'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); let battle; describe('Magician', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it(`should steal the opponents item`, () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'klefki', ability: 'magician', moves: ['flashcannon'] }, ], [ { species: 'wynaut', item: 'tr69', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices(); assert.equal(battle.p1.active[0].item, 'tr69'); }); it(`should not steal Weakness Policy on super-effective hits`, () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'klefki', ability: 'magician', moves: ['flashcannon'] }, ], [ { species: 'hatterene', item: 'weaknesspolicy', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices(); assert.false.holdsItem(battle.p1.active[0], 'Klefki should not have stolen Weakness Policy.'); }); });