'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); let battle; describe('Flash Fire', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it('should grant immunity to Fire-type moves and increase Fire-type attacks by 50% once activated', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Heatran', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['incinerate'] }, ], [ { species: 'Talonflame', ability: 'galewings', moves: ['flareblitz'] }, ]]); const [flashMon, foePokemon] = [battle.p1.active[0], battle.p2.active[0]]; battle.makeChoices('move incinerate', 'move flareblitz'); assert.fullHP(flashMon); const damage = foePokemon.maxhp - foePokemon.hp; assert.bounded(damage, [82, 97]); }); it('should grant Fire-type immunity even if the user is frozen', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Heatran', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'Talonflame', ability: 'galewings', moves: ['flareblitz'] }, ]]); const flashMon = battle.p1.active[0]; flashMon.setStatus('frz'); assert.false.hurts(flashMon, () => battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move flareblitz')); }); it('should have its Fire-type immunity suppressed by Mold Breaker', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Heatran', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['incinerate'] }, ], [ { species: 'Haxorus', ability: 'moldbreaker', moves: ['firepunch'] }, ]]); assert.hurts(battle.p1.active[0], () => battle.makeChoices('move incinerate', 'move firepunch')); }); it(`should lose the Flash Fire boost if its ability is changed`, () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Heatran', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'incinerate'] }, ], [ { species: 'Talonflame', ability: 'shellarmor', moves: ['flamethrower', 'worryseed'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move flamethrower'); battle.makeChoices('move incinerate', 'move worryseed'); const talonflame = battle.p2.active[0]; const damage = talonflame.maxhp - talonflame.hp; assert.bounded(damage, [54, 65]); }); }); describe('Flash Fire [Gen 3-4]', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it('should activate and grant Fire-type immunity even if the user is frozen in Gen 3', () => { battle = common.gen(3).createBattle([[ { species: 'Arcanine', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'Charizard', ability: 'blaze', moves: ['flamethrower'] }, ]]); const flashFireMon = battle.p1.active[0]; flashFireMon.setStatus('frz'); battle.makeChoices(); assert.notEqual(flashFireMon.hp, flashFireMon.maxhp); }); it('should activate and grant Fire-type immunity even if the user is frozen in Gen 4', () => { battle = common.gen(4).createBattle([[ { species: 'Heatran', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'Charizard', ability: 'blaze', moves: ['flamethrower'] }, ]]); const flashFireMon = battle.p1.active[0]; flashFireMon.setStatus('frz'); battle.makeChoices(); assert.false.fullHP(flashFireMon); }); });