'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); let battle; describe('Klutz', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it('should negate residual healing events', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Lopunny", ability: 'klutz', item: 'leftovers', moves: ['bellydrum'] }, ], [ { species: "Giratina", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['shadowsneak'] }, ]]); const klutzMon = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.hurtsBy(klutzMon, Math.floor(klutzMon.maxhp / 2), () => battle.makeChoices('move bellydrum', 'move shadowsneak'), "Leftovers healing should not apply"); }); it('should prevent items from being consumed', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Lopunny", level: 1, ability: 'klutz', item: 'sitrusberry', moves: ['endure'] }, ], [ { species: "Deoxys", ability: 'noguard', moves: ['psychic'] }, ]]); const klutzMon = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.constant(() => klutzMon.item, () => battle.makeChoices('move endure', 'move psychic')); assert.equal(klutzMon.hp, 1); }); it('should ignore the effects of items that disable moves', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Lopunny", ability: 'klutz', item: 'assaultvest', moves: ['protect'] }, ], [ { species: "Deoxys", ability: 'noguard', moves: ['psychic'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move protect', 'move psychic'); assert.equal(battle.p1.active[0].lastMove.id, 'protect'); }); it('should not ignore item effects that prevent item removal', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Genesect", ability: 'klutz', item: 'dousedrive', moves: ['calmmind'] }, ], [ { species: "Deoxys", ability: 'noguard', moves: ['trick'] }, ]]); const klutzMon = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.constant(() => klutzMon.item, () => battle.makeChoices('move calmmind', 'move trick')); }); it('should cause Fling to fail', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Lopunny", ability: 'klutz', item: 'seaincense', moves: ['fling'] }, ], [ { species: "Deoxys", ability: 'noguard', moves: ['calmmind'] }, ]]); const klutzMon = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.constant(() => klutzMon.item, () => battle.makeChoices('move fling', 'move calmmind')); }); it('should not prevent Pokemon from Mega Evolving', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: "Lopunny", ability: 'klutz', item: 'lopunnite', moves: ['protect'] }, ], [ { species: "Deoxys", ability: 'noguard', moves: ['calmmind'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move protect mega', 'move calmmind'); assert.species(battle.p1.active[0], 'Lopunny-Mega'); }); });