'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); const Battle = require('./../../../dist/sim/battle').Battle; const State = require('./../../../dist/sim/state').State; const TEAMS = [[ { species: 'Mew', ability: 'synchronize', item: 'assaultvest', moves: ['psychic'] }, { species: 'Ditto', ability: 'imposter', item: 'choicescarf', moves: ['transform'] }, { species: 'Amoonguss', ability: 'effectspore', item: 'blacksludge', moves: ['toxic'] }, { species: 'Gliscor', ability: 'poisonheal', item: 'toxicorb', moves: ['curse'] }, { species: 'Zoroark', ability: 'illusion', item: 'leftovers', moves: ['knockoff'] }, { species: 'Gengar', ability: 'cursedbody', item: 'brightpowder', moves: ['disable'] }, ], [ { species: 'Ninjask', ability: 'speedboost', item: 'rockyhelmet', moves: ['batonpass'] }, { species: 'Hippowdon', ability: 'sandstream', item: 'choiceband', moves: ['earthquake'] }, { species: 'Jirachi', ability: 'serenegrace', item: 'choicescarf', moves: ['ironhead'] }, { species: 'Chansey', ability: 'naturalcure', item: 'eviolite', moves: ['seismictoss'] }, { species: 'Vaporeon', ability: 'waterabsorb', item: 'wacanberry', moves: ['surf'] }, { species: 'Snorlax', ability: 'thickfat', item: 'leftovers', moves: ['rest'] }, ]]; describe('State', () => { describe('Battles', () => { it('should be able to be serialized and deserialized without affecting functionality (slow)', function () { this.timeout(5000); const control = common.createBattle({ seed: 'sodium,00000001000000020000000300000004' }, TEAMS); let test = common.createBattle({ seed: 'sodium,00000001000000020000000300000004' }, TEAMS); while (!(control.ended || test.ended)) { control.makeChoices(); test.makeChoices(); assert.deepEqual(State.normalize(test.toJSON()), State.normalize(control.toJSON())); // Roundtrip the test battle to confirm it still works. const send = test.send; test = Battle.fromJSON(JSON.stringify(test)); test.restart(send); } control.destroy(); test.destroy(); }); it('should require special treatment for complex objects', () => { const battle = common.createBattle(TEAMS); battle.foo = new Map(); assert.throws(() => battle.toJSON(), /Unsupported type Map/); }); }); });