'use strict'; const assert = require('./../assert'); describe('Dex data', () => { it('should have valid Pokedex entries', () => { const Pokedex = Dex.data.Pokedex; for (const pokemonid in Pokedex) { const entry = Pokedex[pokemonid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), pokemonid, `Mismatched Pokemon key "${pokemonid}" of ${entry.name}`); assert(!entry.name.startsWith("-") && !entry.name.endsWith("-"), `Pokemon name "${entry.name}" should not start or end with a hyphen`); assert.equal(entry.name, entry.name.trim(), `Pokemon name "${entry.name}" should not start or end with whitespace`); assert(entry.color, `Pokemon ${entry.name} must have a color.`); assert(entry.heightm, `Pokemon ${entry.name} must have a height.`); if (entry.forme) { // entry is a forme of a base species const baseEntry = Pokedex[toID(entry.baseSpecies)]; assert(baseEntry && !baseEntry.forme, `Forme ${entry.name} should have a valid baseSpecies`); // Gmax formes are not actually formes, they are only included in pokedex.ts for convenience if (!entry.name.includes('Gmax')) assert((baseEntry.otherFormes || []).includes(entry.name), `Base species ${entry.baseSpecies} should have ${entry.name} listed as an otherForme`); assert(!entry.otherFormes, `Forme ${entry.baseSpecies} should not have a forme list (the list goes in baseSpecies).`); assert(!entry.cosmeticFormes, `Forme ${entry.baseSpecies} should not have a cosmetic forme list (the list goes in baseSpecies).`); assert(!entry.baseForme, `Forme ${entry.baseSpecies} should not have a baseForme (its forme name goes in forme) (did you mean baseSpecies?).`); } else { // entry should be a base species assert(!entry.baseSpecies, `Base species ${entry.name} should not have its own baseSpecies.`); assert(!entry.changesFrom, `Base species ${entry.name} should not change from anything (its changesFrom forme should be base).`); assert(!entry.battleOnly, `Base species ${entry.name} should not be battle-only (its out-of-battle forme should be base).`); assert(!entry.baseForme || Dex.data.Aliases[pokemonid + toID(entry.baseForme)] === entry.name.replace(/\u0301/g, ""), `Base species ${entry.name}-${entry.baseForme} should be aliased to ${entry.name}`); } if (entry.prevo) { const prevoEntry = Pokedex[toID(entry.prevo)] || {}; assert(prevoEntry.evos.includes(entry.name), `Prevo ${entry.prevo} should have ${entry.name} listed as an evo`); } if (entry.evos) { for (const evo of entry.evos) { const evoEntry = Pokedex[toID(evo)] || {}; assert.equal(evo, evoEntry.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent evo "${evo}" of ${entry.name}`); assert.notEqual(entry.num, evoEntry.num, `Evo ${evo} of ${entry.name} should have a different dex number`); if (entry.name === "Gimmighoul-Roaming") continue; assert.equal(evoEntry.prevo, entry.name, `Evo ${evo} should have ${entry.name} listed as a prevo`); } } if (entry.otherFormes) { for (const forme of entry.otherFormes) { const formeEntry = Pokedex[toID(forme)] || {}; assert.equal(forme, formeEntry.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent forme "${forme}" of ${entry.name}`); assert.equal(entry.num, formeEntry.num, `Forme ${formeEntry.name} of ${entry.name} should have the same dex number`); assert.equal(formeEntry.baseSpecies, entry.name, `Forme ${forme} of ${entry.name} should have it as a baseSpecies`); if (!forme.startsWith('Pokestar')) { assert.notEqual(entry.formeOrder, undefined, `${entry.name} has an otherForme "${forme}" but no formeOrder field`); assert(entry.formeOrder.includes(forme), `Forme "${forme}" of ${entry.name} is not included in its formeOrder`); } } } if (entry.cosmeticFormes) { for (const forme of entry.cosmeticFormes) { assert.equal(Dex.data.Aliases[toID(forme)], entry.name.replace(/\u0301/g, ""), `Misspelled/nonexistent alias "${forme}" of ${entry.name}`); assert.equal(Dex.data.FormatsData[toID(forme)], undefined, `Cosmetic forme "${forme}" should not have its own tier`); } } if (entry.battleOnly) { const battleOnly = Array.isArray(entry.battleOnly) ? entry.battleOnly : [entry.battleOnly]; for (const battleForme of battleOnly) { const battleEntry = Pokedex[toID(battleForme)] || {}; assert.equal(battleForme, battleEntry.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent battle-only forme "${battleForme}" of ${entry.name}`); assert.equal(battleEntry.baseSpecies || battleEntry.name, entry.baseSpecies, `Battle-only forme ${entry.name} of ${battleEntry.name} should have the same baseSpecies`); assert(!battleEntry.battleOnly, `Out-of-battle forme ${battleEntry.name} of ${entry.name} should not be battle-only`); } } if (entry.changesFrom) { const formeEntry = Pokedex[toID(entry.changesFrom)] || {}; assert.equal(entry.changesFrom, formeEntry.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent changesFrom value "${entry.changesFrom}" of ${entry.name}`); assert.equal(formeEntry.baseSpecies || formeEntry.name, entry.baseSpecies, `Original forme ${formeEntry.name} of ${entry.name} should have the same baseSpecies`); assert(!formeEntry.changesFrom, `Original forme ${formeEntry.name} of ${entry.name} should not also have chagesFrom`); assert(!formeEntry.battleOnly, `Original forme ${formeEntry.name} of ${entry.name} should not also have battleOnly`); } if (entry.cosmeticFormes) { for (const forme of entry.cosmeticFormes) { assert(forme.startsWith(`${entry.name}-`), `Misspelled/nonexistent beginning of cosmetic forme name "${forme}" of ${entry.name}`); assert(!forme.endsWith("-"), `Cosmetic forme name "${forme}" of ${entry.name} should not end with a hyphen`); assert.equal(forme, forme.trim(), `Cosmetic forme name "${forme}" of ${entry.name} should not start or end with whitespace`); if (!forme.startsWith('Pokestar')) { assert.notEqual(entry.formeOrder, undefined, `${entry.name} has a cosmetic forme "${forme}" but no formeOrder field`); assert(entry.formeOrder.includes(forme), `Cosmetic forme name "${forme}" of ${entry.name} is not included in its formeOrder`); } } } if (entry.formeOrder) { for (const forme of entry.formeOrder) { if (toID(forme).includes('gmax')) continue; // formeOrder contains other formes and 'cosmetic' formes which do not have entries in Pokedex but should have aliases const formeEntry = Dex.species.get(toID(forme)); assert.equal(forme, formeEntry.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent forme "${forme}" of ${entry.name}`); assert(entry.formeOrder.includes(formeEntry.baseSpecies), `${entry.name}'s formeOrder does not contain its base species ${formeEntry.baseSpecies}`); } } if (entry.evoItem) { const item = Dex.items.get(entry.evoItem); assert.equal(entry.evoItem, item.exists && item.name, `Misspelled/nonexistent evo item "${entry.evoItem}" of ${entry.name}`); } const battleOnly = ['Mega', 'Mega-X', 'Mega-Y', 'Primal'].includes(entry.forme) ? entry.baseSpecies : entry.battleOnly; if (entry.requiredAbility) { assert(entry.battleOnly, `Forme ${entry.name} with requiredAbility must have battleOnly`); } if (entry.requiredItem) { assert(battleOnly || entry.changesFrom, `Forme ${entry.name} with requiredAbility must have battleOnly or changesFrom`); } if (entry.requiredMove) { assert(battleOnly || entry.changesFrom, `Forme ${entry.name} with requiredAbility must have battleOnly or changesFrom`); } } }); it('should have valid Items entries', () => { const Items = Dex.data.Items; for (const itemid in Items) { const entry = Items[itemid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), itemid, `Mismatched Item key "${itemid}" of "${entry.name}"`); assert.equal(typeof entry.num, 'number', `Item ${entry.name} should have a number`); } }); it('should have valid Moves entries', () => { const Moves = Dex.data.Moves; for (const moveid in Moves) { const entry = Moves[moveid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), moveid, `Mismatched Move key "${moveid}" of "${entry.name}"`); assert.equal(typeof entry.num, 'number', `Move ${entry.name} should have a number`); assert.false(entry.infiltrates, `Move ${entry.name} should not have an 'infiltrates' property (no real move has it)`); } }); it('should have valid Abilities entries', () => { const Abilities = Dex.data.Abilities; for (const abilityid in Abilities) { const entry = Abilities[abilityid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), abilityid, `Mismatched Ability key "${abilityid}" of "${entry.name}"`); assert.equal(typeof entry.num, 'number', `Ability ${entry.name} should have a number`); assert.equal(typeof entry.rating, 'number', `Ability ${entry.name} should have a rating`); } }); it('should have valid Rulesets entries', () => { const Rulesets = Dex.data.Rulesets; for (const formatid in Rulesets) { const entry = Rulesets[formatid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), formatid, `Mismatched Ruleset key "${formatid}" of "${entry.name}"`); } }); it('should have valid Formats (slow)', () => { for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) { try { Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format); } catch (e) { e.message = `${format.name}: ${e.message}`; throw e; } } }); it('should have valid Natures entries', () => { const Natures = Dex.data.Natures; for (const natureid in Natures) { const entry = Natures[natureid]; assert.equal(toID(entry.name), natureid, `Mismatched Nature key "${natureid}" of "${entry.name}"`); assert.equal(!!entry.plus, !!entry.minus, `Mismatched Nature values "+${entry.plus}"/"-${entry.minus}" of "${entry.name}"`); } }); it('should have valid Learnsets entries', function () { this.timeout(0); const learnsetsArray = [Dex.mod('gen2').data.Learnsets, Dex.mod('gen7letsgo').data.Learnsets, Dex.mod('gen8bdsp').data.Learnsets, Dex.data.Learnsets]; for (const Learnsets of learnsetsArray) { for (const speciesid in Learnsets) { const species = Dex.species.get(speciesid); assert.equal(speciesid, species.id, `Key "${speciesid}" in Learnsets should be a Species ID`); assert(species.exists, `Key "${speciesid}" in Learnsets should be a pokemon`); let entry = Learnsets[speciesid]; if (!entry.learnset) entry = Learnsets[toID(species.changesFrom || species.baseSpecies)]; for (const moveid in entry.learnset) { const move = Dex.moves.get(moveid); assert.equal(moveid, move.id, `Move key "${moveid}" of Learnsets entry ${species.name} should be a Move ID`); assert(move.exists && !move.realMove, `Move key "${moveid}" of Learnsets entry ${species.name} should be a real move`); let prevLearnedGen = 10; let prevLearnedTypeIndex = -1; const LEARN_ORDER = 'MTLREVDSC'; for (const learned of entry.learnset[moveid]) { // See the definition of MoveSource in sim/global-types assert(/^[1-9][MTLREDSVC]/.test(learned), `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid`); // the move validator uses early exits, so this isn't purely a consistency thing // MTL must be before REDSVC, and generations must be ordered newest to oldest const learnedGen = parseInt(learned.charAt(0)); const learnedTypeIndex = LEARN_ORDER.indexOf(learned.charAt(1)); assert(learnedGen <= prevLearnedGen, `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} should be in order from newest to oldest gen`); if (learnedGen === prevLearnedGen) { assert(learnedTypeIndex >= prevLearnedTypeIndex, `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} should be in MTLREVDSC order`); } prevLearnedGen = learnedGen; prevLearnedTypeIndex = learnedTypeIndex; switch (learned.charAt(1)) { case 'L': assert(/^[0-9]+$/.test(learned.slice(2)), `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: a level-up move should have the level`); const level = parseInt(learned.slice(2)); assert(level >= 0 && level <= 100, `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: level should be between 0 and 100`); break; case 'S': assert(/^[0-9]+$/.test(learned.slice(2)), `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: an event move should have the event number`); const eventNum = parseInt(learned.slice(2)); const eventEntry = entry.eventData[eventNum]; assert(eventEntry, `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: an event move's event number should be available in entry.eventData`); assert(eventEntry.moves.includes(moveid), `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: an event move's event entry should include that move`); break; default: assert.equal(learned, learned.slice(0, 2), `Learn method "${learned}" for ${species.name}'s ${move.name} is invalid: it should be 2 characters long`); break; } } } if (entry.eventData) { for (const [i, eventEntry] of entry.eventData.entries()) { if (eventEntry.moves) { const learned = `${eventEntry.generation}S${i}`; for (const eventMove of eventEntry.moves) { if (speciesid.startsWith('pokestar')) { assert(Dex.data.Moves[eventMove], `${species.name}'s event move ${Dex.moves.get(eventMove).name} should exist`); continue; } assert.equal(eventMove, toID(eventMove), `${species.name}'s event move "${eventMove}" must be an ID`); assert(entry.learnset, `${species.name} has event moves but no learnset`); assert(entry.learnset[eventMove]?.includes(learned), `${species.name}'s event move ${Dex.moves.get(eventMove).name} should exist as "${learned}"`); } } } } } } }); // Existence function takes a Pokemon and returns yes if it exists and no otherwise // can be override for testing CAPs function countPokemon(dex, existenceFunction = s => s.exists && !s.isNonstandard && s.tier !== 'Illegal') { const count = { species: 0, formes: 0 }; for (const pkmn of dex.species.all()) { if (!existenceFunction(pkmn)) continue; if (pkmn.name !== pkmn.baseSpecies) { count.formes++; } else { count.species++; } } return count; } // Source: https://github.com/pkmn/ps/blob/main/dex/index.test.ts#L283-L326 // key = gen #, value = number of formes/species in that gen const species = { 1: 151, 2: 251, 3: 386, 4: 493, 5: 649, 6: 721, 7: 807, 8: 664, 9: 733, }; const formes = { // Gens 1 and 2 have no alternate formes 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 3 + 3, // Deoxys (3) + Castform (3) }; // Wormadam (2) + Cherrim (1) + Arceus (16) + Pichu (1) + // Rotom (5) + Giratina (1) + Shaymin (1) formes[4] = formes[3] + 2 + 1 + 16 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1; // Basculin (1) + Darmanitan (1) + *-Therian (3) + Keldeo (1) + // Kyurem (2) + Meloetta (1) + Genesect (4) - Pichu (1) formes[5] = formes[4] + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 - 1; // Arceus (1) + Vivillon (2) + Meowstic (1) + Primal (2) + // Aegislash (1) + Pumpkaboo (3) + Gourgeist (3) + Hoopa (1) + // Pikachu (6) + Mega (48) [Floette (1)] formes[6] = formes[5] + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 48; // Alola (18) + Totem (12) + Pikachu (7) - Pikachu (6) + Greninja (2) + Zygarde (2) + // Oricorio (3) + Rockruff (1) + Lycanroc (2) + Wishiwashi (1) + Silvally (17) + Minior (1) // Mimikyu (1) + Necrozma (3) [Magearna (1) + LGPE Starters/Meltan/Melmetal (4)] formes[7] = formes[6] + 18 + 12 + 7 - 6 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 17 + 1 + 1 + 3; // Silvally (17) + Rotom (5) + Basculin (1) + Meowstic (1) + // Aegislash (1) + Pumpkaboo (3) + Gourgeist (3) + Pikachu (7) + Galar (14) + // Alola (8) + Indeedee (1) + Morpeko (1) + Eiscue (1) + Zacian/Zamazenta (2) + // Toxtricity (1) + Cramorant (2) + Necrozma (2) + Mimikyu (2) + Wishiwashi (1) + // Keldeo (1) + Kyruem (2) + Darmanitan (2) + Cherrim (1) // {DLC1} Alola (4) + Galar (1) + Magearna (1) + Urshifu (1) + // Rockruff (1) + Lycanroc (2) + [Pikachu (1) + Zarude (1)] // {DLC2} Giratina (1) + *-Therian (3) + Genesect (4) + Zygarde (2) + // Birds (3) + Slowking (1) + Calyrex (2) // {GMax} 26 + 7 formes[8] = 17 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 14 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + (4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + (1 + 1)) + (1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2); // Pikachu (8) + Origin (3) + Therian (4) + Alola (16) + Galar (7) + Paldea (4) + Hisui (16) + // Deoxys (3) + Rotom (5) + Shaymin (1) + Arceus (17) + Basculin (2) + Kyurem (2) + Keldeo (1) + // Meloetta (1) + Greninja (1) + Vivillon (2) + Meowstic (1) + Hoopa (1) + Oricorio (3) + Rockruff (1) + // Lycanroc (2) + Minior (1) + Mimikyu (1) + Necrozma (2) + Magearna (1) + Toxtricity (1) + // Antique (2) + Eiscue (1) + Indeedee (1) + Cramorant (2) + Morpeko (1) + Crowned (2) + // Urshifu (1) + Zarude (1) + Calyrex (2) + Oinkologne (1) + Ursaluna (1) + Dudunsparce (1) + // Palafin (1) + Maushold (1) + Squawkabilly (3) + Gimmighoul (1) + Basculegion (1) + // Masterpiece (2) + Ogerpon (7) + Terapagos (2) formes[9] = 8 + 3 + 4 + 16 + 7 + 4 + 16 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 17 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 2; for (const gen of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) { it(`Gen ${gen} should have ${species[gen]} species and ${formes[gen]} formes`, () => { const count = countPokemon(Dex.forGen(gen)); assert.equal(count.species, species[gen]); assert.equal(count.formes, formes[gen]); }); } });