt!
+ ","Imagine a fire that you brought from the heaven and you give that fire to human , and that fire is used by humans to burn this world.",/review/rw9201850/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 33,22 July 2023,stefannovak,6," Quite boring
+ ","There are a few other reviews here echoing the same sentiments. I asked the people sitting next to me what they thought and they were disappointed. I can't help feel the same. I have a strong background in nuclear physics. It was intriguing, but it was cut so jarringly that it was hard to keep up what was going on.",/review/rw9207148/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 34,4 August 2023,JordanSatmary,4," no amount of dramatic music or quick cuts could convince me I was being entertained
+ ","God what an absolute mess. To all the people saying ""you need to pay attention and have your brain fully switched on""... that doesn't make this ""intelligent film"". It makes it an overcomplicated nightmare. Nolan's movies have gone so far downhill since Dunkirk. The mess of 3 timelines is not needed for the entirety of every film. It works well for the majority of inception, the climax of the dark knight, parts of interstellar- but this? Not at all.",/review/rw9237291/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 35,28 July 2023,WhiteRabbitDave,," Overall a disappointing experience.
+ ","Although the time passed quickly, ultimately, Oppenheimer has left me disappointed. The problem with this film is that it can't decide which story it tries to tell - building the bomb or the inquiry of the national security committee. Both of those stories are depicted well, Nolan uses nice narrative devices to locate the characters in their currently depicted temporal location, etc. However, the cheap moral that the film concludes with has been beaten to death and because of that it undermines everything the script tried to achieve. The film didn't leave me speechless and a rather poorly executed sequence of the denotation doesn't really justify the historic development of a black and white IMAX film stock.",/review/rw9221158/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 36,22 July 2023,ferguson-6,9," superior filmmaking and historical storytelling
+ ","Greetings again from the darkness. As pupils slouched in our school desks during history class, we easily and naturally disassociated with the many stories of war. World War II was lumped in with WWI, the Civil War, and The Revolutionary War. There were names and dates to memorize for quizzes and final exams, yet even with relatives recounting stories of kin, a personal connection was rare. As we aged and experienced modern-day warfare, the personal connection became all too real. Reality struck that soldiers are human beings with families, and despite their missions and marching orders, most are as innocent as the 'tragic civilian casualties' reported on the newswires. Along these lines, an aspect of war that has often remained overlooked is the behind-closed-doors decision-making of politicians and military leaders. Filmmaker-extraordinaire Christopher Nolan takes us behind those doors through the eyes of J Robert Oppenheimer, the Father of the Atomic Bomb. What we see is quite frightening.",/review/rw9207372/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 37,19 July 2023,shivamkanodia-94992,9," Nolan at his best!
+ ","As VFX and special effects take over the traditional filmmaking methods, Nolan is among the remaining few directors who still builds grandiose true-to-life sets and reflects cinematic setpieces by filming them instead of digitising them. Oppenheimer is thus a culmination of Nolan's cinematic genius combined with an incredible story that changed the world in more ways than one. It's incredibly intimate and divisive, with the onus of it's justification being put on the audience instead of the narrator.",/review/rw9199902/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 38,22 July 2023,h-i-hussain7,8," Mini serie would have been a better way to go
+ ","First off, the dialogues are actually audible, quite clear, happy that they mended this in comparison to Nolan's last outing Tenet.",/review/rw9205677/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 39,21 July 2023,waltermwilliams,10," What Walt's Watching
+ ","""Oppenheimer"" or ""How the Father of the Atomic Bomb learned to start worrying and Hate the Bomb""",/review/rw9203463/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 40,21 July 2023,EdwardtheBlackPrince,8," Do the means justify the end?
+ ","Oppenheimer has always been regarded by History as an interesting figure for the advancement of scientific discovery. While also being a rather controversial figure for his choices and mankind. Nolans Oppenheimer takes the audience on that dramatic epic of ethical proportions, in many ways, it is conflicting yet still fantasizing in every way Throughout the movie, you see the psyche and internal conflict, personal Matters left facing. The themes of the era with the red scare with McCarthyism, the paranoia and the shadow hanging over following Oppenheimer throughout. What the influence of such a weapon carries? The pressure put on a man. If the possibility of the enemy having such a thing, is it better to act before they do? Are the ones who claim to fight for you the ones to trust themselves? This is a movie about Mankind, not just the bomb being built, or the overall progress much of the war. Much like say The Imitation Game focusing on the war being fought behind the battle line. This is a very heavy dialogue-driven focus on the aspects of science and politics, and the psychological of Oppenheimer, but all of this things investing as you jump around these different time frames. Primary because of the great reforming given by like Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, and Robert Downey who gives probably the second-best performance in this ensemble cast. With most of his films, the cinematography is done amazingly as well as the visuals that emphasize of fission and chain reactions of the panning landshot the use of and the lack of color, and of course the big payoff of the bomb and the impact of all, and the Explosions Performances that on the big screen can't be compared to watching it at home.",/review/rw9203717/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 41,28 July 2023,classicsoncall,10," ""But I can run the Manhattan Project.""
+ ","Filmmaker Paul Schreder has called ""Oppenheimer"" the ""best, most important film of this century"". Hyperbole aside, we're only twenty-two plus years into the century, and not many of us will be around to confirm his hypothesis. So best? Well, that's very subjective. Important though, he might be onto something. Important in the way the latter part of the picture emphasizes Robert J. Oppenheimer's (Cillian Murphy) personal angst in leading a team that developed the capability of destroying the entire world and all of mankind. That could have occurred on July 16, 1945 with the testing of the first atomic bomb at Los Alamos, even Oppenheimer wasn't fully convinced of Edward Teller's (Benny Safdie) 'near zero' proclamation that all would be well.",/review/rw9220766/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 42,21 July 2023,lone_samurai678,7," Mixed feelings
+ ","The story is presented really well and through the eyes of Oppenheimer. 90% of the movie feels like a flashback scene which though looks really cool, doesn't actually feel like something I would watch again. As in classic Nolan style 3 timelines are running simultaneously - before the atom bomb dropped, after and the present. I feel like this could have been handled better especially in the second half of the movie. The two main events in the movies the bomb explosion and the last act felt underwhelming. Actually the bomb explosion scene for which everyone was waiting so intently for was underwhelming beyond belief - Nolan should have used CGI 100%, it looked like an explosion from the 90s. There were so many characters and sub-stories that it felt like someone compressed an entire tv series into a 3 hour long movie.",/review/rw9204351/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 43,2 August 2023,sonshineboy,8," A Very Nolan Film
+ ","I can't help but wonder what this movie would've looked like if it had been directed by a different filmmaker, and I believe that it probably would've been better. Like most Nolan films this lacks emotion. Oppenheimer was a stoic man for sure but he had moments of catharsis throughout his life. Having read the book this film is based on (American Prometheus) I noticed that many of the relationships that affected his (Oppie's) life and career, and his hypnotic charisma were sadly missing in this film. The whole idea of the book, more over the whole point of Oppie's infamous testimony, was to explain the actions by shedding light on the man. I'm disappointed to say that this is no tale of the man, rather a tale of the Los Alamos project and a couple of testimonies. The film may have been packed with beautiful imagery, riveting score and decent performances, but it's painfully obvious that it lacks heart.",/review/rw9233822/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 44,25 July 2023,JPARM-IMDb,7," Unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype
+ ","I have to admit: Oppenheimer didn't live up to the hype for me. This is not a bad film per se and while it depicts a frightening turning point in history, its style didn't suit me.",/review/rw9215059/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 45,22 July 2023,aharmas,4," Disappointing
+ ","It saddens me that so many people are mistaking bigger and louder with quality. First of all, a loud soundtrack. No matter how good it might be doesn't equate to quality. In this film, it is overwhelming not complementing the film.",/review/rw9206224/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 46,21 July 2023,JohnDeSando,," Best movie of the year and one of the great war movies of all time.
+ ","""They won't fear it until they understand it. And they won't understand it until they've used it. Theory will take you only so far."" J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy)",/review/rw9204333/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 47,26 July 2023,Xstal,8," When Particle Worlds Collide...
+ ","In a world that's problematic you're perplexing, spending your time with particles, that are complexing, pushing boundaries to their limits, the fission/fusion of new physics, with the clashes, conflicts, contests you elicit. As a consequence you setup two big bangs, when you execute through governmental plans, although this story does not dwell, on the hell that you propel, to the people who are wiped out in Japan. In the end we're left to ponder motivations, of those who seek to play, with torments and damnations, of those who hide inside the shadows, pulling strings in Emperor's clothes, as they plot to raze the cornerstone foundations.",/review/rw9216851/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 48,19 July 2023,rashidammar-45501,10," The greatness of Nolan's work
+ ","The cinematic genius Christopher Nolan is undoubtedly one of the finest stars in the film industry. With his unique talent and boundless creativity, he has crafted a new cinematic icon (Oppenheimer) that will undoubtedly be immortalized in the world of cinema. It will stand among the greatest works ever seen in the realm of cinema because Nolan only delivers iconic masterpieces.",/review/rw9200697/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 49,21 July 2023,id247,10," Christopher Nolan's best film so far!
+ ","Saw Oppenheimer today on an IMAX screen. I'm an emotional wreck but also buzzing with delight! Finally we get an intelligent, mature film for grown-ups, with scientific wonder, espionage intrigue & political drama all In one. Superb ensemble acting & production. Nolan's pinnacle.",/review/rw9205022/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 50,26 July 2023,danielcereto,10," Not for most of Gen Z
+ ","This movie is not for people who watch the phone every 5 minutes, can't concentrate more time than a TiK Tok video or not trained into watching magnificent details.",/review/rw9215722/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 51,10 August 2023,tonypeacock-1,8," Misconceptions blown away. A film deserving of the long running time.
+ ","I admit to having some misconceptions about viewing this film at the cinema, in IMAX because of its subject matter and running time.",/review/rw9250152/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 52,19 July 2023,azwamuzakki,10," This is really a great movie by Christopher Nolan
+ ",Speechless this movie had a very good sound design good visual that will blow your Mind and you will getting the best score in this movie and one thing you all saying this is boring? God help this movie had very good plot and story by freackin Christopher Nolan without even one Freackin CGI and yall still saying this is boring pillow and a blanket yall don't know the plot is and not focus to the story this is top 3 best Christopher Nolan MOVIE i have ever SEEEN and i think for 3 hours movie is too short for this movie i want 4 hoursss and anyway what a good plot twist in the end the acting is badaass good and the rdj deserves an Oscar for this film.,/review/rw9200185/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 53,3 August 2023,HarCarmichael,7," Very Good; Technically Great, but Emotionally Lands Just Short of a Classic
+ ","Acting was about as perfect as you can get from the leads, directing was at times brilliant and other times superfluous, editing was timejumpy but made it compelling, seeing Einy was magical, ending was solid, writing was dialogue driven, the best scene was addressing the audience after the event.",/review/rw9234675/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 54,10 August 2023,cardsrock,9," A staggering achievement
+ ","I'm a Nolan fanboy, but I'll be honest, I was not terribly excited for this film. An extremely long, talky drama about a historical event didn't seem up my alley, but man was I glued to the screen for the entire 3 hour experience. Nolan has mastered the skill of heavy dialogue with quick cuts to keep things moving and engaging. He lets the little moments breathe too, it's not all breakneck speed. This balance makes for a highly enjoyable viewing experience.",/review/rw9251094/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 55,24 July 2023,amirnz,7," Good but ultimately disappointing
+ ","A movie about life of Robert Oppenheimer, the focal scientist who helped bring to life the atomic bomb.",/review/rw9211692/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 56,23 July 2023,apereztenessa-1,5," A cold, long history lesson
+ ","Oppenheimer's marketing campaign hammered two messages into our heads. First, that we had to watch it in the biggest screen possible. And second, that audiences had come out of test projections deeply affected or in tears. Having watched the film, I can confidently say none of those promises are true.",/review/rw9209096/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 57,27 July 2023,maison-van-cleers,," Severely overhyped
+ ","I align with other reviewers here who have found this. Despite the hype surrounding it, Oppenheimer fell short of expectations. The film proved to be tedious and at many times draining to watch.",/review/rw9218393/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 58,19 July 2023,show24studio,10," A brilliant masterpiece that cuts to the core of human fear
+ ","Christopher Nolan just stamped his foot print into cinema history as an all time great. It is as if each film he's made has just been a building block leading him to conduct this masterpiece. Oppenheimer is Nolan's finest work. Murphy delivers a sublime performance, reaching a threshold very few actors ever will. Next year's Oscar statue can be put into escrow for Cillian. Nolans three hour plutonium dense genius-of-physics, magnum opus does for the atomic bomb what Spielberg did for sharks at the beach. It seems Christopher Nolan has turned in a tour de force that has vaporized the competition. In fact, Scorsese's 'flowers of the killer moon' may be the only threat of a rival for best picture. However, that may be the toughest act to follow since Einstein's theory of relativity.",/review/rw9200172/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 59,22 July 2023,TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews,10," They won't fear it until they understand it. And they won't understand it until they've used it. Theory will take you only so far.
+ ","This intercuts the development of the atomic bomb(which is where the simmering tension arises from, not the Nolan staple of ill intentioned guys with guns. It is absolutely true that this is mostly made up of guys talking without anything dramatic happening at the same time, no heists, interrogations, death-defying behavior, and it is gripping from start to finish), the hearing to determine if Oppenheimer would keep his security clearance(which smoothly enables this to work in any incident that was deemed vital to the story of him), and the hearing to determine if Lewis Strauss joins the government(which does a solid job of contrasting the two men and their values).",/review/rw9206493/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 60,19 July 2023,tmamad,10," Mr. Nolan is an amazing legend
+ ","Nolan's best film will be in the biographical style. I hope he can do something like Nolan's Inception that will be remembered decades from now, because he himself said that great physicists were used for this film to work with precision and seriousness.",/review/rw9200158/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 61,29 July 2023,outrunkid,10," An astonishing accomplichment
+ ",This was one of my most anticipated films of the last few years and unbelievably it did not disappoint in any way.,/review/rw9223737/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 62,27 July 2023,adriano-40012,10," A Film for the big screen
+ ","From the top tier cast to the cinematography this movie is a masterpiece. The source of historical events of Los Alamos, project Manhattan is recreated in fantastic detail. What I like the most is the fact it's no CGI. Absolute Boss production here with the IMAX camera x special effects. You don't wanna miss out on that movie. Color range with black & white expresses the objective perception and colorful the subjective perspective from Oppenheimer. I'm convinced that I probably missed even more hidden details.",/review/rw9218927/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 63,31 July 2023,drawlife,8," A challenging viewing experience, but powered by the performances.
+ ","One of the most anticipated films of this year and who better to deliver the film none other than Christopher Nolan. Nolan makes the audience think, and I think for me at least it will click better with a second viewing much like DUNKIRK or TENENT. Nevertheless the shoulders of this film is carried by Cillian Murphy who finally gets to showcase his talents as a lead. He's always been a treat to watch on screen and I'm very happy for him. He deserves all the praise.",/review/rw9229939/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 64,21 July 2023,schlomo-jones,6," ""Property is Theft""... Are you kidding me?
+ ","I was excited to see this film, but ended up feeling really disappointed. The overall structure is a convoluted mess. Nolan jumps around in the timeline with his narrative style, which was suited for Interstellar or Inception, but just makes a mess of story in a biopic about the father of the atomic bomb.",/review/rw9204185/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 65,20 July 2023,Harri_,10," ""I am become death, destroyer of worlds.""
+ ",Waited three hours for an explosion and it was probably the most disappointing part of the film.,/review/rw9202287/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 66,22 July 2023,matt-27634,6," Strong middle, first and third acts are a bore
+ ","Oppenheimer tells the story of Robert Oppenheimer (played by Cillian Murphy), creator of the Atomic bomb and the role he played in WWII. Whilst I wasn't familiar with his backstory, I had to jump on the bandwagon and see what all the fuss was about.",/review/rw9206986/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 67,22 July 2023,imseeg,5," Thrill seekers beware, this one is a boring dud. Only suited for arthouse movie fans with a LOT of patience.
+ ",I expected a thrilling story about building THE bomb. Almost NONE of that. What the what?,/review/rw9207636/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 68,22 July 2023,swapnadipchandra,," Either I don't understand art or I have grown old!
+ ","Patience growing thin! Dunkirk-Ok, Tenet-Really, Oppie-Oh Come on!.",/review/rw9207704/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 69,21 July 2023,rgkarim,9," A Long Slog Through History, But Blows Up The Quality Of the Genre
+ ",LIKES:,/review/rw9204522/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 70,29 July 2023,christopher-cole83,9," People Who Change The World Like Oppenheimer Can't Not Be Complicated
+ ","History is hardly ever as straightforward and simple as we something believe it to be. The same goes for people like J. Robert Oppenheimer. In learning about World War II and the development of the atomic bomb, the thing I remembered the most was that he was a brilliant man who was suspected of being a communist, thereby tarnishing his legacy. That however seems to be somewhat of the straightforward simple history we tend to like.",/review/rw9222501/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 71,23 July 2023,boblipton,10," I'll Bet That's Jack Quaid As Richard Feynman Playing The Bongo Drum
+ ","I am a fan of Christopher Nolan's work, and this one lived up to his best standards. Covering almost forty years, from Oppenheimer as a student in England and Germany, to the unsatisfying honors of his later years, Nolan, cast and crew, have labored to create a portrait of a man , full of flaws, but smarter than I can imagine, and placed him among other men of similar brilliance in a way that illuminates them all. And like watching Penn & Teller do the cup-and-ball trick, I see exactly what he does and still can't catch him doing it, any more than I recognized Robert Downey Jr. As Lewis Strauss, who turns into the villain of the piece.",/review/rw9210210/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 72,20 July 2023,faeez_rizwan,10," A Magnificent Magnum Opus
+ ","This three-plus hour biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) is a film about faces. They talk, a lot. They listen. They react to good and bad news. And sometimes they get lost in their own heads - none more so than the title character, the supervisor of the nuclear weapons team at Los Alamos whose apocalyptic contribution to science earned him the nickname; The American Prometheus.",/review/rw9201980/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 73,19 July 2023,hcoe-95812,10," Film of the decade
+ ","Christopher Nolan, once again, uses astonishing film techniques to embark the audience on an other worldly adventure. He brings to light the historical significance of the Manhattan project and Los Alamos through the scientific and political background of such a unique town portrayed with perfection by such actors as Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon. By using Los Alamos and New Mexico as a film location for the film, Nolan is able to portray what life would have been for Oppenheimer and other scientists with their families around the time of the Trinity test.",/review/rw9200288/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 74,21 July 2023,851222,9," Great, epic and unique biopic but not for everyone
+ ",Greetings from Lithuania.,/review/rw9205528/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 75,23 July 2023,siddharth-61578,6," Movie which was not required
+ ","The movie is well directed but somehow the topic seems completely irrelevant. Robert Oppenheimer no doubt did a miracle (biggest curse on mankind, actually) by inventing atomic bomb but do we really require movie on legal events unfolding after the bombing event. Don't think these legal tangles and all are so important in course of history that movie is made out of it. The movies is unnecessarily 3 hours long and sometimes it feels that there is no point in knowing so insignificant events which happened post bombing event. Rather more focus on bomb invention and events leading bomb invention would have been an interesting event.",/review/rw9209007/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 76,27 July 2023,srgymrat33,10," One of the great pieces of cinema of our time
+ ",I went in with very high expectations and somehow left being more blown away than I thought possible .,/review/rw9219184/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 77,22 July 2023,ahamedfahimq,6," Unnecessarily lengthy
+ ","With great expectations, I went to watch this film, and returned home totally disappointed. Very much shallow plotted with so many people to remember. I don't prefer watching this at theater. Many of us intended to leave in the middle while the movie was running. To me, it is a overhyped movie. However cinematography and casting were good. I expected better from Mr. Nolan. This movie could have ended within 1 hour and 20 minutes. At this point of time, movies should have had some points which will hook the audience. But I did not find anything like that in this movie. I should have watched Barbie instead. Nevertheless, best of luck.",/review/rw9206876/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 78,22 July 2023,DoNotComeToTheCinemaDepressed,5," 🤦🏻 Convoluted, Over Scored, Too Long (To it's Detriment) and Didn't Live Up to The Hype 🤦🏻
+ ","It Just Didn't Live up to the Hype, it's Not Good Enough.",/review/rw9205892/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 79,19 July 2023,ishraqrasif,10," Nolan has truly outdone himself
+ ","Christopher Nolan has truly outdone himself with this gripping biographical drama. Cillian Murphy's portrayal of J. Robert Oppenheimer was nothing short of extraordinary; he brought an incredible depth and complexity to the character, making the genius physicist feel hauntingly real.",/review/rw9201088/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 80,29 July 2023,cinemapersonified,10," Cinema Personified: Incredible Movie
+ ","Rating: 9.6
+ Overall, a modern masterpiece that transcends the biopic as Nolan delivers a masterclass in direction, writing, and acting (with Cillian Murphy delivering a career-defining performance) as the movie is breathtaking from top to bottom with how it uses many different elements to help share its true message about the horrors of one's creation (and the implication it may have on the future).",/review/rw9224755/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 81,6 August 2023,synystargates,9," Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
+ ",Theory. Plutonium. Fire. Noise. Death. Morality. Compartmentalization. Oppenheimer.,/review/rw9242860/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 82,11 August 2023,bmiller59,10," Despite all the hype it was THAT incredible
+ ","If you read this or any reviews before seeing (which you shouldn't do) Oppenheimer, rush out and see it. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. I knew enough about The Manhattan Project and Oppenheimer to prepare me for it. No surprises.",/review/rw9251525/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 83,30 July 2023,don2507,10," Absorbing, Extremely Well-Acted, and a Fascinating Subject
+ ","It's gratifying to know that in a supposedly ""dumbed down"" America, a three-hour docudrama about a theoretical physicist and his atomic ""project,"" along with a closed-door security clearance hearing and an open Senate confirmation hearing, both full of dialogue and minimal ""action,"" is generating a huge, but deservedly so, box office. I found this film mesmerizing as the three hours seem to fly by for me. It has a very intelligent script, some masterful acting, and a focus on a fascinating, if enigmatic, character, i.e., Oppenheimer. The ""father"" of the atomic bomb was, indeed, a genius and generous-minded (on occasion), but also exhibited character flaws, and for such an adept administrator was also politically naïve.",/review/rw9228464/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 84,19 July 2023,aissammadmoun,10," Nolan's best so far?
+ ","This movie is an experience. The direction, cinematography and music will take you away. The performances from all the main actors are Oscar worthy. This movie will defy your expectations. Cillian Murphy is definitely Oscar's number 1 contender.",/review/rw9200638/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 85,26 July 2023,alexglimbergwindh,6," Nolan fails
+ ","Nolan fails at a very basic but important technique in film. ""SHOW, don't tell"".",/review/rw9217266/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 86,6 August 2023,anibalcnso,10," Nolan did it again
+ ","This film is a damn masterpiece. There are not enough words to propperly describe it and, at the same time, few sentences can truly explain how good this film is. And i can't say its flawless, but its ""flaws"" are so escarce and so minimum that the don't really matter.",/review/rw9243578/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 87,26 July 2023,JamesAlvarez520,6," Just Being Honest Folks
+ ","The IMDb community will tar and feather me for giving it anything less 9 stars, but I have to be honest here. I thought it was good, not great. It was certainly not my favorite Nolan film.",/review/rw9217009/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 88,30 July 2023,rune-andresen,3," Boring and without science
+ ",First of all- they left out the science and the interesting problem solving when inventing the a-bomb.,/review/rw9228294/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 89,23 July 2023,richard-1787,10," Astounding - and not for any special effects
+ ","This is one of the most intriguing and astounding movies I have had the pleasure of seeing in my over 60 years of movie going. Yes, there are some impressive special effects, but they are truly the least impressive things here.",/review/rw9208306/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 90,21 July 2023,soham-21358,8," Captivating Drama with strong performances
+ ","The captivating drama was carried away by supremely talented actors, with Cilian Murphy skillfully portraying the complex character of J. Robert Oppenheimer. After a long hiatus, RDJ (Acting POV) finally gets the recognition he deserves. The background music (BGM) is extraordinary, and the cinematography is exhilarating. Although I haven't read Kai Bird's ""American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer"" yet, I have watched NBC's latest documentary titled ""To End All War: Oppenheimer & The Atomic Bomb,"" which is more convenient to grasp as a whole. However, Nolan's portrayal of Oppenheimer was superior from an subjective point of view.",/review/rw9204175/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 91,21 July 2023,Anurag-Shetty,10," An awe-inspiring theatrical experience!
+ ","Oppenheimer is a biopic of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer(Cillian Murphy). Dr. Oppenheimer faces all kinds of hurdles, both internal & external, during his crucial role in developing the atomic bomb, during World War II.",/review/rw9204271/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 92,27 July 2023,HorrorAndGore,10," The greatest movie I'll never watch again
+ ","It's not often I say that. Joker, American History X, and now Oppenheimer are 3 phenomenal movies that I'll never watch again.",/review/rw9219141/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 93,28 July 2023,UniqueParticle,10," Masterful IMAX experience!
+ ","Even with 3 hours sleep and a stomach ache for most of the day I didn't yawn once I was absolutely captivated/enthralled more than I thought I would be. This better be up for at least 10 nominations! It's very impressive how Christopher Nolan wrote and directed such an in depth crafty art political brilliance filled ironic to my sleep amount of this long winded extravaganza that is well acted throughout. I have autism I crave quantum mechanics, I even understood the numerous studies science related. One of the best Christoper Nolan films of his career, my last name is Nolan too I wish I was related to him! The sound design throughout is exceptional I'm sure that'll even win an award. I'm glad despite feeling rough today I got to see Oppenheimer with my mom and sister Emily.",/review/rw9219698/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 94,10 August 2023,grantss,8," Powerful docudrama
+ ","A dramatization of the life story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who had a large hand in the development of the atomic bomb, thus helping end World War 2. We see his life from university days all the way to post-WW2, where his fame saw him embroiled in political machinations.",/review/rw9250140/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 95,22 July 2023,JayShermanLovitz,6," Non-stop background music ruins it
+ ",I'll start off by saying it is technically a good movie. The acting is good and the storytelling is good if a bit too quickly paced. It basically starts off at full speed and doesn't slow down. There wasn't really any suspension building in any scene except the bomb test. My biggest complaint is the intense background music that never stopped for more than a minute or two and it gets old pretty quick. In fact I contemplated leaving the theater because the constant dramatic music was driving me nuts. It's incessant and takes away from the film. This movie would have been a lot better if it had 50-75% less unnecessary background music.,/review/rw9205862/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 96,23 July 2023,kevin_robbins,10," An absolute must see
+ ","Oppenheimer (2023) is a movie that my wife and I saw in theaters tonight. The storyline follows a Princeton professor who is teaching a theory on a radical new science during World War II. The Germans and Japan are winning the war, and the arms race to build the next great bomb could tip the outcome. The scientist is asked to help the United States military create a bomb that could end the war. He will need to deal with the ethical aspects before, during and after the creation of the ask, as well as manage his personal life and political pressures.",/review/rw9208679/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 97,21 July 2023,BirdzOfParadise,6," Disappointing Nolan
+ ","Having seen every single one of Nolan's films and considering him the G. O. A. T. I've been waiting for this movie for over a year. Sadly, I was left incredibly underwhelmed. It started slow and boring and stayed here pretty much the whole movie. There was nothing compelling that happened at all. I know it's as a biopic, but this is Nolan...and where some criticize Tenet for doing too much, he did far too little here. I did not feel emotionally connected to any of the characters, they did not develop the conflict he was alleged to have felt, it was so difficult to understand the actors at times due to low speaking, poor accents and ridiculously loud bursts of music and sound, and it was about 45-60 minutes too long with dialogue in many places that not progress the storyline in any substantive way nor was it interesting. The only thing that kept me awake as long as I did was that the movie jumps around between around 3-4 different time periods while telling Oppenheimer's story. But you could spend 30 min on Google and get the same information you get from this movie or watch any of then various documentaries out there and get more excitement.",/review/rw9204321/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 98,26 July 2023,HypnoticPoison7,4," Just not good.
+ ","I'm a huge Nolan fan since his first film. My favorite is still Memento, which is thorough and slow and very dialogue heavy as well as philosophical. I have a friend who works in Los Alamos as a chemical engineer and have visited the area as well as heard plenty about Oppenheimer and the way he changed the world. The importance of scientists and especially theoretical physicists is not lost on me. Between all that and my love for Cillian Murphy and Emily Blunt, I'd been looking forward to this movie for a long time.",/review/rw9215771/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 99,21 July 2023,julioramosest,10," It's clever but it also has a heart
+ ","Nolan strangely moves from petentious films, bad ones right away after you take the glitter away, to straight ahead masterworks of movie making. He seams to go 1 good 1 bad each time. Now it was time for a good one after the pretentious, sloppy Tenet. And boy did he deliver. This is a wonderful, challenging, unapologetic, very brave in some political way piece of movie making. Well acted all along, well written, large in scope but fully accomplishing. But it's what lies underneath what I love the most. I'm totally in love with the political subplots: younger generations need to be reminded not only about the dangers of the bomb, but for the equally killing Macarthysms. Call it how you want it, the blind, stupid far righters are a danger to the world.",/review/rw9204168/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 100,29 July 2023,NS-movie-reviews,10," Cinema
+ ",Christopher Nolan is a savant of filmmaking. Cillian Murphy SHINES in this movie. They are one absolutely amazing duo. Not to mention a strong supporting cast around them and.,/review/rw9225161/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 101,19 July 2023,gdabungke,10," Story and the artist is so perfect
+ ","I want to thanks to Chritoper Nolan that make this film be perfect. I have just knew that Robert Oppenheim is a man which make the atom bomb. This story in this film also make me speechless because I was influenced not to leave a single sentence on the screen. The bomb explosion is also very realistic, maybe that's what differentiates Nolan compared to other directors who prefer to use CGI. This film also tells about complex matters regarding life decisions taken by Oppenheimer, I like Oppenheimer's life principles without mentioning other stories. Thanks to C. Nolan for this very beautiful film.",/review/rw9200837/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 102,6 August 2023,maestroaz,8," IMAX is unnecessary
+ ",I enjoyed this film very much. The actors were very well chosen. The three hours passed quite quickly which is a sign to me that a movie is successfully engaging.,/review/rw9241237/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 103,21 July 2023,grandempire1738,10," The single greatest accomplishment of Hollywood in the last 5 years
+ ","It is fitting that a film about a person as consequential as Oppenheimer ended up being crafted by one of the most visionary directors of our time. Oppenheimer is a victory for filmmaking, a tour de force of incredible visuals, breathtaking cinematography and a sweeping scope that makes this narrative so illuminating. Every single aspect of this film blends into a seamless, awe inspiring experience where despite its gargantuan runtime, we are transfixed to a portrait of a man who's legend will forever be written in history. Brought alive by a phenomenon Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer is the single greatest argument that movies and the theatrical experience still can mean something. If you watch this, definitely watch in 70mm IMAX - it's so worth it.",/review/rw9203912/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 104,27 July 2023,bankofmarquis,9," Gonna win a ton of awards next spring
+ ","Clear your shelves, Christopher Nolan and many of those involved in the making of his new movie OPPENHEIMER, you're going to need the space for the many, many trophies you are going to receive next spring.",/review/rw9219089/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 105,23 July 2023,IamROCKAS,6," It's okay but I'll be the bad guy that will reject this as a masterpiece most people claim it to be
+ ","Like many this weekend, I spend it in a pact theatre watching one of the most hyped-up movies this summer. Unfortunately for me, not only was the theatre packed but the air-conditioning was out of order too, so it got warm and humid in there quick. If it weren't for this, I could tell whether some of the people in the audience left the movie because they weren't interested (in particular - there were a pair of girls next to me whom kept checking their phones - I counted six instances before they left around the time Jean Tatlock died. I didn't check the time so I can't tell how far into the movie that was) or due to the heat in the theater.",/review/rw9210020/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 106,27 July 2023,chris_rowe-881-168820,10," Pretty much perfect
+ ","This isn't my type of film, I normally get bored or find the slow pace just loses my interest, my dad wanted to see this so I thought I'd go and give it a chance.",/review/rw9218170/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 107,3 August 2023,andy_c_les,6," Too loud and too long
+ ","The film looks great is brilliantly acted but there's virtually no actual plot, it's constantly jump back and forward and evey couple of minutes there's unfeasibly loud music trying to build up the tension. This is more a jazzed up documentary than a film and at a painful three hours long it does not hold your attention the entre way. It could easily be forty minutes to an hour less in playtime.",/review/rw9235272/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 108,25 July 2023,tyler200,5," Too long and too little to draw interest.
+ ","An interesting man to create a movie about and Cillian Murphy did great job portraying him, but obviously the main appeal of the story is how he created the atomic bomb. Did they show what went into that project? Sure, but it wasn't the main focus. The majority of the movie was much more about Oppenheimer's personal life, including his political views and relationship issues. I also didn't care for the way it kept jumping around in time, sort of like the recent Elvis movie. This creates a sense that you're watching a trailer for a movie, instead of a movie itself. If it was half as long and was more about the bomb, I would have rated it much higher.",/review/rw9214879/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 109,19 July 2023,headbangin_mammoth,10," Movie of the Year (?)
+ ","A very neat biopic for a life story as complex as Robert Oppenheimer's. With his original back and forth filmmaking style, though I still like Interstellar better, I think this is Christopher Nolan's best work to date.",/review/rw9200333/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 110,29 July 2023,Tovi_Se7en,10," Cillian should at least get nominated
+ ",I can't express enough how absolutely phenomenal this movie is. It will stand the test of time and will possibly go down in history as one of the greatest films ever made.,/review/rw9225154/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 111,26 July 2023,galajokic,," I give it a 0
+ ",Disgrace. I feel sorry for the paper that carried these pointless rows of dialogue and the hard drives packed with nonsensical scenes.,/review/rw9216034/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 112,2 August 2023,peridesai,10," Excellence surpassed
+ ","10 stars are not enough. This film is written stupendously well, the script is so intricate and complex it befits the mind of an uber genius like Oppenheimer explored by the genius of Nolan.",/review/rw9233965/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 113,22 July 2023,masonsaul,10," Epic, mature spectacle
+ ","Oppenheimer tracks one of the most important and terrifying events in the history of the world in epic fashion, creating a mature spectacle on a scale that's unheard of and feels like the culmination of all of Christopher Nolan's preoccupations whilst still breaking new ground. It's a sobering look at our impending doom.",/review/rw9207824/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 114,23 July 2023,laceup-96849,10," People who call it boring should have watched something else
+ ","What an amazing movie, the visuals, sound, music, acting, directing, everything was 10/10, dont watch the film without knowing some history, its very philosophical type of movie, it makes you question about your actions, reflect on life, consequences, every minute of 3hr was amazing there was no boring scene, very good pacing, I understand its not meant for all audiences, yeah some scenes maybe could have been avoided but regardless the purpose of the movie was executed, definitely the type of movie that will be remembered for a long time. We can already expect it to leas best picture, actor, supporting actor, actress, sound, score, director, adapted screenplay and many more,",/review/rw9210488/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 115,29 July 2023,prberg2,10," Wow! What a powerful and engagaing movie!
+ ","Wow! This movie just knocked me out! So many parts of the movie were just excellent. I think I need a little time to fully process everything.. but I left the theater just in awe of the movie. Acting, script, cinematography, directing, score, sound, and visuals... were all just amazing.",/review/rw9223172/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 116,24 July 2023,FixedYourEnding,7," Mixed bag, and yes, I was bored
+ ","Was looking forward to seeing this movie on the big screen. Big fan of Nolan's previous movies and I usually like political and historical drama. On one side giving this movie anything less than '7' is hard, due to spectacular technical creation and a wonderful story told, but also I would argue that this movie does not deliver enough for its 3 hours length, in terms of interest and emotional attachment for the audience.",/review/rw9212600/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 117,20 July 2023,mattlx,8," A decent experience, still not perfect
+ ","The film's abundance of characters, combined with its non-linear narrative approach, might leave you a bit puzzled during your first viewing.",/review/rw9201962/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 118,13 August 2023,ryan-beauchesne,6," No doubt a well made story, but overall, was just boring
+ ","Maybe my expectations were off slightly. This was a character study into Oppenheimer and the tribulations of his career, and about his politics rather than truly about the science and production of the A bomb. I was hoping to see more nitty gritty into the bomb's development, and maybe some footage of its use in Japan to really reinforce the human toll and destruction of the immensely powerful weapon that they had created for the final act. Instead its just dramatic closeups of Opp's troubled face. But I feel we needed some more visuals (of war) to establish more emotion. It felt exceedingly anticlimactic.",/review/rw9257390/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 119,14 August 2023,jhalcollege,3," This movie feels like sitting in another comany's executive board meeting for 3 hours and listening to them blabble
+ ","And the only entertaining part is two hours in when someone ""passes gas.""",/review/rw9258298/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 120,17 August 2023,gortx,," Impressive bold Nolan production
+ ","Like its subject, Christopher Nolan's OPPENHEIMER is bold, flawed and largely successful. An impressive production that - while wide in scale and covering a span of several decades, also manages to be an intimate biography of the man at its center - J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy). Nolan's screenplay (based on a book by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin) is divided into three basic movements, although the story freely bounces back and forth in time. Nolan further bisects the film into subjective vs. Objective viewpoints (signaled by Color and B&W photography, respectively).",/review/rw9263900/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 121,10 August 2023,joebnow,10," Brilliant filmmaking
+ ","A totally mesmerizing film that has stayed with me long after I saw it. To begin, the performances down the line are superb. Murphy and Downey, Jr. Should be Oscar winners if there is any justice. But there's not a false note in the ensemble. Robert Oppenheimer is fascinating character. Hero or villain? The film gives us both perspectives and lets us decide for ourselves. The non linear storytelling works brilliantly because what could have seemed like two films works seamlessly as one. Three hours flies by. While I am not a Christopher Nolan fanatic, after seeing this, I have to admit the man is a genius. Cannot wait to see it again.",/review/rw9250624/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 122,29 July 2023,redkyng,10," Peak Cinema!
+ ","Oppenheimer isn't a biopic, it's a journey of questions through the eyes of one person, Nolan delivered an intellectual dilemma that leaves you thinking for a long time.",/review/rw9223810/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 123,24 July 2023,SPZMaxinema,8," An important movie, I liked a lot in it.
+ ","Will some think this is boring? For sure. Will some think it's too long? Undoubtedly. But overall I thought this was a very quality film like most of Christopher Nolan's movies, and while this one isn't my favorite it's still good for what it is. It's a JFK-like historical drama. The acting/cast were all incredible and so was the set design, and also the lack of CGI and special effects. The directing and camera work were awesome too. The middle part with them detonating the test bomb was a very well-constructed and tense scene. It was also intelligent in a way to only show the American perspective of the war and how out of touch/indifferent they were with the suffering that they inflicted on the Japanese civilian population, except of course for the main character. He was portrayed very well and this movie is coming out at a very critical time in history, reminding us of the destructive potential of escalating to nuclear war with other countries (no matter the side) and that our responsibility with handling weaponized nuclear technology is not to be taken lightly, and we must have a moral conscience. The movie also showed the quick/immediate development of a post-war McCarthyist government which was portrayed how it should have been. This is good and informative 20th century history!",/review/rw9211086/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 124,20 July 2023,iamianiman,8," While it is not Christopher Nolan's magnum opus, this is still one of his best works in history.
+ ","Verdict: Hauntingly beautiful, Oppenheimer feels like a ticking time bomb as it evokes a strong visceral and immersive experience. Almost everything is done right, Christopher Nolan makes sure this film blows us away with a rich story, stark character studies, strong dialogues, powerful music score, impeccable acting amongst many others. While it is not Christopher Nolan's magnum opus, this is still one of his best ouevre in history.",/review/rw9202311/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 125,21 July 2023,magadalwarmayur,10," A jewel in Nolan's filmography.
+ ",I had loved nolan since he did memento some of his films like interstellar and tenet were let down for me but this films brings him back in the game.,/review/rw9203521/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 126,1 August 2023,Achyut_Prashast_Singh,10," If this isn't a masterpiece, I don't know what else is.
+ ","Oppenheimer is a rare biopic which, in spite of being driven entirely by dialogue and character drama, never bored me at any point. I was so amazed by the film that even after many a times not understanding the scientific stuff and all, I was glued to the screen, understanding it through the characters and their actions alone. I loved every bit of it and was totally focused. Once it was over, I walked out with a sense of satisfaction.",/review/rw9231160/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 127,21 July 2023,drparwar,7," Great Acting but, too long and complicated...
+ ","Long story short, this could've been a way lot better if it was shorter, less complicated and with a bit less of new character introduction.",/review/rw9204938/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 128,22 July 2023,MOscarbradley,10," Nolan's best film to date.
+ ","Like Martin Scorsese and Alfred Hitchcock before him Christopher Nolan is one of the few directors who can guarantee a paying audience as surely as any of the big box-office draws in the acting profession. A film-maker of great skill he has nevertheless often eschewed 'seriousness' to work, if not necessarily in the 'popcorn' market, then certainly in the commercial field and that's where he has built up his following. But what will his followers think of ""Oppenheimer""? Will today's movie-going generation even know who J. Robert Oppenheimer was, (at the full-house screening I attended I saw two people leave), and can Nolan do justice to his subject?",/review/rw9206740/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 129,31 July 2023,holarsch,6," Overhyped
+ ","The world has been waiting for a first class drama to help bring em back to the movies after a shortage of really fine movies for a really long time. I went in hoping that this was gonna be the cinematic miracle that Hollywood has been holding it's breath for. It wasn't. It was a modestly adequate film that I could have skipped. With a running time of close to three hours, this ponderous film just felt repetitive and quite tedious throughout. There's an all star cast that would have been better served by appearing in a movie that had been written and edited with more selectivity. Had I seen it on TV and it had been a half hour shorter, perhaps I'd have thought more of it.",/review/rw9228550/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 130,22 July 2023,tomzek,5," late 1 hour for cinema screening? You won't miss anything
+ ","I studied Quantum Physics and I knew Oppenheimer biography before watching this movie so expectations were high. Unfortunately, full 3 hours do not make this much better than trailer - I learned nothing new. Outstanding acting from Cillian Murphy and RDJ, Emily was just blunt, so was Matt Damon's performance. Soundtrack is mediocre although delayed explosion sound made few people jump from their seats. Bomb making is virtually non-existent and there is a a lot of chat in the film, typical for a documentary. If you are late 1 hour for cinema screening, you won't miss anything it is that bad. I probably will never watch this again.",/review/rw9206774/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 131,21 July 2023,drewcallen,10," Phenomenal
+ ","This movie gets better the longer you think about it. Everything about the movie is so well done, especially Cillian Murphy's stunning portrayal of Oppenheimer as he realizes what he has done to humanity. The Trinity Test scene was perfectly well done, no horror movie has ever made my heart beat as much as that scene did. Seeing Strauss turn against Oppenheimer was super interesting (RDJ did amazing as him as well). The entire hearing act did a good job at showing how the different motives against Oppenheimer resulted in his downfall. The final scene of the movie is one of the most perfect scenes of any film i've ever seen. Strauss was trying to understand what Oppenheimer said to Einstein that day (assuming it was something to push Einstein against him), but it ended up being something so much more deep. The way the last scene was done was just so chilling and thought provoking, it will stick with you for days after watching it.",/review/rw9204747/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 132,21 July 2023,namob-43673,8," Marvellous and will win all the Oscars, but a challenging watch
+ ","As expected this is a fantastic movie. Oppenheimer contain some of the best acting ever seen and the directing is simply amazing. The music score is stunning, the story brilliantly told, and there are barely any flaws. This is intelligent filmmaking of the highest order and come Oscar season this will win all but a few of those statues.",/review/rw9204895/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 133,29 July 2023,jack_o_hasanov_imdb,8," Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds
+ ","This movie is one of the best movies of this year. I like C. Nolan. I also really liked this movie. The movie is told from Oppenheimer's point of view. I think it was fine. Some scientific topics were very difficult to understand for me. I think the bomb scene was good. I think the acting was very good. Cillian Murphy played the static, cold character very well. Robert Downey Jr. Played great too. I think tacting was generally so good. I think there were some boring scenes in the movie. There were scenes in the cinema where I started to sleep out of boredom. But overall, I think it deserves an ""8"" point. This movie is one of the best movies of this year. I like it. I also watched the other movie (pink movie) first. It was so good after that movie.",/review/rw9222921/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 134,26 July 2023,Holt344,10," Christopher Nolan gives us a brilliant drama with Cillian Murphy giving us his best performance yet, one of the best films of the decade - My Ultimate Review
+ ","My expectations are always high for a film made by Christopher Nolan who oversees the whole production whilst directing and writing it, he never lets me down and for this feature film, a biopic about the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist who was pivotal in developing the first nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project, and thereby ushering in the Atomic Age. What we get is a three hour biopic of Oppenheimer's life and in my opinion each minute and each scene is used to the fullest. My girlfriend thought it was too long though so I think it's a preference. You could say the black and white scenes which have a different perspective character entirely, to be unnecessary for the story told and that's fair, but in my opinion it's a perspective character which is needed. Stories can easily become biased but with a perspective character like Strauss makes us see how others see Robert Oppenheimer and it only helps the story Christopher Nolan is telling. Any fan of Christopher Nolan knows how he likes a non linear story, he does it here and It's done perfectly. Alternating between Oppenheimer's story from Cambridge to Los Alamos, his security hearing in 1954, and Strauss' confirmation hearing in 1959.",/review/rw9215422/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 135,20 July 2023,sosrivi,9," Just got amazed
+ ","Oppenheimer is not solely based on the Trinity. It's entirely political drama. Just a reminder to the audience of how obsessed humans are with power and fame. Music is the true hero of Oppenheimer's film. Every highest point throughout the film causes enormous tension. Everyone did an excellent job. The visual grandeur of Trinity underwhelmed me, but the music helped to compensate. Nolan has once again demonstrated his ability to present a political drama. Where all of the mental state were handled flawlessly. Overall, a remarkable image and historical significance that should never be forgotten. The film will leave you speechless.",/review/rw9202920/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 136,19 July 2023,rayanenaffati,10," Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.
+ ","""Oppenheimer"" by Christopher Nolan is a film that delves deep into the consequences of the atomic bomb, focusing on Oppenheimer's perspective. This film requires a genuine passion for physics or history to fully appreciate its subtleties and biographical content.",/review/rw9200774/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 137,27 July 2023,alanvarghesester,7," Not worth the extra money spent on IMAX
+ ","For those of you expecting massive explosions and thundering sounds of the bombs dropped on the two cities will be sorely disappointed. Overall a great movie spending great amount of time and detail exploring the psyche behind the creator of the Atomic bomb. Science nerds will catch on to same major name drops besides Einstein and be responsible to explain to the normies what ""Nuclear Fission"" means.",/review/rw9219070/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 138,21 July 2023,Filmwalla-45998,10," 'Classic Nolan Art'
+ ","Nolan yet again proved that why he's one of the finest directors till date with 0 disappointing movies.. Oppenheimer is exceptional..! Brilliant at performance level..terrifying and horrifying tense music..highly convincing screenplay..terrific and beautiful visuals..dark and complex nature (not comparable toll to other Nolan classics)...
+ Literally Nolan itself - school of masterpiece arts ..
+ Oppenheimer is very great epic and non linear..It will sure shot very horrific movie not for every audience! If you are dying to watch pure drama portion oriented cinema, If you want to see some terrifying psychological brilliance and If you're fan of anyone who are involved in this film - Go For It!! Oppenheimer should remain forever until the drama school and making exist.",/review/rw9204665/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 139,21 July 2023,andysaleen-05305,7," Sometimes a movie tries to mention everything and ends up saying nothing.
+ ","Oppenheimer was just okay-good. It felt much too rushed at times, much too slow at others, but always forced.",/review/rw9203903/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 140,22 July 2023,ssjsolidsnake,3," As a Nolan fan this was boring
+ ","Boring movie, which is mostly political court room scenes.",/review/rw9205686/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 141,24 July 2023,eddie_baggins,10," You've never seen a film like Oppenheimer
+ ","It's taken me a few days to be able to sit down and write down my thoughts about Christoper Nolan's newest big screen epic, the other part of the now infamous ""Barbenheimer"" double bill that has been re-writing record books over there launch weekends, having had this time to ponder and contemplate I am confident in saying that I've never seen a film quite like this biopic and while it's a film with flaws and components that don't stick their respective landings, Nolan's film is nevertheless a powerful, poignant and technically marvellous piece of original film-making that further establishes the esteemed director as a generational talent whose skill set is unrivalled.",/review/rw9210969/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 142,21 July 2023,talal-98358,10," Masterpiece
+ ","Oppenheimer is an awe-inspiring masterpiece that captivates from start to finish. Christopher Nolan's visionary direction and Cillian Murphy's stunning portrayal of J. Robert Oppenheimer bring history to life with an intense and emotionally charged performance. The film's cinematography is breathtaking, seamlessly transporting the audience to the World War II era. The intricate storytelling delves into the complexities of Oppenheimer's life, showcasing his brilliance as a scientist and the moral dilemmas he faced during the creation of the atomic bomb. Thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating, Oppenheimer challenges viewers to reflect on the consequences of scientific discoveries. The supporting cast's performances are outstanding, adding depth and nuance to this profound narrative. In all aspects, Oppenheimer is a triumph that leaves a lasting impact, reminding us of the power of cinema to enlighten and inspire.",/review/rw9204885/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 143,7 August 2023,saramilenkovic1994,10," Christopher Nolan made a masterpiece.
+ ","Is this the best movie Christopher Nolan ever made? I think so. This movie was a masterpiece. There wasn't a single scene I wanted to skip. I was too captivated by every part of this film. Cillian gives a performance that not only should bring him to his first Academy nomination but IMO should win him the whole thing. So did Downey. This was also the best performance by Emily Blunt I think ever. Matt Damon was fantastic, and Florence was too. Loved the small roles of 3 Academy Award winners with Affleck being terrifying with just a little screen time, Oldman being unrecognizable and Malek stealing the last 20 minutes of the film. Hoyte van Hoytema once again made fantastic cinematography one of his best and Ludwig Göransson ATE that score. I think it's one of the best scores in a film ever. Period! I have chills listening to those melodies even now. What a score.",/review/rw9244644/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 144,9 August 2023,JackRJosie,8," Time Jumbly (7.8)
+ ",Interestingly enough i didn't mind the length. I do enjoy sitting in a dark room staring at a massive imax screen for 3 hours more then i thought i would. Mostly because this movie is really quite beautiful.,/review/rw9249043/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 145,30 July 2023,filmowl12,10," Boom.
+ ","My goodness, what a disturbing film. I found the first hour to be very slow and a bit hard to follow. I definitely want to give it a second look so I can obtain a clearer understanding of all the different characters and moving parts. But once the intensity begins, it does not let up and it builds and builds and builds until the breathtaking conclusion.",/review/rw9225734/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 146,7 August 2023,Reviews_of_the_Dead,9," Great Biopic About a Man Who Changed Everything
+ ",This was a movie that I was intrigued when I heard it was coming out. I do enjoy Christopher Nolan's films. I'm a bigger fan of Cillian Murphy though. I knew that this was a speculate so I was trying to see how I could fit this into my schedule. The three-hour runtime was daunting as well. The Gateway Film Center has been showing this on 70mm so I wanted to see it that way. The stars aligned on a Sunday for me to catch this.,/review/rw9245331/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 147,21 July 2023,redcanofevil,7," Politics Of The Bomb
+ ","Might sound absolutely blasphemous but I think this is better watched at home. This is not against the quality of the filmmaking, which was understandably amazing but the tediousness of it being an unintentional Oscar bait. There are tooo many characters, most looking similar and too dialogue heavy to be watching in theatres. The soundmixing leaves a lot of the dialogue to the imagination as well. What I expected from it was not what I walked away with, this is not about the bomb rather than the political side of the bomb. So be prepared to sit through endless courtroom back-and-forth with characters introduced in almost every scene. If you are not already aware of exactly what happened to Oppenheimer esp his life after the bomb, you're gonna have a really hard time understanding whats going on. Thats where the paradox lies, can it be a masterfully crafted movie if you lose your audience before the credits? Because it absolutely is and most around me absolutely were. And then if you are already aware of everything that happened to Oppenheimer was it really necessary to play the plot twist game with a certain character throughout the entire movie? The whole movie was a bit of oxymoron, you get to see what you prolly didnt want to and didnt get to see what you most wanted to. I'm talking about the bomb obviously, I was heavily disappointed by the absence of it. The saving grace was the amazing acting performance by RDJ and Emily Blunt who both should be receiving Oscar nominations. Cillian Murphy did a great job as well but there were many scenes where I felt like I was watching Tommy Shelby instead of Robert Oppenheimer. The best part of watching Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was when he had no dialogues because his eyes do a better job at portraying what Nolan was going for. There is surprisingly little of the Nolan ""practical effect mindbending scene that needs to be seen in cinemas"". This was easier to follow and harder to watch than TENET.",/review/rw9204725/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 148,19 July 2023,mythicaldarkz,10," Another masterpiece by Christopher nolan
+ ",For me this movies is the best movie in this decade and one of the best nolan movie ever seen and one of the best movies of the all time actually this movis is top 5 movie I ever seen cillian is the best and deserve oscar and oppenhimer deserve oscar for best picture and cinematography and music and more,/review/rw9201082/?ref_=tt_urv
+ 149,21 July 2023,ShaanChaudhry,7," Sound editing is the real hero of this film
+ ",A solid film by Nolan but it is worth mentioning to some that if you're expecting action you will be tremendously disappointed. This is a biography of Oppenheimer that focuses on key moments of his life. What drove this movie for me was the top notch quality of acting and the sound/compositions which were instrumental in bringing out the drama within a lot of the dialogue and the acting chops throughout the movie. Please be warned that the overwhelming majority of this movie is dialogue.,/review/rw9203648/?ref_=tt_urv